ref: 486ba81d7f73a2aca7a03eb1691b644ba773852b
dir: /tr.c/
/* built-in troff requests */ #include <ctype.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include "roff.h" static int tr_nl = 1; /* just read a newline */ char c_pc[GNLEN] = "%"; /* page number character */ int c_ec = '\\'; /* escape character */ int c_cc = '.'; /* control character */ int c_c2 = '\''; /* no-break control character */ /* skip everything until the end of line */ static void jmp_eol(void) { int c; do { c = cp_next(); } while (c >= 0 && c != '\n'); } static void tr_vs(char **args) { int vs = args[1] ? eval_re(args[1], n_v, 'p') : n_v0; n_v0 = n_v; n_v = MAX(0, vs); } static void tr_ls(char **args) { int ls = args[1] ? eval_re(args[1], n_L, 0) : n_L0; n_L0 = n_L; n_L = MAX(1, ls); } static void tr_pl(char **args) { int n = eval_re(args[1] ? args[1] : "11i", n_p, 'v'); n_p = MAX(0, n); } static void tr_nr(char **args) { int id; if (!args[2]) return; id = map(args[1]); num_set(id, eval_re(args[2], num_get(id), 'u')); num_setinc(id, args[3] ? eval(args[3], 'u') : 0); } static void tr_rr(char **args) { int i; for (i = 1; i <= NARGS; i++) if (args[i]) num_del(map(args[i])); } static void tr_af(char **args) { if (args[2]) num_setfmt(map(args[1]), args[2]); } static void tr_ds(char **args) { if (args[2]) str_set(map(args[1]), args[2]); } static void tr_as(char **args) { int reg; char *s1, *s2, *s; if (!args[2]) return; reg = map(args[1]); s1 = str_get(reg) ? str_get(reg) : ""; s2 = args[2]; s = xmalloc(strlen(s1) + strlen(s2) + 1); strcpy(s, s1); strcat(s, s2); str_set(reg, s); free(s); } static void tr_rm(char **args) { int i; for (i = 1; i <= NARGS; i++) if (args[i]) str_rm(map(args[i])); } static void tr_rn(char **args) { if (!args[2]) return; str_rn(map(args[1]), map(args[2])); } static void tr_po(char **args) { int po = args[1] ? eval_re(args[1], n_o, 'm') : n_o0; n_o0 = n_o; n_o = MAX(0, po); } static void read_regname(char *s) { int c = cp_next(); int n = n_cp ? 2 : NMLEN - 1; while (c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == c_ni) c = cp_next(); while (c >= 0 && c != ' ' && c != '\t' && c != '\n' && --n >= 0) { *s++ = c; do { c = cp_next(); } while (n && c == c_ni); } if (c >= 0) cp_back(c); *s = '\0'; } static void macrobody(struct sbuf *sbuf, char *end) { char buf[NMLEN]; int i, c; int first = 1; cp_back('\n'); cp_copymode(1); while ((c = cp_next()) >= 0) { if (sbuf && !first) sbuf_add(sbuf, c); first = 0; if (c == '\n') { if ((c = cp_next()) != '.') { cp_back(c); continue; } read_regname(buf); if ((n_cp && end[0] == buf[0] && end[1] == buf[1]) || !strcmp(end, buf)) { for (i = strlen(buf) - 1; i >= 0; i--) cp_back((unsigned char) buf[i]); cp_back('.'); break; } if (sbuf) { sbuf_add(sbuf, '.'); for (i = 0; buf[i]; i++) sbuf_add(sbuf, (unsigned char) buf[i]); } } } cp_copymode(0); } static void tr_de(char **args) { struct sbuf sbuf; int id; if (!args[1]) return; id = map(args[1]); sbuf_init(&sbuf); if (args[0][1] == 'a' && args[0][2] == 'm' && str_get(id)) sbuf_append(&sbuf, str_get(id)); macrobody(&sbuf, args[2] ? args[2] : "."); str_set(id, sbuf_buf(&sbuf)); sbuf_done(&sbuf); } static void tr_ig(char **args) { macrobody(NULL, args[1] ? args[1] : "."); } /* read into sbuf until stop; if stop is NULL, stop at whitespace */ static int read_until(struct sbuf *sbuf, char *stop, int (*next)(void), void (*back)(int)) { char cs[GNLEN], cs2[GNLEN]; int c; while ((c = next()) >= 0) { if (c == c_ni) continue; back(c); if (c == '\n') return 1; if (!stop && (c == ' ' || c == '\t')) return 0; charnext(cs, next, back); if (stop && !strcmp(stop, cs)) return 0; charnext_str(cs2, cs); sbuf_append(sbuf, cs2); } return 1; } /* evaluate .if strcmp (i.e. 'str'str') */ static int if_strcmp(int (*next)(void), void (*back)(int)) { char delim[GNLEN]; struct sbuf s1, s2; int ret; charnext(delim, next, back); sbuf_init(&s1); sbuf_init(&s2); read_until(&s1, delim, next, back); read_until(&s2, delim, next, back); cp_reqbeg(); ret = !strcmp(sbuf_buf(&s1), sbuf_buf(&s2)); sbuf_done(&s1); sbuf_done(&s2); return ret; } /* evaluate .if condition letters */ static int if_cond(int (*next)(void), void (*back)(int)) { switch (cp_next()) { case 'o': return n_pg % 2; case 'e': return !(n_pg % 2); case 't': return 1; case 'n': return 0; } return 0; } /* evaluate .if condition */ static int if_eval(int (*next)(void), void (*back)(int)) { struct sbuf sbuf; int ret; sbuf_init(&sbuf); read_until(&sbuf, NULL, next, back); ret = eval(sbuf_buf(&sbuf), '\0') > 0; sbuf_done(&sbuf); return ret; } static int eval_if(int (*next)(void), void (*back)(int)) { int neg = 0; int ret; int c; do { c = next(); } while (c == ' ' || c == '\t'); if (c == '!') { neg = 1; c = next(); } back(c); if (strchr("oetn", c)) { ret = if_cond(next, back); } else if (!isdigit(c) && !strchr("-+*/%<=>&:.|()", c)) { ret = if_strcmp(next, back); } else { ret = if_eval(next, back); } return ret != neg; } static int ie_cond[NIES]; /* .ie condition stack */ static int ie_depth; static void tr_if(char **args) { int c = eval_if(cp_next, cp_back); if (args[0][1] == 'i' && args[0][2] == 'e') /* .ie command */ if (ie_depth < NIES) ie_cond[ie_depth++] = c; cp_blk(!c); } static void tr_el(char **args) { cp_blk(ie_depth > 0 ? ie_cond[--ie_depth] : 1); } static void tr_na(char **args) { n_na = 1; } static int adjmode(int c, int def) { switch (c) { case 'l': return AD_L; case 'r': return AD_R; case 'c': return AD_C; case 'b': case 'n': return AD_B; } return def; } static void tr_ad(char **args) { char *s = args[1]; n_na = 0; if (!s) return; if (isdigit(s[0])) n_j = atoi(s) & 15; else n_j = s[0] == 'p' ? AD_P | adjmode(s[1], AD_B) : adjmode(s[0], n_j); } static void tr_tm(char **args) { fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", args[1]); } static void tr_so(char **args) { if (args[1]) in_so(args[1]); } static void tr_nx(char **args) { in_nx(args[1]); } static void tr_ex(char **args) { in_ex(); } static void tr_sy(char **args) { system(args[1]); } static void tr_lt(char **args) { int lt = args[1] ? eval_re(args[1], n_lt, 'm') : n_t0; n_t0 = n_t0; n_lt = MAX(0, lt); } static void tr_pc(char **args) { char *s = args[1]; if (!s || charread(&s, c_pc) < 0) strcpy(c_pc, ""); } static void tr_tl(char **args) { int c; do { c = cp_next(); } while (c >= 0 && (c == ' ' || c == '\t')); cp_back(c); ren_tl(cp_next, cp_back); do { c = cp_next(); } while (c >= 0 && c != '\n'); } static void tr_ec(char **args) { c_ec = args[1] ? args[1][0] : '\\'; } static void tr_cc(char **args) { c_cc = args[1] ? args[1][0] : '.'; } static void tr_c2(char **args) { c_c2 = args[1] ? args[1][0] : '\''; } static void tr_eo(char **args) { c_ec = -1; } static void tr_hc(char **args) { char *s = args[1]; if (!s || charread(&s, c_hc) < 0) strcpy(c_hc, "\\%"); } /* sentence ending and their transparent characters */ static char eos_sentc[NEOS][GNLEN] = { ".", "?", "!", }; static int eos_sents = 3; static char eos_tranc[NEOS][GNLEN] = { "'", "\"", ")", "]", "*", }; static int eos_trans = 5; static void tr_eos(char **args) { eos_sents = 0; eos_trans = 0; if (args[1]) { char *s = args[1]; while (s && charread(&s, eos_sentc[eos_sents]) >= 0) if (eos_sents < NEOS - 1) eos_sents++; } if (args[2]) { char *s = args[2]; while (s && charread(&s, eos_tranc[eos_trans]) >= 0) if (eos_trans < NEOS - 1) eos_trans++; } } int c_eossent(char *s) { int i; for (i = 0; i < eos_sents; i++) if (!strcmp(eos_sentc[i], s)) return 1; return 0; } int c_eostran(char *s) { int i; for (i = 0; i < eos_trans; i++) if (!strcmp(eos_tranc[i], s)) return 1; return 0; } static void tr_nh(char **args) { n_hy = 0; } static void tr_hy(char **args) { n_hy = args[1] ? atoi(args[1]) : 1; } static void tr_hyp(char **args) { n_hyp = args[1] ? atoi(args[1]) : 1; } static void tr_pmll(char **args) { n_pmll = args[1] ? atoi(args[1]) : 0; } static void tr_lg(char **args) { if (args[1]) n_lg = atoi(args[1]); } static void tr_kn(char **args) { if (args[1]) n_kn = atoi(args[1]); } static void tr_cp(char **args) { if (args[1]) n_cp = atoi(args[1]); } static void tr_ss(char **args) { if (args[1]) { n_ss = eval_re(args[1], n_ss, 0); n_sss = args[2] ? eval_re(args[2], n_sss, 0) : n_ss; } } static void tr_ssh(char **args) { n_ssh = args[1] ? eval_re(args[1], n_ssh, 0) : 0; } static void tr_cs(char **args) { struct font *fn = args[1] ? dev_font(dev_pos(args[1])) : NULL; if (fn) font_setcs(fn, args[2] ? eval(args[2], 0) : 0, args[3] ? eval(args[3], 0) : 0); } static void tr_fzoom(char **args) { struct font *fn = args[1] ? dev_font(dev_pos(args[1])) : NULL; if (fn) font_setzoom(fn, args[2] ? eval(args[2], 0) : 0); } static void tr_ff(char **args) { struct font *fn = args[1] ? dev_font(dev_pos(args[1])) : NULL; int i; for (i = 2; i <= NARGS; i++) if (fn && args[i] && args[i][0] && args[i][1]) font_feat(fn, args[i] + 1, args[i][0] == '+'); } static void tr_nm(char **args) { if (!args[1]) { n_nm = 0; return; } n_nm = 1; n_ln = eval_re(args[1], n_ln, 0); n_ln = MAX(0, n_ln); if (args[2] && isdigit(args[2][0])) n_nM = MAX(1, eval(args[2], 0)); if (args[3] && isdigit(args[3][0])) n_nS = MAX(0, eval(args[3], 0)); if (args[4] && isdigit(args[4][0])) n_nI = MAX(0, eval(args[4], 0)); } static void tr_nn(char **args) { n_nn = args[1] ? eval(args[1], 0) : 1; } static void tr_bd(char **args) { if (!args[1] || !strcmp("S", args[1])) return; font_setbd(dev_font(dev_pos(args[1])), args[2] ? eval(args[2], 'u') : 0); } static void tr_it(char **args) { if (args[2]) { n_it = map(args[2]); n_itn = eval(args[1], 0); } else { n_it = 0; } } static void tr_mc(char **args) { char *s = args[1]; if (s && charread(&s, c_mc) >= 0) { n_mc = 1; n_mcn = args[2] ? eval(args[2], 'm') : SC_EM; } else { n_mc = 0; } } static void tr_tc(char **args) { char *s = args[1]; if (!s || charread(&s, c_tc) < 0) strcpy(c_tc, ""); } static void tr_lc(char **args) { char *s = args[1]; if (!s || charread(&s, c_lc) < 0) strcpy(c_lc, ""); } static void tr_lf(char **args) { if (args[1]) in_lf(args[2], eval(args[1], 0)); } static void tr_chop(char **args) { struct sbuf sbuf; int id; if (args[1]) in_lf(args[2], eval(args[1], 0)); id = map(args[1]); if (str_get(id)) { sbuf_init(&sbuf); sbuf_append(&sbuf, str_get(id)); if (!sbuf_empty(&sbuf)) { sbuf_cut(&sbuf, sbuf_len(&sbuf) - 1); str_set(id, sbuf_buf(&sbuf)); } sbuf_done(&sbuf); } } /* character translation (.tr) */ static struct dict *cmap; /* character mapping */ static char cmap_src[NCMAPS][GNLEN]; /* source character */ static char cmap_dst[NCMAPS][GNLEN]; /* character mapping */ static int cmap_n; /* number of translated character */ void cmap_add(char *c1, char *c2) { int i = dict_get(cmap, c1); if (i >= 0) { strcpy(cmap_dst[i], c2); } else if (cmap_n < NCMAPS) { strcpy(cmap_src[cmap_n], c1); strcpy(cmap_dst[cmap_n], c2); dict_put(cmap, cmap_src[cmap_n], cmap_n); cmap_n++; } } char *cmap_map(char *c) { int i = dict_get(cmap, c); return i >= 0 ? cmap_dst[i] : c; } static void tr_tr(char **args) { char *s = args[1]; char c1[GNLEN], c2[GNLEN]; while (s && charread(&s, c1) >= 0) { if (charread(&s, c2) < 0) strcpy(c2, " "); cmap_add(c1, c2); } } /* character definition (.char) */ static char cdef_src[NCDEFS][GNLEN]; /* source character */ static char *cdef_dst[NCDEFS]; /* character definition */ static int cdef_fn[NCDEFS]; /* owning font */ static int cdef_n; /* number of defined characters */ static int cdef_expanding; /* inside cdef_expand() call */ static int cdef_find(char *c, int fn) { int i; for (i = 0; i < cdef_n; i++) if ((!cdef_fn[i] || cdef_fn[i] == fn) && !strcmp(cdef_src[i], c)) return i; return -1; } /* return the definition of the given character */ char *cdef_map(char *c, int fn) { int i = cdef_find(c, fn); return !cdef_expanding && i >= 0 ? cdef_dst[i] : NULL; } int cdef_expand(struct wb *wb, char *s, int fn) { char *d = cdef_map(s, fn); if (!d) return 1; cdef_expanding = 1; ren_parse(wb, d); cdef_expanding = 0; return 0; } static void cdef_add(char *fn, char *cs, char *def) { char c[GNLEN]; int i; if (!def || charread(&cs, c) < 0) return; i = cdef_find(c, -1); if (i < 0 && cdef_n < NCDEFS) i = cdef_n++; if (i >= 0) { strncpy(cdef_src[i], c, sizeof(cdef_src[i]) - 1); cdef_dst[i] = xmalloc(strlen(def) + 1); strcpy(cdef_dst[i], def); cdef_fn[i] = fn ? dev_pos(fn) : 0; } } static void cdef_remove(char *cs) { char c[GNLEN]; int i; if (!cs || charread(&cs, c) < 0) return; for (i = 0; i < cdef_n; i++) { if (!strcmp(cdef_src[i], c)) { free(cdef_dst[i]); cdef_dst[i] = NULL; cdef_src[i][0] = '\0'; } } } static void tr_char(char **args) { cdef_add(NULL, args[1], args[2]); } static void tr_rchar(char **args) { int i; for (i = 1; i <= NARGS; i++) if (args[i]) cdef_remove(args[i]); } static void tr_ochar(char **args) { cdef_add(args[1], args[2], args[3]); } static void tr_fmap(char **args) { struct font *fn = args[1] ? dev_font(dev_pos(args[1])) : NULL; if (fn && args[2]) font_map(fn, args[2], args[3]); } static void arg_regname(struct sbuf *sbuf) { char reg[NMLEN]; read_regname(reg); sbuf_append(sbuf, reg); sbuf_add(sbuf, 0); } static void arg_string(struct sbuf *sbuf) { int c; while ((c = cp_next()) == ' ') ; if (c == '"') c = cp_next(); while (c > 0 && c != '\n') { if (c != c_ni) sbuf_add(sbuf, c); c = cp_next(); } sbuf_add(sbuf, 0); if (c >= 0) cp_back(c); } static int mkargs_arg(struct sbuf *sbuf, int (*next)(void), void (*back)(int)) { int quoted = 0; int c; c = next(); while (c == ' ') c = next(); if (c == '\n') back(c); if (c < 0 || c == '\n') return 1; if (c == '"') { quoted = 1; c = next(); } while (c >= 0 && c != '\n') { if (!quoted && c == ' ') break; if (quoted && c == '"') { c = next(); if (c != '"') break; } if (c == c_ec) { sbuf_add(sbuf, c); c = next(); } sbuf_add(sbuf, c); c = next(); } sbuf_add(sbuf, 0); if (c >= 0) back(c); return 0; } /* read macro arguments */ int tr_readargs(char **args, struct sbuf *sbuf, int (*next)(void), void (*back)(int)) { int idx[NARGS]; int i, n = 0; while (n < NARGS) { idx[n] = sbuf_len(sbuf); if (mkargs_arg(sbuf, next, back)) break; n++; } for (i = 0; i < n; i++) args[i] = sbuf_buf(sbuf) + idx[i]; return n; } /* read macro arguments; trims tabs if rmtabs is nonzero */ static int mkargs(char **args, struct sbuf *sbuf) { int n = tr_readargs(args, sbuf, cp_next, cp_back); jmp_eol(); return n; } /* read request arguments; trims tabs too */ static int mkargs_req(char **args, struct sbuf *sbuf) { int idx[NARGS]; int i, n = 0; int c; c = cp_next(); while (n < NARGS) { idx[n] = sbuf_len(sbuf); while (c == ' ' || c == '\t') c = cp_next(); while (c >= 0 && c != '\n' && c != ' ' && c != '\t') { if (c != c_ni) sbuf_add(sbuf, c); c = cp_next(); } if (sbuf_len(sbuf) > idx[n]) n++; sbuf_add(sbuf, 0); if (c == '\n') cp_back(c); if (c < 0 || c == '\n') break; } for (i = 0; i < n; i++) args[i] = sbuf_buf(sbuf) + idx[i]; jmp_eol(); return n; } /* read arguments for .ds */ static int mkargs_ds(char **args, struct sbuf *sbuf) { int idx[NARGS]; int i, n = 0; idx[n++] = sbuf_len(sbuf); arg_regname(sbuf); idx[n++] = sbuf_len(sbuf); cp_copymode(1); arg_string(sbuf); cp_copymode(0); jmp_eol(); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) args[i] = sbuf_buf(sbuf) + idx[i]; return n; } /* read arguments for commands .nr that expect a register name */ static int mkargs_reg1(char **args, struct sbuf *sbuf) { int n; int idx0 = sbuf_len(sbuf); arg_regname(sbuf); n = mkargs_req(args + 1, sbuf) + 1; args[0] = sbuf_buf(sbuf) + idx0; return n; } /* do not read arguments; for .if, .ie and .el */ static int mkargs_null(char **args, struct sbuf *sbuf) { return 0; } /* read the whole line for .tm */ static int mkargs_eol(char **args, struct sbuf *sbuf) { int idx0 = sbuf_len(sbuf); int c; cp_copymode(1); c = cp_next(); while (c == ' ') c = cp_next(); while (c >= 0 && c != '\n') { if (c != c_ni) sbuf_add(sbuf, c); c = cp_next(); } cp_copymode(0); args[0] = sbuf_buf(sbuf) + idx0; return 1; } static struct cmd { char *id; void (*f)(char **args); int (*args)(char **args, struct sbuf *sbuf); } cmds[] = { {TR_DIVBEG, tr_divbeg}, {TR_DIVEND, tr_divend}, {TR_DIVVS, tr_divvs}, {TR_POPREN, tr_popren}, {"ab", tr_ab, mkargs_eol}, {"ad", tr_ad}, {"af", tr_af}, {"am", tr_de, mkargs_reg1}, {"as", tr_as, mkargs_ds}, {"bd", tr_bd}, {"bp", tr_bp}, {"br", tr_br}, {"c2", tr_c2}, {"cc", tr_cc}, {"ochar", tr_ochar}, {"ce", tr_ce}, {"ch", tr_ch}, {"char", tr_char, mkargs_ds}, {"chop", tr_chop, mkargs_reg1}, {"cl", tr_cl}, {"cp", tr_cp}, {"cs", tr_cs}, {"da", tr_di}, {"de", tr_de, mkargs_reg1}, {"di", tr_di}, {"ds", tr_ds, mkargs_ds}, {"dt", tr_dt}, {"ec", tr_ec}, {"el", tr_el, mkargs_null}, {"em", tr_em}, {"eo", tr_eo}, {"eos", tr_eos}, {"ev", tr_ev}, {"ex", tr_ex}, {"fc", tr_fc}, {"ff", tr_ff}, {"fi", tr_fi}, {"fl", tr_br}, {"fmap", tr_fmap}, {"fp", tr_fp}, {"fspecial", tr_fspecial}, {"ft", tr_ft}, {"fzoom", tr_fzoom}, {"hc", tr_hc}, {"hcode", tr_hcode}, {"hpf", tr_hpf}, {"hpfa", tr_hpfa}, {"hy", tr_hy}, {"hyp", tr_hyp}, {"hw", tr_hw}, {"ie", tr_if, mkargs_null}, {"if", tr_if, mkargs_null}, {"ig", tr_ig}, {"in", tr_in}, {"it", tr_it}, {"kn", tr_kn}, {"lc", tr_lc}, {"lf", tr_lf}, {"lg", tr_lg}, {"ll", tr_ll}, {"ls", tr_ls}, {"lt", tr_lt}, {"mc", tr_mc}, {"mk", tr_mk}, {"na", tr_na}, {"ne", tr_ne}, {"nf", tr_nf}, {"nh", tr_nh}, {"nm", tr_nm}, {"nn", tr_nn}, {"nr", tr_nr, mkargs_reg1}, {"ns", tr_ns}, {"nx", tr_nx}, {"os", tr_os}, {"pc", tr_pc}, {"pl", tr_pl}, {"pmll", tr_pmll}, {"pn", tr_pn}, {"po", tr_po}, {"ps", tr_ps}, {"rchar", tr_rchar, mkargs_ds}, {"rm", tr_rm}, {"rn", tr_rn}, {"rr", tr_rr}, {"rs", tr_rs}, {"rt", tr_rt}, {"so", tr_so}, {"sp", tr_sp}, {"ss", tr_ss}, {"ssh", tr_ssh}, {"sv", tr_sv}, {"sy", tr_sy, mkargs_eol}, {"ta", tr_ta}, {"tc", tr_tc}, {"ti", tr_ti}, {"tl", tr_tl, mkargs_null}, {"tm", tr_tm, mkargs_eol}, {"tr", tr_tr, mkargs_eol}, {"vs", tr_vs}, {"wh", tr_wh}, }; /* read the next troff request; return zero if a request was executed. */ int tr_nextreq(void) { char *args[NARGS + 3] = {NULL}; char cmd[RNLEN + 1]; struct cmd *req; struct sbuf sbuf; int c; if (!tr_nl) return 1; c = cp_next(); if (c == c_ec) { int c2 = cp_next(); if (c2 == '!') { args[0] = "\\!"; sbuf_init(&sbuf); cp_copymode(1); mkargs_eol(args + 1, &sbuf); cp_copymode(0); tr_transparent(args); sbuf_done(&sbuf); return 0; } cp_back(c2); } if (c < 0 || (c != c_cc && c != c_c2)) { cp_back(c); return 1; } memset(args, 0, sizeof(args)); args[0] = cmd; cmd[0] = c; req = NULL; cp_reqbeg(); read_regname(cmd + 1); sbuf_init(&sbuf); req = str_dget(map(cmd + 1)); if (req) { if (req->args) req->args(args + 1, &sbuf); else mkargs_req(args + 1, &sbuf); req->f(args); } else { cp_copymode(1); mkargs(args + 1, &sbuf); cp_copymode(0); if (str_get(map(cmd + 1))) in_push(str_get(map(cmd + 1)), args + 1); } sbuf_done(&sbuf); return 0; } int tr_next(void) { int c; while (!tr_nextreq()) ; c = cp_next(); tr_nl = c == '\n' || c < 0; return c; } void tr_init(void) { int i; for (i = 0; i < LEN(cmds); i++) str_dset(map(cmds[i].id), &cmds[i]); cmap = dict_make(-1, 0, 0); }