ref: 0f5540740bb494cfc6a5c724a2eeac4e064e9659
dir: /engine/events/name_rater.asm/
_NameRater: ; Introduce himself ld hl, NameRaterHelloText call PrintText call YesNoBox jp c, .cancel ; Select a Pokemon from your party ld hl, NameRaterWhichMonText call PrintText farcall SelectMonFromParty jr c, .cancel ; He can't rename an egg... ld a, [wCurPartySpecies] cp EGG jr z, .egg ; ... or a Pokemon you got from a trade. call GetCurNickname call CheckIfMonIsYourOT jr c, .traded ; This name is good, but we can do better. How about it? ld hl, NameRaterBetterNameText call PrintText call YesNoBox jr c, .cancel ; What name shall I give it then? ld hl, NameRaterWhatNameText call PrintText ; Load the new nickname into wStringBuffer2 xor a ; PARTYMON ld [wMonType], a ld a, [wCurPartySpecies] ld [wNamedObjectIndex], a ld [wCurSpecies], a call GetBaseData ld b, NAME_MON ld de, wStringBuffer2 farcall _NamingScreen ; If the new name is empty, treat it as unchanged. call IsNewNameEmpty ld hl, NameRaterSameNameText jr c, .samename ; If the new name is the same as the old name, treat it as unchanged. call CompareNewToOld ld hl, NameRaterSameNameText jr c, .samename ; Copy the new name from wStringBuffer2 ld hl, wPartyMonNicknames ld bc, MON_NAME_LENGTH ld a, [wCurPartyMon] call AddNTimes ld e, l ld d, h ld hl, wStringBuffer2 ld bc, MON_NAME_LENGTH call CopyBytes ld hl, NameRaterFinishedText .samename push hl call GetCurNickname ld hl, NameRaterNamedText call PrintText pop hl jr .done .traded ld hl, NameRaterPerfectNameText jr .done .cancel ld hl, NameRaterComeAgainText jr .done .egg ld hl, NameRaterEggText .done call PrintText ret CheckIfMonIsYourOT: ; Checks to see if the partymon loaded in [wCurPartyMon] has the different OT as you. Returns carry if not. ld hl, wPartyMonOTs ld bc, NAME_LENGTH ld a, [wCurPartyMon] call AddNTimes ld de, wPlayerName ld c, NAME_LENGTH call .loop jr c, .nope ld hl, wPartyMon1ID ld bc, PARTYMON_STRUCT_LENGTH ld a, [wCurPartyMon] call AddNTimes ld de, wPlayerID ld c, 2 ; number of bytes in which your ID is stored .loop ld a, [de] cp [hl] jr nz, .nope inc hl inc de dec c jr nz, .loop and a ret .nope scf ret IsNewNameEmpty: ; Checks to see if the nickname loaded in wStringBuffer2 is empty. If so, return carry. ld hl, wStringBuffer2 ld c, MON_NAME_LENGTH - 1 .loop ld a, [hli] cp "@" jr z, .terminator cp " " jr nz, .nonspace dec c jr nz, .loop .terminator scf ret .nonspace and a ret CompareNewToOld: ; Compares the nickname in wStringBuffer2 to the previous nickname. If they are the same, return carry. ld hl, wPartyMonNicknames ld bc, MON_NAME_LENGTH ld a, [wCurPartyMon] call AddNTimes push hl call GetNicknamenameLength ld b, c ld hl, wStringBuffer2 call GetNicknamenameLength pop hl ld a, c cp b jr nz, .different ld de, wStringBuffer2 .loop ld a, [de] cp "@" jr z, .terminator cp [hl] jr nz, .different inc hl inc de jr .loop .different and a ret .terminator scf ret GetNicknamenameLength: ; Gets the length of the name starting at hl and returns it in c. ld c, 0 .loop ld a, [hli] cp "@" ret z inc c ld a, c cp MON_NAME_LENGTH - 1 jr nz, .loop ret NameRaterHelloText: text_far _NameRaterHelloText text_end NameRaterWhichMonText: text_far _NameRaterWhichMonText text_end NameRaterBetterNameText: text_far _NameRaterBetterNameText text_end NameRaterWhatNameText: text_far _NameRaterWhatNameText text_end NameRaterFinishedText: text_far _NameRaterFinishedText text_end NameRaterComeAgainText: text_far _NameRaterComeAgainText text_end NameRaterPerfectNameText: text_far _NameRaterPerfectNameText text_end NameRaterEggText: text_far _NameRaterEggText text_end NameRaterSameNameText: text_far _NameRaterSameNameText text_end NameRaterNamedText: text_far _NameRaterNamedText text_end