ref: 087e2556f2a5ab0c3d046d5b9667ae3743d48aca
dir: /vblank.asm/
; VBlank is the interrupt responsible for updating VRAM. ; In Pokemon Crystal, VBlank has been hijacked to act as the ; main loop. After time-sensitive graphics operations have been ; performed, joypad input and sound functions are executed. ; This prevents the display and audio output from lagging. push af push bc push de push hl ; get vblank type ld a, [$ff9e] and $7 ; get fn pointer ld e, a ld d, $0 ld hl, .VBlanks add hl, de add hl, de ld a, [hli] ld h, [hl] ld l, a ; down to business call JpHl ; since this is called once per frame call GameTimer pop hl pop de pop bc pop af reti ; 2a1 .VBlanks ; 2a1 dw VBlank0 ; 0 dw VBlank1 ; 1 dw VBlank2 ; 2 dw VBlank3 ; 3 dw VBlank4 ; 4 dw VBlank5 ; 5 dw VBlank6 ; 6 dw VBlank0 ; 7 ; 2b1 VBlank0: ; 2b1 ; normal operation ; rng ; scx, scy, wy, wx ; bg map buffer ; palettes ; dma transfer ; bg map ; tiles ; oam ; joypad ; sound ; inc frame counter ld hl, $ff9b inc [hl] ; advance rng ld a, [$ff04] ; divider ld b, a ld a, [$ffe1] adc b ld [$ffe1], a ld a, [$ff04] ; divider ld b, a ld a, [$ffe2] sbc b ld [$ffe2], a ; save bank ld a, [$ff9d] ; current bank ld [$ff8a], a ; scroll x ld a, [$ffcf] ld [$ff43], a ; scx ; scroll y ld a, [$ffd0] ld [$ff42], a ; scy ; window y ld a, [$ffd2] ld [$ff4a], a ; wy ; window x + 7 ld a, [$ffd1] ld [$ff4b], a ; wx ; some time management is in order ; only have time for one of these during vblank ; bg map buffer has priority call UpdateBGMapBuffer jr c, .doneframeaction ; then pals call UpdatePalsIfCGB jr c, .doneframeaction ; dma transfer call DMATransfer jr c, .doneframeaction ; bg map call UpdateBGMap ; these have their own timing checks call SafeLoadTiles call SafeLoadTiles2 call SafeTileAnimation .doneframeaction ; oam update off? ld a, [$ffd8] and a jr nz, .vblankoccurred ; update oam by dma transfer call $ff80 ; 403f: ; ld a, $c4 ; ld [$ff46], a ; oam dma ; ld a, $28 ; .loop ; dec a ; jr nz, .loop ; ret ; vblank-sensitive operations are done .vblankoccurred ; tell other fns vblank happened xor a ld [VBlankOccurred], a ; dec $cfb1 until 0 ld a, [$cfb1] and a jr z, .textdelay dec a ld [$cfb1], a .textdelay ; dec text delay counter until 0 ld a, [TextDelayFrames] and a jr z, .joypad dec a ld [TextDelayFrames], a .joypad call Joypad ; update sound ld a, BANK(UpdateSound) rst Bankswitch ; bankswitch call UpdateSound ld a, [$ff8a] rst Bankswitch ; restore bank ; ld a, [$ff98] ld [$ffe3], a ret ; 325 VBlank2: ; 325 ; sound only ; save bank ld a, [$ff9d] ld [$ff8a], a ; update sound ld a, BANK(UpdateSound) rst Bankswitch ; bankswitch call UpdateSound ; restore bank ld a, [$ff8a] rst Bankswitch ; tell other fns vblank happened xor a ld [VBlankOccurred], a ret ; 337 VBlank1: ; 337 ; scx, scy ; palettes ; bg map ; tiles ; oam ; sound / lcd stat ; save bank ld a, [$ff9d] ld [$ff8a], a ; scroll x ld a, [$ffcf] ld [$ff43], a ; scx ; scroll y ld a, [$ffd0] ld [$ff42], a ; scy ; time-sensitive fns call UpdatePals jr c, .vblankoccurred ; these have their own timing checks call UpdateBGMap call LoadTiles ; update oam by dma transfer call $ff80 ; 403f: ; ld a, $c4 ; ld [$ff46], a ; oam dma ; ld a, $28 ; .loop ; dec a ; jr nz, .loop ; ret .vblankoccurred ; tell other fns vblank happened xor a ld [VBlankOccurred], a ; get requested ints ld a, [$ff0f] ; IF ld b, a ; discard requested ints xor a ld [$ff0f], a ; IF ; enable lcd stat ld a, %10 ; lcd stat ld [$ffff], a ; IE ; rerequest serial int if applicable (still disabled) ; request lcd stat ld a, b and %1000 ; serial or %10 ; lcd stat ld [$ff0f], a ; IF ei ; update sound ld a, BANK(UpdateSound) rst Bankswitch ; bankswitch call UpdateSound ; restore bank ld a, [$ff8a] rst Bankswitch di ; get requested ints ld a, [$ff0f] ; IF ld b, a ; discard requested ints xor a ld [$ff0f], a ; IF ; enable ints besides joypad ld a, %1111 ; serial timer lcdstat vblank ld [$ffff], a ; IE ; rerequest ints ld a, b ld [$ff0f], a ; IF ret ; 37f UpdatePals: ; 37f ; update pals for either dmg or cgb ; check cgb ld a, [$ffe6] and a jp nz, UpdateCGBPals ; update gb pals ld a, [$cfc7] ld [$ff47], a ; BGP ld a, [$cfc8] ld [$ff48], a ; OBP0 ld a, [$cfc9] ld [$ff49], a ; 0BP1 and a ret ; 396 VBlank3: ; 396 ; scx, scy ; palettes ; bg map ; tiles ; oam ; sound / lcd stat ; save bank ld a, [$ff9d] ld [$ff8a], a ; scroll x ld a, [$ffcf] ld [$ff43], a ; scx ; scroll y ld a, [$ffd0] ld [$ff42], a ; scy ; any pals to update? ld a, [$ffe5] and a call nz, ForceUpdateCGBPals jr c, .vblankoccurred ; else call UpdateBGMap call LoadTiles ; update oam by dma transfer call $ff80 ; 403f: ; ld a, $c4 ; Sprites / $100 ; ld [$ff46], a ; oam dma ; ld a, $28 ; .loop ; dec a ; jr nz, .loop ; ret .vblankoccurred ; tell other fns vblank happened xor a ld [VBlankOccurred], a ; save int flag ld a, [$ff0f] ; IF push af ; reset ints xor a ld [$ff0f], a ; IF ; force lcdstat int during sound update ld a, %10 ; lcd stat ld [$ffff], a ; IE ld [$ff0f], a ; IF ei ; update sound ld a, BANK(UpdateSound) rst Bankswitch ; bankswitch call UpdateSound ; restore bank ld a, [$ff8a] rst Bankswitch di ; request lcdstat ld a, [$ff0f] ; IF ld b, a ; and any other ints pop af or b ld b, a ; reset ints xor a ld [$ff0f], a ; IF ; enable ints besides joypad ld a, %1111 ; serial timer lcdstat vblank ld [$ffff], a ; IE ; request ints ld a, b ld [$ff0f], a ; IF ret ; 3df VBlank4: ; 3df ; bg map ; tiles ; oam ; joypad ; serial ; sound ; save bank ld a, [$ff9d] ld [$ff8a], a call UpdateBGMap call SafeLoadTiles ; update oam by dma transfer call $ff80 ; 403f: ; ld a, $c4 ; ld [$ff46], a ; oam dma ; ld a, $28 ; .loop ; dec a ; jr nz, .loop ; ret ; update joypad call Joypad ; tell other fns vblank happened xor a ld [VBlankOccurred], a ; handshake call AskSerial ; update sound ld a, BANK(UpdateSound) rst Bankswitch ; bankswitch call UpdateSound ; restore bank ld a, [$ff8a] rst Bankswitch ret ; 400 VBlank5: ; 400 ; scx ; palettes ; bg map ; tiles ; joypad ; ; save bank ld a, [$ff9d] ld [$ff8a], a ; scroll x ld a, [$ffcf] ld [$ff43], a ; scx ; if we can update pals, skip this part call UpdatePalsIfCGB jr c, .vblankoccurred call UpdateBGMap call SafeLoadTiles .vblankoccurred ; tell other fns vblank happened xor a ld [VBlankOccurred], a ; joypad call Joypad ; discard requested ints xor a ld [$ff0f], a ; IF ; enable lcd stat ld a, %10 ; lcd stat ld [$ffff], a ; IE ; request lcd stat ld [$ff0f], a ; IF ei ; update sound ld a, BANK(UpdateSound) rst Bankswitch ; bankswitch call UpdateSound ; restore bank ld a, [$ff8a] rst Bankswitch di ; discard requested ints xor a ld [$ff0f], a ; IF ; enable ints besides joypad ld a, %1111 ; serial timer lcdstat vblank ld [$ffff], a ; IE ret ; 436 VBlank6: ; 436 ; palettes ; tiles ; dma transfer ; sound ; save bank ld a, [$ff9d] ld [$ff8a], a ; inc frame counter ld hl, $ff9b inc [hl] call UpdateCGBPals jr c, .vblankoccurred call SafeLoadTiles call SafeLoadTiles2 call DMATransfer .vblankoccurred ; tell other fns vblank happened xor a ld [VBlankOccurred], a ; update sound ld a, BANK(UpdateSound) rst Bankswitch ; bankswitch call UpdateSound ; restore bank ld a, [$ff8a] rst Bankswitch ret ; 45a