ref: 2137f0be09d8ad5ff2d995725dee273b55dbcc04
dir: /engine/battle/ai/items.asm/
AI_SwitchOrTryItem: and a ld a, [wBattleMode] dec a ret z ld a, [wLinkMode] and a ret nz farcall CheckEnemyLockedIn ret nz ld a, [wPlayerSubStatus5] bit SUBSTATUS_CANT_RUN, a jr nz, DontSwitch ld a, [wEnemyWrapCount] and a jr nz, DontSwitch ; always load the first trainer class in wTrainerClass for Battle Tower trainers ld hl, TrainerClassAttributes + TRNATTR_AI_ITEM_SWITCH ld a, [wInBattleTowerBattle] and a jr nz, .ok ld a, [wTrainerClass] dec a ld bc, NUM_TRAINER_ATTRIBUTES call AddNTimes .ok bit SWITCH_OFTEN_F, [hl] jp nz, SwitchOften bit SWITCH_RARELY_F, [hl] jp nz, SwitchRarely bit SWITCH_SOMETIMES_F, [hl] jp nz, SwitchSometimes ; fallthrough DontSwitch: call AI_TryItem ret SwitchOften: callfar CheckAbleToSwitch ld a, [wEnemySwitchMonParam] and $f0 jp z, DontSwitch cp $10 jr nz, .not_10 call Random cp 50 percent + 1 jr c, .switch jp DontSwitch .not_10 cp $20 jr nz, .not_20 call Random cp 79 percent - 1 jr c, .switch jp DontSwitch .not_20 ; $30 call Random cp 4 percent jp c, DontSwitch .switch ld a, [wEnemySwitchMonParam] and $f inc a ; In register 'a' is the number (1-6) of the mon to switch to ld [wEnemySwitchMonIndex], a jp AI_TrySwitch SwitchRarely: callfar CheckAbleToSwitch ld a, [wEnemySwitchMonParam] and $f0 jp z, DontSwitch cp $10 jr nz, .not_10 call Random cp 8 percent jr c, .switch jp DontSwitch .not_10 cp $20 jr nz, .not_20 call Random cp 12 percent jr c, .switch jp DontSwitch .not_20 ; $30 call Random cp 79 percent - 1 jp c, DontSwitch .switch ld a, [wEnemySwitchMonParam] and $f inc a ld [wEnemySwitchMonIndex], a jp AI_TrySwitch SwitchSometimes: callfar CheckAbleToSwitch ld a, [wEnemySwitchMonParam] and $f0 jp z, DontSwitch cp $10 jr nz, .not_10 call Random cp 20 percent - 1 jr c, .switch jp DontSwitch .not_10 cp $20 jr nz, .not_20 call Random cp 50 percent + 1 jr c, .switch jp DontSwitch .not_20 ; $30 call Random cp 20 percent - 1 jp c, DontSwitch .switch ld a, [wEnemySwitchMonParam] and $f inc a ld [wEnemySwitchMonIndex], a jp AI_TrySwitch CheckSubstatusCantRun: ; unreferenced ld a, [wEnemySubStatus5] bit SUBSTATUS_CANT_RUN, a ret AI_TryItem: ; items are not allowed in the Battle Tower ld a, [wInBattleTowerBattle] and a ret nz ld a, [wEnemyTrainerItem1] ld b, a ld a, [wEnemyTrainerItem2] or b ret z call .IsHighestLevel ret nc ld a, [wTrainerClass] dec a ld hl, TrainerClassAttributes + TRNATTR_AI_ITEM_SWITCH ld bc, NUM_TRAINER_ATTRIBUTES call AddNTimes ld b, h ld c, l ld hl, AI_Items ld de, wEnemyTrainerItem1 .loop ld a, [hl] and a inc a ret z ld a, [de] cp [hl] jr z, .has_item inc de ld a, [de] cp [hl] jr z, .has_item dec de inc hl inc hl inc hl jr .loop .has_item inc hl push hl push de ld de, .callback push de ld a, [hli] ld h, [hl] ld l, a jp hl .callback pop de pop hl inc hl inc hl jr c, .loop ; used item xor a ld [de], a inc a ld [wEnemyGoesFirst], a ld hl, wEnemySubStatus3 res SUBSTATUS_BIDE, [hl] xor a ld [wEnemyFuryCutterCount], a ld [wEnemyProtectCount], a ld [wEnemyRageCounter], a ld hl, wEnemySubStatus4 res SUBSTATUS_RAGE, [hl] xor a ld [wLastEnemyCounterMove], a scf ret .IsHighestLevel: ld a, [wOTPartyCount] ld d, a ld e, 0 ld hl, wOTPartyMon1Level ld bc, PARTYMON_STRUCT_LENGTH .next ld a, [hl] cp e jr c, .ok ld e, a .ok add hl, bc dec d jr nz, .next ld a, [wCurOTMon] ld hl, wOTPartyMon1Level call AddNTimes ld a, [hl] cp e jr nc, .yes .no ; unreferenced and a ret .yes scf ret AI_Items: dbw FULL_RESTORE, .FullRestore dbw MAX_POTION, .MaxPotion dbw HYPER_POTION, .HyperPotion dbw SUPER_POTION, .SuperPotion dbw POTION, .Potion dbw X_ACCURACY, .XAccuracy dbw FULL_HEAL, .FullHeal dbw GUARD_SPEC, .GuardSpec dbw DIRE_HIT, .DireHit dbw X_ATTACK, .XAttack dbw X_DEFEND, .XDefend dbw X_SPEED, .XSpeed dbw X_SPECIAL, .XSpecial db -1 ; end .FullHeal: call .Status jp c, .DontUse call EnemyUsedFullHeal jp .Use .Status: ld a, [wEnemyMonStatus] and a jp z, .DontUse ld a, [bc] bit CONTEXT_USE_F, a jr nz, .StatusCheckContext ld a, [bc] bit ALWAYS_USE_F, a jp nz, .Use call Random cp 20 percent - 1 jp c, .Use jp .DontUse .StatusCheckContext: ld a, [wEnemySubStatus5] bit SUBSTATUS_TOXIC, a jr z, .FailToxicCheck ld a, [wEnemyToxicCount] cp 4 jr c, .FailToxicCheck call Random cp 50 percent + 1 jp c, .Use .FailToxicCheck: ld a, [wEnemyMonStatus] and 1 << FRZ | SLP_MASK jp z, .DontUse jp .Use .FullRestore: call .HealItem jp nc, .UseFullRestore ld a, [bc] bit CONTEXT_USE_F, a jp z, .DontUse call .Status jp c, .DontUse .UseFullRestore: call EnemyUsedFullRestore jp .Use .MaxPotion: call .HealItem jp c, .DontUse call EnemyUsedMaxPotion jp .Use .HealItem: ld a, [bc] bit CONTEXT_USE_F, a jr nz, .CheckHalfOrQuarterHP callfar AICheckEnemyHalfHP jp c, .DontUse ld a, [bc] bit UNKNOWN_USE_F, a jp nz, .CheckQuarterHP callfar AICheckEnemyQuarterHP jp nc, .UseHealItem call Random cp 50 percent + 1 jp c, .UseHealItem jp .DontUse .CheckQuarterHP: callfar AICheckEnemyQuarterHP jp c, .DontUse call Random cp 20 percent - 1 jp c, .DontUse jr .UseHealItem .CheckHalfOrQuarterHP: callfar AICheckEnemyHalfHP jp c, .DontUse callfar AICheckEnemyQuarterHP jp nc, .UseHealItem call Random cp 20 percent - 1 jp nc, .DontUse .UseHealItem: jp .Use .HyperPotion: call .HealItem jp c, .DontUse ld b, 200 call EnemyUsedHyperPotion jp .Use .SuperPotion: call .HealItem jp c, .DontUse ld b, 50 call EnemyUsedSuperPotion jp .Use .Potion: call .HealItem jp c, .DontUse ld b, 20 call EnemyUsedPotion jp .Use ; Everything up to "End unused" is unused .UnusedHealItem: ; unreferenced ; This has similar conditions to .HealItem callfar AICheckEnemyMaxHP jr c, .dont_use push bc ld de, wEnemyMonMaxHP + 1 ld hl, wEnemyMonHP + 1 ld a, [de] sub [hl] jr z, .check_40_percent dec hl dec de ld c, a sbc [hl] and a jr nz, .check_40_percent ld a, c cp b jp c, .check_50_percent callfar AICheckEnemyQuarterHP jr c, .check_40_percent .check_50_percent pop bc ld a, [bc] bit UNKNOWN_USE_F, a jp z, .Use call Random cp 50 percent + 1 jp c, .Use .dont_use jp .DontUse .check_40_percent pop bc ld a, [bc] bit UNKNOWN_USE_F, a jp z, .DontUse call Random cp 39 percent + 1 jp c, .Use jp .DontUse ; End unused .XAccuracy: call .XItem jp c, .DontUse call EnemyUsedXAccuracy jp .Use .GuardSpec: call .XItem jp c, .DontUse call EnemyUsedGuardSpec jp .Use .DireHit: call .XItem jp c, .DontUse call EnemyUsedDireHit jp .Use .XAttack: call .XItem jp c, .DontUse call EnemyUsedXAttack jp .Use .XDefend: call .XItem jp c, .DontUse call EnemyUsedXDefend jp .Use .XSpeed: call .XItem jp c, .DontUse call EnemyUsedXSpeed jp .Use .XSpecial: call .XItem jp c, .DontUse call EnemyUsedXSpecial jp .Use .XItem: ld a, [wEnemyTurnsTaken] and a jr nz, .notfirstturnout ld a, [bc] bit ALWAYS_USE_F, a jp nz, .Use call Random cp 50 percent + 1 jp c, .DontUse ld a, [bc] bit CONTEXT_USE_F, a jp nz, .Use call Random cp 50 percent + 1 jp c, .DontUse jp .Use .notfirstturnout ld a, [bc] bit ALWAYS_USE_F, a jp z, .DontUse call Random cp 20 percent - 1 jp nc, .DontUse jp .Use .DontUse: scf ret .Use: and a ret AIUpdateHUD: call UpdateEnemyMonInParty farcall UpdateEnemyHUD ld a, $1 ldh [hBGMapMode], a ld hl, wEnemyItemState dec [hl] scf ret AIUsedItemSound: push de ld de, SFX_FULL_HEAL call PlaySFX pop de ret EnemyUsedFullHeal: call AIUsedItemSound call AI_HealStatus ld a, FULL_HEAL jp PrintText_UsedItemOn_AND_AIUpdateHUD EnemyUsedMaxPotion: ld a, MAX_POTION ld [wCurEnemyItem], a jr FullRestoreContinue EnemyUsedFullRestore: ; BUG: AI use of Full Heal does not cure confusion status (see docs/ call AI_HealStatus ld a, FULL_RESTORE ld [wCurEnemyItem], a ld hl, wEnemySubStatus3 res SUBSTATUS_CONFUSED, [hl] xor a ld [wEnemyConfuseCount], a ; fallthrough FullRestoreContinue: ld de, wCurHPAnimOldHP ld hl, wEnemyMonHP + 1 ld a, [hld] ld [de], a inc de ld a, [hl] ld [de], a inc de ld hl, wEnemyMonMaxHP + 1 ld a, [hld] ld [de], a inc de ld [wCurHPAnimMaxHP], a ld [wEnemyMonHP + 1], a ld a, [hl] ld [de], a ld [wCurHPAnimMaxHP + 1], a ld [wEnemyMonHP], a jr EnemyPotionFinish EnemyUsedPotion: ld a, POTION ld b, 20 jr EnemyPotionContinue EnemyUsedSuperPotion: ld a, SUPER_POTION ld b, 50 jr EnemyPotionContinue EnemyUsedHyperPotion: ld a, HYPER_POTION ld b, 200 EnemyPotionContinue: ld [wCurEnemyItem], a ld hl, wEnemyMonHP + 1 ld a, [hl] ld [wCurHPAnimOldHP], a add b ld [hld], a ld [wCurHPAnimNewHP], a ld a, [hl] ld [wCurHPAnimOldHP + 1], a ld [wCurHPAnimNewHP + 1], a jr nc, .ok inc a ld [hl], a ld [wCurHPAnimNewHP + 1], a .ok inc hl ld a, [hld] ld b, a ld de, wEnemyMonMaxHP + 1 ld a, [de] dec de ld [wCurHPAnimMaxHP], a sub b ld a, [hli] ld b, a ld a, [de] ld [wCurHPAnimMaxHP + 1], a sbc b jr nc, EnemyPotionFinish inc de ld a, [de] dec de ld [hld], a ld [wCurHPAnimNewHP], a ld a, [de] ld [hl], a ld [wCurHPAnimNewHP + 1], a EnemyPotionFinish: call PrintText_UsedItemOn hlcoord 2, 2 xor a ld [wWhichHPBar], a call AIUsedItemSound predef AnimateHPBar jp AIUpdateHUD AI_TrySwitch: ; Determine whether the AI can switch based on how many Pokemon are still alive. ; If it can switch, it will. ld a, [wOTPartyCount] ld c, a ld hl, wOTPartyMon1HP ld d, 0 .SwitchLoop: ld a, [hli] ld b, a ld a, [hld] or b jr z, .fainted inc d .fainted push bc ld bc, PARTYMON_STRUCT_LENGTH add hl, bc pop bc dec c jr nz, .SwitchLoop ld a, d cp 2 jp nc, AI_Switch and a ret AI_Switch: ld a, $1 ld [wEnemyIsSwitching], a ld [wEnemyGoesFirst], a ld hl, wEnemySubStatus4 res SUBSTATUS_RAGE, [hl] xor a ldh [hBattleTurn], a callfar PursuitSwitch push af ld a, [wCurOTMon] ld hl, wOTPartyMon1Status ld bc, PARTYMON_STRUCT_LENGTH call AddNTimes ld d, h ld e, l ld hl, wEnemyMonStatus ld bc, MON_MAXHP - MON_STATUS call CopyBytes pop af jr c, .skiptext ld hl, EnemyWithdrewText call PrintText .skiptext ld a, 1 ld [wBattleHasJustStarted], a callfar NewEnemyMonStatus callfar ResetEnemyStatLevels ld hl, wPlayerSubStatus1 res SUBSTATUS_IN_LOVE, [hl] farcall EnemySwitch farcall ResetBattleParticipants xor a ld [wBattleHasJustStarted], a ld a, [wLinkMode] and a ret nz scf ret EnemyWithdrewText: text_far _EnemyWithdrewText text_end EnemyUsedFullHealRed: ; unreferenced call AIUsedItemSound call AI_HealStatus ld a, FULL_HEAL_RED ; X_SPEED jp PrintText_UsedItemOn_AND_AIUpdateHUD AI_HealStatus: ; BUG: AI use of Full Heal or Full Restore does not cure Nightmare status (see docs/ ld a, [wCurOTMon] ld hl, wOTPartyMon1Status ld bc, PARTYMON_STRUCT_LENGTH call AddNTimes xor a ld [hl], a ld [wEnemyMonStatus], a ld hl, wEnemySubStatus5 res SUBSTATUS_TOXIC, [hl] ret EnemyUsedXAccuracy: call AIUsedItemSound ld hl, wEnemySubStatus4 set SUBSTATUS_X_ACCURACY, [hl] ld a, X_ACCURACY jp PrintText_UsedItemOn_AND_AIUpdateHUD EnemyUsedGuardSpec: call AIUsedItemSound ld hl, wEnemySubStatus4 set SUBSTATUS_MIST, [hl] ld a, GUARD_SPEC jp PrintText_UsedItemOn_AND_AIUpdateHUD EnemyUsedDireHit: call AIUsedItemSound ld hl, wEnemySubStatus4 set SUBSTATUS_FOCUS_ENERGY, [hl] ld a, DIRE_HIT jp PrintText_UsedItemOn_AND_AIUpdateHUD AICheckEnemyFractionMaxHP: ; unreferenced ; Input: a = divisor ; Work: bc = [wEnemyMonMaxHP] / a ; Work: de = [wEnemyMonHP] ; Output: ; - c, nz if [wEnemyMonHP] > [wEnemyMonMaxHP] / a ; - nc, z if [wEnemyMonHP] = [wEnemyMonMaxHP] / a ; - nc, nz if [wEnemyMonHP] < [wEnemyMonMaxHP] / a ldh [hDivisor], a ld hl, wEnemyMonMaxHP ld a, [hli] ldh [hDividend], a ld a, [hl] ldh [hDividend + 1], a ld b, 2 call Divide ldh a, [hQuotient + 3] ld c, a ldh a, [hQuotient + 2] ld b, a ld hl, wEnemyMonHP + 1 ld a, [hld] ld e, a ld a, [hl] ld d, a ld a, d sub b ret nz ld a, e sub c ret EnemyUsedXAttack: ld b, ATTACK ld a, X_ATTACK jr EnemyUsedXItem EnemyUsedXDefend: ld b, DEFENSE ld a, X_DEFEND jr EnemyUsedXItem EnemyUsedXSpeed: ld b, SPEED ld a, X_SPEED jr EnemyUsedXItem EnemyUsedXSpecial: ld b, SP_ATTACK ld a, X_SPECIAL ; Parameter ; a = ITEM_CONSTANT ; b = BATTLE_CONSTANT (ATTACK, DEFENSE, SPEED, SP_ATTACK, SP_DEFENSE, ACCURACY, EVASION) EnemyUsedXItem: ld [wCurEnemyItem], a push bc call PrintText_UsedItemOn pop bc farcall RaiseStat jp AIUpdateHUD ; Parameter ; a = ITEM_CONSTANT PrintText_UsedItemOn_AND_AIUpdateHUD: ld [wCurEnemyItem], a call PrintText_UsedItemOn jp AIUpdateHUD PrintText_UsedItemOn: ld a, [wCurEnemyItem] ld [wNamedObjectIndex], a call GetItemName ld hl, wStringBuffer1 ld de, wMonOrItemNameBuffer ld bc, ITEM_NAME_LENGTH call CopyBytes ld hl, EnemyUsedOnText jp PrintText EnemyUsedOnText: text_far _EnemyUsedOnText text_end