ref: 0e2ab04353bf5fa3114aa87e77e5366af6aa942c
dir: /maps/EcruteakHouse.asm/
EcruteakHouse_MapScriptHeader: ; 0x98000 ; trigger count db 2 ; triggers dw UnknownScript_0x9800d, $0000 dw UnknownScript_0x9800e, $0000 ; callback count db 1 ; callbacks dbw 2, UnknownScript_0x9800f ; 0x9800d UnknownScript_0x9800d: ; 0x9800d end ; 0x9800e UnknownScript_0x9800e: ; 0x9800e end ; 0x9800f UnknownScript_0x9800f: ; 0x9800f checkbit1 $0335 iftrue UnknownScript_0x98033 checkbit1 $0334 iftrue UnknownScript_0x98033 checkbit1 $0021 iftrue UnknownScript_0x98022 return ; 0x98022 UnknownScript_0x98022: ; 0x98022 clearbit1 $0766 setbit1 $0767 setbit1 $07b1 checkitem CLEAR_BELL iftrue UnknownScript_0x98032 dotrigger $0 UnknownScript_0x98032: ; 0x98032 return ; 0x98033 UnknownScript_0x98033: ; 0x98033 clearbit1 $07b1 return ; 0x98037 UnknownScript_0x98037: ; 0x98037 checkbit1 $0767 iftrue UnknownScript_0x98061 applymovement $3, MovementData_0x980c7 moveperson $2, $4, $6 appear $2 pause 5 disappear $3 end ; 0x9804c UnknownScript_0x9804c: ; 0x9804c checkbit1 $0766 iftrue UnknownScript_0x98061 applymovement $2, MovementData_0x980cc moveperson $3, $5, $6 appear $3 pause 5 disappear $2 end ; 0x98061 UnknownScript_0x98061: ; 0x98061 end ; 0x98062 UnknownScript_0x98062: ; 0x98062 faceplayer loadfont checkbit1 $0021 iftrue UnknownScript_0x9807c checkbit2 $001e iftrue UnknownScript_0x98076 2writetext UnknownText_0x980d1 closetext loadmovesprites end ; 0x98076 UnknownScript_0x98076: ; 0x98076 2writetext UnknownText_0x98131 closetext loadmovesprites end ; 0x9807c UnknownScript_0x9807c: ; 0x9807c checkbit1 $0334 iftrue UnknownScript_0x980a4 checkbit1 $0000 iftrue UnknownScript_0x980aa checkitem CLEAR_BELL iftrue UnknownScript_0x98093 2writetext UnknownText_0x981a4 closetext loadmovesprites end ; 0x98093 UnknownScript_0x98093: ; 0x98093 2writetext UnknownText_0x98250 closetext loadmovesprites dotrigger $1 setbit1 $0767 clearbit1 $0766 setbit1 $0000 end ; 0x980a4 UnknownScript_0x980a4: ; 0x980a4 2writetext UnknownText_0x9837e closetext loadmovesprites end ; 0x980aa UnknownScript_0x980aa: ; 0x980aa 2writetext UnknownText_0x98391 closetext loadmovesprites end ; 0x980b0 UnknownScript_0x980b0: ; 0x980b0 faceplayer loadfont checkbit1 $0078 iftrue UnknownScript_0x980be 2writetext UnknownText_0x9840b closetext loadmovesprites end ; 0x980be UnknownScript_0x980be: ; 0x980be 2writetext UnknownText_0x9846f closetext loadmovesprites end ; 0x980c4 UnknownScript_0x980c4: ; 0x980c4 jumptextfaceplayer UnknownText_0x984ab ; 0x980c7 MovementData_0x980c7: ; 0x980c7 fix_facing big_step_left remove_fixed_facing turn_head_down step_end ; 0x980cc MovementData_0x980cc: ; 0x980cc fix_facing big_step_right remove_fixed_facing turn_head_down step_end ; 0x980d1 UnknownText_0x980d1: ; 0x980d1 db $0, "TIN TOWER is off", $4f db "limits to anyone", $51 db "without ECRUTEAK", $4f db "GYM's BADGE.", $51 db "Sorry, but you'll", $4f db "have to leave.", $57 ; 0x98131 UnknownText_0x98131: ; 0x98131 db $0, "TIN TOWER is off", $4f db "limits to anyone", $51 db "without ECRUTEAK", $4f db "GYM's BADGE.", $51 db "Ah!", $51 db "ECRUTEAK's GYM", $4f db "BADGE! Please, go", $55 db "right through.", $57 ; 0x981a4 UnknownText_0x981a4: ; 0x981a4 db $0, "A momentous event", $4f db "has occurred.", $51 db "I beg your pardon,", $4f db "but I must ask you", $55 db "to leave.", $51 db "…What soothes the", $4f db "soul…", $51 db "The WISE TRIO say", $4f db "things that are so", $51 db "very difficult to", $4f db "understand…", $57 ; 0x98250 UnknownText_0x98250: ; 0x98250 db $0, "A momentous event", $4f db "has occurred.", $51 db "I beg your pardon,", $4f db "but I must ask you", $55 db "to leave.", $51 db $56, $56, $56, $51 db "Ah!", $51 db "The sound of that", $4f db "CLEAR BELL!", $51 db "It… It's sublime!", $51 db "I've never heard", $4f db "so beautiful a", $55 db "sound before!", $51 db "That bell's chime", $4f db "is indicative of", $55 db "the bearer's soul.", $51 db "You…", $51 db "You may be able to", $4f db "make it through", $55 db "TIN TOWER.", $51 db "Please, do go on.", $57 ; 0x9837e UnknownText_0x9837e: ; 0x9837e db $0, "Please, do go on.", $57 ; 0x98391 UnknownText_0x98391: ; 0x98391 db $0, "That bell's chime", $4f db "is indicative of", $55 db "the bearer's soul.", $51 db "You…", $51 db "You may be able to", $4f db "make it through", $55 db "TIN TOWER.", $51 db "Please, do go on.", $57 ; 0x9840b UnknownText_0x9840b: ; 0x9840b db $0, "The TIN TOWER", $4f db "ahead is a nine-", $51 db "tier tower of", $4f db "divine beauty.", $51 db "It soothes the", $4f db "soul of all who", $55 db "see it.", $57 ; 0x9846f UnknownText_0x9846f: ; 0x9846f db $0, "The TIN TOWER", $4f db "shook! A #MON", $51 db "must have returned", $4f db "to the top!", $57 ; 0x984ab UnknownText_0x984ab: ; 0x984ab db $0, "Two towers…", $4f db "Two #MON…", $51 db "But when one", $4f db "burned down, both", $51 db "#MON flew away,", $4f db "never to return.", $57 ; 0x98502 EcruteakHouse_MapEventHeader: ; 0x98502 ; filler db 0, 0 ; warps db 5 warp_def $11, $4, 3, GROUP_ECRUTEAK_CITY, MAP_ECRUTEAK_CITY warp_def $11, $5, 3, GROUP_ECRUTEAK_CITY, MAP_ECRUTEAK_CITY warp_def $3, $5, 4, GROUP_ECRUTEAK_HOUSE, MAP_ECRUTEAK_HOUSE warp_def $f, $11, 3, GROUP_ECRUTEAK_HOUSE, MAP_ECRUTEAK_HOUSE warp_def $3, $11, 3, GROUP_WISE_TRIOS_ROOM, MAP_WISE_TRIOS_ROOM ; xy triggers db 2 xy_trigger 0, $7, $4, $0, UnknownScript_0x98037, $0, $0 xy_trigger 0, $7, $5, $0, UnknownScript_0x9804c, $0, $0 ; signposts db 0 ; people-events db 4 person_event $3e, 10, 8, $6, $0, 255, 255, $0, 0, UnknownScript_0x98062, $0766 person_event $3e, 10, 9, $6, $0, 255, 255, $0, 0, UnknownScript_0x98062, $0767 person_event $3e, 13, 10, $2, $11, 255, 255, $0, 0, UnknownScript_0x980b0, $07b1 person_event $2f, 15, 7, $2, $11, 255, 255, $0, 0, UnknownScript_0x980c4, $07b1 ; 0x98565