ref: 58bf0e9f39e85fbd3238458bf18403c41275ab7b
dir: /ct_chat.c/
//************************************************************************** //** //** ct_chat.c : Heretic 2 : Raven Software, Corp. //** //** $Revision: 529 $ //** $Date: 2009-06-10 16:27:26 +0300 (Wed, 10 Jun 2009) $ //** //************************************************************************** #include "h2stdinc.h" #include <ctype.h> #include "h2def.h" #include "p_local.h" #include "soundst.h" #ifdef RENDER3D #include "ogl_def.h" #endif #define QUEUESIZE 128 #define MESSAGESIZE 128 #define MESSAGELEN 265 // 8-player note: Change this stuff (CT_PLR_*, and the key mappings) enum { CT_PLR_BLUE = 1, CT_PLR_RED, CT_PLR_YELLOW, CT_PLR_GREEN, #if (MAXPLAYERS >= MAXPLAYERS_11) CT_PLR_PLAYER5, CT_PLR_PLAYER6, CT_PLR_PLAYER7, CT_PLR_PLAYER8, #endif CT_PLR_ALL }; #define CT_KEY_BLUE 'b' #define CT_KEY_RED 'r' #define CT_KEY_YELLOW 'y' #define CT_KEY_GREEN 'g' #define CT_KEY_PLAYER5 'j' /* Jade */ #define CT_KEY_PLAYER6 'w' /* White */ #define CT_KEY_PLAYER7 'h' /* Hazel */ #define CT_KEY_PLAYER8 'p' /* Purple */ #define CT_KEY_ALL 't' #define CT_ESCAPE 6 // Public data void CT_Init(void); void CT_Drawer(void); boolean CT_Responder(event_t *ev); void CT_Ticker(void); char CT_dequeueChatChar(void); boolean chatmodeon; char chat_macros[10][80] = { HUSTR_CHATMACRO0, HUSTR_CHATMACRO1, HUSTR_CHATMACRO2, HUSTR_CHATMACRO3, HUSTR_CHATMACRO4, HUSTR_CHATMACRO5, HUSTR_CHATMACRO6, HUSTR_CHATMACRO7, HUSTR_CHATMACRO8, HUSTR_CHATMACRO9 }; // Private data static void CT_queueChatChar(char ch); static void CT_ClearChatMessage(int player); static void CT_AddChar(int player, char c); static void CT_BackSpace(int player); static int head, tail; static byte ChatQueue[QUEUESIZE]; static int chat_dest[MAXPLAYERS]; static char chat_msg[MAXPLAYERS][MESSAGESIZE]; static char plr_lastmsg[MAXPLAYERS][MESSAGESIZE+9]; static int msgptr[MAXPLAYERS]; static int msglen[MAXPLAYERS]; static int FontABaseLump; static const char *CT_FromPlrText[MAXPLAYERS_11] = { "BLUE: ", "RED: ", "YELLOW: ", "GREEN: ", "JADE: ", "WHITE: ", "HAZEL: ", "PURPLE: " }; static boolean altdown, shiftdown; extern boolean usearti; //=========================================================================== // // CT_Init // // Initialize chat mode data //=========================================================================== void CT_Init(void) { int i; head = 0; //initialize the queue index tail = 0; chatmodeon = false; memset(ChatQueue, 0, QUEUESIZE); for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++) { chat_dest[i] = 0; msgptr[i] = 0; memset(plr_lastmsg[i], 0, MESSAGESIZE); memset(chat_msg[i], 0, MESSAGESIZE); } FontABaseLump = W_GetNumForName("FONTA_S") + 1; return; } //=========================================================================== // // CT_Stop // //=========================================================================== void CT_Stop(void) { chatmodeon = false; return; } //=========================================================================== // // CT_Responder // //=========================================================================== boolean CT_Responder(event_t *ev) { const char *macro; int sendtarget; if (!netgame) { return false; } if (ev->data1 == KEY_RALT) { altdown = (ev->type == ev_keydown); return false; } if (ev->data1 == KEY_RSHIFT) { shiftdown = (ev->type == ev_keydown); return false; } if (gamestate != GS_LEVEL || ev->type != ev_keydown) { return false; } if (!chatmodeon) { sendtarget = 0; if (ev->data1 == CT_KEY_ALL) { sendtarget = CT_PLR_ALL; } else if (ev->data1 == CT_KEY_GREEN) { sendtarget = CT_PLR_GREEN; } else if (ev->data1 == CT_KEY_YELLOW) { sendtarget = CT_PLR_YELLOW; } else if (ev->data1 == CT_KEY_RED) { sendtarget = CT_PLR_RED; } else if (ev->data1 == CT_KEY_BLUE) { sendtarget = CT_PLR_BLUE; } #if (MAXPLAYERS == MAXPLAYERS_11) else if (ev->data1 == CT_KEY_PLAYER5) { sendtarget = CT_PLR_PLAYER5; } else if (ev->data1 == CT_KEY_PLAYER6) { sendtarget = CT_PLR_PLAYER6; } else if (ev->data1 == CT_KEY_PLAYER7) { sendtarget = CT_PLR_PLAYER7; } else if (ev->data1 == CT_KEY_PLAYER8) { sendtarget = CT_PLR_PLAYER8; } #endif /* 8-players */ if (sendtarget == 0 || (sendtarget != CT_PLR_ALL && !playeringame[sendtarget - 1]) || sendtarget == consoleplayer + 1) { return false; } CT_queueChatChar(sendtarget); chatmodeon = true; return true; } else { if (altdown) { if (ev->data1 >= '0' && ev->data1 <= '9') { if (ev->data1 == '0') { // macro 0 comes after macro 9 ev->data1 = '9' + 1; } macro = chat_macros[ev->data1-'1']; CT_queueChatChar(KEY_ENTER); //send old message CT_queueChatChar(chat_dest[consoleplayer]); // chose the dest. while (*macro) { CT_queueChatChar(toupper(*macro++)); } CT_queueChatChar(KEY_ENTER); //send it off... CT_Stop(); return true; } } if (ev->data1 == KEY_ENTER) { CT_queueChatChar(KEY_ENTER); usearti = false; CT_Stop(); return true; } else if (ev->data1 == KEY_ESCAPE) { CT_queueChatChar(CT_ESCAPE); CT_Stop(); return true; } else if (ev->data1 >= 'a' && ev->data1 <= 'z') { CT_queueChatChar(ev->data1-32); return true; } else if (shiftdown) { if (ev->data1 == '1') { CT_queueChatChar('!'); return true; } else if (ev->data1 == '/') { CT_queueChatChar('?'); return true; } } if (ev->data1 == ' ' || ev->data1 == ',' || ev->data1 == '.' || (ev->data1 >= '0' && ev->data1 <= '9') || ev->data1 == '\'' || ev->data1 == KEY_BACKSPACE || ev->data1 == '-' || ev->data1 == '=') { CT_queueChatChar(ev->data1); return true; } } return false; } //=========================================================================== // // CT_Ticker // //=========================================================================== void CT_Ticker(void) { int i, j; char c; int numplayers; for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++) { if (!playeringame[i]) { continue; } if ((c = players[i].cmd.chatchar) != 0) { if (c <= CT_PLR_ALL) { chat_dest[i] = c; continue; } else if (c == CT_ESCAPE) { CT_ClearChatMessage(i); } else if (c == KEY_ENTER) { numplayers = 0; for (j = 0; j < MAXPLAYERS; j++) { numplayers += playeringame[j]; } CT_AddChar(i, 0); // set the end of message character if (numplayers > 2) { strcpy(plr_lastmsg[i], CT_FromPlrText[i]); strcat(plr_lastmsg[i], chat_msg[i]); } else { strcpy(plr_lastmsg[i], chat_msg[i]); } if (i != consoleplayer && (chat_dest[i] == consoleplayer + 1 || chat_dest[i] == CT_PLR_ALL) && *chat_msg[i]) { P_SetMessage(&players[consoleplayer], plr_lastmsg[i], true); S_StartSound(NULL, SFX_CHAT); } else if (i == consoleplayer && (*chat_msg[i])) { if (numplayers <= 1) { P_SetMessage(&players[consoleplayer], "THERE ARE NO OTHER PLAYERS IN THE GAME!", true); S_StartSound(NULL, SFX_CHAT); } } CT_ClearChatMessage(i); } else if (c == KEY_BACKSPACE) { CT_BackSpace(i); } else { CT_AddChar(i, c); } } } return; } //=========================================================================== // // CT_Drawer // //=========================================================================== void CT_Drawer(void) { int i; int x; patch_t *patch; if (chatmodeon) { x = 25; for (i = 0; i < msgptr[consoleplayer]; i++) { if (chat_msg[consoleplayer][i] < 33) { x += 6; } else { patch = (patch_t *) W_CacheLumpNum(FontABaseLump + chat_msg[consoleplayer][i] - 33, PU_CACHE); #ifdef RENDER3D OGL_DrawPatch_CS(x, 10, FontABaseLump + chat_msg[consoleplayer][i] - 33); #else V_DrawPatch(x, 10, patch); #endif x += SHORT(patch->width); } } #ifdef RENDER3D OGL_DrawPatch_CS(x, 10, W_GetNumForName("FONTA59")); #else patch = (patch_t *) W_CacheLumpName("FONTA59", PU_CACHE); V_DrawPatch(x, 10, patch); #endif BorderTopRefresh = true; UpdateState |= I_MESSAGES; } } //=========================================================================== // // CT_queueChatChar // //=========================================================================== static void CT_queueChatChar(char ch) { if (((tail + 1) & (QUEUESIZE - 1)) == head) { // the queue is full return; } ChatQueue[tail] = ch; tail = (tail + 1) & (QUEUESIZE - 1); } //=========================================================================== // // CT_dequeueChatChar // //=========================================================================== char CT_dequeueChatChar(void) { byte temp; if (head == tail) { // queue is empty return 0; } temp = ChatQueue[head]; head = (head + 1) & (QUEUESIZE - 1); return temp; } //=========================================================================== // // CT_AddChar // //=========================================================================== static void CT_AddChar(int player, char c) { patch_t *patch; if (msgptr[player] + 1 >= MESSAGESIZE || msglen[player] >= MESSAGELEN) { // full. return; } chat_msg[player][msgptr[player]] = c; msgptr[player]++; if (c < 33) { msglen[player] += 6; } else { patch = (patch_t *) W_CacheLumpNum(FontABaseLump + c - 33, PU_CACHE); msglen[player] += SHORT(patch->width); } } //=========================================================================== // // CT_BackSpace // // Backs up a space, when the user hits (obviously) backspace //=========================================================================== static void CT_BackSpace(int player) { patch_t *patch; char c; if (msgptr[player] == 0) { // message is already blank return; } msgptr[player]--; c = chat_msg[player][msgptr[player]]; if (c < 33) { msglen[player] -= 6; } else { patch = (patch_t *) W_CacheLumpNum(FontABaseLump + c - 33, PU_CACHE); msglen[player] -= SHORT(patch->width); } chat_msg[player][msgptr[player]] = 0; } //=========================================================================== // // CT_ClearChatMessage // // Clears out the data for the chat message, but the player's message // is still saved in plrmsg. //=========================================================================== static void CT_ClearChatMessage(int player) { memset(chat_msg[player], 0, MESSAGESIZE); msgptr[player] = 0; msglen[player] = 0; }