ref: 0aadbec02a3a26fbad302cc56b841f3bd987370c
dir: /maps/VioletPokecenter1F.asm/
object_const_def const VIOLETPOKECENTER1F_NURSE const VIOLETPOKECENTER1F_GAMEBOY_KID const VIOLETPOKECENTER1F_GENTLEMAN const VIOLETPOKECENTER1F_YOUNGSTER const VIOLETPOKECENTER1F_ELMS_AIDE VioletPokecenter1F_MapScripts: def_scene_scripts def_callbacks VioletPokecenterNurse: jumpstd PokecenterNurseScript VioletPokecenter1F_ElmsAideScript: faceplayer opentext checkevent EVENT_REFUSED_TO_TAKE_EGG_FROM_ELMS_AIDE iftrue .SecondTimeAsking writetext VioletPokecenterElmsAideFavorText .AskTakeEgg: yesorno iffalse .RefusedEgg readvar VAR_PARTYCOUNT ifequal PARTY_LENGTH, .PartyFull giveegg TOGEPI, EGG_LEVEL getstring STRING_BUFFER_4, .eggname scall .AideGivesEgg setevent EVENT_GOT_TOGEPI_EGG_FROM_ELMS_AIDE clearevent EVENT_ELMS_AIDE_IN_LAB clearevent EVENT_TOGEPI_HATCHED setmapscene ROUTE_32, SCENE_ROUTE32_OFFER_SLOWPOKETAIL writetext VioletPokecenterElmsAideGiveEggText waitbutton closetext readvar VAR_FACING ifequal UP, .AideWalksAroundPlayer turnobject PLAYER, DOWN applymovement VIOLETPOKECENTER1F_ELMS_AIDE, MovementData_AideWalksStraightOutOfPokecenter playsound SFX_EXIT_BUILDING disappear VIOLETPOKECENTER1F_ELMS_AIDE waitsfx end .AideWalksAroundPlayer: applymovement VIOLETPOKECENTER1F_ELMS_AIDE, MovementData_AideWalksLeftToExitPokecenter turnobject PLAYER, DOWN applymovement VIOLETPOKECENTER1F_ELMS_AIDE, MovementData_AideFinishesLeavingPokecenter playsound SFX_EXIT_BUILDING disappear VIOLETPOKECENTER1F_ELMS_AIDE waitsfx end .eggname db "EGG@" .AideGivesEgg: jumpstd ReceiveTogepiEggScript end .PartyFull: writetext VioletCityElmsAideFullPartyText waitbutton closetext end .RefusedEgg: writetext VioletPokecenterElmsAideRefuseText waitbutton closetext setevent EVENT_REFUSED_TO_TAKE_EGG_FROM_ELMS_AIDE end .SecondTimeAsking: writetext VioletPokecenterElmsAideAskEggText sjump .AskTakeEgg VioletPokecenter1FGameboyKidScript: jumptextfaceplayer VioletPokecenter1FGameboyKidText VioletPokecenter1FGentlemanScript: jumptextfaceplayer VioletPokecenter1FGentlemanText VioletPokecenter1FYoungsterScript: jumptextfaceplayer VioletPokecenter1FYoungsterText MovementData_AideWalksStraightOutOfPokecenter: step DOWN step DOWN step DOWN step DOWN step_end MovementData_AideWalksLeftToExitPokecenter: step LEFT step DOWN step_end MovementData_AideFinishesLeavingPokecenter: step DOWN step DOWN step DOWN step_end VioletPokecenterElmsAideFavorText: text "<PLAY_G>, long" line "time, no see." para "PROF.ELM asked me" line "to find you." para "He has another" line "favor to ask." para "Would you take the" line "#MON EGG?" done VioletPokecenterElmsAideGiveEggText: text "We discovered that" line "a #MON will not" para "hatch until it" line "grows in the EGG." para "It also has to be" line "with other active" cont "#MON to hatch." para "<PLAY_G>, you're" line "the only person" cont "we can rely on." para "Please call PROF." line "ELM when that EGG" cont "hatches!" done VioletCityElmsAideFullPartyText: text "Oh, no. You can't" line "carry any more" cont "#MON with you." para "I'll wait here" line "while you make" cont "room for the EGG." done VioletPokecenterElmsAideRefuseText: text "B-but… PROF.ELM" line "asked for you…" done VioletPokecenterElmsAideAskEggText: text "<PLAY_G>, will you" line "take the EGG?" done VioletPokecenterFarawayLinkText: ; unreferenced text "I've been thinking" line "it'd be great to" para "be able to link up" line "and battle with my" para "friends who live" line "far away." done VioletPokecenterMobileAdapterText: ; unreferenced text "I just battled a" line "friend in CIANWOOD" cont "over a link." para "If you connect a" line "MOBILE ADAPTER," para "you can link with" line "a friend far away." done VioletPokecenter1FGameboyKidText: text "A guy named BILL" line "made the #MON" cont "PC storage system." done VioletPokecenter1FGentlemanText: text "It was around" line "three years ago." para "TEAM ROCKET was up" line "to no good with" cont "#MON." para "But justice pre-" line "vailed--a young" cont "kid broke 'em up." done VioletPokecenter1FYoungsterText: text "#MON are smart." line "They won't obey a" para "trainer they don't" line "respect." para "Without the right" line "GYM BADGES, they" para "will just do as" line "they please." done VioletPokecenter1F_MapEvents: db 0, 0 ; filler def_warp_events warp_event 3, 7, VIOLET_CITY, 5 warp_event 4, 7, VIOLET_CITY, 5 warp_event 0, 7, POKECENTER_2F, 1 def_coord_events def_bg_events def_object_events object_event 3, 1, SPRITE_NURSE, SPRITEMOVEDATA_STANDING_DOWN, 0, 0, -1, -1, 0, OBJECTTYPE_SCRIPT, 0, VioletPokecenterNurse, -1 object_event 7, 6, SPRITE_GAMEBOY_KID, SPRITEMOVEDATA_STANDING_DOWN, 0, 0, -1, -1, PAL_NPC_GREEN, OBJECTTYPE_SCRIPT, 0, VioletPokecenter1FGameboyKidScript, -1 object_event 1, 4, SPRITE_GENTLEMAN, SPRITEMOVEDATA_SPINRANDOM_SLOW, 0, 0, -1, -1, 0, OBJECTTYPE_SCRIPT, 0, VioletPokecenter1FGentlemanScript, -1 object_event 8, 1, SPRITE_YOUNGSTER, SPRITEMOVEDATA_STANDING_DOWN, 0, 0, -1, -1, PAL_NPC_RED, OBJECTTYPE_SCRIPT, 0, VioletPokecenter1FYoungsterScript, -1 object_event 4, 3, SPRITE_SCIENTIST, SPRITEMOVEDATA_STANDING_DOWN, 0, 0, -1, -1, PAL_NPC_BLUE, OBJECTTYPE_SCRIPT, 0, VioletPokecenter1F_ElmsAideScript, EVENT_ELMS_AIDE_IN_VIOLET_POKEMON_CENTER