ref: 12f44d91003179e27b12ce1cf57524dc45fd1f2d
dir: /p_setup.c/
//************************************************************************** //** //** p_setup.c : Heretic 2 : Raven Software, Corp. //** //** $Revision: 590 $ //** $Date: 2012-10-23 23:55:31 +0300 (Tue, 23 Oct 2012) $ //** //************************************************************************** // HEADER FILES ------------------------------------------------------------ #include "h2stdinc.h" #include "h2def.h" #include "p_local.h" #include "i_cdmus.h" #include "soundst.h" #ifdef RENDER3D #include "ogl_def.h" #endif // MACROS ------------------------------------------------------------------ #define MAPINFO_SCRIPT_NAME "MAPINFO" #define MCMD_SKY1 1 #define MCMD_SKY2 2 #define MCMD_LIGHTNING 3 #define MCMD_FADETABLE 4 #define MCMD_DOUBLESKY 5 #define MCMD_CLUSTER 6 #define MCMD_WARPTRANS 7 #define MCMD_NEXT 8 #define MCMD_CDTRACK 9 #define MCMD_CD_STARTTRACK 10 #define MCMD_CD_END1TRACK 11 #define MCMD_CD_END2TRACK 12 #define MCMD_CD_END3TRACK 13 #define MCMD_CD_INTERTRACK 14 #define MCMD_CD_TITLETRACK 15 #define UNKNOWN_MAP_NAME "DEVELOPMENT MAP" #define DEFAULT_SKY_NAME "SKY1" #define DEFAULT_SKY_DEMO "SKY2" #define DEFAULT_SONG_LUMP "DEFSONG" #define DEFAULT_FADE_TABLE "COLORMAP" // TYPES ------------------------------------------------------------------- typedef struct mapInfo_s mapInfo_t; struct mapInfo_s { short cluster; short warpTrans; short nextMap; short cdTrack; char name[32]; short sky1Texture; short sky2Texture; fixed_t sky1ScrollDelta; fixed_t sky2ScrollDelta; boolean doubleSky; boolean lightning; int fadetable; char songLump[10]; }; // EXTERNAL FUNCTION PROTOTYPES -------------------------------------------- void P_SpawnMapThing(mapthing_t *mthing); // PUBLIC FUNCTION PROTOTYPES ---------------------------------------------- // PRIVATE FUNCTION PROTOTYPES --------------------------------------------- static int QualifyMap(int map); #ifdef RENDER3D static float P_AccurateDistance(fixed_t dx, fixed_t dy); #endif // EXTERNAL DATA DECLARATIONS ---------------------------------------------- // PUBLIC DATA DEFINITIONS ------------------------------------------------- int MapCount; mapthing_t deathmatchstarts[MAXDEATHMATCHSTARTS], *deathmatch_p; mapthing_t playerstarts[MAX_PLAYER_STARTS][MAXPLAYERS]; int numvertexes; vertex_t *vertexes; int numsegs; seg_t *segs; int numsectors; sector_t *sectors; int numsubsectors; subsector_t *subsectors; int numnodes; node_t *nodes; int numlines; line_t *lines; int numsides; side_t *sides; short *blockmaplump; // offsets in blockmap are from here short *blockmap; int bmapwidth, bmapheight; // in mapblocks fixed_t bmaporgx, bmaporgy; // origin of block map mobj_t **blocklinks; // for thing chains byte *rejectmatrix; // for fast sight rejection // PRIVATE DATA DEFINITIONS ------------------------------------------------ static mapInfo_t MapInfo[99]; static const char *MapCmdNames[] = { "SKY1", "SKY2", "DOUBLESKY", "LIGHTNING", "FADETABLE", "CLUSTER", "WARPTRANS", "NEXT", "CDTRACK", "CD_START_TRACK", "CD_END1_TRACK", "CD_END2_TRACK", "CD_END3_TRACK", "CD_INTERMISSION_TRACK", "CD_TITLE_TRACK", NULL }; static int MapCmdIDs[] = { MCMD_SKY1, MCMD_SKY2, MCMD_DOUBLESKY, MCMD_LIGHTNING, MCMD_FADETABLE, MCMD_CLUSTER, MCMD_WARPTRANS, MCMD_NEXT, MCMD_CDTRACK, MCMD_CD_STARTTRACK, MCMD_CD_END1TRACK, MCMD_CD_END2TRACK, MCMD_CD_END3TRACK, MCMD_CD_INTERTRACK, MCMD_CD_TITLETRACK }; static int cd_NonLevelTracks[6]; // Non-level specific song cd track numbers // CODE -------------------------------------------------------------------- /* ================= = = P_LoadVertexes = ================= */ static void P_LoadVertexes (int lump) { void *data; int i; mapvertex_t *ml; vertex_t *li; numvertexes = W_LumpLength (lump) / sizeof(mapvertex_t); vertexes = (vertex_t *) Z_Malloc (numvertexes*sizeof(vertex_t), PU_LEVEL, NULL); data = W_CacheLumpNum (lump, PU_STATIC); ml = (mapvertex_t *)data; li = vertexes; for (i = 0; i < numvertexes; i++, li++, ml++) { li->x = SHORT(ml->x)<<FRACBITS; li->y = SHORT(ml->y)<<FRACBITS; } Z_Free (data); } /* ================= = = P_LoadSegs = ================= */ static void P_LoadSegs (int lump) { void *data; int i; mapseg_t *ml; seg_t *li; line_t *ldef; int _linedef, side; numsegs = W_LumpLength (lump) / sizeof(mapseg_t); segs = (seg_t *) Z_Malloc (numsegs*sizeof(seg_t), PU_LEVEL, NULL); memset (segs, 0, numsegs*sizeof(seg_t)); data = W_CacheLumpNum (lump, PU_STATIC); ml = (mapseg_t *)data; li = segs; for (i = 0; i < numsegs; i++, li++, ml++) { li->v1 = &vertexes[SHORT(ml->v1)]; li->v2 = &vertexes[SHORT(ml->v2)]; li->angle = (SHORT(ml->angle))<<16; li->offset = (SHORT(ml->offset))<<16; _linedef = SHORT(ml->linedef); ldef = &lines[_linedef]; li->linedef = ldef; side = SHORT(ml->side); li->sidedef = &sides[ldef->sidenum[side]]; li->frontsector = sides[ldef->sidenum[side]].sector; if (ldef-> flags & ML_TWOSIDED) li->backsector = sides[ldef->sidenum[side^1]].sector; else li->backsector = 0; #ifdef RENDER3D // Calculate the length of the segment. We need this for // the texture coordinates. -jk li->len = P_AccurateDistance(li->v2->x - li->v1->x, li->v2->y - li->v1->y); #endif } Z_Free (data); } /* ================= = = P_LoadSubsectors = ================= */ static void P_LoadSubsectors (int lump) { void *data; int i; mapsubsector_t *ms; subsector_t *ss; numsubsectors = W_LumpLength (lump) / sizeof(mapsubsector_t); subsectors = (subsector_t *) Z_Malloc (numsubsectors*sizeof(subsector_t), PU_LEVEL, NULL); data = W_CacheLumpNum (lump, PU_STATIC); ms = (mapsubsector_t *)data; memset (subsectors, 0, numsubsectors*sizeof(subsector_t)); ss = subsectors; for (i = 0; i < numsubsectors; i++, ss++, ms++) { ss->numlines = SHORT(ms->numsegs); ss->firstline = SHORT(ms->firstseg); } Z_Free (data); } /* ================= = = P_LoadSectors = ================= */ static void P_LoadSectors (int lump) { void *data; int i; mapsector_t *ms; sector_t *ss; numsectors = W_LumpLength (lump) / sizeof(mapsector_t); sectors = (sector_t *) Z_Malloc (numsectors*sizeof(sector_t), PU_LEVEL, NULL); memset (sectors, 0, numsectors*sizeof(sector_t)); data = W_CacheLumpNum (lump, PU_STATIC); ms = (mapsector_t *)data; ss = sectors; // Make sure primary lumps are used for flat searching W_UsePrimary(); for (i = 0; i < numsectors; i++, ss++, ms++) { ss->floorheight = SHORT(ms->floorheight)<<FRACBITS; ss->ceilingheight = SHORT(ms->ceilingheight)<<FRACBITS; ss->floorpic = R_FlatNumForName(ms->floorpic); ss->ceilingpic = R_FlatNumForName(ms->ceilingpic); ss->lightlevel = SHORT(ms->lightlevel); ss->special = SHORT(ms->special); ss->tag = SHORT(ms->tag); ss->thinglist = NULL; ss->seqType = SEQTYPE_STONE; // default seqType #ifdef RENDER3D ss->flatoffx = ss->flatoffy = 0;// Flat scrolling. ss->skyfix = 0; // Set if needed. #endif } if (DevMaps) { W_UseAuxiliary(); } Z_Free(data); } /* ================= = = P_LoadNodes = ================= */ static void P_LoadNodes (int lump) { void *data; int i, j, k; mapnode_t *mn; node_t *no; numnodes = W_LumpLength (lump) / sizeof(mapnode_t); nodes = (node_t *) Z_Malloc (numnodes*sizeof(node_t), PU_LEVEL, NULL); data = W_CacheLumpNum (lump, PU_STATIC); mn = (mapnode_t *)data; no = nodes; for (i = 0; i < numnodes; i++, no++, mn++) { no->x = SHORT(mn->x)<<FRACBITS; no->y = SHORT(mn->y)<<FRACBITS; no->dx = SHORT(mn->dx)<<FRACBITS; no->dy = SHORT(mn->dy)<<FRACBITS; for (j = 0; j < 2; j++) { no->children[j] = SHORT(mn->children[j]); for (k = 0; k < 4; k++) no->bbox[j][k] = SHORT(mn->bbox[j][k])<<FRACBITS; } } Z_Free (data); } //========================================================================== // // P_LoadThings // //========================================================================== static void P_LoadThings(int lump) { void *data; int i; mapthing_t *mt; int numthings; int playerCount; int deathSpotsCount; data = W_CacheLumpNum(lump, PU_STATIC); numthings = W_LumpLength(lump) / sizeof(mapthing_t); mt = (mapthing_t *)data; for (i = 0; i < numthings; i++, mt++) { mt->tid = SHORT(mt->tid); mt->x = SHORT(mt->x); mt->y = SHORT(mt->y); mt->height = SHORT(mt->height); mt->angle = SHORT(mt->angle); mt->type = SHORT(mt->type); mt->options = SHORT(mt->options); P_SpawnMapThing(mt); } P_CreateTIDList(); P_InitCreatureCorpseQueue(false); // false = do NOT scan for corpses Z_Free(data); if (!deathmatch) { return; // Don't need to check deathmatch spots } playerCount = 0; for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++) { playerCount += playeringame[i]; } deathSpotsCount = deathmatch_p - deathmatchstarts; if (deathSpotsCount < playerCount) { I_Error("P_LoadThings: Player count (%d) exceeds deathmatch " "spots (%d)", playerCount, deathSpotsCount); } } /* ================= = = P_LoadLineDefs = ================= */ static void P_LoadLineDefs(int lump) { void *data; int i; maplinedef_t *mld; line_t *ld; vertex_t *v1, *v2; numlines = W_LumpLength(lump) / sizeof(maplinedef_t); lines = (line_t *) Z_Malloc(numlines*sizeof(line_t), PU_LEVEL, NULL); memset(lines, 0, numlines*sizeof(line_t)); data = W_CacheLumpNum(lump, PU_STATIC); mld = (maplinedef_t *)data; ld = lines; for (i = 0; i < numlines; i++, mld++, ld++) { ld->flags = SHORT(mld->flags); // Old line special info ... //ld->special = SHORT(mld->special); //ld->tag = SHORT(mld->tag); // New line special info ... ld->special = mld->special; ld->arg1 = mld->arg1; ld->arg2 = mld->arg2; ld->arg3 = mld->arg3; ld->arg4 = mld->arg4; ld->arg5 = mld->arg5; v1 = ld->v1 = &vertexes[SHORT(mld->v1)]; v2 = ld->v2 = &vertexes[SHORT(mld->v2)]; ld->dx = v2->x - v1->x; ld->dy = v2->y - v1->y; if (!ld->dx) ld->slopetype = ST_VERTICAL; else if (!ld->dy) ld->slopetype = ST_HORIZONTAL; else { if (FixedDiv (ld->dy , ld->dx) > 0) ld->slopetype = ST_POSITIVE; else ld->slopetype = ST_NEGATIVE; } if (v1->x < v2->x) { ld->bbox[BOXLEFT] = v1->x; ld->bbox[BOXRIGHT] = v2->x; } else { ld->bbox[BOXLEFT] = v2->x; ld->bbox[BOXRIGHT] = v1->x; } if (v1->y < v2->y) { ld->bbox[BOXBOTTOM] = v1->y; ld->bbox[BOXTOP] = v2->y; } else { ld->bbox[BOXBOTTOM] = v2->y; ld->bbox[BOXTOP] = v1->y; } ld->sidenum[0] = SHORT(mld->sidenum[0]); ld->sidenum[1] = SHORT(mld->sidenum[1]); if (ld->sidenum[0] != -1) ld->frontsector = sides[ld->sidenum[0]].sector; else ld->frontsector = 0; if (ld->sidenum[1] != -1) ld->backsector = sides[ld->sidenum[1]].sector; else ld->backsector = 0; } Z_Free (data); } /* ================= = = P_LoadSideDefs = ================= */ static void P_LoadSideDefs (int lump) { void *data; int i; mapsidedef_t *msd; side_t *sd; numsides = W_LumpLength (lump) / sizeof(mapsidedef_t); sides = (side_t *) Z_Malloc (numsides*sizeof(side_t), PU_LEVEL, NULL); memset (sides, 0, numsides*sizeof(side_t)); data = W_CacheLumpNum (lump, PU_STATIC); msd = (mapsidedef_t *)data; sd = sides; // Make sure primary lumps are used for texture searching W_UsePrimary(); for (i = 0; i < numsides; i++, msd++, sd++) { sd->textureoffset = SHORT(msd->textureoffset)<<FRACBITS; sd->rowoffset = SHORT(msd->rowoffset)<<FRACBITS; sd->toptexture = R_TextureNumForName(msd->toptexture); sd->bottomtexture = R_TextureNumForName(msd->bottomtexture); sd->midtexture = R_TextureNumForName(msd->midtexture); sd->sector = §ors[SHORT(msd->sector)]; } if (DevMaps) { W_UseAuxiliary(); } Z_Free(data); } /* ================= = = P_LoadBlockMap = ================= */ static void P_LoadBlockMap (int lump) { int i, count; blockmaplump = (short *) W_CacheLumpNum (lump, PU_LEVEL); blockmap = blockmaplump + 4; count = W_LumpLength (lump) / 2; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) blockmaplump[i] = SHORT(blockmaplump[i]); bmaporgx = blockmaplump[0]<<FRACBITS; bmaporgy = blockmaplump[1]<<FRACBITS; bmapwidth = blockmaplump[2]; bmapheight = blockmaplump[3]; // clear out mobj chains count = sizeof(*blocklinks) * bmapwidth * bmapheight; blocklinks = (mobj_t **) Z_Malloc (count, PU_LEVEL, NULL); memset (blocklinks, 0, count); } /* ================= = = P_GroupLines = = Builds sector line lists and subsector sector numbers = Finds block bounding boxes for sectors ================= */ static void P_GroupLines (void) { line_t **linebuffer; int i, j, total; line_t *li; sector_t *sector; subsector_t *ss; seg_t *seg; fixed_t bbox[4]; int block; // look up sector number for each subsector ss = subsectors; for (i = 0; i < numsubsectors; i++, ss++) { seg = &segs[ss->firstline]; ss->sector = seg->sidedef->sector; } // count number of lines in each sector li = lines; total = 0; for (i = 0; i < numlines; i++, li++) { total++; li->frontsector->linecount++; if (li->backsector && li->backsector != li->frontsector) { li->backsector->linecount++; total++; } } // build line tables for each sector linebuffer = (line_t **) Z_Malloc (total * sizeof(line_t *), PU_LEVEL, NULL); sector = sectors; for (i = 0; i < numsectors; i++, sector++) { M_ClearBox (bbox); sector->lines = linebuffer; li = lines; for (j = 0; j < numlines; j++, li++) { if (li->frontsector == sector || li->backsector == sector) { *linebuffer++ = li; M_AddToBox (bbox, li->v1->x, li->v1->y); M_AddToBox (bbox, li->v2->x, li->v2->y); } } if (linebuffer - sector->lines != sector->linecount) I_Error ("P_GroupLines: miscounted"); // set the degenmobj_t to the middle of the bounding box sector->soundorg.x = (bbox[BOXRIGHT] + bbox[BOXLEFT]) / 2; sector->soundorg.y = (bbox[BOXTOP] + bbox[BOXBOTTOM]) / 2; // adjust bounding box to map blocks block = (bbox[BOXTOP] - bmaporgy + MAXRADIUS) >> MAPBLOCKSHIFT; block = block >= bmapheight ? bmapheight - 1 : block; sector->blockbox[BOXTOP] = block; block = (bbox[BOXBOTTOM] - bmaporgy - MAXRADIUS) >> MAPBLOCKSHIFT; block = block < 0 ? 0 : block; sector->blockbox[BOXBOTTOM] = block; block = (bbox[BOXRIGHT] - bmaporgx + MAXRADIUS) >> MAPBLOCKSHIFT; block = block >= bmapwidth ? bmapwidth - 1 : block; sector->blockbox[BOXRIGHT] = block; block = (bbox[BOXLEFT] - bmaporgx - MAXRADIUS) >> MAPBLOCKSHIFT; block = block < 0 ? 0 : block; sector->blockbox[BOXLEFT] = block; } } #if defined(RENDER3D) #define MAX_CC_SIDES 64 static float P_AccurateDistance(fixed_t dx, fixed_t dy) { float fx = FIX2FLT(dx), fy = FIX2FLT(dy); return (float)sqrt(fx*fx + fy*fy); } static int __no_optimize detSideFloat(fvertex_t *pnt, fdivline_t *dline) { /* (AY-CY)(BX-AX)-(AX-CX)(BY-AY) s = ----------------------------- L**2 If s < 0 C is left of AB (you can just check the numerator) If s > 0 C is right of AB If s = 0 C is on AB We'll return false if the point c is on the left side. */ float s = (dline->y - pnt->y) * dline->dx - (dline->x - pnt->x) * dline->dy; if (s < 0) return 0; return 1; } // Lines start-end and fdiv must intersect. static float __no_optimize findIntersectionVertex(fvertex_t *start, fvertex_t *end, fdivline_t *fdiv, fvertex_t *inter) { float ax = start->x, ay = start->y, bx = end->x, by = end->y; float cx = fdiv->x, cy = fdiv->y, dx = cx + fdiv->dx, dy = cy + fdiv->dy; /* (YA-YC)(XD-XC)-(XA-XC)(YD-YC) r = ----------------------------- (eqn 1) (XB-XA)(YD-YC)-(YB-YA)(XD-XC) */ float r = ((ay - cy) * (dx-cx) - (ax-cx) * (dy-cy)) / ((bx - ax) * (dy - cy) - (by - ay) * (dx-cx)); /* XI=XA+r(XB-XA) YI=YA+r(YB-YA) */ inter->x = ax + r * (bx - ax); inter->y = ay + r * (by - ay); return r; } static void P_ConvexCarver(subsector_t *ssec, int num, divline_t *list) { int numclippers = num + ssec->numlines; fdivline_t *clippers = (fdivline_t *) malloc(numclippers*sizeof(fdivline_t)); int i, k, numedgepoints; fvertex_t *edgepoints; unsigned char sidelist[MAX_CC_SIDES]; // Convert the divlines to float, in reverse order. OGL_DEBUG("%d clippers (%d pls, %d segs):\n", numclippers, num, ssec->numlines); for (i = 0; i < numclippers; i++) { if (i < num) { clippers[i].x = FIX2FLT(list[num - i - 1].x); clippers[i].y = FIX2FLT(list[num - i - 1].y); clippers[i].dx = FIX2FLT(list[num - i - 1].dx); clippers[i].dy = FIX2FLT(list[num - i - 1].dy); } else { seg_t *seg = segs + (ssec->firstline + i - num); clippers[i].x = FIX2FLT(seg->v1->x); clippers[i].y = FIX2FLT(seg->v1->y); clippers[i].dx = FIX2FLT(seg->v2->x - seg->v1->x); clippers[i].dy = FIX2FLT(seg->v2->y - seg->v1->y); } OGL_DEBUG(" %d: x=%f y=%f dx=%f dy=%f\n", i, clippers[i].x, clippers[i].y, clippers[i].dx, clippers[i].dy); } OGL_DEBUG("\n"); // Setup the 'worldwide' polygon. numedgepoints = 4; edgepoints = (fvertex_t *) malloc(numedgepoints*sizeof(fvertex_t)); edgepoints[0].x = -32768; edgepoints[0].y = 32768; edgepoints[1].x = 32768; edgepoints[1].y = 32768; edgepoints[2].x = 32768; edgepoints[2].y = -32768; edgepoints[3].x = -32768; edgepoints[3].y = -32768; // We'll now clip the polygon with each of the divlines. The left side of // each divline is discarded. OGL_DEBUG("carving (with %d clippers):\n", numclippers); for (i = 0; i < numclippers; i++) { fdivline_t *curclip = clippers + i; // First we'll determine the side of each vertex. // Points are allowed to be on the line. for (k = 0; k < numedgepoints; k++) { sidelist[k] = detSideFloat(edgepoints + k, curclip); OGL_DEBUG( "%d: %d, ", k, sidelist[k]); } OGL_DEBUG("\n"); for (k = 0; k < numedgepoints; k++) { int startIdx = k, endIdx = k + 1; // Check the end index. if (endIdx == numedgepoints) endIdx = 0; // Wrap-around. // Clipping will happen when the ends are on different sides. if (sidelist[startIdx] != sidelist[endIdx]) { fvertex_t newvert; OGL_DEBUG(" clipping %d - %d\n", startIdx, endIdx); // Find the intersection point of intersecting lines. findIntersectionVertex(edgepoints + startIdx, edgepoints + endIdx, curclip, &newvert); // Add the new vertex. Also modify the sidelist. edgepoints = (fvertex_t *) realloc(edgepoints, (++numedgepoints)*sizeof(fvertex_t)); if (numedgepoints >= MAX_CC_SIDES) I_Error("Too many points in carver.\n"); // Make room for the new vertex. memmove(edgepoints + endIdx + 1, edgepoints + endIdx, (numedgepoints - endIdx - 1)*sizeof(fvertex_t)); memcpy (edgepoints + endIdx, &newvert, sizeof(newvert)); memmove(sidelist + endIdx + 1, sidelist + endIdx, numedgepoints - endIdx - 1); sidelist[endIdx] = 1; // Skip over the new vertex. k++; } } // Now we must discard the points that are on the wrong side. for (k = 0; k < numedgepoints; k++) { if (!sidelist[k]) { memmove(edgepoints + k, edgepoints + k + 1, (numedgepoints-k-1)*sizeof(fvertex_t)); memmove(sidelist + k, sidelist + k + 1, numedgepoints - k - 1); numedgepoints--; k--; } } } if (!numedgepoints) { // I_Error("All carved away!\n"); printf( "All carved away: subsector %p\n", ssec); ssec->numedgeverts = 0; ssec->edgeverts = 0; ssec->origedgeverts = 0; } else { // Screen out consecutive identical points. for (i = 0; i < numedgepoints; i++) { int previdx = i - 1; if (previdx < 0) previdx = numedgepoints - 1; if (edgepoints[i].x == edgepoints[previdx].x && edgepoints[i].y == edgepoints[previdx].y) { // This point (i) must be removed. memmove(edgepoints + i, edgepoints + i + 1, sizeof(fvertex_t)*(numedgepoints - i - 1)); numedgepoints--; i--; } } // We need these with dynamic lights. ssec->origedgeverts = (fvertex_t *) Z_Malloc(sizeof(fvertex_t)*numedgepoints, PU_LEVEL, NULL); memcpy(ssec->origedgeverts, edgepoints, sizeof(fvertex_t)*numedgepoints); // Find the center point. Do this by first finding the bounding box. ssec->bbox[0].x = ssec->bbox[1].x = edgepoints[0].x; ssec->bbox[0].y = ssec->bbox[1].y = edgepoints[0].y; for (i = 1; i < numedgepoints; i++) { OGL_DEBUG(" %i: (%f, %f)\n", i, edgepoints[i].x, edgepoints[i].y); if (edgepoints[i].x < ssec->bbox[0].x) ssec->bbox[0].x = edgepoints[i].x; if (edgepoints[i].y < ssec->bbox[0].y) ssec->bbox[0].y = edgepoints[i].y; if (edgepoints[i].x > ssec->bbox[1].x) ssec->bbox[1].x = edgepoints[i].x; if (edgepoints[i].y > ssec->bbox[1].y) ssec->bbox[1].y = edgepoints[i].y; } ssec->midpoint.x = (ssec->bbox[1].x + ssec->bbox[0].x) / 2; ssec->midpoint.y = (ssec->bbox[1].y + ssec->bbox[0].y) / 2; // Make slight adjustments to patch up those ugly, small gaps. for (i = 0; i < numedgepoints; i++) { float dx = edgepoints[i].x - ssec->midpoint.x, dy = edgepoints[i].y - ssec->midpoint.y; float dlen = (float) sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy) * 3; if (dlen) { edgepoints[i].x += dx / dlen; edgepoints[i].y += dy / dlen; } } ssec->numedgeverts = numedgepoints; ssec->edgeverts = (fvertex_t *) Z_Malloc(sizeof(fvertex_t)*numedgepoints, PU_LEVEL, NULL); memcpy(ssec->edgeverts, edgepoints, sizeof(fvertex_t)*numedgepoints); } // We're done, free the edgepoints memory. free(clippers); free(edgepoints); } static void P_CreateFloorsAndCeilings(int bspnode, int numdivlines, divline_t* divlines) { node_t *nod; divline_t *childlist, *dl; int childlistsize = numdivlines + 1; // If this is a subsector we are dealing with, begin carving with the // given list. if (bspnode & NF_SUBSECTOR) { // We have arrived at a subsector. The divline list contains all // the partition lines that carve out the subsector. int ssidx = bspnode & (~NF_SUBSECTOR); OGL_DEBUG("subsector %d: %d divlines\n", ssidx, numdivlines); // if (ssidx < 10) P_ConvexCarver(subsectors+ssidx, numdivlines, divlines); OGL_DEBUG("subsector %d: %d edgeverts\n", ssidx, subsectors[ssidx].numedgeverts); return; // This leaf is done. } // Get a pointer to the node. nod = nodes + bspnode; // Allocate a new list for each child. childlist = (divline_t *) malloc(childlistsize*sizeof(divline_t)); // Copy the previous lines. if (divlines) memcpy(childlist, divlines, numdivlines*sizeof(divline_t)); dl = childlist + numdivlines; dl->x = nod->x; dl->y = nod->y; // The right child gets the original line (LEFT side clipped). dl->dx = nod->dx; dl->dy = nod->dy; P_CreateFloorsAndCeilings(nod->children[0], childlistsize, childlist); // The left side. We must reverse the line, otherwise the wrong // side would get clipped. dl->dx = -nod->dx; dl->dy = -nod->dy; P_CreateFloorsAndCeilings(nod->children[1], childlistsize, childlist); // We are finishing with this node, free the allocated list. free(childlist); } static void P_SkyFix(void) { int i; // We need to check all the linedefs. for (i = 0; i < numlines; i++) { line_t *line = lines + i; sector_t *front = line->frontsector, *back = line->backsector; int fix = 0; // The conditions! if (!front || !back) continue; // Both the front and back sectors must have the sky ceiling. if (front->ceilingpic != skyflatnum || back->ceilingpic != skyflatnum) continue; // Operate on the lower sector. OGL_DEBUG("Line %d (f:%d, b:%d).\n", i, front->ceilingheight >> FRACBITS, back->ceilingheight >> FRACBITS); if (front->ceilingheight < back->ceilingheight) { fix = (back->ceilingheight - front->ceilingheight) >> FRACBITS; if (fix > front->skyfix) front->skyfix = fix; } else if (front->ceilingheight > back->ceilingheight) { fix = (front->ceilingheight - back->ceilingheight) >> FRACBITS; if (fix > back->skyfix) back->skyfix = fix; } } } #endif /* RENDER3D */ //============================================================================= /* ================= = = P_SetupLevel = ================= */ void P_SetupLevel(int episode, int map, int playermask, skill_t) { int i; int parm; char lumpname[9]; char auxName[128]; int lumpnum; mobj_t *mobj; USED(playermask); USED(episode); for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++) { players[i].killcount = players[i].secretcount = players[i].itemcount = 0; } players[consoleplayer].viewz = 1; // will be set by player think if (!i_CDMusic || !cdaudio) { S_StartSongName("chess", true); // Waiting-for-level-load song } Z_FreeTags(PU_LEVEL, PU_PURGELEVEL - 1); #ifdef RENDER3D OGL_ResetData(); #endif P_InitThinkers(); leveltime = 0; if (DevMaps) { snprintf(auxName, sizeof(auxName), "%smap%02d.wad", DevMapsDir, map); W_OpenAuxiliary(auxName); } snprintf(lumpname, sizeof(lumpname), "MAP%02d", map); lumpnum = W_GetNumForName(lumpname); // // Begin processing map lumps // Note: most of this ordering is important // P_LoadBlockMap(lumpnum + ML_BLOCKMAP); P_LoadVertexes(lumpnum + ML_VERTEXES); P_LoadSectors(lumpnum + ML_SECTORS); P_LoadSideDefs(lumpnum + ML_SIDEDEFS); P_LoadLineDefs(lumpnum + ML_LINEDEFS); P_LoadSubsectors(lumpnum + ML_SSECTORS); P_LoadNodes(lumpnum + ML_NODES); P_LoadSegs(lumpnum + ML_SEGS); #ifdef RENDER3D // We need to carve out the floor/ceiling polygons of each subsector. // Walk the tree to do this. //OGL_DEBUG("Floor/ceiling creation: begin at %d, ", ticcount); P_CreateFloorsAndCeilings(numnodes - 1, 0, 0); // Also check if the sky needs a fix. P_SkyFix(); #endif rejectmatrix = (byte *) W_CacheLumpNum(lumpnum + ML_REJECT, PU_LEVEL); P_GroupLines(); bodyqueslot = 0; po_NumPolyobjs = 0; deathmatch_p = deathmatchstarts; P_LoadThings(lumpnum + ML_THINGS); PO_Init(lumpnum + ML_THINGS); // Initialize the polyobjs P_LoadACScripts(lumpnum + ML_BEHAVIOR); // ACS object code // // End of map lump processing // if (DevMaps) { // Close the auxiliary file, but don't free its loaded lumps. // The next call to W_OpenAuxiliary() will do a full shutdown // of the current auxiliary WAD (free lumps and info lists). W_CloseAuxiliaryFile(); W_UsePrimary(); } // If deathmatch, randomly spawn the active players TimerGame = 0; if (deathmatch) { for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++) { if (playeringame[i]) { // must give a player spot before deathmatchspawn mobj = P_SpawnMobj (playerstarts[0][i].x<<16, playerstarts[0][i].y<<16, 0, MT_PLAYER_FIGHTER); players[i].mo = mobj; G_DeathMatchSpawnPlayer (i); P_RemoveMobj (mobj); } } parm = M_CheckParm("-timer"); if (parm && parm < myargc - 1) { TimerGame = atoi(myargv[parm + 1]) * 35 * 60; } } // set up world state P_SpawnSpecials (); // build subsector connect matrix // P_ConnectSubsectors (); // Load colormap and set the fullbright flag i = P_GetMapFadeTable(gamemap); W_ReadLump(i, colormaps); if (i == W_GetNumForName("COLORMAP")) { LevelUseFullBright = true; #ifdef RENDER3D OGL_UseWhiteFog(false); #endif } else { // Probably fog ... don't use fullbright sprites LevelUseFullBright = false; #ifdef RENDER3D if (i == W_GetNumForName("FOGMAP")) { // Tell the renderer to turn on the fog. OGL_UseWhiteFog(true); } #endif } // preload graphics if (precache) R_PrecacheLevel (); // Check if the level is a lightning level P_InitLightning(); S_StopAllSound(); SN_StopAllSequences(); S_StartSong(gamemap, true); // printf ("free memory: 0x%x\n", Z_FreeMemory()); } //========================================================================== // // InitMapInfo // //========================================================================== static void InitMapInfo(void) { int map; int mapMax; int mcmdValue; mapInfo_t *info; char songMulch[10]; mapMax = 1; // Put defaults into MapInfo[0] info = MapInfo; info->cluster = 0; info->warpTrans = 0; info->nextMap = 1; // Always go to map 1 if not specified info->cdTrack = 1; info->sky1Texture = R_TextureNumForName((shareware && oldwad_10) ? DEFAULT_SKY_DEMO : DEFAULT_SKY_NAME); info->sky2Texture = info->sky1Texture; info->sky1ScrollDelta = 0; info->sky2ScrollDelta = 0; info->doubleSky = false; info->lightning = false; info->fadetable = W_GetNumForName(DEFAULT_FADE_TABLE); strcpy(info->name, UNKNOWN_MAP_NAME); // strcpy(info->songLump, DEFAULT_SONG_LUMP); SC_Open(MAPINFO_SCRIPT_NAME); while (SC_GetString()) { if (SC_Compare("MAP") == false) { SC_ScriptError(NULL); } SC_MustGetNumber(); if (sc_Number < 1 || sc_Number > 99) { SC_ScriptError(NULL); } map = sc_Number; info = &MapInfo[map]; // Save song lump name strcpy(songMulch, info->songLump); // Copy defaults to current map definition memcpy(info, &MapInfo[0], sizeof(*info)); // Restore song lump name strcpy(info->songLump, songMulch); // The warp translation defaults to the map number info->warpTrans = map; // Map name must follow the number SC_MustGetString(); strcpy(info->name, sc_String); // Process optional tokens while (SC_GetString()) { if (SC_Compare("MAP")) { // Start next map definition SC_UnGet(); break; } mcmdValue = MapCmdIDs[SC_MustMatchString(MapCmdNames)]; switch (mcmdValue) { case MCMD_CLUSTER: SC_MustGetNumber(); info->cluster = sc_Number; break; case MCMD_WARPTRANS: SC_MustGetNumber(); info->warpTrans = sc_Number; break; case MCMD_NEXT: SC_MustGetNumber(); info->nextMap = sc_Number; break; case MCMD_CDTRACK: SC_MustGetNumber(); info->cdTrack = sc_Number; break; case MCMD_SKY1: SC_MustGetString(); info->sky1Texture = R_TextureNumForName(sc_String); SC_MustGetNumber(); info->sky1ScrollDelta = sc_Number<<8; break; case MCMD_SKY2: SC_MustGetString(); info->sky2Texture = R_TextureNumForName(sc_String); SC_MustGetNumber(); info->sky2ScrollDelta = sc_Number<<8; break; case MCMD_DOUBLESKY: info->doubleSky = true; break; case MCMD_LIGHTNING: info->lightning = true; break; case MCMD_FADETABLE: SC_MustGetString(); info->fadetable = W_GetNumForName(sc_String); break; case MCMD_CD_STARTTRACK: case MCMD_CD_END1TRACK: case MCMD_CD_END2TRACK: case MCMD_CD_END3TRACK: case MCMD_CD_INTERTRACK: case MCMD_CD_TITLETRACK: SC_MustGetNumber(); cd_NonLevelTracks[mcmdValue - MCMD_CD_STARTTRACK] = sc_Number; break; } } mapMax = map > mapMax ? map : mapMax; } SC_Close(); MapCount = mapMax; } //========================================================================== // // P_GetMapCluster // //========================================================================== int P_GetMapCluster(int map) { return MapInfo[QualifyMap(map)].cluster; } //========================================================================== // // P_GetMapCDTrack // //========================================================================== int P_GetMapCDTrack(int map) { return MapInfo[QualifyMap(map)].cdTrack; } //========================================================================== // // P_GetMapWarpTrans // //========================================================================== int P_GetMapWarpTrans(int map) { return MapInfo[QualifyMap(map)].warpTrans; } //========================================================================== // // P_GetMapNextMap // //========================================================================== int P_GetMapNextMap(int map) { return MapInfo[QualifyMap(map)].nextMap; } //========================================================================== // // P_TranslateMap // // Returns the actual map number given a warp map number. // //========================================================================== int P_TranslateMap(int map) { int i; for (i = 1; i < 99; i++) // Make this a macro { if (MapInfo[i].warpTrans == map) { return i; } } // Not found return -1; } //========================================================================== // // P_GetMapSky1Texture // //========================================================================== int P_GetMapSky1Texture(int map) { return MapInfo[QualifyMap(map)].sky1Texture; } //========================================================================== // // P_GetMapSky2Texture // //========================================================================== int P_GetMapSky2Texture(int map) { return MapInfo[QualifyMap(map)].sky2Texture; } //========================================================================== // // P_GetMapName // //========================================================================== const char *P_GetMapName(int map) { return MapInfo[QualifyMap(map)].name; } //========================================================================== // // P_GetMapSky1ScrollDelta // //========================================================================== fixed_t P_GetMapSky1ScrollDelta(int map) { return MapInfo[QualifyMap(map)].sky1ScrollDelta; } //========================================================================== // // P_GetMapSky2ScrollDelta // //========================================================================== fixed_t P_GetMapSky2ScrollDelta(int map) { return MapInfo[QualifyMap(map)].sky2ScrollDelta; } //========================================================================== // // P_GetMapDoubleSky // //========================================================================== boolean P_GetMapDoubleSky(int map) { return MapInfo[QualifyMap(map)].doubleSky; } //========================================================================== // // P_GetMapLightning // //========================================================================== boolean P_GetMapLightning(int map) { return MapInfo[QualifyMap(map)].lightning; } //========================================================================== // // P_GetMapFadeTable // //========================================================================== boolean P_GetMapFadeTable(int map) { return MapInfo[QualifyMap(map)].fadetable; } //========================================================================== // // P_GetMapSongLump // //========================================================================== const char *P_GetMapSongLump(int map) { if (!cistrcmp(MapInfo[QualifyMap(map)].songLump, DEFAULT_SONG_LUMP)) { return NULL; } else { return MapInfo[QualifyMap(map)].songLump; } } //========================================================================== // // P_PutMapSongLump // //========================================================================== void P_PutMapSongLump(int map, const char *lumpName) { if (map < 1 || map > MapCount) { return; } strcpy(MapInfo[map].songLump, lumpName); } //========================================================================== // // P_GetCDStartTrack // //========================================================================== int P_GetCDStartTrack(void) { return cd_NonLevelTracks[MCMD_CD_STARTTRACK - MCMD_CD_STARTTRACK]; } //========================================================================== // // P_GetCDEnd1Track // //========================================================================== int P_GetCDEnd1Track(void) { return cd_NonLevelTracks[MCMD_CD_END1TRACK - MCMD_CD_STARTTRACK]; } //========================================================================== // // P_GetCDEnd2Track // //========================================================================== int P_GetCDEnd2Track(void) { return cd_NonLevelTracks[MCMD_CD_END2TRACK - MCMD_CD_STARTTRACK]; } //========================================================================== // // P_GetCDEnd3Track // //========================================================================== int P_GetCDEnd3Track(void) { return cd_NonLevelTracks[MCMD_CD_END3TRACK - MCMD_CD_STARTTRACK]; } //========================================================================== // // P_GetCDIntermissionTrack // //========================================================================== int P_GetCDIntermissionTrack(void) { return cd_NonLevelTracks[MCMD_CD_INTERTRACK - MCMD_CD_STARTTRACK]; } //========================================================================== // // P_GetCDTitleTrack // //========================================================================== int P_GetCDTitleTrack(void) { return cd_NonLevelTracks[MCMD_CD_TITLETRACK - MCMD_CD_STARTTRACK]; } //========================================================================== // // QualifyMap // //========================================================================== static int QualifyMap(int map) { return (map < 1 || map > MapCount) ? 0 : map; } //========================================================================== // // P_Init // //========================================================================== void P_Init(void) { InitMapInfo(); P_InitSwitchList(); P_InitFTAnims(); // Init flat and texture animations P_InitTerrainTypes(); P_InitLava(); R_InitSprites(sprnames); } // Special early initializer needed to start sound before R_Init() void InitMapMusicInfo(void) { int i; for (i = 0; i < 99; i++) { strcpy(MapInfo[i].songLump, DEFAULT_SONG_LUMP); } MapCount = 98; } /* void My_Debug(void) { int i; printf("My debug stuff ----------------------\n"); printf("gamemap=%d\n", gamemap); for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) { printf("i=%d songlump=%s\n", i, MapInfo[i].songLump); } } */