ref: 0e33fd74f1d36c8c4c6cadf8f4ef536bd1391ee4
dir: /maps/CherrygroveCity.asm/
const_value set 2 const CHERRYGROVECITY_GRAMPS const CHERRYGROVECITY_SILVER const CHERRYGROVECITY_TEACHER const CHERRYGROVECITY_YOUNGSTER const CHERRYGROVECITY_FISHER CherrygroveCity_MapScriptHeader: .MapTriggers: db 2 ; triggers maptrigger .Trigger0 maptrigger .Trigger1 .MapCallbacks: db 1 ; callbacks dbw MAPCALLBACK_NEWMAP, .FlyPoint .Trigger0: end .Trigger1: end .FlyPoint: setflag ENGINE_FLYPOINT_CHERRYGROVE return CherrygroveCityGuideGent: faceplayer opentext writetext GuideGentIntroText yesorno iffalse .No jump .Yes .Yes: writetext GuideGentTourText1 waitbutton closetext playmusic MUSIC_SHOW_ME_AROUND follow CHERRYGROVECITY_GRAMPS, PLAYER applymovement CHERRYGROVECITY_GRAMPS, GuideGentMovement1 opentext writetext GuideGentPokeCenterText waitbutton closetext applymovement CHERRYGROVECITY_GRAMPS, GuideGentMovement2 spriteface PLAYER, UP opentext writetext GuideGentMartText waitbutton closetext applymovement CHERRYGROVECITY_GRAMPS, GuideGentMovement3 spriteface PLAYER, UP opentext writetext GuideGentRoute30Text waitbutton closetext applymovement CHERRYGROVECITY_GRAMPS, GuideGentMovement4 spriteface PLAYER, LEFT opentext writetext GuideGentSeaText waitbutton closetext applymovement CHERRYGROVECITY_GRAMPS, GuideGentMovement5 spriteface PLAYER, UP pause 60 spriteface CHERRYGROVECITY_GRAMPS, LEFT spriteface PLAYER, RIGHT opentext writetext GuideGentGiftText buttonsound stringtotext .mapcardname, $1 scall .JumpstdReceiveItem setflag ENGINE_MAP_CARD writetext GotMapCardText buttonsound writetext GuideGentPokegearText waitbutton closetext stopfollow special RestartMapMusic spriteface PLAYER, UP applymovement CHERRYGROVECITY_GRAMPS, GuideGentMovement6 playsound SFX_ENTER_DOOR disappear CHERRYGROVECITY_GRAMPS clearevent EVENT_GUIDE_GENT_VISIBLE_IN_CHERRYGROVE waitsfx end .JumpstdReceiveItem: jumpstd receiveitem end .mapcardname db "MAP CARD@" .No: writetext GuideGentNoText waitbutton closetext end CherrygroveSilverTriggerSouth: moveperson CHERRYGROVECITY_SILVER, $27, $7 CherrygroveSilverTriggerNorth: spriteface PLAYER, RIGHT showemote EMOTE_SHOCK, PLAYER, 15 special Special_FadeOutMusic pause 15 appear CHERRYGROVECITY_SILVER applymovement CHERRYGROVECITY_SILVER, CherrygroveCity_RivalWalksToYou spriteface PLAYER, RIGHT playmusic MUSIC_RIVAL_ENCOUNTER opentext writetext UnknownText_0x19c4e2 waitbutton closetext checkevent EVENT_GOT_TOTODILE_FROM_ELM iftrue .Totodile checkevent EVENT_GOT_CHIKORITA_FROM_ELM iftrue .Chikorita winlosstext SilverCherrygroveWinText, SilverCherrygroveLossText setlasttalked CHERRYGROVECITY_SILVER loadtrainer RIVAL1, RIVAL1_3 writecode VAR_BATTLETYPE, BATTLETYPE_CANLOSE startbattle dontrestartmapmusic reloadmap iftrue .AfterVictorious jump .AfterYourDefeat .Totodile: winlosstext SilverCherrygroveWinText, SilverCherrygroveLossText setlasttalked CHERRYGROVECITY_SILVER loadtrainer RIVAL1, RIVAL1_1 writecode VAR_BATTLETYPE, BATTLETYPE_CANLOSE startbattle dontrestartmapmusic reloadmap iftrue .AfterVictorious jump .AfterYourDefeat .Chikorita: winlosstext SilverCherrygroveWinText, SilverCherrygroveLossText setlasttalked CHERRYGROVECITY_SILVER loadtrainer RIVAL1, RIVAL1_2 writecode VAR_BATTLETYPE, BATTLETYPE_CANLOSE startbattle dontrestartmapmusic reloadmap iftrue .AfterVictorious jump .AfterYourDefeat .AfterVictorious: playmusic MUSIC_RIVAL_AFTER opentext writetext CherrygroveRivalText_YouWon waitbutton closetext jump .FinishRival .AfterYourDefeat: playmusic MUSIC_RIVAL_AFTER opentext writetext CherrygroveRivalText_YouLost waitbutton closetext .FinishRival: playsound SFX_TACKLE applymovement PLAYER, CherrygroveCity_RivalPushesYouOutOfTheWay spriteface PLAYER, LEFT applymovement CHERRYGROVECITY_SILVER, CherrygroveCity_RivalExitsStageLeft disappear CHERRYGROVECITY_SILVER dotrigger $0 special HealParty playmapmusic end CherrygroveTeacherScript: faceplayer opentext checkflag ENGINE_MAP_CARD iftrue .HaveMapCard writetext CherrygroveTeacherText_NoMapCard waitbutton closetext end .HaveMapCard: writetext CherrygroveTeacherText_HaveMapCard waitbutton closetext end CherrygroveYoungsterScript: faceplayer opentext checkflag ENGINE_POKEDEX iftrue .HavePokedex writetext CherrygroveYoungsterText_NoPokedex waitbutton closetext end .HavePokedex: writetext CherrygroveYoungsterText_HavePokedex waitbutton closetext end MysticWaterGuy: faceplayer opentext checkevent EVENT_GOT_MYSTIC_WATER_IN_CHERRYGROVE iftrue .After writetext MysticWaterGuyTextBefore buttonsound verbosegiveitem MYSTIC_WATER iffalse .Exit setevent EVENT_GOT_MYSTIC_WATER_IN_CHERRYGROVE .After: writetext MysticWaterGuyTextAfter waitbutton .Exit: closetext end CherrygroveCitySign: jumptext CherrygroveCitySignText GuideGentsHouseSign: jumptext GuideGentsHouseSignText CherrygroveCityPokeCenterSign: jumpstd pokecentersign CherrygroveCityMartSign: jumpstd martsign GuideGentMovement1: step LEFT step LEFT step UP step LEFT turn_head UP step_end GuideGentMovement2: step LEFT step LEFT step LEFT step LEFT step LEFT step LEFT turn_head UP step_end GuideGentMovement3: step LEFT step LEFT step LEFT step LEFT step LEFT step LEFT step LEFT turn_head UP step_end GuideGentMovement4: step LEFT step LEFT step LEFT step DOWN step LEFT step LEFT step LEFT step DOWN turn_head LEFT step_end GuideGentMovement5: step DOWN step DOWN step RIGHT step RIGHT step RIGHT step RIGHT step RIGHT step RIGHT step RIGHT step RIGHT step RIGHT step RIGHT step DOWN step DOWN step RIGHT step RIGHT step RIGHT step RIGHT step RIGHT turn_head UP step_end GuideGentMovement6: step UP step UP step_end CherrygroveCity_RivalWalksToYou: step LEFT step LEFT step LEFT step LEFT step LEFT step_end CherrygroveCity_RivalPushesYouOutOfTheWay: big_step DOWN turn_head UP step_end CherrygroveCity_UnusedMovementData: step LEFT turn_head DOWN step_end CherrygroveCity_RivalExitsStageLeft: big_step LEFT big_step LEFT big_step LEFT big_step LEFT big_step UP big_step UP big_step LEFT big_step LEFT step_end GuideGentIntroText: text "You're a rookie" line "trainer, aren't" cont "you? I can tell!" para "That's OK! Every-" line "one is a rookie" cont "at some point!" para "If you'd like, I" line "can teach you a" cont "few things." done GuideGentTourText1: text "OK, then!" line "Follow me!" done GuideGentPokeCenterText: text "This is a #MON" line "CENTER. They heal" para "your #MON in no" line "time at all." para "You'll be relying" line "on them a lot, so" para "you better learn" line "about them." done GuideGentMartText: text "This is a #MON" line "MART." para "They sell BALLS" line "for catching wild" para "#MON and other" line "useful items." done GuideGentRoute30Text: text "ROUTE 30 is out" line "this way." para "Trainers will be" line "battling their" para "prized #MON" line "there." done GuideGentSeaText: text "This is the sea," line "as you can see." para "Some #MON are" line "found only in" cont "water." done GuideGentGiftText: text "Here…" para "It's my house!" line "Thanks for your" cont "company." para "Let me give you a" line "small gift." done GotMapCardText: text "<PLAYER>'s #GEAR" line "now has a MAP!" done GuideGentPokegearText: text "#GEAR becomes" line "more useful as you" cont "add CARDS." para "I wish you luck on" line "your journey!" done GuideGentNoText: text "Oh… It's something" line "I enjoy doing…" para "Fine. Come see me" line "when you like." done UnknownText_0x19c4e2: text "<......> <......> <......>" para "You got a #MON" line "at the LAB." para "What a waste." line "A wimp like you." para "<......> <......> <......>" para "Don't you get what" line "I'm saying?" para "Well, I too, have" line "a good #MON." para "I'll show you" line "what I mean!" done SilverCherrygroveWinText: text "Humph. Are you" line "happy you won?" done CherrygroveRivalText_YouLost: text "<......> <......> <......>" para "My name's ???." para "I'm going to be" line "the world's great-" cont "est #MON" cont "trainer." done SilverCherrygroveLossText: text "Humph. That was a" line "waste of time." done CherrygroveRivalText_YouWon: text "<......> <......> <......>" para "My name's ???." para "I'm going to be" line "the world's great-" cont "est #MON" cont "trainer." done CherrygroveTeacherText_NoMapCard: text "Did you talk to" line "the old man by the" cont "#MON CENTER?" para "He'll put a MAP of" line "JOHTO on your" cont "#GEAR." done CherrygroveTeacherText_HaveMapCard: text "When you're with" line "#MON, going" cont "anywhere is fun." done CherrygroveYoungsterText_NoPokedex: text "MR.#MON's house" line "is still farther" cont "up ahead." done CherrygroveYoungsterText_HavePokedex: text "I battled the" line "trainers on the" cont "road." para "My #MON lost." line "They're a mess! I" para "must take them to" line "a #MON CENTER." done MysticWaterGuyTextBefore: text "A #MON I caught" line "had an item." para "I think it's" line "MYSTIC WATER." para "I don't need it," line "so do you want it?" done MysticWaterGuyTextAfter: text "Back to fishing" line "for me, then." done CherrygroveCitySignText: text "CHERRYGROVE CITY" para "The City of Cute," line "Fragrant Flowers" done GuideGentsHouseSignText: text "GUIDE GENT'S HOUSE" done CherrygroveCity_MapEventHeader: ; filler db 0, 0 .Warps: db 5 warp_def $3, $17, 2, CHERRYGROVE_MART warp_def $3, $1d, 1, CHERRYGROVE_POKECENTER_1F warp_def $7, $11, 1, CHERRYGROVE_GYM_SPEECH_HOUSE warp_def $9, $19, 1, GUIDE_GENTS_HOUSE warp_def $b, $1f, 1, CHERRYGROVE_EVOLUTION_SPEECH_HOUSE .XYTriggers: db 2 xy_trigger 1, $6, $21, $0, CherrygroveSilverTriggerNorth, $0, $0 xy_trigger 1, $7, $21, $0, CherrygroveSilverTriggerSouth, $0, $0 .Signposts: db 4 signpost 8, 30, SIGNPOST_READ, CherrygroveCitySign signpost 9, 23, SIGNPOST_READ, GuideGentsHouseSign signpost 3, 24, SIGNPOST_READ, CherrygroveCityMartSign signpost 3, 30, SIGNPOST_READ, CherrygroveCityPokeCenterSign .PersonEvents: db 5 person_event SPRITE_GRAMPS, 6, 32, SPRITEMOVEDATA_STANDING_DOWN, 0, 0, -1, -1, 0, PERSONTYPE_SCRIPT, 0, CherrygroveCityGuideGent, EVENT_GUIDE_GENT_IN_HIS_HOUSE person_event SPRITE_SILVER, 6, 39, SPRITEMOVEDATA_SPINRANDOM_SLOW, 0, 0, -1, -1, 0, PERSONTYPE_SCRIPT, 0, ObjectEvent, EVENT_RIVAL_CHERRYGROVE_CITY person_event SPRITE_TEACHER, 12, 27, SPRITEMOVEDATA_WALK_LEFT_RIGHT, 0, 1, -1, -1, (1 << 3) | PAL_OW_BLUE, PERSONTYPE_SCRIPT, 0, CherrygroveTeacherScript, -1 person_event SPRITE_YOUNGSTER, 7, 23, SPRITEMOVEDATA_WALK_LEFT_RIGHT, 0, 1, -1, -1, (1 << 3) | PAL_OW_RED, PERSONTYPE_SCRIPT, 0, CherrygroveYoungsterScript, -1 person_event SPRITE_FISHER, 12, 7, SPRITEMOVEDATA_STANDING_RIGHT, 0, 0, -1, -1, (1 << 3) | PAL_OW_GREEN, PERSONTYPE_SCRIPT, 0, MysticWaterGuy, -1