ref: 61fc64623183c2b3d79be27c857c6e44d8e6fc8d
dir: /out.c/
#include <stdarg.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include "post.h" static int o_f, o_s, o_m; /* font and size */ static int o_h, o_v; /* current user position */ static int p_f, p_s, p_m; /* output postscript font */ static int o_qtype; /* queued character type */ static int o_qv, o_qh, o_qend; /* queued character position */ static int o_rh, o_rv, o_rdeg; /* previous rotation position and degree */ static int o_gname; /* use glyphshow for all glyphs */ char o_fonts[FNLEN * NFONTS] = " "; static void outvf(char *s, va_list ap) { vfprintf(stdout, s, ap); } static void outf(char *s, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, s); outvf(s, ap); va_end(ap); } static void o_flush(void) { if (o_qtype == 1) outf(") %d %d w\n", o_qh, o_qv); if (o_qtype == 2) outf("] %d %d g\n", o_qh, o_qv); o_qtype = 0; } void outgname(int g) { o_gname = g; } void outpage(void) { o_flush(); o_v = 0; o_h = 0; p_s = 0; p_f = 0; p_m = 0; o_rdeg = 0; } static void o_queue(struct glyph *g) { int type = 1 + (g->pos <= 0 || o_gname); if (o_qtype != type || o_qend != o_h || o_qv != o_v) { o_flush(); o_qh = o_h; o_qv = o_v; o_qtype = type; outf(type == 1 ? "(" : "["); } if (o_qtype == 1) { if (g->pos >= ' ' && g->pos <= '~') outf("%s%c", strchr("()\\", g->pos) ? "\\" : "", g->pos); else outf("\\%d%d%d", (g->pos >> 6) & 7, (g->pos >> 3) & 7, g->pos & 7); } else { outf("/%s", g->id); } o_qend = o_h + font_wid(g->font, o_s, g->wid); } /* calls o_flush() if necessary */ void out(char *s, ...) { va_list ap; o_flush(); va_start(ap, s); outvf(s, ap); va_end(ap); } static void out_fontup(int fid) { char fnname[FNLEN]; struct font *fn; if (o_m != p_m) { out("%d %d %d rgb\n", CLR_R(o_m), CLR_G(o_m), CLR_B(o_m)); p_m = o_m; } if (fid != p_f || o_s != p_s) { fn = dev_font(fid); out("%d /%s f\n", o_s, font_name(fn)); p_f = fid; p_s = o_s; sprintf(fnname, " %s ", font_name(fn)); if (!strstr(o_fonts, fnname)) sprintf(strchr(o_fonts, '\0'), "%s ", font_name(fn)); } } void outc(char *c) { struct glyph *g; struct font *fn; g = dev_glyph(c, o_f); fn = g ? g->font : dev_font(o_f); if (!g) { outrel(*c == ' ' && fn ? font_swid(fn, o_s) : 1, 0); return; } out_fontup(dev_fontid(fn)); o_queue(g); } void outh(int h) { o_h = h; } void outv(int v) { o_v = v; } void outrel(int h, int v) { o_h += h; o_v += v; } void outfont(int f) { if (dev_font(f)) o_f = f; } /* a font was mounted at pos f */ void outmnt(int f) { if (p_f == f) p_f = -1; } void outsize(int s) { if (s > 0) o_s = s; } void outcolor(int c) { o_m = c; } void outrotate(int deg) { o_flush(); out_fontup(o_f); if (o_rdeg) outf("%d %d %d rot\n", -o_rdeg, o_rh, o_rv); o_rdeg = deg; o_rh = o_h; o_rv = o_v; outf("%d %d %d rot\n", deg, o_h, o_v); } static int draw_path; /* number of path segments */ static int draw_point; /* point was set for postscript newpath */ static void drawmv(void) { if (!draw_point) outf("%d %d m ", o_h, o_v); draw_point = 1; } /* start a multi-segment path */ void drawmbeg(char *s) { o_flush(); out_fontup(o_f); draw_path = 1; outf("gsave newpath %s\n", s); } /* end a multi-segment path */ void drawmend(char *s) { draw_path = 0; draw_point = 0; outf("%s grestore\n", s); } void drawbeg(void) { o_flush(); out_fontup(o_f); if (draw_path) return; outf("newpath "); } void drawend(int close, int fill) { if (draw_path) return; draw_point = 0; if (close) outf("closepath "); if (fill) outf("fill\n"); else outf("stroke\n"); } void drawl(int h, int v) { drawmv(); outrel(h, v); outf("%d %d drawl ", o_h, o_v); } void drawc(int c) { drawmv(); outrel(c, 0); outf("%d %d drawe ", c, c); } void drawe(int h, int v) { drawmv(); outrel(h, 0); outf("%d %d drawe ", h, v); } void drawa(int h1, int v1, int h2, int v2) { drawmv(); outf("%d %d %d %d drawa ", h1, v1, h2, v2); outrel(h1 + h2, v1 + v2); } void draws(int h1, int v1, int h2, int v2) { drawmv(); outf("%d %d %d %d %d %d draws ", o_h, o_v, o_h + h1, o_v + v1, o_h + h1 + h2, o_v + v1 + v2); outrel(h1, v1); } void outeps(char *spec) { char eps[1 << 12]; char buf[1 << 12]; int llx, lly, urx, ury; int hwid, vwid; FILE *filp; int nspec, nbb; if ((nspec = sscanf(spec, "%s %d %d", eps, &hwid, &vwid)) < 1) return; if (nspec < 2) hwid = 0; if (nspec < 3) vwid = 0; if (!(filp = fopen(eps, "r"))) return; if (!fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), filp) || (strcmp(buf, "%!PS-Adobe-2.0 EPSF-1.2\n") && strcmp(buf, "%!PS-Adobe-2.0 EPSF-2.0\n") && strcmp(buf, "%!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0\n"))) { fclose(filp); return; } nbb = 0; while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), filp)) if (!strncmp(buf, "%%BoundingBox: ", 15)) if ((nbb = sscanf(buf + 15, "%d %d %d %d", &llx, &lly, &urx, &ury)) == 4) break; fclose(filp); if (nbb < 4) /* no BoundingBox comment */ return; if (hwid <= 0 && vwid <= 0) hwid = (urx - llx) * dev_res / 72; if (vwid <= 0) vwid = (ury - lly) * hwid / (urx - llx); if (hwid <= 0) hwid = (urx - llx) * vwid / (ury - lly); /* output the EPS file */ o_flush(); out_fontup(o_f); outf("%d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d EPSFBEG\n", llx, lly, hwid, urx - llx, vwid, ury - lly, o_h, o_v); outf("%%%%BeginDocument: %s\n", eps); filp = fopen(eps, "r"); while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), filp)) out("%s", buf); fclose(filp); outf("%%%%EndDocument\n"); outf("EPSFEND\n"); }