ref: 2137f0be09d8ad5ff2d995725dee273b55dbcc04
dir: /engine/battle/move_effects/teleport.asm/
BattleCommand_Teleport: ld a, [wBattleType] cp BATTLETYPE_SHINY jr z, .failed cp BATTLETYPE_TRAP jr z, .failed cp BATTLETYPE_CELEBI jr z, .failed cp BATTLETYPE_SUICUNE jr z, .failed ld a, BATTLE_VARS_SUBSTATUS5_OPP call GetBattleVar bit SUBSTATUS_CANT_RUN, a jr nz, .failed ldh a, [hBattleTurn] and a jr nz, .enemy_turn ; Can't teleport from a trainer battle ld a, [wBattleMode] dec a jr nz, .failed ; b = player level ld a, [wCurPartyLevel] ld b, a ; If player level >= enemy level, Teleport will succeed ld a, [wBattleMonLevel] cp b jr nc, .run_away ; c = player level + enemy level + 1 add b ld c, a inc c ; Generate a number less than c .loop_player call BattleRandom cp c jr nc, .loop_player ; b = enemy level / 4 srl b srl b ; If the random number >= enemy level / 4, Teleport will succeed cp b jr nc, .run_away .failed call AnimateFailedMove jp PrintButItFailed .enemy_turn ; Can't teleport from a trainer battle ld a, [wBattleMode] dec a jr nz, .failed ; b = enemy level ld a, [wBattleMonLevel] ld b, a ; If enemy level >= player level, Teleport will succeed ld a, [wCurPartyLevel] cp b jr nc, .run_away ; c = enemy level + player level + 1 add b ld c, a inc c ; Generate a number less than c .loop_enemy ; BUG: Wild Pokémon can always Teleport regardless of level difference (see docs/ call BattleRandom cp c jr nc, .loop_enemy ; b = player level / 4 srl b srl b cp b jr nc, .run_away .run_away call UpdateBattleMonInParty xor a ld [wNumHits], a inc a ld [wForcedSwitch], a ld [wBattleAnimParam], a call SetBattleDraw call BattleCommand_LowerSub call LoadMoveAnim ld c, 20 call DelayFrames call SetBattleDraw ld hl, FledFromBattleText jp StdBattleTextbox