ref: 2a04c1c20a22f13ff3f0b0a8ce2d8e96b8798ef8
dir: /maps/KurtsHouse.asm/
KurtsHouse_MapScriptHeader: ; 0x18e14f ; trigger count db 0 ; callback count db 1 ; callbacks dbw 2, UnknownScript_0x18e154 ; 0x18e154 UnknownScript_0x18e154: ; 0x18e154 checkbit1 $002b iffalse UnknownScript_0x18e177 checkbit1 $00c0 iftrue UnknownScript_0x18e177 checkbit2 $0050 iftrue UnknownScript_0x18e16f disappear $5 appear $2 disappear $6 appear $3 return ; 0x18e16f UnknownScript_0x18e16f: ; 0x18e16f disappear $2 appear $5 disappear $3 appear $6 UnknownScript_0x18e177: ; 0x18e177 return ; 0x18e178 UnknownScript_0x18e178: ; 0x18e178 faceplayer loadfont checkbit1 $0035 iftrue UnknownScript_0x18e1cc checkbit1 $002b iftrue UnknownScript_0x18e1bf 2writetext UnknownText_0x18e473 closetext loadmovesprites special $006a setbit1 $06fa checkcode $9 if_equal $1, UnknownScript_0x18e1ab spriteface $0, $0 playsound $0018 applymovement $2, MovementData_0x18e466 playsound $0023 disappear $2 waitbutton special $003d end ; 0x18e1ab UnknownScript_0x18e1ab: ; 0x18e1ab spriteface $0, $0 playsound $0018 applymovement $2, MovementData_0x18e46c playsound $0023 disappear $2 waitbutton special $003d end ; 0x18e1bf UnknownScript_0x18e1bf: ; 0x18e1bf 2writetext UnknownText_0x18e615 keeptextopen verbosegiveitem LURE_BALL, 1 iffalse UnknownScript_0x18e2b2 setbit1 $0035 UnknownScript_0x18e1cc: ; 0x18e1cc checkbit1 $0000 iftrue UnknownScript_0x18e29f checkbit1 $0258 iftrue UnknownScript_0x18e2b4 checkbit1 $0259 iftrue UnknownScript_0x18e2ca checkbit1 $025a iftrue UnknownScript_0x18e2e0 checkbit1 $025b iftrue UnknownScript_0x18e2f6 checkbit1 $025c iftrue UnknownScript_0x18e30c checkbit1 $025d iftrue UnknownScript_0x18e322 checkbit1 $025e iftrue UnknownScript_0x18e338 checkbit1 $00be iftrue UnknownScript_0x18e34e UnknownScript_0x18e202: ; 0x18e202 checkbit1 $0001 iftrue UnknownScript_0x18e212 checkbit1 $0002 iftrue UnknownScript_0x18e212 2writetext UnknownText_0x18e6c9 closetext UnknownScript_0x18e212: ; 0x18e212 checkitem RED_APRICORN iftrue UnknownScript_0x18e249 checkitem BLU_APRICORN iftrue UnknownScript_0x18e249 checkitem YLW_APRICORN iftrue UnknownScript_0x18e249 checkitem GRN_APRICORN iftrue UnknownScript_0x18e249 checkitem WHT_APRICORN iftrue UnknownScript_0x18e249 checkitem BLK_APRICORN iftrue UnknownScript_0x18e249 checkitem PNK_APRICORN iftrue UnknownScript_0x18e249 checkbit1 $0001 iftrue UnknownScript_0x18e2ae checkbit1 $0002 iftrue UnknownScript_0x18e243 loadmovesprites end ; 0x18e243 UnknownScript_0x18e243: ; 0x18e243 2writetext UnknownText_0x18e6c9 closetext loadmovesprites end ; 0x18e249 UnknownScript_0x18e249: ; 0x18e249 2writetext UnknownText_0x18e736 keeptextopen setbit1 $0002 special $0056 if_equal $0, UnknownScript_0x18e2a5 if_equal $59, UnknownScript_0x18e275 if_equal $5c, UnknownScript_0x18e27b if_equal $5d, UnknownScript_0x18e281 if_equal $61, UnknownScript_0x18e287 if_equal $63, UnknownScript_0x18e28d if_equal $65, UnknownScript_0x18e293 setbit1 $0258 2jump UnknownScript_0x18e299 ; 0x18e275 UnknownScript_0x18e275: ; 0x18e275 setbit1 $0259 2jump UnknownScript_0x18e299 ; 0x18e27b UnknownScript_0x18e27b: ; 0x18e27b setbit1 $025a 2jump UnknownScript_0x18e299 ; 0x18e281 UnknownScript_0x18e281: ; 0x18e281 setbit1 $025b 2jump UnknownScript_0x18e299 ; 0x18e287 UnknownScript_0x18e287: ; 0x18e287 setbit1 $025c 2jump UnknownScript_0x18e299 ; 0x18e28d UnknownScript_0x18e28d: ; 0x18e28d setbit1 $025d 2jump UnknownScript_0x18e299 ; 0x18e293 UnknownScript_0x18e293: ; 0x18e293 setbit1 $025e 2jump UnknownScript_0x18e299 ; 0x18e299 UnknownScript_0x18e299: ; 0x18e299 setbit1 $0000 setbit2 $0050 UnknownScript_0x18e29f: ; 0x18e29f 2writetext UnknownText_0x18e779 closetext loadmovesprites end ; 0x18e2a5 UnknownScript_0x18e2a5: ; 0x18e2a5 2writetext UnknownText_0x18e7bc closetext loadmovesprites end ; 0x18e2ab UnknownScript_0x18e2ab: ; 0x18e2ab setbit1 $0001 UnknownScript_0x18e2ae: ; 0x18e2ae 2writetext UnknownText_0x18e82a closetext UnknownScript_0x18e2b2: ; 0x18e2b2 loadmovesprites end ; 0x18e2b4 UnknownScript_0x18e2b4: ; 0x18e2b4 checkbit2 $0050 iftrue UnknownScript_0x18e3c5 2writetext UnknownText_0x18e7fb keeptextopen verbosegiveitem2 LEVEL_BALL addvar $8 unknown0xb2 $62 UnknownScript_0x18e2c4: ; 0x18e2c4 clearbit1 $0258 2jump UnknownScript_0x18e2ab ; 0x18e2ca UnknownScript_0x18e2ca: ; 0x18e2ca checkbit2 $0050 iftrue UnknownScript_0x18e3c5 2writetext UnknownText_0x18e7fb keeptextopen verbosegiveitem2 LURE_BALL addvar $8 unknown0xb2 $62 UnknownScript_0x18e2da: ; 0x18e2da clearbit1 $0259 2jump UnknownScript_0x18e2ab ; 0x18e2e0 UnknownScript_0x18e2e0: ; 0x18e2e0 checkbit2 $0050 iftrue UnknownScript_0x18e3c5 2writetext UnknownText_0x18e7fb keeptextopen verbosegiveitem2 MOON_BALL addvar $8 unknown0xb2 $62 UnknownScript_0x18e2f0: ; 0x18e2f0 clearbit1 $025a 2jump UnknownScript_0x18e2ab ; 0x18e2f6 UnknownScript_0x18e2f6: ; 0x18e2f6 checkbit2 $0050 iftrue UnknownScript_0x18e3c5 2writetext UnknownText_0x18e7fb keeptextopen verbosegiveitem2 FRIEND_BALL addvar $8 unknown0xb2 $62 UnknownScript_0x18e306: ; 0x18e306 clearbit1 $025b 2jump UnknownScript_0x18e2ab ; 0x18e30c UnknownScript_0x18e30c: ; 0x18e30c checkbit2 $0050 iftrue UnknownScript_0x18e3c5 2writetext UnknownText_0x18e7fb keeptextopen verbosegiveitem2 FAST_BALL addvar $8 unknown0xb2 $62 UnknownScript_0x18e31c: ; 0x18e31c clearbit1 $025c 2jump UnknownScript_0x18e2ab ; 0x18e322 UnknownScript_0x18e322: ; 0x18e322 checkbit2 $0050 iftrue UnknownScript_0x18e3c5 2writetext UnknownText_0x18e7fb keeptextopen verbosegiveitem2 HEAVY_BALL addvar $8 unknown0xb2 $62 UnknownScript_0x18e332: ; 0x18e332 clearbit1 $025d 2jump UnknownScript_0x18e2ab ; 0x18e338 UnknownScript_0x18e338: ; 0x18e338 checkbit2 $0050 iftrue UnknownScript_0x18e3c5 2writetext UnknownText_0x18e7fb keeptextopen verbosegiveitem2 LOVE_BALL addvar $8 unknown0xb2 $62 UnknownScript_0x18e348: ; 0x18e348 clearbit1 $025e 2jump UnknownScript_0x18e2ab ; 0x18e34e UnknownScript_0x18e34e: ; 0x18e34e checkbit1 $00bf iftrue UnknownScript_0x18e368 checkitem GS_BALL iffalse UnknownScript_0x18e202 2writetext UnknownText_0x18e8ab closetext loadmovesprites setbit1 $00bf takeitem GS_BALL, 1 setbit2 $0050 end ; 0x18e368 UnknownScript_0x18e368: ; 0x18e368 checkbit2 $0050 iffalse UnknownScript_0x18e378 2writetext UnknownText_0x18e934 closetext 2writetext UnknownText_0x18e949 closetext loadmovesprites end ; 0x18e378 UnknownScript_0x18e378: ; 0x18e378 2writetext UnknownText_0x18e95c closetext loadmovesprites setbit1 $00c0 clearbit1 $00be clearbit1 $00bf special $006a pause 20 showemote $0, $2, 30 checkcode $9 if_equal $1, UnknownScript_0x18e3a2 spriteface $0, $0 playsound $0018 applymovement $2, MovementData_0x18e466 2jump UnknownScript_0x18e3ac ; 0x18e3a2 UnknownScript_0x18e3a2: ; 0x18e3a2 spriteface $0, $0 playsound $0018 applymovement $2, MovementData_0x18e46c UnknownScript_0x18e3ac: ; 0x18e3ac playsound $0023 disappear $2 clearbit1 $07a4 waitbutton special $003d domaptrigger GROUP_AZALEA_TOWN, MAP_AZALEA_TOWN, $2 end ; 0x18e3bd UnknownScript_0x18e3bd: ; 0x18e3bd faceplayer loadfont checkbit1 $00bf iftrue UnknownScript_0x18e3e0 UnknownScript_0x18e3c5: ; 0x18e3c5 checkbit1 $00bb iffalse UnknownScript_0x18e3d4 2writetext UnknownText_0x18e7d8 closetext loadmovesprites spriteface $5, $1 end ; 0x18e3d4 UnknownScript_0x18e3d4: ; 0x18e3d4 2writetext UnknownText_0x18e863 closetext loadmovesprites spriteface $5, $1 setbit1 $00bb end ; 0x18e3e0 UnknownScript_0x18e3e0: ; 0x18e3e0 2writetext UnknownText_0x18e934 closetext spriteface $5, $1 2writetext UnknownText_0x18e949 closetext loadmovesprites end ; 0x18e3ed UnknownScript_0x18e3ed: ; 0x18e3ed faceplayer checkbit1 $0000 iftrue UnknownScript_0x18e42f checkbit1 $0001 iftrue UnknownScript_0x18e448 checkbit1 $00c0 iftrue UnknownScript_0x18e420 checkbit1 $0030 iftrue UnknownScript_0x18e427 checkbit1 $002b iftrue UnknownScript_0x18e419 checkbit1 $06fa iftrue UnknownScript_0x18e420 loadfont 2writetext UnknownText_0x18e9b5 closetext loadmovesprites end ; 0x18e419 UnknownScript_0x18e419: ; 0x18e419 loadfont 2writetext UnknownText_0x18ea0f closetext loadmovesprites end ; 0x18e420 UnknownScript_0x18e420: ; 0x18e420 loadfont 2writetext UnknownText_0x18e9f1 closetext loadmovesprites end ; 0x18e427 UnknownScript_0x18e427: ; 0x18e427 loadfont 2writetext UnknownText_0x18ea55 closetext loadmovesprites end ; 0x18e42e UnknownScript_0x18e42e: ; 0x18e42e faceplayer UnknownScript_0x18e42f: ; 0x18e42f loadfont checkbit1 $00bf iftrue UnknownScript_0x18e43f 2writetext UnknownText_0x18eab2 closetext loadmovesprites spriteface $6, $3 end ; 0x18e43f UnknownScript_0x18e43f: ; 0x18e43f 2writetext UnknownText_0x18eb14 closetext loadmovesprites spriteface $6, $3 end ; 0x18e448 UnknownScript_0x18e448: ; 0x18e448 loadfont 2writetext UnknownText_0x18eafc closetext loadmovesprites end ; 0x18e44f UnknownScript_0x18e44f: ; 0x18e44f faceplayer loadfont 2writetext UnknownText_0x18eb56 cry SLOWPOKE closetext loadmovesprites end ; 0x18e45a MapKurtsHouseSignpost2Script: ; 0x18e45a jumptext UnknownText_0x18eb69 ; 0x18e45d MapKurtsHouseSignpost6Script: ; 0x18e45d jumptext UnknownText_0x18eb7e ; 0x18e460 MapKurtsHouseSignpost5Script: ; 0x18e460 jumpstd $0001 ; 0x18e463 MapKurtsHouseSignpost0Script: ; 0x18e463 jumpstd $000c ; 0x18e466 MovementData_0x18e466: ; 0x18e466 big_step_down big_step_down big_step_down big_step_down big_step_down step_end ; 0x18e46c MovementData_0x18e46c: ; 0x18e46c big_step_right big_step_down big_step_down big_step_down big_step_down big_step_down step_end ; 0x18e473 UnknownText_0x18e473: ; 0x18e473 db $0, "Hm? Who are you?", $51 db $52, ", eh? You", $4f db "want me to make", $55 db "some BALLS?", $51 db "Sorry, but that'll", $4f db "have to wait.", $51 db "Do you know TEAM", $4f db "ROCKET? Ah, don't", $51 db "worry. I'll tell", $4f db "you anyhow.", $51 db "TEAM ROCKET's an", $4f db "evil gang that", $51 db "uses #MON for", $4f db "their dirty work.", $51 db "They're supposed", $4f db "to have disbanded", $55 db "three years ago.", $51 db "Anyway, they're at", $4f db "the WELL, cutting", $51 db "off SLOWPOKETAILS", $4f db "for sale!", $51 db "So I'm going to", $4f db "go give them a", $55 db "lesson in pain!", $51 db "Hang on, SLOWPOKE!", $4f db "Old KURT is on his", $55 db "way!", $57 ; 0x18e615 UnknownText_0x18e615: ; 0x18e615 db $0, "KURT: Hi, ", $52, "!", $51 db "You handled your-", $4f db "self like a real", $55 db "hero at the WELL.", $51 db "I like your style!", $51 db "I would be honored", $4f db "to make BALLS for", $51 db "a trainer like", $4f db "you.", $51 db "This is all I have", $4f db "now, but take it.", $57 ; 0x18e6c9 UnknownText_0x18e6c9: ; 0x18e6c9 db $0, "KURT: I make BALLS", $4f db "from APRICORNS.", $51 db "Collect them from", $4f db "trees and bring", $55 db "'em to me.", $51 db "I'll make BALLS", $4f db "out of them.", $57 ; 0x18e736 UnknownText_0x18e736: ; 0x18e736 db $0, "KURT: You have an", $4f db "APRICORN for me?", $51 db "Fine! I'll turn it", $4f db "into a BALL.", $57 ; 0x18e779 UnknownText_0x18e779: ; 0x18e779 db $0, "KURT: It'll take a", $4f db "day to make you a", $51 db "BALL. Come back", $4f db "for it later.", $57 ; 0x18e7bc UnknownText_0x18e7bc: ; 0x18e7bc db $0, "KURT: Oh…", $4f db "That's a letdown.", $57 ; 0x18e7d8 UnknownText_0x18e7d8: ; 0x18e7d8 db $0, "KURT: I'm working!", $4f db "Don't bother me!", $57 ; 0x18e7fb UnknownText_0x18e7fb: ; 0x18e7fb db $0, "KURT: Ah, ", $52, "!", $4f db "I just finished", $55 db "your BALL. Here!", $57 ; 0x18e82a UnknownText_0x18e82a: ; 0x18e82a db $0, "KURT: That turned", $4f db "out great.", $51 db "Try catching", $4f db "#MON with it.", $57 ; 0x18e863 UnknownText_0x18e863: ; 0x18e863 db $0, "KURT: Now that my", $4f db "granddaughter is", $51 db "helping me, I can", $4f db "work much faster.", $57 ; 0x18e8ab UnknownText_0x18e8ab: ; 0x18e8ab db $0, "Wh-what is that?", $51 db "I've never seen", $4f db "one before.", $51 db "It looks a lot", $4f db "like a # BALL,", $51 db "but it appears to", $4f db "be something else.", $51 db "Let me check it", $4f db "for you.", $57 ; 0x18e934 UnknownText_0x18e934: ; 0x18e934 db $0, "I'm checking it", $4f db "now.", $57 ; 0x18e949 UnknownText_0x18e949: ; 0x18e949 db $0, "Ah-ha! I see!", $4f db "So…", $57 ; 0x18e95c UnknownText_0x18e95c: ; 0x18e95c db $0, $52, "!", $51 db "This BALL started", $4f db "to shake while I", $55 db "was checking it.", $51 db "There must be", $4f db "something to this!", $57 ; 0x18e9b5 UnknownText_0x18e9b5: ; 0x18e9b5 db $0, "The SLOWPOKE are", $4f db "gone… Were they", $51 db "taken away by bad", $4f db "people?", $57 ; 0x18e9f1 UnknownText_0x18e9f1: ; 0x18e9f1 db $0, "Grandpa's gone…", $4f db "I'm so lonely…", $57 ; 0x18ea0f UnknownText_0x18ea0f: ; 0x18ea0f db $0, "The SLOWPOKE my", $4f db "dad gave me came", $51 db "back! Its TAIL is", $4f db "growing back too!", $57 ; 0x18ea55 UnknownText_0x18ea55: ; 0x18ea55 db $0, "Dad works at SILPH", $4f db "where he studies", $55 db "# BALLS.", $51 db "I have to stay", $4f db "home with Grandpa", $55 db "and SLOWPOKE.", $57 ; 0x18eab2 UnknownText_0x18eab2: ; 0x18eab2 db $0, "I get to help", $4f db "Grandpa now!", $51 db "We'll make good", $4f db "BALLS for you, so", $55 db "please wait!", $57 ; 0x18eafc UnknownText_0x18eafc: ; 0x18eafc db $0, "It's fun to make", $4f db "BALLS!", $57 ; 0x18eb14 UnknownText_0x18eb14: ; 0x18eb14 db $0, "Grandpa's checking", $4f db "a BALL right now.", $51 db "So I'm waiting", $4f db "till he's done.", $57 ; 0x18eb56 UnknownText_0x18eb56: ; 0x18eb56 db $0, "SLOWPOKE: …", $4f db "Yawn?", $57 ; 0x18eb69 UnknownText_0x18eb69: ; 0x18eb69 db $0, "…A young PROF.", $4f db "OAK?", $57 ; 0x18eb7e UnknownText_0x18eb7e: ; 0x18eb7e db $0, "It's a statue of", $4f db "the forest's pro-", $55 db "tector.", $57 ; 0x18eba8 KurtsHouse_MapEventHeader: ; 0x18eba8 ; filler db 0, 0 ; warps db 2 warp_def $7, $3, 4, GROUP_AZALEA_TOWN, MAP_AZALEA_TOWN warp_def $7, $4, 4, GROUP_AZALEA_TOWN, MAP_AZALEA_TOWN ; xy triggers db 0 ; signposts db 7 signpost 1, 6, $0, MapKurtsHouseSignpost0Script signpost 0, 8, $0, MapKurtsHouseSignpost2Script signpost 0, 9, $0, MapKurtsHouseSignpost2Script signpost 1, 5, $0, MapKurtsHouseSignpost5Script signpost 1, 2, $0, MapKurtsHouseSignpost5Script signpost 1, 3, $0, MapKurtsHouseSignpost5Script signpost 1, 4, $0, MapKurtsHouseSignpost6Script ; people-events db 5 person_event $b, 6, 7, $6, $0, 255, 255, $0, 0, UnknownScript_0x18e178, $073e person_event $26, 7, 9, $3, $0, 255, 255, $0, 0, UnknownScript_0x18e3ed, $078c person_event $45, 7, 10, $1, $0, 255, 255, $0, 0, UnknownScript_0x18e44f, $06fd person_event $b, 7, 18, $7, $0, 255, 255, $0, 0, UnknownScript_0x18e3bd, $073f person_event $26, 8, 15, $9, $0, 255, 255, $0, 0, UnknownScript_0x18e42e, $078d ; 0x18ec1c