ref: e99a1b1349d216434b389dc733945a5eacfb6b63
dir: /reg.c/
/* registers and environments */ #include <ctype.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <time.h> #include <unistd.h> #include "roff.h" #define NENVS 64 /* number of environment registers */ struct env { int eregs[NENVS]; /* environment-specific number registers */ int tabs[NTABS]; /* tab stops */ char tabs_type[NTABS]; /* type of tabs: L, C, R */ struct fmt *fmt; /* per environment line formatting buffer */ struct wb wb; /* per environment partial word */ char tc[GNLEN]; /* tab character (.tc) */ char lc[GNLEN]; /* leader character (.lc) */ char hc[GNLEN]; /* hyphenation character (.hc) */ char mc[GNLEN]; /* margin character (.mc) */ }; static int nregs[NREGS]; /* global number registers */ static int nregs_inc[NREGS]; /* number register auto-increment size */ static int nregs_fmt[NREGS]; /* number register format */ static char *sregs[NREGS]; /* global string registers */ static void *sregs_dat[NREGS]; /* builtin function data */ static struct env *envs[NREGS];/* environments */ static struct env *env; /* current enviroment */ static int env_id; /* current environment id */ static int eregs_idx[NREGS]; /* register environment index in eregs[] */ static char *eregs[] = { /* environment-specific number registers */ "ln", ".f", ".i", ".j", ".l", ".L", ".nI", ".nm", ".nM", ".nn", ".nS", ".m", ".s", ".u", ".v", ".it", ".itn", ".mc", ".mcn", ".ce", ".f0", ".i0", ".l0", ".hy", ".hycost", ".hycost2", ".hycost3", ".hlm", ".L0", ".m0", ".n0", ".s0", ".ss", ".ssh", ".sss", ".pmll", ".pmllcost", ".ti", ".lt", ".lt0", ".v0", ".I", ".I0", ".tI", ".td", ".cd", }; /* return the address of a number register */ int *nreg(int id) { if (eregs_idx[id]) return &env->eregs[eregs_idx[id]]; return &nregs[id]; } static char *directory(char *path) { static char dst[PATHLEN]; char *s = strrchr(path, '/'); if (!s) return "."; if (path == s) return "/"; memcpy(dst, path, s - path); dst[s - path] = '\0'; return dst; } static char *num_tabs(void) { static char tabs[16 * NTABS]; int i; char *s = tabs; for (i = 0; i < NTABS && env->tabs_type[i]; i++) s += sprintf(s, "%du%c ", env->tabs[i], env->tabs_type[i]); return tabs; } static int num_fmt(char *s, int n, int fmt); /* the contents of a number register (returns a static buffer) */ char *num_str(int id) { static char numbuf[128]; char *s = map_name(id); if (!nregs_fmt[id]) nregs_fmt[id] = '0'; numbuf[0] = '\0'; if (s[0] == '.' && !s[2]) { switch (s[1]) { case 'b': sprintf(numbuf, "%d", font_getbd(dev_font(n_f))); return numbuf; case 'c': sprintf(numbuf, "%d", in_lnum()); return numbuf; case 'k': sprintf(numbuf, "%d", f_hpos()); return numbuf; case 'm': sprintf(numbuf, "#%02x%02x%02x", CLR_R(n_m), CLR_G(n_m), CLR_B(n_m)); return numbuf; case 't': sprintf(numbuf, "%d", f_nexttrap()); return numbuf; case 'z': if (f_divreg() >= 0) sprintf(numbuf, "%s", map_name(f_divreg())); return numbuf; case 'F': sprintf(numbuf, "%s", in_filename()); return numbuf; case 'D': sprintf(numbuf, "%s", directory(in_filename())); return numbuf; case '$': sprintf(numbuf, "%d", in_nargs() - 1); return numbuf; } } if (s[0] == '.' && !strcmp(".neat", s)) return "1"; if (s[0] == '.' && s[1] == 'e' && s[2] == 'v' && !s[3]) return map_name(env_id); if (s[0] == '$' && s[1] == '$' && !s[2]) { sprintf(numbuf, "%d", getpid()); return numbuf; } if (s[0] == 'y' && s[1] == 'r' && !s[2]) { sprintf(numbuf, "%02d", *nreg(id)); return numbuf; } if (s[0] == '.' && !strcmp(".tabs", s)) return num_tabs(); if (!nregs_fmt[id] || num_fmt(numbuf, *nreg(id), nregs_fmt[id])) sprintf(numbuf, "%d", *nreg(id)); return numbuf; } void num_set(int id, int val) { if (!nregs_fmt[id]) nregs_fmt[id] = '0'; *nreg(id) = val; } void num_setinc(int id, int val) { nregs_inc[id] = val; } void num_inc(int id, int pos) { *nreg(id) += pos > 0 ? nregs_inc[id] : -nregs_inc[id]; } void num_del(int id) { *nreg(id) = 0; nregs_inc[id] = 0; nregs_fmt[id] = 0; } void str_set(int id, char *s) { int len = strlen(s) + 1; if (sregs[id]) free(sregs[id]); sregs[id] = xmalloc(len); memcpy(sregs[id], s, len); sregs_dat[id] = NULL; } char *str_get(int id) { return sregs[id]; } void *str_dget(int id) { return sregs_dat[id]; } void str_dset(int id, void *d) { sregs_dat[id] = d; } void str_rm(int id) { if (sregs[id]) free(sregs[id]); sregs[id] = NULL; sregs_dat[id] = NULL; } void str_rn(int src, int dst) { if (!sregs[src] && !sregs_dat[src]) return; str_rm(dst); sregs[dst] = sregs[src]; sregs_dat[dst] = sregs_dat[src]; sregs[src] = NULL; sregs_dat[src] = NULL; } static struct env *env_alloc(void) { struct env *env = xmalloc(sizeof(*env)); memset(env, 0, sizeof(*env)); wb_init(&env->wb); env->fmt = fmt_alloc(); return env; } static void env_free(struct env *env) { fmt_free(env->fmt); wb_done(&env->wb); free(env); } static void env_set(int id) { int i; env = envs[id]; env_id = id; if (!env) { envs[id] = env_alloc(); env = envs[id]; n_f = 1; n_i = 0; n_I = 0; n_j = AD_B; n_l = SC_IN * 65 / 10; n_L = 1; n_s = 10; n_u = 1; n_v = 12 * SC_PT; n_s0 = n_s; n_f0 = n_f; n_na = 0; n_lt = SC_IN * 65 / 10; n_hy = 1; n_ss = 12; n_sss = 12; n_nM = 1; n_nS = 1; strcpy(env->hc, "\\%"); strcpy(env->lc, "."); for (i = 0; i < NTABS; i++) { env->tabs[i] = i * SC_IN / 2; env->tabs_type[i] = 'L'; } } } static void init_time(void) { time_t t = time(NULL); struct tm *tm = localtime(&t); num_set(map("dw"), tm->tm_wday + 1); num_set(map("dy"), tm->tm_mday); num_set(map("mo"), tm->tm_mon + 1); num_set(map("yr"), tm->tm_year % 100); } static void init_globals(void) { n_o = SC_IN; n_p = SC_IN * 11; n_lg = 1; n_kn = 1; num_set(map(".H"), 1); num_set(map(".V"), 1); } void env_init(void) { int i; init_time(); init_globals(); for (i = 0; i < LEN(eregs); i++) eregs_idx[map(eregs[i])] = i + 1; env_set(map("0")); } void env_done(void) { int i; for (i = 0; i < LEN(envs); i++) if (envs[i]) env_free(envs[i]); for (i = 0; i < LEN(sregs); i++) free(sregs[i]); } static int oenv[NPREV]; /* environment stack */ static int nenv; void tr_ev(char **args) { int id = -1; if (args[1]) id = map(args[1]); else id = nenv ? oenv[--nenv] : -1; if (id < 0) return; if (args[1] && env && nenv < NPREV) oenv[nenv++] = env_id; env_set(id); } struct fmt *env_fmt(void) { return env->fmt; } struct wb *env_wb(void) { return &env->wb; } char *env_hc(void) { return env->hc; } char *env_mc(void) { return env->mc; } char *env_tc(void) { return env->tc; } char *env_lc(void) { return env->lc; } /* saving and restoring registers around diverted lines */ struct odiv { int f, s, m, f0, s0, m0, cd; }; static struct odiv odivs[NPREV]; /* state before diverted text */ static int nodivs; /* begin outputting diverted line */ void odiv_beg(void) { struct odiv *o = &odivs[nodivs++]; o->f = n_f; o->s = n_s; o->m = n_m; o->f0 = n_f0; o->s0 = n_s0; o->m0 = n_m0; o->cd = n_cd; } /* end outputting diverted line */ void odiv_end(void) { struct odiv *o = &odivs[--nodivs]; n_f = o->f; n_s = o->s; n_m = o->m; n_f0 = o->f0; n_s0 = o->s0; n_m0 = o->m0; n_cd = o->cd; } void tr_ta(char **args) { int i; int c; for (i = 0; i < NTABS; i++) { if (i + 1 < NARGS && args[i + 1]) { char *a = args[i + 1]; env->tabs[i] = eval_re(a, i > 0 ? env->tabs[i - 1] : 0, 'm'); c = a[0] ? (unsigned char) strchr(a, '\0')[-1] : 0; env->tabs_type[i] = strchr("LRC", c) ? c : 'L'; } else { env->tabs[i] = 0; env->tabs_type[i] = 0; } } } static int tab_idx(int pos) { int i; for (i = 0; i < LEN(env->tabs); i++) if (env->tabs[i] > pos) return i; return -1; } int tab_next(int pos) { int i = tab_idx(pos); return i >= 0 ? env->tabs[i] : pos; } int tab_type(int pos) { int i = tab_idx(pos); return i >= 0 && env->tabs_type[i] ? env->tabs_type[i] : 'L'; } /* number register format (.af) */ #define NF_LSH 8 /* number format length shifts */ #define NF_FMT 0x00ff /* number format mask */ /* the format of a number register (returns a static buffer) */ char *num_getfmt(int id) { static char fmtbuf[128]; char *s = fmtbuf; int fmt = nregs_fmt[id] & NF_FMT; int i; if (fmt == '0' || fmt == 'x' || fmt == 'X') { i = nregs_fmt[id] >> NF_LSH; while (i-- > 1) *s++ = '0'; *s++ = fmt; } else if (nregs_fmt[id]) { *s++ = fmt; } *s = '\0'; return fmtbuf; } void num_setfmt(int id, char *s) { int i = 0; if (strchr("iIaA", s[0])) { nregs_fmt[id] = s[0]; } else { while (isdigit((unsigned char) s[i])) i++; if (s[i] == 'x' || s[i] == 'X') nregs_fmt[id] = s[i] | ((i + 1) << NF_LSH); else nregs_fmt[id] = '0' | (i << NF_LSH); } } static void nf_reverse(char *s) { char r[128]; int i, l; strcpy(r, s); l = strlen(r); for (i = 0; i < l; i++) s[i] = r[l - i - 1]; } static void nf_roman(char *s, int n, char *I, char *V) { int i; if (!n) return; if (n % 5 == 4) { *s++ = n % 10 == 9 ? I[1] : V[0]; *s++ = I[0]; } else { for (i = 0; i < n % 5; i++) *s++ = I[0]; if (n % 10 >= 5) *s++ = V[0]; } *s = '\0'; nf_roman(s, n / 10, I + 1, V + 1); } static void nf_alpha(char *s, int n, int a) { while (n) { *s++ = a + ((n - 1) % 26); n /= 26; } *s = '\0'; } /* returns nonzero on failure */ static int num_fmt(char *s, int n, int fmt) { int type = fmt & NF_FMT; if (n < 0) { n = -n; *s++ = '-'; } if ((type == 'i' || type == 'I') && n > 0 && n < 40000) { if (type == 'i') nf_roman(s, n, "ixcmz", "vldw"); else nf_roman(s, n, "IXCMZ", "VLDW"); nf_reverse(s); return 0; } if ((type == 'a' || type == 'A') && n > 0) { nf_alpha(s, n, type); nf_reverse(s); return 0; } if (type == '0' || type == 'x' || type == 'X') { char pat[16]; sprintf(pat, "%%0%d%c", fmt >> NF_LSH, type == '0' ? 'd' : type); sprintf(s, pat, n); return 0; } return 1; }