Fix tools/ for new rgbds object format
Merge pull request #680 from Rangi42/master
Identify four padding bytes in base data as beta front/back pic pointers
Clean up comments in home/time.asm
Optimize the Perish Song+Spikes glitch fix
Add Dude full box glitch fix
PHONE_DISPLAY_HEIGHT is 4, the number of visible phone entries
Merge pull request #671 from Rangi42/master
Merge pull request #670 from Rangi42/master
Identify "branch" labels in battle animations
Replace "branch" labels in music files with local names
Merge pull request #660 from mid-kid/master
Add and simplify bugfixes in (#664)
New Discord invite link
Merge pull request #662 from Rangi42/master
Fix miscellaneous points made in #658
Separate tilesets.o goes with pics.o and sprites.o
Keep mobile SECTION declarations in main.asm, and name them "mobileXX" like "bankXX"
Merge pull request #661 from mid-kid/patch-1
Fixed a charmap warning with the new RGBDS
Make the map setup commands match the actual function names better
Fix some constants around wLinkMode
Document WaitPressAorB_BlinkCursor a bit
Make all decorations use consistent names
Update bug fix for AI CheckTypeMatchup assumption (#656)
Merge pull request #654 from Rangi42/master
Merge pull request #648 from DeeDeeG/identifying-stuff-in-maps
Don't use colons for local labels in LoadSpecialMapPalette
Fix #645: Use English labels for European mail handling functions
Bit 6 of PrintNum left-aligns numbers
128px is the standard tileset width
Correct question_mark.2bpp hash and rgbgfx flags
Miscellaneous label and comment corrections
Split menu code out of home/movement.asm
Decimal values for Pokémon cry parameters
Identify PLAYERMOVEMENT_* constants
The $C9 byte in page2.tilemap is a ret opcode
Use constants for quantities when copying SGB border tiles and palettes
Fix the fix for the Pokédex footprint design flaw
GFX_17eb7e -> PokemonNewsTileAttrmap
Identify some move screen functions
sgb_border_nonmatching.bin has the 20x18 screen bytes within the 32x28 tilemap
Identify intro tilemaps and attrmaps
Rename buttonsound to promptbutton
Label some more WRAM/SRAM things
Fix some mobile script and map sign things
Document the location of the mobile adapter colors
Document mobile SDK error packets
Add more error message translations
Document some mobile-related things, discovered thanks to Dan Docs and the efforts of the Gameboy Online Restoration Project
VioletPokecenter1F.asm: Rename an NPC constant
MountMortarB1F.asm: Rename an NPC constant
MahoganyMart1F.asm: Rename an NPC constant
MahoganyMart1F.asm: Typo: "Mahogay" --> "Mahogany"
MahoganyMart1F.asm: Rename MovementData
LakeOfRage.asm: Rename MovementData
Document Special Defense badge boost glitch (#651)
#641 fixes and additions. (#646)
Clarify naming of SFX_GET_EGG_* pointers
Fix swapped comments in data/trainers/dvs.asm
GlassTing (Elm's PC when email arrives) isn't in G/S either.
Store a mobile tilemap+tilemap in its own files
Store Magnet Train tilemaps in their own files
Define constants for both battle transition tiles
Merge pull request #638 from mid-kid/master
`end` -> `return` in clair bugfix
Document high nybble of PrintNum `c` register
Create constants for ScrollingMenu item formats
Properly disassemble MenuData_0x4851b
Document in-battle move selection menu scrolling glitch
Fix overworld scrolling function names
Redump slots_1.png with 16 as width.
Fix menu_coords for pokecenter pc
Dark theme colors for @media (prefers-color-scheme: dark)
Merge pull request #636 from mid-kid/patch
Define appropriate constants as EQU
Fix usage of rIE and rSC constants
Correct the older+younger haircut brothers' labels and constants
Merge pull request #628 from DeeDeeG/renaming-placeholder-labels
Some more GB Printer documentation
Merge branch 'master' of
Merge pull request #632 from mid-kid/patch-2
Cygwin now requires a double-click
PokemonFanClub.asm: Update NPC names