ref: 2137f0be09d8ad5ff2d995725dee273b55dbcc04
dir: /data/events/bug_contest_winners.asm/
BugContestantPointers: table_width 2, BugContestantPointers dw BugContestant_BugCatcherDon ; this reverts back to the player dw BugContestant_BugCatcherDon dw BugContestant_BugCatcherEd dw BugContestant_CooltrainerMNick dw BugContestant_PokefanMWilliam dw BugContestant_BugCatcherBenny dw BugContestant_CamperBarry dw BugContestant_PicnickerCindy dw BugContestant_BugCatcherJosh dw BugContestant_YoungsterSamuel dw BugContestant_SchoolboyKipp assert_table_length NUM_BUG_CONTESTANTS + 1 ; contestant format: ; db class, id ; dbw 1st-place mon, score ; dbw 2nd-place mon, score ; dbw 3rd-place mon, score BugContestant_BugCatcherDon: db BUG_CATCHER, DON dbw KAKUNA, 300 dbw METAPOD, 285 dbw CATERPIE, 226 BugContestant_BugCatcherEd: db BUG_CATCHER, ED dbw BUTTERFREE, 286 dbw BUTTERFREE, 251 dbw CATERPIE, 237 BugContestant_CooltrainerMNick: db COOLTRAINERM, NICK dbw SCYTHER, 357 dbw BUTTERFREE, 349 dbw PINSIR, 368 BugContestant_PokefanMWilliam: db POKEFANM, WILLIAM dbw PINSIR, 332 dbw BUTTERFREE, 324 dbw VENONAT, 321 BugContestant_BugCatcherBenny: db BUG_CATCHER, BUG_CATCHER_BENNY dbw BUTTERFREE, 318 dbw WEEDLE, 295 dbw CATERPIE, 285 BugContestant_CamperBarry: db CAMPER, BARRY dbw PINSIR, 366 dbw VENONAT, 329 dbw KAKUNA, 314 BugContestant_PicnickerCindy: db PICNICKER, CINDY dbw BUTTERFREE, 341 dbw METAPOD, 301 dbw CATERPIE, 264 BugContestant_BugCatcherJosh: db BUG_CATCHER, JOSH dbw SCYTHER, 326 dbw BUTTERFREE, 292 dbw METAPOD, 282 BugContestant_YoungsterSamuel: db YOUNGSTER, SAMUEL dbw WEEDLE, 270 dbw PINSIR, 282 dbw CATERPIE, 251 BugContestant_SchoolboyKipp: db SCHOOLBOY, KIPP dbw VENONAT, 267 dbw PARAS, 254 dbw KAKUNA, 259