ref: 2137f0be09d8ad5ff2d995725dee273b55dbcc04
dir: /engine/menus/intro_menu.asm/
Intro_MainMenu: ld de, MUSIC_NONE call PlayMusic call DelayFrame ld de, MUSIC_MAIN_MENU ld a, e ld [wMapMusic], a call PlayMusic farcall MainMenu jp StartTitleScreen IntroMenu_DummyFunction: ; unreferenced ret PrintDayOfWeek: push de ld hl, .Days ld a, b call GetNthString ld d, h ld e, l pop hl call PlaceString ld h, b ld l, c ld de, .Day call PlaceString ret .Days: db "SUN@" db "MON@" db "TUES@" db "WEDNES@" db "THURS@" db "FRI@" db "SATUR@" .Day: db "DAY@" NewGame_ClearTilemapEtc: xor a ldh [hMapAnims], a call ClearTilemap call LoadFontsExtra call LoadStandardFont call ClearWindowData ret MysteryGift: call UpdateTime farcall DoMysteryGiftIfDayHasPassed farcall DoMysteryGift ret Option: farcall _Option ret NewGame: xor a ld [wDebugFlags], a call ResetWRAM call NewGame_ClearTilemapEtc call AreYouABoyOrAreYouAGirl call OakSpeech call InitializeWorld ld a, LANDMARK_NEW_BARK_TOWN ld [wPrevLandmark], a ld a, SPAWN_HOME ld [wDefaultSpawnpoint], a ld a, MAPSETUP_WARP ldh [hMapEntryMethod], a jp FinishContinueFunction AreYouABoyOrAreYouAGirl: farcall Mobile_AlwaysReturnNotCarry ; mobile jr c, .ok farcall InitGender ret .ok ld c, 0 farcall InitMobileProfile ; mobile ret if DEF(_DEBUG) DebugRoom: ; unreferenced farcall _DebugRoom ret endc ResetWRAM: xor a ldh [hBGMapMode], a call _ResetWRAM ret _ResetWRAM: ld hl, wShadowOAM ld bc, wOptions - wShadowOAM xor a call ByteFill ld hl, WRAM1_Begin ld bc, wGameData - WRAM1_Begin xor a call ByteFill ld hl, wGameData ld bc, wGameDataEnd - wGameData xor a call ByteFill ldh a, [rLY] ldh [hUnusedBackup], a call DelayFrame ldh a, [hRandomSub] ld [wPlayerID], a ldh a, [rLY] ldh [hUnusedBackup], a call DelayFrame ldh a, [hRandomAdd] ld [wPlayerID + 1], a call Random ld [wSecretID], a call DelayFrame call Random ld [wSecretID + 1], a ld hl, wPartyCount call .InitList xor a ld [wCurBox], a ld [wSavedAtLeastOnce], a call SetDefaultBoxNames ld a, BANK(sBoxCount) call OpenSRAM ld hl, sBoxCount call .InitList call CloseSRAM ld hl, wNumItems call .InitList ld hl, wNumKeyItems call .InitList ld hl, wNumBalls call .InitList ld hl, wNumPCItems call .InitList xor a ld [wRoamMon1Species], a ld [wRoamMon2Species], a ld [wRoamMon3Species], a ld a, -1 ld [wRoamMon1MapGroup], a ld [wRoamMon2MapGroup], a ld [wRoamMon3MapGroup], a ld [wRoamMon1MapNumber], a ld [wRoamMon2MapNumber], a ld [wRoamMon3MapNumber], a ld a, BANK(sMysteryGiftItem) ; aka BANK(sMysteryGiftUnlocked) call OpenSRAM ld hl, sMysteryGiftItem xor a ld [hli], a assert sMysteryGiftItem + 1 == sMysteryGiftUnlocked dec a ; -1 ld [hl], a call CloseSRAM call LoadOrRegenerateLuckyIDNumber call InitializeMagikarpHouse xor a ld [wMonType], a ld [wJohtoBadges], a ld [wKantoBadges], a ld [wCoins], a ld [wCoins + 1], a if START_MONEY >= $10000 ld a, HIGH(START_MONEY >> 8) endc ld [wMoney], a ld a, HIGH(START_MONEY) ; mid ld [wMoney + 1], a ld a, LOW(START_MONEY) ld [wMoney + 2], a xor a ld [wWhichMomItem], a ld hl, wMomItemTriggerBalance ld [hl], HIGH(MOM_MONEY >> 8) inc hl ld [hl], HIGH(MOM_MONEY) ; mid inc hl ld [hl], LOW(MOM_MONEY) call InitializeNPCNames farcall InitDecorations farcall DeletePartyMonMail farcall DeleteMobileEventIndex call ResetGameTime ret .InitList: ; Loads 0 in the count and -1 in the first item or mon slot. xor a ld [hli], a dec a ld [hl], a ret SetDefaultBoxNames: ld hl, wBoxNames ld c, 0 .loop push hl ld de, .Box call CopyName2 dec hl ld a, c inc a cp 10 jr c, .less sub 10 ld [hl], "1" inc hl .less add "0" ld [hli], a ld [hl], "@" pop hl ld de, 9 add hl, de inc c ld a, c cp NUM_BOXES jr c, .loop ret .Box: db "BOX@" InitializeMagikarpHouse: ld hl, wBestMagikarpLengthFeet ld a, $3 ld [hli], a ld a, $6 ld [hli], a ld de, .Ralph call CopyName2 ret .Ralph: db "RALPH@" InitializeNPCNames: ld hl, .Rival ld de, wRivalName call .Copy ld hl, .Mom ld de, wMomsName call .Copy ld hl, .Red ld de, wRedsName call .Copy ld hl, .Green ld de, wGreensName .Copy: ld bc, NAME_LENGTH call CopyBytes ret .Rival: db "???@" .Red: db "RED@" .Green: db "GREEN@" .Mom: db "MOM@" InitializeWorld: call ShrinkPlayer farcall SpawnPlayer farcall _InitializeStartDay ret LoadOrRegenerateLuckyIDNumber: ld a, BANK(sLuckyIDNumber) call OpenSRAM ld a, [wCurDay] inc a ld b, a ld a, [sLuckyNumberDay] cp b ld a, [sLuckyIDNumber + 1] ld c, a ld a, [sLuckyIDNumber] jr z, .skip ld a, b ld [sLuckyNumberDay], a call Random ld c, a call Random .skip ld [wLuckyIDNumber], a ld [sLuckyIDNumber], a ld a, c ld [wLuckyIDNumber + 1], a ld [sLuckyIDNumber + 1], a jp CloseSRAM Continue: farcall TryLoadSaveFile jr c, .FailToLoad farcall _LoadData call LoadStandardMenuHeader call DisplaySaveInfoOnContinue ld a, $1 ldh [hBGMapMode], a ld c, 20 call DelayFrames call ConfirmContinue jr nc, .Check1Pass call CloseWindow jr .FailToLoad .Check1Pass: call Continue_CheckRTC_RestartClock jr nc, .Check2Pass call CloseWindow jr .FailToLoad .Check2Pass: ld a, $8 ld [wMusicFade], a ld a, LOW(MUSIC_NONE) ld [wMusicFadeID], a ld a, HIGH(MUSIC_NONE) ld [wMusicFadeID + 1], a call ClearBGPalettes call Continue_MobileAdapterMenu call CloseWindow call ClearTilemap ld c, 20 call DelayFrames farcall JumpRoamMons farcall CopyMysteryGiftReceivedDecorationsToPC farcall ClockContinue ld a, [wSpawnAfterChampion] cp SPAWN_LANCE jr z, .SpawnAfterE4 ld a, MAPSETUP_CONTINUE ldh [hMapEntryMethod], a jp FinishContinueFunction .FailToLoad: ret .SpawnAfterE4: ld a, SPAWN_NEW_BARK ld [wDefaultSpawnpoint], a call PostCreditsSpawn jp FinishContinueFunction SpawnAfterRed: ld a, SPAWN_MT_SILVER ld [wDefaultSpawnpoint], a PostCreditsSpawn: xor a ld [wSpawnAfterChampion], a ld a, MAPSETUP_WARP ldh [hMapEntryMethod], a ret Continue_MobileAdapterMenu: farcall Mobile_AlwaysReturnNotCarry ; mobile check ret nc ; the rest of this stuff is never reached because ; the previous function returns with carry not set ld hl, wd479 bit 1, [hl] ret nz ld a, 5 ld [wMusicFade], a ld a, LOW(MUSIC_MOBILE_ADAPTER_MENU) ld [wMusicFadeID], a ld a, HIGH(MUSIC_MOBILE_ADAPTER_MENU) ld [wMusicFadeID + 1], a ld c, 20 call DelayFrames ld c, $1 farcall InitMobileProfile ; mobile farcall _SaveData ld a, 8 ld [wMusicFade], a ld a, LOW(MUSIC_NONE) ld [wMusicFadeID], a ld a, HIGH(MUSIC_NONE) ld [wMusicFadeID + 1], a ld c, 35 call DelayFrames ret ConfirmContinue: .loop call DelayFrame call GetJoypad ld hl, hJoyPressed bit A_BUTTON_F, [hl] jr nz, .PressA bit B_BUTTON_F, [hl] jr z, .loop scf ret .PressA: ret Continue_CheckRTC_RestartClock: call CheckRTCStatus and %10000000 ; Day count exceeded 16383 jr z, .pass farcall RestartClock ld a, c and a jr z, .pass scf ret .pass xor a ret FinishContinueFunction: .loop xor a ld [wDontPlayMapMusicOnReload], a ld [wLinkMode], a ld hl, wGameTimerPaused set GAME_TIMER_PAUSED_F, [hl] res GAME_TIMER_MOBILE_F, [hl] ld hl, wEnteredMapFromContinue set 1, [hl] farcall OverworldLoop ld a, [wSpawnAfterChampion] cp SPAWN_RED jr z, .AfterRed jp Reset .AfterRed: call SpawnAfterRed jr .loop DisplaySaveInfoOnContinue: call CheckRTCStatus and %10000000 jr z, .clock_ok lb de, 4, 8 call DisplayContinueDataWithRTCError ret .clock_ok lb de, 4, 8 call DisplayNormalContinueData ret DisplaySaveInfoOnSave: lb de, 4, 0 jr DisplayNormalContinueData DisplayNormalContinueData: call Continue_LoadMenuHeader call Continue_DisplayBadgesDexPlayerName call Continue_PrintGameTime call LoadFontsExtra call UpdateSprites ret DisplayContinueDataWithRTCError: call Continue_LoadMenuHeader call Continue_DisplayBadgesDexPlayerName call Continue_UnknownGameTime call LoadFontsExtra call UpdateSprites ret Continue_LoadMenuHeader: xor a ldh [hBGMapMode], a ld hl, .MenuHeader_Dex ld a, [wStatusFlags] bit STATUSFLAGS_POKEDEX_F, a jr nz, .show_menu ld hl, .MenuHeader_NoDex .show_menu call _OffsetMenuHeader call MenuBox call PlaceVerticalMenuItems ret .MenuHeader_Dex: db MENU_BACKUP_TILES ; flags menu_coords 0, 0, 15, 9 dw .MenuData_Dex db 1 ; default option .MenuData_Dex: db 0 ; flags db 4 ; items db "PLAYER@" db "BADGES@" db "#DEX@" db "TIME@" .MenuHeader_NoDex: db MENU_BACKUP_TILES ; flags menu_coords 0, 0, 15, 9 dw .MenuData_NoDex db 1 ; default option .MenuData_NoDex: db 0 ; flags db 4 ; items db "PLAYER <PLAYER>@" db "BADGES@" db " @" db "TIME@" Continue_DisplayBadgesDexPlayerName: call MenuBoxCoord2Tile push hl decoord 13, 4, 0 add hl, de call Continue_DisplayBadgeCount pop hl push hl decoord 12, 6, 0 add hl, de call Continue_DisplayPokedexNumCaught pop hl push hl decoord 8, 2, 0 add hl, de ld de, .Player call PlaceString pop hl ret .Player: db "<PLAYER>@" Continue_PrintGameTime: decoord 9, 8, 0 add hl, de call Continue_DisplayGameTime ret Continue_UnknownGameTime: decoord 9, 8, 0 add hl, de ld de, .three_question_marks call PlaceString ret .three_question_marks db " ???@" Continue_DisplayBadgeCount: push hl ld hl, wJohtoBadges ld b, 2 call CountSetBits pop hl ld de, wNumSetBits lb bc, 1, 2 jp PrintNum Continue_DisplayPokedexNumCaught: ld a, [wStatusFlags] bit STATUSFLAGS_POKEDEX_F, a ret z push hl ld hl, wPokedexCaught if NUM_POKEMON % 8 ld b, NUM_POKEMON / 8 + 1 else ld b, NUM_POKEMON / 8 endc call CountSetBits pop hl ld de, wNumSetBits lb bc, 1, 3 jp PrintNum Continue_DisplayGameTime: ld de, wGameTimeHours lb bc, 2, 3 call PrintNum ld [hl], "<COLON>" inc hl ld de, wGameTimeMinutes lb bc, PRINTNUM_LEADINGZEROS | 1, 2 jp PrintNum OakSpeech: farcall InitClock call RotateFourPalettesLeft call ClearTilemap ld de, MUSIC_ROUTE_30 call PlayMusic call RotateFourPalettesRight call RotateThreePalettesRight xor a ld [wCurPartySpecies], a ld a, POKEMON_PROF ld [wTrainerClass], a call Intro_PrepTrainerPic ld b, SCGB_TRAINER_OR_MON_FRONTPIC_PALS call GetSGBLayout call Intro_RotatePalettesLeftFrontpic ld hl, OakText1 call PrintText call RotateThreePalettesRight call ClearTilemap ld a, WOOPER ld [wCurSpecies], a ld [wCurPartySpecies], a call GetBaseData hlcoord 6, 4 call PrepMonFrontpic xor a ld [wTempMonDVs], a ld [wTempMonDVs + 1], a ld b, SCGB_TRAINER_OR_MON_FRONTPIC_PALS call GetSGBLayout call Intro_WipeInFrontpic ld hl, OakText2 call PrintText ld hl, OakText4 call PrintText call RotateThreePalettesRight call ClearTilemap xor a ld [wCurPartySpecies], a ld a, POKEMON_PROF ld [wTrainerClass], a call Intro_PrepTrainerPic ld b, SCGB_TRAINER_OR_MON_FRONTPIC_PALS call GetSGBLayout call Intro_RotatePalettesLeftFrontpic ld hl, OakText5 call PrintText call RotateThreePalettesRight call ClearTilemap xor a ld [wCurPartySpecies], a farcall DrawIntroPlayerPic ld b, SCGB_TRAINER_OR_MON_FRONTPIC_PALS call GetSGBLayout call Intro_RotatePalettesLeftFrontpic ld hl, OakText6 call PrintText call NamePlayer ld hl, OakText7 call PrintText ret OakText1: text_far _OakText1 text_end OakText2: text_far _OakText2 text_asm ld a, WOOPER call PlayMonCry call WaitSFX ld hl, OakText3 ret OakText3: text_far _OakText3 text_end OakText4: text_far _OakText4 text_end OakText5: text_far _OakText5 text_end OakText6: text_far _OakText6 text_end OakText7: text_far _OakText7 text_end NamePlayer: farcall MovePlayerPicRight farcall ShowPlayerNamingChoices ld a, [wMenuCursorY] dec a jr z, .NewName call StorePlayerName farcall ApplyMonOrTrainerPals farcall MovePlayerPicLeft ret .NewName: ld b, NAME_PLAYER ld de, wPlayerName farcall NamingScreen call RotateThreePalettesRight call ClearTilemap call LoadFontsExtra call WaitBGMap xor a ld [wCurPartySpecies], a farcall DrawIntroPlayerPic ld b, SCGB_TRAINER_OR_MON_FRONTPIC_PALS call GetSGBLayout call RotateThreePalettesLeft ld hl, wPlayerName ld de, .Chris ld a, [wPlayerGender] bit PLAYERGENDER_FEMALE_F, a jr z, .Male ld de, .Kris .Male: call InitName ret .Chris: db "CHRIS@@@@@@" .Kris: db "KRIS@@@@@@@" GSShowPlayerNamingChoices: ; unreferenced call LoadMenuHeader call VerticalMenu ld a, [wMenuCursorY] dec a call CopyNameFromMenu call CloseWindow ret StorePlayerName: ld a, "@" ld bc, NAME_LENGTH ld hl, wPlayerName call ByteFill ld hl, wPlayerName ld de, wStringBuffer2 call CopyName2 ret ShrinkPlayer: ldh a, [hROMBank] push af ld a, 32 ; fade time ld [wMusicFade], a ld de, MUSIC_NONE ld a, e ld [wMusicFadeID], a ld a, d ld [wMusicFadeID + 1], a ld de, SFX_ESCAPE_ROPE call PlaySFX pop af rst Bankswitch ld c, 8 call DelayFrames ld hl, Shrink1Pic ld b, BANK(Shrink1Pic) call ShrinkFrame ld c, 8 call DelayFrames ld hl, Shrink2Pic ld b, BANK(Shrink2Pic) call ShrinkFrame ld c, 8 call DelayFrames hlcoord 6, 5 ld b, 7 ld c, 7 call ClearBox ld c, 3 call DelayFrames call Intro_PlacePlayerSprite call LoadFontsExtra ld c, 50 call DelayFrames call RotateThreePalettesRight call ClearTilemap ret Intro_RotatePalettesLeftFrontpic: ld hl, IntroFadePalettes ld b, IntroFadePalettes.End - IntroFadePalettes .loop ld a, [hli] call DmgToCgbBGPals ld c, 10 call DelayFrames dec b jr nz, .loop ret IntroFadePalettes: dc 1, 1, 1, 0 dc 2, 2, 2, 0 dc 3, 3, 3, 0 dc 3, 3, 2, 0 dc 3, 3, 1, 0 dc 3, 2, 1, 0 .End Intro_WipeInFrontpic: ld a, $77 ldh [hWX], a call DelayFrame ld a, %11100100 call DmgToCgbBGPals .loop call DelayFrame ldh a, [hWX] sub $8 cp -1 ret z ldh [hWX], a jr .loop Intro_PrepTrainerPic: ld de, vTiles2 farcall GetTrainerPic xor a ldh [hGraphicStartTile], a hlcoord 6, 4 lb bc, 7, 7 predef PlaceGraphic ret ShrinkFrame: ld de, vTiles2 ld c, 7 * 7 predef DecompressGet2bpp xor a ldh [hGraphicStartTile], a hlcoord 6, 4 lb bc, 7, 7 predef PlaceGraphic ret Intro_PlacePlayerSprite: farcall GetPlayerIcon ld c, 12 ld hl, vTiles0 call Request2bpp ld hl, wShadowOAMSprite00 ld de, .sprites ld a, [de] inc de ld c, a .loop ld a, [de] inc de ld [hli], a ; y ld a, [de] inc de ld [hli], a ; x ld a, [de] inc de ld [hli], a ; tile id ld b, PAL_OW_RED ld a, [wPlayerGender] bit PLAYERGENDER_FEMALE_F, a jr z, .male ld b, PAL_OW_BLUE .male ld a, b ld [hli], a ; attributes dec c jr nz, .loop ret .sprites db 4 ; y pxl, x pxl, tile offset db 9 * 8 + 4, 9 * 8, 0 db 9 * 8 + 4, 10 * 8, 1 db 10 * 8 + 4, 9 * 8, 2 db 10 * 8 + 4, 10 * 8, 3 const_def const TITLESCREENOPTION_MAIN_MENU const TITLESCREENOPTION_DELETE_SAVE_DATA const TITLESCREENOPTION_RESTART const TITLESCREENOPTION_UNUSED const TITLESCREENOPTION_RESET_CLOCK DEF NUM_TITLESCREENOPTIONS EQU const_value IntroSequence: callfar SplashScreen jr c, StartTitleScreen farcall CrystalIntro ; fallthrough StartTitleScreen: ldh a, [rSVBK] push af ld a, BANK(wLYOverrides) ldh [rSVBK], a call .TitleScreen call DelayFrame .loop call RunTitleScreen jr nc, .loop call ClearSprites call ClearBGPalettes pop af ldh [rSVBK], a ld hl, rLCDC res rLCDC_SPRITE_SIZE, [hl] ; 8x8 call ClearScreen call WaitBGMap2 xor a ldh [hLCDCPointer], a ldh [hSCX], a ldh [hSCY], a ld a, $7 ldh [hWX], a ld a, $90 ldh [hWY], a ld b, SCGB_DIPLOMA call GetSGBLayout call UpdateTimePals ld a, [wTitleScreenSelectedOption] cp NUM_TITLESCREENOPTIONS jr c, .ok xor a .ok ld e, a ld d, 0 ld hl, .dw add hl, de add hl, de ld a, [hli] ld h, [hl] ld l, a jp hl .dw dw Intro_MainMenu dw DeleteSaveData dw IntroSequence dw IntroSequence dw ResetClock .TitleScreen: farcall _TitleScreen ret RunTitleScreen: ld a, [wJumptableIndex] bit 7, a jr nz, .done_title call TitleScreenScene farcall SuicuneFrameIterator call DelayFrame and a ret .done_title scf ret UnusedTitlePerspectiveScroll: ; unreferenced ; Similar behavior to Intro_PerspectiveScrollBG. ldh a, [hVBlankCounter] and $7 ret nz ld hl, wLYOverrides + $5f ld a, [hl] dec a ld bc, 2 * SCREEN_WIDTH call ByteFill ret TitleScreenScene: ld e, a ld d, 0 ld hl, .scenes add hl, de add hl, de ld a, [hli] ld h, [hl] ld l, a jp hl .scenes dw TitleScreenEntrance dw TitleScreenTimer dw TitleScreenMain dw TitleScreenEnd TitleScreenNextScene: ; unreferenced ld hl, wJumptableIndex inc [hl] ret TitleScreenEntrance: ; Animate the logo: ; Move each line by 4 pixels until our count hits 0. ldh a, [hSCX] and a jr z, .done sub 4 ldh [hSCX], a ; Lay out a base (all lines scrolling together). ld e, a ld hl, wLYOverrides ld bc, 8 * 10 ; logo height call ByteFill ; Reversed signage for every other line's position. ; This is responsible for the interlaced effect. ld a, e xor $ff inc a ld b, 8 * 10 / 2 ; logo height / 2 ld hl, wLYOverrides + 1 .loop ld [hli], a inc hl dec b jr nz, .loop farcall AnimateTitleCrystal ret .done ; Next scene ld hl, wJumptableIndex inc [hl] xor a ldh [hLCDCPointer], a ; Play the title screen music. ld de, MUSIC_TITLE call PlayMusic ld a, $88 ldh [hWY], a ret TitleScreenTimer: ; Next scene ld hl, wJumptableIndex inc [hl] ; Start a timer ld hl, wTitleScreenTimer ld de, 73 * 60 + 36 ld [hl], e inc hl ld [hl], d ret TitleScreenMain: ; Run the timer down. ld hl, wTitleScreenTimer ld e, [hl] inc hl ld d, [hl] ld a, e or d jr z, .end dec de ld [hl], d dec hl ld [hl], e ; Save data can be deleted by pressing Up + B + Select. call GetJoypad ld hl, hJoyDown ld a, [hl] and D_UP + B_BUTTON + SELECT cp D_UP + B_BUTTON + SELECT jr z, .delete_save_data ; To bring up the clock reset dialog: ; Hold Down + B + Select to initiate the sequence. ldh a, [hClockResetTrigger] cp $34 jr z, .check_clock_reset ld a, [hl] and D_DOWN + B_BUTTON + SELECT cp D_DOWN + B_BUTTON + SELECT jr nz, .check_start ld a, $34 ldh [hClockResetTrigger], a jr .check_start ; Keep Select pressed, and hold Left + Up. ; Then let go of Select. .check_clock_reset bit SELECT_F, [hl] jr nz, .check_start xor a ldh [hClockResetTrigger], a ld a, [hl] and D_LEFT + D_UP cp D_LEFT + D_UP jr z, .reset_clock ; Press Start or A to start the game. .check_start ld a, [hl] and START | A_BUTTON jr nz, .incave ret .incave ld a, TITLESCREENOPTION_MAIN_MENU jr .done .delete_save_data ld a, TITLESCREENOPTION_DELETE_SAVE_DATA .done ld [wTitleScreenSelectedOption], a ; Return to the intro sequence. ld hl, wJumptableIndex set 7, [hl] ret .end ; Next scene ld hl, wJumptableIndex inc [hl] ; Fade out the title screen music xor a ; MUSIC_NONE ld [wMusicFadeID], a ld [wMusicFadeID + 1], a ld hl, wMusicFade ld [hl], 8 ; 1 second ld hl, wTitleScreenTimer inc [hl] ret .reset_clock ld a, TITLESCREENOPTION_RESET_CLOCK ld [wTitleScreenSelectedOption], a ; Return to the intro sequence. ld hl, wJumptableIndex set 7, [hl] ret TitleScreenEnd: ; Wait until the music is done fading. ld hl, wTitleScreenTimer inc [hl] ld a, [wMusicFade] and a ret nz ld a, TITLESCREENOPTION_RESTART ld [wTitleScreenSelectedOption], a ; Back to the intro. ld hl, wJumptableIndex set 7, [hl] ret DeleteSaveData: farcall _DeleteSaveData jp Init ResetClock: farcall _ResetClock jp Init UpdateTitleTrailSprite: ; unreferenced ; If bit 0 or 1 of [wTitleScreenTimer] is set, we don't need to be here. ld a, [wTitleScreenTimer] and %00000011 ret nz ld bc, wSpriteAnim10 ld hl, SPRITEANIMSTRUCT_FRAME add hl, bc ld l, [hl] ld h, 0 add hl, hl add hl, hl ld de, .TitleTrailCoords add hl, de ; If bit 2 of [wTitleScreenTimer] is set, get the second coords; else, get the first coords ld a, [wTitleScreenTimer] and %00000100 srl a srl a ld e, a ld d, 0 add hl, de add hl, de ld a, [hli] and a ret z ld e, a ld d, [hl] ld a, SPRITE_ANIM_INDEX_GS_TITLE_TRAIL call InitSpriteAnimStruct ret .TitleTrailCoords: MACRO trail_coords rept _NARG / 2 DEF _dx = 4 if \1 == 0 && \2 == 0 DEF _dx = 0 endc dbpixel \1, \2, _dx, 0 shift 2 endr ENDM ; frame 0 y, x; frame 1 y, x trail_coords 11, 10, 0, 0 trail_coords 11, 13, 11, 11 trail_coords 11, 13, 11, 15 trail_coords 11, 17, 11, 15 trail_coords 0, 0, 11, 15 trail_coords 0, 0, 11, 11 Copyright: call ClearTilemap call LoadFontsExtra ld de, CopyrightGFX ld hl, vTiles2 tile $60 lb bc, BANK(CopyrightGFX), 29 call Request2bpp hlcoord 2, 7 ld de, CopyrightString jp PlaceString CopyrightString: ; ©1995-2001 Nintendo db $60, $61, $62, $63, $64, $65, $66 db $67, $68, $69, $6a, $6b, $6c ; ©1995-2001 Creatures inc. next $60, $61, $62, $63, $64, $65, $66 db $6d, $6e, $6f, $70, $71, $72, $7a, $7b, $7c ; ©1995-2001 GAME FREAK inc. next $60, $61, $62, $63, $64, $65, $66 db $73, $74, $75, $76, $77, $78, $79, $7a, $7b, $7c db "@" GameInit:: farcall TryLoadSaveData call ClearWindowData call ClearBGPalettes call ClearTilemap ld a, HIGH(vBGMap0) ldh [hBGMapAddress + 1], a xor a ; LOW(vBGMap0) ldh [hBGMapAddress], a ldh [hJoyDown], a ldh [hSCX], a ldh [hSCY], a ld a, $90 ldh [hWY], a call WaitBGMap jp IntroSequence