ref: 1674b6ca5a8b7ae9a2d4e34a8c846f2ee88cb85d
dir: /maps/CeladonPokecenter1F.asm/
object_const_def const CELADONPOKECENTER1F_NURSE const CELADONPOKECENTER1F_GENTLEMAN const CELADONPOKECENTER1F_PHARMACIST const CELADONPOKECENTER1F_COOLTRAINER_F const CELADONPOKECENTER1F_EUSINE CeladonPokecenter1F_MapScripts: def_scene_scripts def_callbacks CeladonPokecenter1FNurseScript: jumpstd PokecenterNurseScript CeladonPokecenter1FGentlemanScript: jumpstd HappinessCheckScript CeladonPokecenter1FCooltrainerFScript: jumptextfaceplayer CeladonPokecenter1FCooltrainerFText CeladonPokecenter1FPharmacistScript: jumptextfaceplayer CeladonPokecenter1FPharmacistText CeladonEusine: faceplayer opentext writetext CeladonEusineText1 promptbutton setval SUICUNE special MonCheck iffalse .NoSuicune special BeastsCheck iftrue .HoOh writetext NoBeastsText waitbutton .NoSuicune: closetext end .HoOh: writetext EusineLeavesCeladonText waitbutton closetext readvar VAR_FACING ifequal UP, .Location1 applymovement CELADONPOKECENTER1F_EUSINE, .Movement1 sjump .Continue .Location1: applymovement CELADONPOKECENTER1F_EUSINE, .Movement2 .Continue: disappear CELADONPOKECENTER1F_EUSINE playsound SFX_EXIT_BUILDING waitsfx end .Movement2: step LEFT step DOWN step DOWN step DOWN step DOWN step_end .Movement1: step DOWN step DOWN step DOWN step DOWN step_end CeladonPokecenter1FCooltrainerFText: text "ERIKA is a master" line "of grass #MON." para "She'll make you" line "pay if you don't" cont "watch yourself." done CeladonPokecenter1FPharmacistText: text "TEAM ROCKET's" line "hideout is in the" para "basement of the" line "GAME CORNER." para "Oh, wait. That was" line "three years ago." done CeladonEusineText1: text "EUSINE: Hi!" para "I'm back visiting" line "my hometown." para "It's been quite a" line "while." done EusineLeavesCeladonText: text "<PLAYER>, have you" line "heard?" para "There have been" line "fresh rumors of a" para "rainbow-colored" line "#MON appearing" cont "at TIN TOWER." para "I've just had my" line "party healed, so" para "now I'm headed to" line "ECRUTEAK." para "I'll be seeing" line "you, <PLAYER>!" done NoBeastsText: text "Oh, by the way," line "<PLAYER>." para "Have you caught" line "the legendary" para "#MON RAIKOU and" line "ENTEI?" para "<……><……><……>" para "Okay…" para "If you catch even" line "one, I hope that" cont "you'll inform me." para "I'm counting on" line "you, <PLAYER>!" done CeladonPokecenter1F_MapEvents: db 0, 0 ; filler def_warp_events warp_event 3, 7, CELADON_CITY, 5 warp_event 4, 7, CELADON_CITY, 5 warp_event 0, 7, POKECENTER_2F, 1 def_coord_events def_bg_events def_object_events object_event 3, 1, SPRITE_NURSE, SPRITEMOVEDATA_STANDING_DOWN, 0, 0, -1, -1, 0, OBJECTTYPE_SCRIPT, 0, CeladonPokecenter1FNurseScript, -1 object_event 1, 5, SPRITE_GENTLEMAN, SPRITEMOVEDATA_WALK_LEFT_RIGHT, 1, 0, -1, -1, 0, OBJECTTYPE_SCRIPT, 0, CeladonPokecenter1FGentlemanScript, -1 object_event 0, 3, SPRITE_PHARMACIST, SPRITEMOVEDATA_STANDING_DOWN, 0, 0, -1, -1, PAL_NPC_RED, OBJECTTYPE_SCRIPT, 0, CeladonPokecenter1FPharmacistScript, -1 object_event 8, 6, SPRITE_COOLTRAINER_F, SPRITEMOVEDATA_WALK_LEFT_RIGHT, 1, 0, -1, -1, PAL_NPC_GREEN, OBJECTTYPE_SCRIPT, 0, CeladonPokecenter1FCooltrainerFScript, -1 object_event 4, 3, SPRITE_SUPER_NERD, SPRITEMOVEDATA_STANDING_DOWN, 0, 0, -1, -1, PAL_NPC_BLUE, OBJECTTYPE_SCRIPT, 0, CeladonEusine, EVENT_SET_WHEN_FOUGHT_HO_OH