ref: 728e4356eb13cdc0a41440264099299676f27d3d
dir: /ren.c/
#include <ctype.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include "xroff.h" #define LL (n_l - n_i) /* effective line length */ struct word { int beg; /* word beginning offset in buf */ int end; /* word ending offset in buf */ int wid; /* word width */ int blanks; /* blanks before word */ }; static char buf[LNLEN]; /* output buffer */ static int buflen; static struct word words[NWORDS]; /* words in the buffer */ static int nwords; static int wid; /* total width of the buffer */ static struct word *word; /* current word */ static int ren_backed = -1; /* pushed back character */ static int ren_next(void) { int c = ren_backed >= 0 ? ren_backed : tr_next(); ren_backed = -1; return c; } static void ren_back(int c) { ren_backed = c; } static int nextchar(char *s) { int c = ren_next(); int l = utf8len(c); int i; if (c < 0) return 0; s[0] = c; for (i = 1; i < l; i++) s[i] = ren_next(); s[l] = '\0'; return l; } static void adjust_nf(char *s, int n) { struct word *cur; int lendiff; int w = 0; int i; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { cur = &words[i]; s += sprintf(s, "\\h'%du'", cur->blanks); memcpy(s, buf + cur->beg, cur->end - cur->beg); s += cur->end - cur->beg; w += cur->wid + cur->blanks; } *s = '\0'; lendiff = n < nwords ? words[n].beg : buflen; memmove(buf, buf + lendiff, buflen - lendiff); buflen -= lendiff; nwords -= n; memmove(words, words + n, nwords * sizeof(words[0])); wid -= w; for (i = 0; i < nwords; i++) { words[i].beg -= lendiff; words[i].end -= lendiff; } } static void adjust_fi(char *s, int adj) { int adj_div, adj_rem; int w = 0; int i, n; for (n = 0; n < nwords; n++) { if (n && w + words[n].wid + words[n].blanks > LL) break; w += words[n].wid + words[n].blanks; } if (adj == ADJ_B && n > 1 && n < nwords) { adj_div = (LL - w) / (n - 1); adj_rem = LL - w - adj_div * (n - 1); wid += LL - w; for (i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) words[i + 1].blanks += adj_div + (i < adj_rem); } adjust_nf(s, n); if (nwords) wid -= words[0].blanks; words[0].blanks = 0; } static void ren_ne(int n) { if (n_nl + n > n_p) ren_page(n_pg + 1); } static void down(int n) { n_d += n; n_nl = n_d; if (n_nl <= n_p) printf("v%d\n", n); ren_ne(0); } static void ren_br(int sp) { char out[LNLEN]; buf[buflen] = '\0'; if (nwords) { if (n_u) adjust_fi(out, n_ad); else adjust_nf(out, nwords); ren_ne(n_v); down(n_v); printf("H%d\n", n_o + n_i); output(out); ren_ne(n_v); } if (sp) down(sp); } void tr_br(char **args) { ren_br(0); } void tr_sp(char **args) { int sp = 0; if (args[1]) sp = tr_int(args[1], 0, 'v'); ren_br(sp); } void ren_page(int pg) { n_nl = -1; n_d = 0; n_pg = pg; printf("p%d\n", pg); printf("V%d\n", 0); } void tr_bp(char **args) { ren_br(0); ren_page(args[1] ? tr_int(args[1], n_pg, 'v') : n_pg + 1); } static void ren_ps(char *s) { int ps = !*s || !strcmp("0", s) ? n_s0 : tr_int(s, n_s, '\0'); n_s0 = n_s; n_s = ps; } void tr_ps(char **args) { if (args[1]) ren_ps(args[1]); } void tr_in(char **args) { ren_br(0); if (args[1]) n_i = tr_int(args[1], n_i, 'm'); } static void ren_ft(char *s) { int fn = !*s || !strcmp("P", s) ? n_f0 : dev_font(s); if (fn >= 0) { n_f0 = n_f; n_f = fn; } } void tr_ft(char **args) { if (args[1]) ren_ft(args[1]); } void tr_fp(char **args) { if (!args[2]) return; if (dev_mnt(atoi(args[1]), args[2], args[3] ? args[3] : args[2]) < 0) errmsg("troff: failed to mount %s\n", args[2]); } void tr_nf(char **args) { ren_br(0); n_u = 0; } static void escarg(char *s, int cmd) { int c; c = ren_next(); if (cmd == 's' && (c == '-' || c == '+')) { *s++ = c; c = ren_next(); } if (c == '(') { *s++ = ren_next(); *s++ = ren_next(); *s = '\0'; return; } if (c == '\'') { while (1) { c = ren_next(); if (c == '\'' || c < 0) break; *s++ = c; } *s = '\0'; return; } *s++ = c; if (cmd == 's' && c >= '1' && c <= '3') { c = ren_next(); if (isdigit(c)) *s++ = c; else ren_back(c); } *s = '\0'; } void render(void) { char c[GNLEN * 2]; char arg[ILNLEN]; struct glyph *g; int g_wid; int blanks = 0; int newline = 0; int r_s = n_s; int r_f = n_f; int esc = 0; int space_br = 0; /* .br caused by indented lines */ ren_br(0); while (nextchar(c) > 0) { g = NULL; if (n_u && !word && wid > LL) ren_br(0); if (c[0] == ' ' || c[0] == '\n') { if (word) { word->end = buflen; word = NULL; } if (!n_u && c[0] == '\n') ren_br(0); if (n_u && newline && c[0] == '\n') ren_br(n_v); if (n_u && newline && c[0] == ' ' && !space_br) { space_br = 1; ren_br(0); } if (c[0] == '\n') { blanks = 0; newline = 1; space_br = 0; } if (c[0] == ' ') blanks += charwid(dev_spacewid(), n_s); continue; } esc = 0; if (c[0] == '\\') { esc = 1; nextchar(c); if (c[0] == '(') { int l = nextchar(c); l += nextchar(c + l); c[l] = '\0'; } else if (strchr("sf", c[0])) { escarg(arg, c[0]); if (c[0] == 'f') ren_ft(arg); if (c[0] == 's') ren_ps(arg); continue; } } if (!word) { word = &words[nwords++]; word->beg = buflen; word->wid = 0; if (newline && !blanks && nwords > 1) word->blanks = charwid(dev_spacewid(), n_s); else word->blanks = blanks; wid += word->blanks; newline = 0; blanks = 0; } if (r_s != n_s) { buflen += sprintf(buf + buflen, "\\s(%02d", n_s); r_s = n_s; } if (r_f != n_f) { buflen += sprintf(buf + buflen, "\\f(%02d", n_f); r_f = n_f; } if (utf8len(c[0]) == strlen(c)) buflen += sprintf(buf + buflen, "%s%s", esc ? "\\" : "", c); else buflen += sprintf(buf + buflen, "\\(%s", c); g = dev_glyph(c, n_f); g_wid = charwid(g ? g->wid : dev_spacewid(), n_s); word->wid += g_wid; wid += g_wid; } if (n_u) ren_br(0); ren_br(0); }