ref: 17a4d0540acc00e3f5ad260009115eb36e72b7d2
dir: /home.asm/
INCLUDE "constants.asm" SECTION "NULL", ROM0 NULL:: INCLUDE "home/rst.asm" INCLUDE "home/interrupts.asm" SECTION "Header", ROM0 Start:: nop jp _Start SECTION "Home", ROM0 INCLUDE "home/init.asm" INCLUDE "home/vblank.asm" INCLUDE "home/delay.asm" INCLUDE "home/rtc.asm" INCLUDE "home/fade.asm" INCLUDE "home/lcd.asm" INCLUDE "home/time.asm" INCLUDE "home/serial.asm" INCLUDE "home/joypad.asm" INCLUDE "home/decompress.asm" INCLUDE "home/palettes.asm" INCLUDE "home/copy.asm" INCLUDE "home/text.asm" INCLUDE "home/video.asm" INCLUDE "home/map_objects.asm" INCLUDE "home/sine.asm" INCLUDE "home/movement.asm" INCLUDE "home/menu_window.asm" INCLUDE "home/menu.asm" INCLUDE "home/handshake.asm" INCLUDE "home/game_time.asm" INCLUDE "home/map.asm" InexplicablyEmptyFunction:: ; 2d43 ; unused ; Inexplicably empty. ; Seen in PredefPointers. rept 16 nop endr ret ; 2d54 INCLUDE "home/farcall.asm" INCLUDE "home/predef.asm" INCLUDE "home/window.asm" INCLUDE "home/flag.asm" Unreferenced_Function2ebb:: ; 2ebb ld a, [wMonStatusFlags] bit 1, a ret z ld a, [hJoyDown] bit B_BUTTON_F, a ret ; 2ec6 xor_a:: ; 2ec6 xor a ret ; 2ec8 xor_a_dec_a:: ; 2ec8 xor a dec a ret ; 2ecb Unreferenced_Function2ecb:: ; 2ecb push hl ld hl, wMonStatusFlags bit 1, [hl] pop hl ret ; 2ed3 INCLUDE "home/sprite_updates.asm" INCLUDE "home/string.asm" INCLUDE "home/region.asm" ret_2f3e:: ; 2f3e ret ; 2f3f INCLUDE "home/item.asm" INCLUDE "home/random.asm" INCLUDE "home/sram.asm" ; Register aliases _hl_:: ; 2fec jp hl ; 2fed _de_:: ; 2fed push de ret ; 2fef INCLUDE "home/double_speed.asm" INCLUDE "home/clear_sprites.asm" INCLUDE "home/copy2.asm" INCLUDE "home/copy_tilemap.asm" INCLUDE "home/copy_name.asm" IsInArray:: ; 30e1 ; Find value a for every de bytes in array hl. ; Return index in b and carry if found. ld b, 0 ld c, a .loop ld a, [hl] cp -1 jr z, .NotInArray cp c jr z, .InArray inc b add hl, de jr .loop .NotInArray: and a ret .InArray: scf ret ; 30f4 SkipNames:: ; 0x30f4 ; Skip a names. ld bc, NAME_LENGTH and a ret z .loop add hl, bc dec a jr nz, .loop ret ; 0x30fe INCLUDE "home/math.asm" INCLUDE "home/print_text.asm" CallPointerAt:: ; 31be ld a, [hROMBank] push af ld a, [hli] rst Bankswitch ld a, [hli] ld h, [hl] ld l, a call _hl_ pop hl ld a, h rst Bankswitch ret ; 31cd QueueScript:: ; 31cd ; Push pointer hl in the current bank to wQueuedScriptBank. ld a, [hROMBank] FarQueueScript:: ; 31cf ; Push pointer a:hl to wQueuedScriptBank. ld [wQueuedScriptBank], a ld a, l ld [wQueuedScriptAddr], a ld a, h ld [wQueuedScriptAddr + 1], a ret ; 31db StringCmp:: ; 31db ; Compare c bytes at de and hl. ; Return z if they all match. .loop ld a, [de] cp [hl] ret nz inc de inc hl dec c jr nz, .loop ret ; 0x31e4 CompareLong:: ; 31e4 ; Compare bc bytes at de and hl. ; Return carry if they all match. ld a, [de] cp [hl] jr nz, .Diff inc de inc hl dec bc ld a, b or c jr nz, CompareLong scf ret .Diff: and a ret ; 31f3 INCLUDE "home/tilemap.asm" INCLUDE "home/hp_pals.asm" CountSetBits:: ; 0x335f ; Count the number of set bits in b bytes starting from hl. ; Return in a, c and [wd265]. ld c, 0 .next ld a, [hli] ld e, a ld d, 8 .count srl e ld a, 0 adc c ld c, a dec d jr nz, .count dec b jr nz, .next ld a, c ld [wd265], a ret ; 0x3376 GetWeekday:: ; 3376 ld a, [wCurDay] .mod sub 7 jr nc, .mod add 7 ret ; 3380 INCLUDE "home/pokedex_flags.asm" INCLUDE "home/names.asm" INCLUDE "home/scrolling_menu.asm" INCLUDE "home/stone_queue.asm" INCLUDE "home/trainers.asm" INCLUDE "home/mon_stats.asm" INCLUDE "home/cry.asm" INCLUDE "home/print_level.asm" INCLUDE "home/mon_data.asm" INCLUDE "home/print_bcd.asm" INCLUDE "home/mon_data_2.asm" INCLUDE "home/battle.asm" INCLUDE "home/sprite_anims.asm" INCLUDE "home/audio.asm" INCLUDE "home/mobile.asm"