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# Pokémon Crystal This is a hand-crafted disassembly of Pokémon Crystal. The source code in this project successfully converts back into a ROM image. All source code is meticulously commented. ## Base ROM The following ROM is required for compiling: Pokemon - Crystal Version (UE) (V1.0) [C][!].gbc md5: 9f2922b235a5eeb78d65594e82ef5dde Eventually this will not be necessary. ## Installing Simple. ``` bash sudo apt-get install make gcc bison git python python-setuptools # unittest2 is required if using python2.6 sudo easy_install unittest2 # download rgbds source code git clone git:// # compile rgbds cd rgbds make sudo make install # check if rgbasm is installed now which rgbasm # download pokecrystal git clone cd pokecrystal make clean && make ``` Also, there are [Windows installation instructions]( ## Assembling * To assemble, first install RGBDS and put it in your path. The version of RGBDS needed is [rgbds-linux]( * Next, copy the Pokémon ROM to this directory as "baserom.gbc". * Then run "make" in your shell. * This will output a file named "pokecrystal.gbc". ## See also * disassembly of [Pokémon Red]( ## Contributing * Hang out with us on IRC, #skeetendo ([or use mibbit]( * Tackle some [issues](!