shithub: pokecrystal

ref: 0844e3ee5948376c948a5a536bbf65fa92bb2af8
dir: /gbhw.asm/

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; Graciously aped from .

rJOYP       EQU $ff00 ; Joypad (R/W)
rSB         EQU $ff01 ; Serial transfer data (R/W)
rSC         EQU $ff02 ; Serial Transfer Control (R/W)
rDIV        EQU $ff04 ; Divider Register (R/W)
rTIMA       EQU $ff05 ; Timer counter (R/W)
rTMA        EQU $ff06 ; Timer Modulo (R/W)
rTAC        EQU $ff07 ; Timer Control (R/W)
rIF         EQU $ff0f ; Interrupt Flag (R/W)
rNR10       EQU $ff10 ; Channel 1 Sweep register (R/W)
rNR11       EQU $ff11 ; Channel 1 Sound length/Wave pattern duty (R/W)
rNR12       EQU $ff12 ; Channel 1 Volume Envelope (R/W)
rNR13       EQU $ff13 ; Channel 1 Frequency lo (Write Only)
rNR14       EQU $ff14 ; Channel 1 Frequency hi (R/W)
rNR21       EQU $ff16 ; Channel 2 Sound Length/Wave Pattern Duty (R/W)
rNR22       EQU $ff17 ; Channel 2 Volume Envelope (R/W)
rNR23       EQU $ff18 ; Channel 2 Frequency lo data (W)
rNR24       EQU $ff19 ; Channel 2 Frequency hi data (R/W)
rNR30       EQU $ff1a ; Channel 3 Sound on/off (R/W)
rNR31       EQU $ff1b ; Channel 3 Sound Length
rNR32       EQU $ff1c ; Channel 3 Select output level (R/W)
rNR33       EQU $ff1d ; Channel 3 Frequency's lower data (W)
rNR34       EQU $ff1e ; Channel 3 Frequency's higher data (R/W)
rNR41       EQU $ff20 ; Channel 4 Sound Length (R/W)
rNR42       EQU $ff21 ; Channel 4 Volume Envelope (R/W)
rNR43       EQU $ff22 ; Channel 4 Polynomial Counter (R/W)
rNR44       EQU $ff23 ; Channel 4 Counter/consecutive; Inital (R/W)
rNR50       EQU $ff24 ; Channel control / ON-OFF / Volume (R/W)
rNR51       EQU $ff25 ; Selection of Sound output terminal (R/W)
rNR52       EQU $ff26 ; Sound on/off
rLCDC       EQU $ff40 ; LCD Control (R/W)
rSTAT       EQU $ff41 ; LCDC Status (R/W)
rSCY        EQU $ff42 ; Scroll Y (R/W)
rSCX        EQU $ff43 ; Scroll X (R/W)
rLY         EQU $ff44 ; LCDC Y-Coordinate (R)
rLYC        EQU $ff45 ; LY Compare (R/W)
rDMA        EQU $ff46 ; DMA Transfer and Start Address (W)
rBGP        EQU $ff47 ; BG Palette Data (R/W) - Non CGB Mode Only
rOBP0       EQU $ff48 ; Object Palette 0 Data (R/W) - Non CGB Mode Only
rOBP1       EQU $ff49 ; Object Palette 1 Data (R/W) - Non CGB Mode Only
rWY         EQU $ff4a ; Window Y Position (R/W)
rWX         EQU $ff4b ; Window X Position minus 7 (R/W)
rKEY1       EQU $ff4d ; CGB Mode Only - Prepare Speed Switch
rVBK        EQU $ff4f ; CGB Mode Only - VRAM Bank
rHDMA1      EQU $ff51 ; CGB Mode Only - New DMA Source, High
rHDMA2      EQU $ff52 ; CGB Mode Only - New DMA Source, Low
rHDMA3      EQU $ff53 ; CGB Mode Only - New DMA Destination, High
rHDMA4      EQU $ff54 ; CGB Mode Only - New DMA Destination, Low
rHDMA5      EQU $ff55 ; CGB Mode Only - New DMA Length/Mode/Start
rRP         EQU $ff56 ; CGB Mode Only - Infrared Communications Port
rBGPI       EQU $ff68 ; CGB Mode Only - Background Palette Index
rBGPD       EQU $ff69 ; CGB Mode Only - Background Palette Data
rOBPI       EQU $ff6a ; CGB Mode Only - Sprite Palette Index
rOBPD       EQU $ff6b ; CGB Mode Only - Sprite Palette Data
rUNKNOWN1   EQU $ff6c ; (FEh) Bit 0 (Read/Write) - CGB Mode Only
rSVBK       EQU $ff70 ; CGB Mode Only - WRAM Bank
rUNKNOWN2   EQU $ff72 ; (00h) - Bit 0-7 (Read/Write)
rUNKNOWN3   EQU $ff73 ; (00h) - Bit 0-7 (Read/Write)
rUNKNOWN4   EQU $ff74 ; (00h) - Bit 0-7 (Read/Write) - CGB Mode Only
rUNKNOWN5   EQU $ff75 ; (8Fh) - Bit 4-6 (Read/Write)
rUNKNOWN6   EQU $ff76 ; (00h) - Always 00h (Read Only)
rUNKNOWN7   EQU $ff77 ; (00h) - Always 00h (Read Only)
rIE         EQU $ffff ; Interrupt Enable (R/W)