ref: a964826bb75b0776bf34898855aa8193b84c4e7c
dir: /ren.c/
/* rendering lines and managing traps */ #include <ctype.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include "roff.h" #define cadj env_adj() /* line buffer */ #define RENWB(wb) ((wb) == &ren_wb) /* is ren_wb */ /* diversions */ struct div { struct sbuf sbuf; /* diversion output */ int reg; /* diversion register */ int tpos; /* diversion trap position */ int treg; /* diversion trap register */ int dl; /* diversion width */ int prev_d; /* previous \n(.d value */ int prev_h; /* previous \n(.h value */ int prev_mk; /* previous .mk internal register */ int prev_ns; /* previous .ns value */ }; static struct div divs[NPREV]; /* diversion stack */ static struct div *cdiv; /* current diversion */ static int ren_div; /* rendering a diversion */ static int trap_em = -1; /* end macro */ static struct wb ren_wb; /* the main ren.c word buffer */ static int ren_nl; /* just after newline */ static int ren_cnl; /* current char is a newline */ static int ren_unbuf[8]; /* ren_back() buffer */ static int ren_un; static int ren_fillreq; /* \p request */ static int ren_aborted; /* .ab executed */ static int bp_first = 1; /* prior to the first page */ static int bp_next = 1; /* next page number */ static int bp_count; /* number of pages so far */ static int bp_ejected; /* current ejected page */ static int bp_final; /* 1: executing em, 2: the final page, 3: the 2nd final page */ static char c_fa[GNLEN]; /* field delimiter */ static char c_fb[GNLEN]; /* field padding */ static int ren_next(void) { return ren_un > 0 ? ren_unbuf[--ren_un] : tr_next(); } static void ren_back(int c) { ren_unbuf[ren_un++] = c; } void tr_di(char **args) { if (args[1]) { cdiv = cdiv ? cdiv + 1 : divs; memset(cdiv, 0, sizeof(*cdiv)); sbuf_init(&cdiv->sbuf); cdiv->reg = map(args[1]); cdiv->treg = -1; if (args[0][2] == 'a' && str_get(cdiv->reg)) /* .da */ sbuf_append(&cdiv->sbuf, str_get(cdiv->reg)); sbuf_printf(&cdiv->sbuf, "%c%s\n", c_cc, TR_DIVBEG); cdiv->prev_d = n_d; cdiv->prev_h = n_h; cdiv->prev_mk = n_mk; cdiv->prev_ns = n_ns; n_d = 0; n_h = 0; n_mk = 0; n_ns = 0; } else if (cdiv) { sbuf_putnl(&cdiv->sbuf); sbuf_printf(&cdiv->sbuf, "%c%s\n", c_cc, TR_DIVEND); str_set(cdiv->reg, sbuf_buf(&cdiv->sbuf)); sbuf_done(&cdiv->sbuf); n_dl = cdiv->dl; n_dn = n_d; n_d = cdiv->prev_d; n_h = cdiv->prev_h; n_mk = cdiv->prev_mk; n_ns = cdiv->prev_ns; cdiv = cdiv > divs ? cdiv - 1 : NULL; } } int charwid(int fn, int sz, int wid) { if (dev_getcs(fn)) return dev_getcs(n_f) * SC_EM / 36; return DEVWID(sz, wid) + (dev_getbd(fn) ? dev_getbd(fn) - 1 : 0); } int spacewid(int fn, int sz) { return charwid(fn, sz, (dev_font(fn)->spacewid * n_ss + 6) / 12); } int f_divreg(void) { return cdiv ? cdiv->reg : -1; } int f_hpos(void) { return adj_wid(cadj) + wb_wid(&ren_wb); } void tr_divbeg(char **args) { odiv_beg(); ren_div++; } void tr_divend(char **args) { odiv_end(); ren_div--; } static int trap_reg(int pos); static int trap_pos(int pos); static void trap_exec(int reg); static void ren_page(int pg, int force) { if (!force && bp_final >= 2) return; n_nl = 0; n_d = 0; n_h = 0; n_pg = pg; bp_next = n_pg + 1; bp_count++; out("p%d\n", pg); out("V%d\n", 0); if (trap_pos(-1) == 0) trap_exec(trap_reg(-1)); } static void ren_first(void) { if (bp_first && !cdiv) { bp_first = 0; ren_page(bp_next, 1); } } /* when nodiv, do not append .sp to diversions */ static void ren_sp(int n, int nodiv) { ren_first(); /* ignore .sp without arguments when reading diversions */ if (!n && ren_div && !n_u) return; n_d += n ? n : n_v; if (n_d > n_h) n_h = n_d; if (cdiv && !nodiv) { sbuf_putnl(&cdiv->sbuf); sbuf_printf(&cdiv->sbuf, "%csp %du\n", c_cc, n ? n : n_v); } else { n_nl = n_d; } } static void trap_exec(int reg) { if (str_get(reg)) in_pushnl(str_get(reg), NULL); } static int detect_traps(int beg, int end) { int pos = trap_pos(beg); return pos >= 0 && (cdiv || pos < n_p) && pos <= end; } /* return 1 if executed a trap */ static int ren_traps(int beg, int end, int dosp) { int pos = trap_pos(beg); if (detect_traps(beg, end)) { if (dosp && pos > beg) ren_sp(pos - beg, 0); trap_exec(trap_reg(beg)); return 1; } return 0; } static int detect_pagelimit(int ne) { return !cdiv && n_nl + ne >= n_p; } /* start a new page if needed */ static int ren_pagelimit(int ne) { if (detect_pagelimit(ne)) { ren_page(bp_next, 0); return 1; } return 0; } /* return 1 if triggered a trap */ static int down(int n) { if (ren_traps(n_d, n_d + (n ? n : n_v), 1)) return 1; ren_sp(n, 0); return ren_pagelimit(0); } /* line adjustment */ static int ren_ljust(struct sbuf *spre, int w, int ad, int li, int ll) { int ljust = li; int llen = ll - ljust; n_n = w; if (ad == AD_C) ljust += llen > w ? (llen - w) / 2 : 0; if (ad == AD_R) ljust += llen - w; if (ljust) sbuf_printf(spre, "%ch'%du'", c_ec, ljust); if (cdiv && cdiv->dl < w + ljust) cdiv->dl = w + ljust; return ljust; } /* append the line to the current diversion or send it to out.c */ static void ren_out(char *beg, char *mid, char *end) { if (cdiv) { sbuf_append(&cdiv->sbuf, beg); sbuf_append(&cdiv->sbuf, mid); sbuf_append(&cdiv->sbuf, end); } else { out("H%d\n", n_o); out("V%d\n", n_d); out_line(beg); out_line(mid); out_line(end); } } static void ren_transparent(char *s) { if (cdiv) sbuf_printf(&cdiv->sbuf, "%s\n", s); else out("%s\n", s); } static int zwid(void) { struct glyph *g = dev_glyph("0", n_f); return charwid(n_f, n_s, g ? g->wid : 0); } /* append the line number to the output line */ static void ren_lnum(struct sbuf *spre) { char num[16] = ""; char dig[16] = ""; struct wb wb; int i = 0; wb_init(&wb); if (n_nn <= 0 && (n_ln % n_nM) == 0) sprintf(num, "%d", n_ln); wb_hmov(&wb, n_nI * zwid()); if (strlen(num) < 3) wb_hmov(&wb, (3 - strlen(num)) * zwid()); while (num[i]) { dig[0] = num[i++]; wb_put(&wb, dig); } wb_hmov(&wb, n_nS * zwid()); sbuf_append(spre, sbuf_buf(&wb.sbuf)); wb_done(&wb); if (n_nn > 0) n_nn--; else n_ln++; } /* append margin character */ static void ren_mc(struct sbuf *sbuf, int w, int ljust) { struct wb wb; wb_init(&wb); if (w + ljust < n_l + n_mcn) wb_hmov(&wb, n_l + n_mcn - w - ljust); wb_putexpand(&wb, c_mc); sbuf_append(sbuf, sbuf_buf(&wb.sbuf)); wb_done(&wb); } /* return one if the next line causes a trap or new page */ static int ren_lastline(void) { int lspc = MAX(1, n_L) * n_v; return detect_traps(n_d, n_d + lspc) || detect_pagelimit(lspc); } /* process a line and print it with ren_out() */ static int ren_line(char *line, int w, int ad, int body, int li, int ll, int els_neg, int els_pos) { char cmd[16]; struct sbuf sbeg, send; int prev_d, lspc, ljust; ren_first(); sbuf_init(&sbeg); sbuf_init(&send); lspc = MAX(1, n_L) * n_v; /* line space, ignoreing \x */ prev_d = n_d; if (els_neg) ren_sp(-els_neg, 1); if (!n_ns || line[0] || els_neg || els_pos) { ren_sp(0, 0); if (line[0] && n_nm && body) ren_lnum(&sbeg); ljust = ren_ljust(&sbeg, w, ad, li, ll); if (line[0] && body && n_mc) ren_mc(&send, w, ljust); ren_out(sbuf_buf(&sbeg), line, sbuf_buf(&send)); n_ns = 0; } sbuf_done(&sbeg); sbuf_done(&send); if (els_pos) ren_sp(els_pos, 1); n_a = els_pos; if (detect_traps(prev_d, n_d) || detect_pagelimit(lspc - n_v)) { sprintf(cmd, "%c&", c_ec); if (!ren_cnl) /* prevent unwanted newlines */ in_push(cmd, NULL); if (!ren_traps(prev_d, n_d, 0)) ren_pagelimit(lspc - n_v); return 1; } if (lspc - n_v && down(lspc - n_v)) return 1; return 0; } /* output current line; returns 1 if triggered a trap */ static int ren_bradj(struct adj *adj, int fill, int ad) { struct sbuf sbuf; int ll, li, els_neg, els_pos; int w, hyph, ret; ren_first(); if (adj_empty(adj, fill)) return 0; sbuf_init(&sbuf); hyph = n_hy; if ((n_hy & HY_LAST) && ren_lastline()) hyph = 0; /* disable hyphenation final lines */ w = adj_fill(adj, ad == AD_B, fill, hyph, &sbuf, &li, &ll, &els_neg, &els_pos); ret = ren_line(sbuf_buf(&sbuf), w, ad, 1, li, ll, els_neg, els_pos); sbuf_done(&sbuf); return ret; } /* output current line; returns 1 if triggered a trap */ static int ren_br(int force) { int ad = n_j; if (!n_u || n_na || (n_j == AD_B && force)) ad = AD_L; if (n_ce) ad = AD_C; return ren_bradj(cadj, !force && !n_ce && n_u, ad); } void tr_br(char **args) { if (args[0][0] == c_cc) ren_br(1); } void tr_sp(char **args) { int traps = 0; int n = args[1] ? eval(args[1], 'v') : n_v; if (args[0][0] == c_cc) traps = ren_br(1); if (n && !n_ns && !traps) down(n); } void tr_sv(char **args) { int n = eval(args[1], 'v'); n_sv = 0; if (n_d + n < f_nexttrap()) down(n); else n_sv = n; } void tr_ns(char **args) { n_ns = 1; } void tr_rs(char **args) { n_ns = 0; } void tr_os(char **args) { if (n_sv) down(n_sv); n_sv = 0; } void tr_mk(char **args) { if (args[1]) num_set(map(args[1]), n_d); else n_mk = n_d; } void tr_rt(char **args) { int n = args[1] ? eval_re(args[1], n_d, 'v') : n_mk; if (n >= 0 && n < n_d) ren_sp(n - n_d, 0); } void tr_ne(char **args) { int n = args[1] ? eval(args[1], 'v') : n_v; if (!ren_traps(n_d, n_d + n - 1, 1)) ren_pagelimit(n); } static void push_eject(void) { char buf[32]; bp_ejected = bp_count; sprintf(buf, "%c%s %d\n", c_cc, TR_EJECT, bp_ejected); in_pushnl(buf, NULL); } static void push_br(void) { char br[8] = {c_cc, 'b', 'r', '\n'}; in_pushnl(br, NULL); } static void ren_eject(int id) { if (id == bp_ejected && id == bp_count && !cdiv) { if (detect_traps(n_d, n_p)) { push_eject(); ren_traps(n_d, n_p, 1); } else { bp_ejected = 0; ren_page(bp_next, 0); } } } void tr_eject(char **args) { ren_eject(atoi(args[1])); } void tr_bp(char **args) { if (!cdiv && (args[1] || !n_ns)) { if (bp_ejected != bp_count) push_eject(); if (args[0][0] == c_cc) push_br(); if (args[1]) bp_next = eval_re(args[1], n_pg, 0); } } void tr_pn(char **args) { if (args[1]) bp_next = eval_re(args[1], n_pg, 0); } static void ren_ps(char *s) { int ps = !s || !*s || !strcmp("0", s) ? n_s0 : eval_re(s, n_s, 0); n_s0 = n_s; n_s = MAX(1, ps); } void tr_ps(char **args) { ren_ps(args[1]); } void tr_ll(char **args) { int ll = args[1] ? eval_re(args[1], n_l, 'm') : n_l0; n_l0 = n_l; n_l = MAX(0, ll); } void tr_in(char **args) { int in = args[1] ? eval_re(args[1], n_i, 'm') : n_i0; if (args[0][0] == c_cc) ren_br(1); n_i0 = n_i; n_i = MAX(0, in); n_ti = 0; } void tr_ti(char **args) { if (args[0][0] == c_cc) ren_br(1); if (args[1]) n_ti = eval_re(args[1], n_i, 'm'); } static void ren_ft(char *s) { int fn = !s || !*s || !strcmp("P", s) ? n_f0 : dev_pos(s); if (fn < 0) { errmsg("neatroff: failed to mount <%s>\n", s); } else { n_f0 = n_f; n_f = fn; } } void tr_ft(char **args) { ren_ft(args[1]); } void tr_fp(char **args) { if (!args[2]) return; if (dev_mnt(atoi(args[1]), args[2], args[3] ? args[3] : args[2]) < 0) errmsg("neatroff: failed to mount <%s>\n", args[2]); } void tr_nf(char **args) { if (args[0][0] == c_cc) ren_br(1); n_u = 0; } void tr_fi(char **args) { if (args[0][0] == c_cc) ren_br(1); n_u = 1; } void tr_ce(char **args) { if (args[0][0] == c_cc) ren_br(1); n_ce = args[1] ? atoi(args[1]) : 1; } void tr_fc(char **args) { char *fa = args[1]; char *fb = args[2]; if (fa && charread(&fa, c_fa) >= 0) { if (!fb || charread(&fb, c_fb) < 0) strcpy(c_fb, " "); } else { c_fa[0] = '\0'; c_fb[0] = '\0'; } } static void ren_cl(char *s) { int m = !s || !*s ? n_m0 : clr_get(s); n_m0 = n_m; n_m = m; } void tr_cl(char **args) { ren_cl(args[1]); } void tr_ab(char **args) { fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", args[1]); ren_aborted = 1; } static void ren_cmd(struct wb *wb, int c, char *arg) { switch (c) { case ' ': wb_hmov(wb, spacewid(n_f, n_s)); break; case 'b': ren_bcmd(wb, arg); break; case 'c': wb_setpart(wb); break; case 'D': ren_dcmd(wb, arg); break; case 'd': wb_vmov(wb, SC_EM / 2); break; case 'f': ren_ft(arg); break; case 'h': wb_hmov(wb, eval(arg, 'm')); break; case 'k': num_set(map(arg), RENWB(wb) ? f_hpos() - n_lb : wb_wid(wb)); break; case 'L': ren_vlcmd(wb, arg); break; case 'l': ren_hlcmd(wb, arg); break; case 'm': ren_cl(arg); break; case 'o': ren_ocmd(wb, arg); break; case 'p': if (RENWB(wb)) ren_fillreq = 1; break; case 'r': wb_vmov(wb, -SC_EM); break; case 's': ren_ps(arg); break; case 'u': wb_vmov(wb, -SC_EM / 2); break; case 'v': wb_vmov(wb, eval(arg, 'v')); break; case 'X': wb_etc(wb, arg); break; case 'x': wb_els(wb, eval(arg, 'v')); break; case '0': wb_hmov(wb, zwid()); break; case '|': wb_hmov(wb, SC_EM / 6); break; case '&': wb_hmov(wb, 0); break; case '^': wb_hmov(wb, SC_EM / 12); break; case '/': wb_italiccorrection(wb); break; case ',': wb_italiccorrectionleft(wb); break; case '{': case '}': break; } } static void ren_field(struct wb *wb, int (*next)(void), void (*back)(int)); static void ren_tab(struct wb *wb, char *tc, int (*next)(void), void (*back)(int)); /* insert a character, escape sequence, field or etc into wb */ static void ren_put(struct wb *wb, char *c, int (*next)(void), void (*back)(int)) { char arg[ILNLEN]; char *s; int w, n; if (c[0] == ' ' || c[0] == '\n') { wb_put(wb, c); return; } if (c[0] == '\t' || c[0] == '') { ren_tab(wb, c[0] == '\t' ? c_tc : c_lc, next, back); return; } if (c_fa[0] && !strcmp(c_fa, c)) { ren_field(wb, next, back); return; } if (c[0] == c_ec) { if (c[1] == 'z') { w = wb_wid(wb); ren_char(wb, next, back); wb_hmov(wb, w - wb_wid(wb)); return; } if (c[1] == '!') { if (ren_nl && next == ren_next) { s = arg; n = next(); while (n >= 0 && n != '\n') { *s++ = n; n = next(); } *s = '\0'; ren_transparent(arg); } return; } if (strchr(" bCcDdfHhkLlmNoprSsuvXxz0^|{}&/,", c[1])) { argnext(arg, c[1], next, back); if (c[1] == 'S' || c[1] == 'H') return; /* not implemented */ if (c[1] != 'N') { ren_cmd(wb, c[1], arg); return; } snprintf(c, GNLEN, "GID=%s", arg); } } if (!ren_div && cdef_map(c, n_f)) { /* .char characters */ wb_putexpand(wb, c); return; } if (!n_lg || ren_div || wb_lig(wb, c)) { if (n_kn && !ren_div) wb_kern(wb, c); wb_put(wb, c); } } /* read one character and place it inside wb buffer */ int ren_char(struct wb *wb, int (*next)(void), void (*back)(int)) { char c[GNLEN * 4]; if (charnext(c, next, back) < 0) return -1; ren_put(wb, c, next, back); return 0; } /* like ren_char(); return 1 if d1 was read and d2 if d2 was read */ static int ren_chardel(struct wb *wb, int (*next)(void), void (*back)(int), char *d1, char *d2) { char c[GNLEN * 4]; if (charnext(c, next, back) < 0) return -1; if (d1 && !strcmp(d1, c)) return 1; if (d2 && !strcmp(d2, c)) return 2; ren_put(wb, c, next, back); return 0; } /* read the argument of \w and push its width */ int ren_wid(int (*next)(void), void (*back)(int)) { char delim[GNLEN]; int c, n; struct wb wb; wb_init(&wb); charnext(delim, next, back); odiv_beg(); c = next(); while (c >= 0 && c != '\n') { back(c); if (ren_chardel(&wb, next, back, delim, NULL)) break; c = next(); } odiv_end(); n = wb_wid(&wb); wb_wconf(&wb, &n_ct, &n_st, &n_sb, &n_llx, &n_lly, &n_urx, &n_ury); wb_done(&wb); return n; } /* return 1 if d1 was read and 2 if d2 was read */ static int ren_until(struct wb *wb, char *d1, char *d2, int (*next)(void), void (*back)(int)) { int c, ret; c = next(); while (c >= 0 && c != '\n') { back(c); ret = ren_chardel(wb, next, back, d1, d2); if (ret) return ret; c = next(); } if (c == '\n') back(c); return 0; } static void wb_cpy(struct wb *dst, struct wb *src, int left) { wb_hmov(dst, left - wb_wid(dst)); wb_cat(dst, src); } void ren_tl(int (*next)(void), void (*back)(int)) { struct wb wb, wb2; char delim[GNLEN]; wb_init(&wb); wb_init(&wb2); charnext(delim, next, back); /* the left-adjusted string */ ren_until(&wb2, delim, NULL, next, back); wb_cpy(&wb, &wb2, 0); /* the centered string */ ren_until(&wb2, delim, NULL, next, back); wb_cpy(&wb, &wb2, (n_lt - wb_wid(&wb2)) / 2); /* the right-adjusted string */ ren_until(&wb2, delim, NULL, next, back); wb_cpy(&wb, &wb2, n_lt - wb_wid(&wb2)); /* flushing the line */ ren_line(sbuf_buf(&wb.sbuf), wb_wid(&wb), AD_L, 0, 0, n_lt, wb.els_neg, wb.els_pos); wb_done(&wb2); wb_done(&wb); } static void ren_field(struct wb *wb, int (*next)(void), void (*back)(int)) { struct wb wbs[NFIELDS]; int i, n = 0; int wid = 0; int left, right, cur_left; int pad, rem; while (n < LEN(wbs)) { wb_init(&wbs[n]); if (ren_until(&wbs[n++], c_fb, c_fa, next, back) != 1) break; } left = RENWB(wb) ? f_hpos() : wb_wid(wb); right = tab_next(left); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) wid += wb_wid(&wbs[i]); pad = (right - left - wid) / (n > 1 ? n - 1 : 1); rem = (right - left - wid) % (n > 1 ? n - 1 : 1); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (i == 0) cur_left = left; else if (i == n - 1) cur_left = right - wb_wid(&wbs[i]); else cur_left = wb_wid(wb) + pad + (i + rem >= n); wb_cpy(wb, &wbs[i], cur_left); wb_done(&wbs[i]); } } static void ren_tab(struct wb *wb, char *tc, int (*next)(void), void (*back)(int)) { struct wb t; int pos = RENWB(wb) ? f_hpos() : wb_wid(wb); int ins = tab_next(pos); /* insertion position */ int typ = tab_type(pos); /* tab type */ int c; wb_init(&t); if (typ == 'R' || typ == 'C') { c = next(); while (c >= 0 && c != '\n' && c != '\t' && c != '') { back(c); ren_char(&t, next, back); c = next(); } back(c); } if (typ == 'C') ins -= wb_wid(&t) / 2; if (typ == 'R') ins -= wb_wid(&t); if (!tc[0] || ins <= pos) wb_hmov(wb, ins - pos); else ren_hline(wb, ins - pos, tc); wb_cat(wb, &t); wb_done(&t); } /* parse characters and troff requests of s and append them to wb */ int ren_parse(struct wb *wb, char *s) { int c; odiv_beg(); sstr_push(s); c = sstr_next(); while (c >= 0) { sstr_back(c); if (ren_char(wb, sstr_next, sstr_back)) break; c = sstr_next(); } sstr_pop(); odiv_end(); return 0; } /* read characters from in.c and pass rendered lines to out.c */ int render(void) { struct wb *wb = &ren_wb; int c; n_nl = -1; wb_init(wb); tr_first(); ren_first(); /* transition to the first page */ c = ren_next(); while (1) { if (ren_aborted) return 1; if (c < 0) { if (bp_final >= 2) break; if (bp_final == 0 && trap_em >= 0) { trap_exec(trap_em); bp_final = 1; } else { bp_final = 2; push_eject(); push_br(); } c = ren_next(); continue; } ren_cnl = c == '\n'; /* add wb (the current word) to cadj */ if (c == ' ' || c == '\n') { adj_swid(cadj, spacewid(n_f, n_s)); if (!wb_part(wb)) { /* not after a \c */ adj_wb(cadj, wb); wb_reset(wb); /* wb contains only commands like \f */ if (!ren_nl && wb_empty(wb)) adj_nonl(cadj); if (c == '\n') adj_nl(cadj); else adj_sp(cadj); } } /* flush the line if necessary */ if (c == ' ' || c == '\n') { while ((ren_fillreq && !wb_part(wb) && !n_ce && n_u) || adj_full(cadj, !n_ce && n_u)) { ren_br(0); ren_fillreq = 0; } } if (c == '\n' || ren_nl) /* end or start of input line */ n_lb = f_hpos(); if (c == '\n' && n_it && --n_itn == 0) trap_exec(n_it); if (c == '\n' && !wb_part(wb)) n_ce = MAX(0, n_ce - 1); if (c != ' ') { ren_back(c); ren_char(wb, ren_next, ren_back); } ren_nl = c == '\n'; c = ren_next(); } bp_final = 3; if (!adj_empty(cadj, 0)) ren_page(bp_next, 1); ren_br(1); wb_done(wb); return 0; } /* trap handling */ #define tposval(i) (tpos[i] < 0 ? n_p + tpos[i] : tpos[i]) static int tpos[NTRAPS]; /* trap positions */ static int treg[NTRAPS]; /* trap registers */ static int ntraps; static int trap_first(int pos) { int best = -1; int i; for (i = 0; i < ntraps; i++) if (treg[i] >= 0 && tposval(i) > pos) if (best < 0 || tposval(i) < tposval(best)) best = i; return best; } static int trap_byreg(int reg) { int i; for (i = 0; i < ntraps; i++) if (treg[i] == reg) return i; return -1; } static int trap_bypos(int reg, int pos) { int i; for (i = 0; i < ntraps; i++) if (treg[i] >= 0 && tposval(i) == pos) if (reg == -1 || treg[i] == reg) return i; return -1; } void tr_wh(char **args) { int reg, pos, id; if (!args[1]) return; pos = eval(args[1], 'v'); id = trap_bypos(-1, pos); if (!args[2]) { if (id >= 0) treg[id] = -1; return; } reg = map(args[2]); if (id < 0) id = trap_byreg(-1); if (id < 0) id = ntraps++; tpos[id] = pos; treg[id] = reg; } void tr_ch(char **args) { int reg; int id; if (!args[1]) return; reg = map(args[1]); id = trap_byreg(reg); if (id >= 0) tpos[id] = args[2] ? eval(args[2], 'v') : -1; } void tr_dt(char **args) { if (!cdiv) return; if (args[2]) { cdiv->tpos = eval(args[1], 'v'); cdiv->treg = map(args[2]); } else { cdiv->treg = -1; } } void tr_em(char **args) { trap_em = args[1] ? map(args[1]) : -1; } static int trap_pos(int pos) { int ret = trap_first(pos); if (bp_final >= 3) return -1; if (cdiv) return cdiv->treg && cdiv->tpos > pos ? cdiv->tpos : -1; return ret >= 0 ? tposval(ret) : -1; } static int trap_reg(int pos) { int ret = trap_first(pos); if (cdiv) return cdiv->treg && cdiv->tpos > pos ? cdiv->treg : -1; return ret >= 0 ? treg[ret] : -1; } int f_nexttrap(void) { int pos = trap_pos(n_d); if (cdiv) return pos >= 0 ? pos : 0x7fffffff; return (pos >= 0 && pos < n_p ? pos : n_p) - n_d; }