ref: 7338feb3744ed2f0a63bababbbdf3d55de143bb6
dir: /dstrings.h/
// DStrings.h #ifndef __DSTRINGS_H #define __DSTRINGS_H /* ---- MN_menu.c ---- */ #define TXT_GAMMA_LEVEL_OFF "GAMMA CORRECTION OFF" #define TXT_GAMMA_LEVEL_1 "GAMMA CORRECTION LEVEL 1" #define TXT_GAMMA_LEVEL_2 "GAMMA CORRECTION LEVEL 2" #define TXT_GAMMA_LEVEL_3 "GAMMA CORRECTION LEVEL 3" #define TXT_GAMMA_LEVEL_4 "GAMMA CORRECTION LEVEL 4" /* ---- P_inter.c ---- */ /* Keys */ #define TXT_GOTBLUEKEY "BLUE KEY" #define TXT_GOTYELLOWKEY "YELLOW KEY" #define TXT_GOTGREENKEY "GREEN KEY" /* Artifacts */ #define TXT_ARTIHEALTH "QUARTZ FLASK" #define TXT_ARTIFLY "WINGS OF WRATH" #define TXT_ARTIINVULNERABILITY "RING OF INVINCIBILITY" #define TXT_ARTITOMEOFPOWER "TOME OF POWER" #define TXT_ARTIINVISIBILITY "SHADOWSPHERE" #define TXT_ARTIEGG "MORPH OVUM" #define TXT_ARTISUPERHEALTH "MYSTIC URN" #define TXT_ARTITORCH "TORCH" #define TXT_ARTIFIREBOMB "TIME BOMB OF THE ANCIENTS" #define TXT_ARTITELEPORT "CHAOS DEVICE" /* Items */ #define TXT_ITEMHEALTH "CRYSTAL VIAL" #define TXT_ITEMBAGOFHOLDING "BAG OF HOLDING" #define TXT_ITEMSHIELD1 "SILVER SHIELD" #define TXT_ITEMSHIELD2 "ENCHANTED SHIELD" #define TXT_ITEMSUPERMAP "MAP SCROLL" /* Ammo */ #define TXT_AMMOGOLDWAND1 "WAND CRYSTAL" #define TXT_AMMOGOLDWAND2 "CRYSTAL GEODE" #define TXT_AMMOMACE1 "MACE SPHERES" #define TXT_AMMOMACE2 "PILE OF MACE SPHERES" #define TXT_AMMOCROSSBOW1 "ETHEREAL ARROWS" #define TXT_AMMOCROSSBOW2 "QUIVER OF ETHEREAL ARROWS" #define TXT_AMMOBLASTER1 "CLAW ORB" #define TXT_AMMOBLASTER2 "ENERGY ORB" #define TXT_AMMOSKULLROD1 "LESSER RUNES" #define TXT_AMMOSKULLROD2 "GREATER RUNES" #define TXT_AMMOPHOENIXROD1 "FLAME ORB" #define TXT_AMMOPHOENIXROD2 "INFERNO ORB" /* Weapons */ #define TXT_WPNMACE "FIREMACE" #define TXT_WPNCROSSBOW "ETHEREAL CROSSBOW" #define TXT_WPNBLASTER "DRAGON CLAW" #define TXT_WPNSKULLROD "HELLSTAFF" #define TXT_WPNPHOENIXROD "PHOENIX ROD" #define TXT_WPNGAUNTLETS "GAUNTLETS OF THE NECROMANCER" /* ---- SB_bar.c ---- */ #define TXT_CHEATGODON "GOD MODE ON" #define TXT_CHEATGODOFF "GOD MODE OFF" #define TXT_CHEATNOCLIPON "NO CLIPPING ON" #define TXT_CHEATNOCLIPOFF "NO CLIPPING OFF" #define TXT_CHEATWEAPONS "ALL WEAPONS" #define TXT_CHEATFLIGHTON "FLIGHT ON" #define TXT_CHEATFLIGHTOFF "FLIGHT OFF" #define TXT_CHEATPOWERON "POWER ON" #define TXT_CHEATPOWEROFF "POWER OFF" #define TXT_CHEATHEALTH "FULL HEALTH" #define TXT_CHEATKEYS "ALL KEYS" #define TXT_CHEATSOUNDON "SOUND DEBUG ON" #define TXT_CHEATSOUNDOFF "SOUND DEBUG OFF" #define TXT_CHEATTICKERON "TICKER ON" #define TXT_CHEATTICKEROFF "TICKER OFF" #define TXT_CHEATARTIFACTS1 "CHOOSE AN ARTIFACT ( A - J )" #define TXT_CHEATARTIFACTS2 "HOW MANY ( 1 - 9 )" #define TXT_CHEATARTIFACTS3 "YOU GOT IT" #define TXT_CHEATARTIFACTSFAIL "BAD INPUT" #define TXT_CHEATWARP "LEVEL WARP" #define TXT_CHEATSCREENSHOT "SCREENSHOT" #define TXT_CHEATCHICKENON "CHICKEN ON" #define TXT_CHEATCHICKENOFF "CHICKEN OFF" #define TXT_CHEATMASSACRE "MASSACRE" #define TXT_CHEATIDDQD "TRYING TO CHEAT, EH? NOW YOU DIE!" #define TXT_CHEATIDKFA "CHEATER - YOU DON'T DESERVE WEAPONS" /* ---- P_doors.c --- */ #define TXT_NEEDBLUEKEY "YOU NEED A BLUE KEY TO OPEN THIS DOOR" #define TXT_NEEDGREENKEY "YOU NEED A GREEN KEY TO OPEN THIS DOOR" #define TXT_NEEDYELLOWKEY "YOU NEED A YELLOW KEY TO OPEN THIS DOOR" /* ---- G_game.c ---- */ #define TXT_GAMESAVED "GAME SAVED" /* ---- M_misc.c ---- */ #define HUSTR_CHATMACRO1 "I'm ready to kick butt!" #define HUSTR_CHATMACRO2 "I'm OK." #define HUSTR_CHATMACRO3 "I'm not looking too good!" #define HUSTR_CHATMACRO4 "Help!" #define HUSTR_CHATMACRO5 "You suck!" #define HUSTR_CHATMACRO6 "Next time, scumbag..." #define HUSTR_CHATMACRO7 "Come here!" #define HUSTR_CHATMACRO8 "I'll take care of it." #define HUSTR_CHATMACRO9 "Yes" #define HUSTR_CHATMACRO0 "No" /* ---- AM_map.c ---- */ #define AMSTR_FOLLOWON "FOLLOW MODE ON" #define AMSTR_FOLLOWOFF "FOLLOW MODE OFF" /* --- F_finale.c --- */ #define E1TEXT "with the destruction of the iron\n" \ "liches and their minions, the last\n" \ "of the undead are cleared from this\n" \ "plane of existence.\n\n" \ "those creatures had to come from\n" \ "somewhere, though, and you have the\n" \ "sneaky suspicion that the fiery\n" \ "portal of hell's maw opens onto\n" \ "their home dimension.\n\n" \ "to make sure that more undead\n" \ "(or even worse things) don't come\n" \ "through, you'll have to seal hell's\n" \ "maw from the other side. of course\n" \ "this means you may get stuck in a\n" \ "very unfriendly world, but no one\n" \ "ever said being a Heretic was easy!" #define E2TEXT "the mighty maulotaurs have proved\n" \ "to be no match for you, and as\n" \ "their steaming corpses slide to the\n" \ "ground you feel a sense of grim\n" \ "satisfaction that they have been\n" \ "destroyed.\n\n" \ "the gateways which they guarded\n" \ "have opened, revealing what you\n" \ "hope is the way home. but as you\n" \ "step through, mocking laughter\n" \ "rings in your ears.\n\n" \ "was some other force controlling\n" \ "the maulotaurs? could there be even\n" \ "more horrific beings through this\n" \ "gate? the sweep of a crystal dome\n" \ "overhead where the sky should be is\n" \ "certainly not a good sign...." #define E3TEXT "the death of d'sparil has loosed\n" \ "the magical bonds holding his\n" \ "creatures on this plane, their\n" \ "dying screams overwhelming his own\n" \ "cries of agony.\n\n" \ "your oath of vengeance fulfilled,\n" \ "you enter the portal to your own\n" \ "world, mere moments before the dome\n" \ "shatters into a million pieces.\n\n" \ "but if d'sparil's power is broken\n" \ "forever, why don't you feel safe?\n" \ "was it that last shout just before\n" \ "his death, the one that sounded\n" \ "like a curse? or a summoning? you\n" \ "can't really be sure, but it might\n" \ "just have been a scream.\n\n" \ "then again, what about the other\n" \ "serpent riders?" #define E4TEXT "you thought you would return to your\n"\ "own world after d'sparil died, but\n" \ "his final act banished you to his\n" \ "own plane. here you entered the\n" \ "shattered remnants of lands\n" \ "conquered by d'sparil. you defeated\n" \ "the last guardians of these lands,\n" \ "but now you stand before the gates\n" \ "to d'sparil's stronghold. until this\n"\ "moment you had no doubts about your\n" \ "ability to face anything you might\n" \ "encounter, but beyond this portal\n" \ "lies the very heart of the evil\n" \ "which invaded your world. d'sparil\n" \ "might be dead, but the pit where he\n" \ "was spawned remains. now you must\n" \ "enter that pit in the hopes of\n" \ "finding a way out. and somewhere,\n" \ "in the darkest corner of d'sparil's\n" \ "demesne, his personal bodyguards\n" \ "await your arrival ..." #define E5TEXT "as the final maulotaur bellows his\n" \ "death-agony, you realize that you\n" \ "have never come so close to your own\n"\ "destruction. not even the fight with\n"\ "d'sparil and his disciples had been\n" \ "this desperate. grimly you stare at\n" \ "the gates which open before you,\n" \ "wondering if they lead home, or if\n" \ "they open onto some undreamed-of\n" \ "horror. you find yourself wondering\n" \ "if you have the strength to go on,\n" \ "if nothing but death and pain await\n" \ "you. but what else can you do, if\n" \ "the will to fight is gone? can you\n" \ "force yourself to continue in the\n" \ "face of such despair? do you have\n" \ "the courage? you find, in the end,\n" \ "that it is not within you to\n" \ "surrender without a fight. eyes\n" \ "wide, you go to meet your fate." #endif /* __DSTRINGS_H */