ref: dc803493f4a4f35e7713a9ee52b635558add5b9d
dir: /f_finale.c/
//************************************************************************** //** //** f_finale.c : Heretic 2 : Raven Software, Corp. //** //** $Revision: 458 $ //** $Date: 2009-05-25 15:35:27 +0300 (Mon, 25 May 2009) $ //** //************************************************************************** // HEADER FILES ------------------------------------------------------------ #include "h2stdinc.h" #include <ctype.h> #include "h2def.h" #include "soundst.h" #include "p_local.h" #include "v_compat.h" // MACROS ------------------------------------------------------------------ #define TEXTSPEED 3 #define TEXTWAIT 250 #ifdef RENDER3D #define V_DrawPatch(x,y,p) OGL_DrawPatch((x),(y),(p)) #define V_DrawRawScreen(a) OGL_DrawRawScreen((a)) #endif // TYPES ------------------------------------------------------------------- // EXTERNAL FUNCTION PROTOTYPES -------------------------------------------- // PUBLIC FUNCTION PROTOTYPES ---------------------------------------------- // PRIVATE FUNCTION PROTOTYPES --------------------------------------------- static void TextWrite(void); static void DrawPic(void); #ifdef RENDER3D static void FadeIn (void); static void FadeOut(void); #define InitializeFade(x) do {} while (0) #define DeInitializeFade() do {} while (0) #define FadePic() do {} while (0) #else #define FadeIn() do {} while (0) #define FadeOut() do {} while (0) static void InitializeFade(boolean fadeIn); static void DeInitializeFade(void); static void FadePic(void); #endif // EXTERNAL DATA DECLARATIONS ---------------------------------------------- extern boolean viewactive; // PUBLIC DATA DECLARATIONS ------------------------------------------------ // PRIVATE DATA DEFINITIONS ------------------------------------------------ static int FinaleStage; static int FinaleCount; static int FinaleEndCount; static int FinaleLumpNum; static int FontABaseLump; static const char *FinaleText; #ifndef RENDER3D static fixed_t *Palette; static fixed_t *PaletteDelta; static byte *RealPalette; #endif // CODE -------------------------------------------------------------------- //=========================================================================== // // F_StartFinale // //=========================================================================== void F_StartFinale (void) { gameaction = ga_nothing; gamestate = GS_FINALE; viewactive = false; automapactive = false; P_ClearMessage(&players[consoleplayer]); FinaleStage = 0; FinaleCount = 0; FinaleText = GetFinaleText(0); FinaleEndCount = 70; FinaleLumpNum = W_GetNumForName("FINALE1"); FontABaseLump = W_GetNumForName("FONTA_S") + 1; InitializeFade(1); #ifdef RENDER3D OGL_SetFilter(0); #endif // S_ChangeMusic(mus_victor, true); S_StartSongName("hall", false); // don't loop the song } //=========================================================================== // // F_Responder // //=========================================================================== boolean F_Responder(event_t *event) { USED(event); return false; } //=========================================================================== // // F_Ticker // //=========================================================================== void F_Ticker (void) { FinaleCount++; if (FinaleStage < 5 && FinaleCount >= FinaleEndCount) { FinaleCount = 0; FinaleStage++; switch (FinaleStage) { case 1: // Text 1 FinaleEndCount = strlen(FinaleText)*TEXTSPEED + TEXTWAIT; break; case 2: // Pic 2, Text 2 FinaleText = GetFinaleText(1); FinaleEndCount = strlen(FinaleText)*TEXTSPEED + TEXTWAIT; FinaleLumpNum = W_GetNumForName("FINALE2"); S_StartSongName("orb", false); break; case 3: // Pic 2 -- Fade out FinaleEndCount = 70; DeInitializeFade(); InitializeFade(0); break; case 4: // Pic 3 -- Fade in FinaleLumpNum = W_GetNumForName("FINALE3"); FinaleEndCount = 71; DeInitializeFade(); InitializeFade(1); S_StartSongName("chess", true); break; case 5: // Pic 3 , Text 3 FinaleText = GetFinaleText(2); DeInitializeFade(); break; default: break; } return; } if (FinaleStage == 0 || FinaleStage == 3 || FinaleStage == 4) { FadePic(); } } //=========================================================================== // // TextWrite // //=========================================================================== static void TextWrite (void) { int count; const char *ch; int c; int cx, cy; patch_t *w; int width; V_DrawRawScreen((BYTE_REF) WR_CacheLumpNum(FinaleLumpNum, PU_CACHE)); if (FinaleStage == 5) { // Chess pic, draw the correct character graphic if (netgame) { V_DrawPatch(20, 0, (PATCH_REF)WR_CacheLumpName("chessall", PU_CACHE)); } #ifdef ASSASSIN else if (PlayerClasses[consoleplayer] == PCLASS_ASS) { V_DrawPatch(60, 0, (PATCH_REF)WR_CacheLumpNum(W_GetNumForName("chessa"), PU_CACHE)); } #endif else if (PlayerClasses[consoleplayer]) { V_DrawPatch(60, 0, (PATCH_REF)WR_CacheLumpNum(W_GetNumForName("chessc") + PlayerClasses[consoleplayer] - 1, PU_CACHE)); } } // Draw the actual text if (FinaleStage == 5) { cy = 135; } else { cy = 5; } cx = 20; ch = FinaleText; count = (FinaleCount - 10) / TEXTSPEED; if (count < 0) { count = 0; } for ( ; count; count--) { c = *ch++; if (!c) { break; } if (c == '\n') { cx = 20; cy += 9; continue; } if (c < 32) { continue; } c = toupper(c); if (c == 32) { cx += 5; continue; } w = (patch_t *) W_CacheLumpNum(FontABaseLump + c - 33, PU_CACHE); width = SHORT(w->width); if (cx + width > SCREENWIDTH) { break; } #ifdef RENDER3D OGL_DrawPatch_CS(cx, cy, FontABaseLump + c - 33); #else V_DrawPatch(cx, cy, w); #endif cx += width; } } //=========================================================================== // // InitializeFade // //=========================================================================== #if !defined(RENDER3D) static void InitializeFade(boolean fadeIn) { unsigned i; Palette = (fixed_t *) Z_Malloc(768*sizeof(fixed_t), PU_STATIC, NULL); PaletteDelta = (fixed_t *) Z_Malloc(768*sizeof(fixed_t), PU_STATIC, NULL); RealPalette = (byte *) Z_Malloc(768*sizeof(byte), PU_STATIC, NULL); if (fadeIn) { memset(RealPalette, 0, 768*sizeof(byte)); for (i = 0; i < 768; i++) { Palette[i] = 0; PaletteDelta[i] = FixedDiv((*((byte *)W_CacheLumpName("PLAYPAL", PU_CACHE) + i))<<FRACBITS, 70*FRACUNIT); } } else { for (i = 0; i < 768; i++) { RealPalette[i] = *((byte *)W_CacheLumpName("PLAYPAL", PU_CACHE) + i); Palette[i] = RealPalette[i]<<FRACBITS; PaletteDelta[i] = FixedDiv(Palette[i], -70*FRACUNIT); } } I_SetPalette(RealPalette); } //=========================================================================== // // DeInitializeFade // //=========================================================================== static void DeInitializeFade(void) { Z_Free(Palette); Z_Free(PaletteDelta); Z_Free(RealPalette); } //=========================================================================== // // FadePic // //=========================================================================== static void FadePic(void) { unsigned i; for (i = 0; i < 768; i++) { Palette[i] += PaletteDelta[i]; RealPalette[i] = Palette[i]>>FRACBITS; } I_SetPalette(RealPalette); } #else /* ! RENDER3D */ /* For OpenGL: adapted from the Vavoom project. * * The FinaleCount / FinaleEndCount tick rates seem to work fine * for us here: for FinaleStage 0, 3 and 4, where this code is * used, FinaleEndCount is set to 70 or 71, FinaleCount is reset * to 0 and incremented at every tick, and this gives us about 2 * seconds of fade-in/fade-out. */ static void FadeOut (void) { float fade = (float)FinaleCount / (float)FinaleEndCount; if (fade < 0.0) fade = 0.0; if (fade > 0.99) fade = 0.99; OGL_ShadeRect(0, 0, 320, 200, fade); } static void FadeIn (void) { float fade = 1.0 - (float)FinaleCount / (float)FinaleEndCount; if (fade < 0.0) fade = 0.0; if (fade > 0.99) fade = 0.99; OGL_ShadeRect(0, 0, 320, 200, fade); } #endif /* ! RENDER3D */ //=========================================================================== // // DrawPic // //=========================================================================== static void DrawPic(void) { V_DrawRawScreen((BYTE_REF) WR_CacheLumpNum(FinaleLumpNum, PU_CACHE)); if (FinaleStage == 4 || FinaleStage == 5) { // Chess pic, draw the correct character graphic if (netgame) { V_DrawPatch(20, 0, (PATCH_REF)WR_CacheLumpName("chessall", PU_CACHE)); } else if (PlayerClasses[consoleplayer]) { V_DrawPatch(60, 0, (PATCH_REF)WR_CacheLumpNum(W_GetNumForName("chessc") + PlayerClasses[consoleplayer] - 1, PU_CACHE)); } } } //=========================================================================== // // F_Drawer // //=========================================================================== void F_Drawer(void) { switch (FinaleStage) { case 0: // Fade in initial finale screen DrawPic(); FadeIn(); break; case 1: case 2: TextWrite(); break; case 3: // Fade screen out DrawPic(); FadeOut(); break; case 4: // Fade in chess screen DrawPic(); FadeIn(); break; case 5: TextWrite(); break; } UpdateState |= I_FULLSCRN; }