Document the location of the mobile adapter colors
Document mobile SDK error packets
Add more error message translations
Document some mobile-related things, discovered thanks to Dan Docs and the efforts of the Gameboy Online Restoration Project
Document Special Defense badge boost glitch (#651)
#641 fixes and additions. (#646)
Clarify naming of SFX_GET_EGG_* pointers
Fix swapped comments in data/trainers/dvs.asm
GlassTing (Elm's PC when email arrives) isn't in G/S either.
Store a mobile tilemap+tilemap in its own files
Store Magnet Train tilemaps in their own files
Define constants for both battle transition tiles
Merge pull request #638 from mid-kid/master
`end` -> `return` in clair bugfix
Document high nybble of PrintNum `c` register
Create constants for ScrollingMenu item formats
Properly disassemble MenuData_0x4851b
Document in-battle move selection menu scrolling glitch
Fix overworld scrolling function names
Redump slots_1.png with 16 as width.
Fix menu_coords for pokecenter pc
Dark theme colors for @media (prefers-color-scheme: dark)
Merge pull request #636 from mid-kid/patch
Define appropriate constants as EQU
Fix usage of rIE and rSC constants
Correct the older+younger haircut brothers' labels and constants
Merge pull request #628 from DeeDeeG/renaming-placeholder-labels
Some more GB Printer documentation
Merge branch 'master' of
Merge pull request #632 from mid-kid/patch-2
Cygwin now requires a double-click
PokemonFanClub.asm: Update NPC names
maps/PokemonFanClub.asm: Re-label UnknownText
SaffronMagnetTrainStation.asm: Re-label UnknownText, MovementData
GoldenrodPokecenter1F.asm: Re-label UnknownText, MovementData
GoldenrodMagnetTrainStation.asm: Label UnknownText, MovementData
GoldenrodCity.asm: label UnknownText, MovementData
GoldenrodDeptStore5F.asm: Re-label UnknownText
Route35GoldenrodGate.asm: Rename an NPC
Route35GoldenrodGate.asm: Re-label UnknownText
GoldenrodFlowerShop.asm: Re-label UnknownText
GoldenrodUnderground.asm: Rename some NPCs
GoldenrodUnderground.asm: Re-label UnknownText
PowerPlant.asm: Rename some NPCs
PowerPlant.asm: Re-label UnknownText, MovementData
Merge pull request #629 from mid-kid/patch-2
"object_const_def" instead of "const_def 2"
Merge pull request #627 from Rangi42/master
Try to identify more of maps/unused/Beta*.blk
Identify a few more WRAM label uses
Also builds Pokemon - Crystal Version (A) [C][!].gbc
Merge pull request #625 from pret/aus
Use the same GFM Markdown parser for GitHub and GitHub Pages
Rename Stadium 2 blobs based on ROM version.
Merge pull request #623 from mid-kid/patch-1
Merge pull request #622 from mid-kid/master
Adding labels to placeholders (UnknownText, MovementData) in the maps folder (#618)
Merge pull request #614 from Fontbane/text
Create some battle tower SRAM labels
Identify and eliminate wEngineBuffer1-5
Merge pull request #617 from FredrIQ/master
Fix wram labeling for wPCItems
Merge pull request #616 from Rangi42/master
Merge pull request #615 from DeeDeeG/docs-fix Fix embedded image links Minor formatting fix
Relative links actually work here for and
Mention another common error message from not updating rgbds
Link to GitHub Pages documentation, not directly to docs/*.md files
Fix documentation links to work with GitHub Pages
Add an home page for GitHub Pages
Rename some call/jump script commands to avoid confusion with jr/jp asm instructions
Rename more script commands for consistency and predictability
Merge pull request #610 from ISSOtm/pursuit_fix
Add Pursuit-switching fainting no-status-clearing fix
Rename PlayerMonFaintHappinessMod
Add confusion + items/selfdestruct fix
Merge pull request #606 from ISSOtm/patch-1
Correct compatibility claims
Correct Thick Club overflow fix