ref: fe4c14615b3b857e31d18e226a06e36cfc830406
dir: /src/Generic.cpp/
// THIS IS DECOMPILED PROPRIETARY CODE - USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. // // The original code belongs to Daisuke "Pixel" Amaya. // // Modifications and custom code are under the MIT licence. // See LICENCE.txt for details. #include "Generic.h" #include <stddef.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include "WindowsWrapper.h" #include "Main.h" void GetCompileDate(int *year, int *month, int *day) { int i; char strMonth[0x10]; const char *table[13] = { "XXX", "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec", }; sscanf(__DATE__, "%s %d %d", strMonth, day, year); // The expansion of __DATE__ is not reproductible. TODO : Think about changing this to be reproductible for (i = 0; i < 12; ++i) // This being 12 instead of 13 might be a bug, but it works anyway by accident if (!memcmp(&strMonth, table[i], 3)) break; *month = i; } // TODO - Inaccurate stack frame BOOL GetCompileVersion(int *v1, int *v2, int *v3, int *v4) { unsigned int puLen; VS_FIXEDFILEINFO *lpBuffer; DWORD dwHandle; DWORD dwLen; char path[MAX_PATH]; LPVOID lpData; BOOL bResult; lpData = NULL; bResult = FALSE; GetModuleFileNameA(NULL, path, sizeof(path)); dwLen = GetFileVersionInfoSizeA(path, &dwHandle); if (dwLen == 0) goto fail; lpData = malloc(dwLen); if (lpData == NULL) goto fail; if (!GetFileVersionInfoA(path, 0, dwLen, lpData)) goto fail; if (!VerQueryValueA(lpData, "\\", (LPVOID*)&lpBuffer, &puLen)) goto fail; *v1 = (unsigned short)(lpBuffer->dwFileVersionMS >> 16); *v2 = (unsigned short)(lpBuffer->dwFileVersionMS & 0xFFFF); *v3 = (unsigned short)(lpBuffer->dwFileVersionLS >> 16); *v4 = (unsigned short)(lpBuffer->dwFileVersionLS & 0xFFFF); bResult = TRUE; fail: if (lpData != NULL) free(lpData); return bResult; } // This seems to be broken in recent Windows (Sndvol32.exe was renamed 'SndVol.exe') // TODO - Inaccurate stack frame BOOL OpenSoundVolume(HWND hWnd) { #ifdef FIX_BUGS char path[MAX_PATH]; char path2[MAX_PATH]; char path3[MAX_PATH]; INT_PTR error; size_t i; GetSystemDirectoryA(path, sizeof(path)); GetSystemDirectoryA(path2, sizeof(path2)); i = strlen(path2); while (path2[i] != '\\') --i; path2[i] = '\0'; sprintf(path3, "%s\\Sndvol32.exe", path); error = (INT_PTR)ShellExecuteA(hWnd, "open", path3, NULL, NULL, SW_SHOW); if (error > 32) return TRUE; sprintf(path3, "%s\\Sndvol32.exe", path2); error = (INT_PTR)ShellExecuteA(hWnd, "open", path3, NULL, NULL, SW_SHOW); if (error > 32) return TRUE; sprintf(path3, "%s\\Sndvol.exe", path); error = (INT_PTR)ShellExecuteA(hWnd, "open", path3, NULL, NULL, SW_SHOW); if (error > 32) return TRUE; sprintf(path3, "%s\\Sndvol.exe", path2); error = (INT_PTR)ShellExecuteA(hWnd, "open", path3, NULL, NULL, SW_SHOW); if (error > 32) return TRUE; return FALSE; #else char path[MAX_PATH]; char path2[MAX_PATH]; char path3[MAX_PATH]; INT_PTR error1; INT_PTR error2; size_t i; GetSystemDirectoryA(path, sizeof(path)); sprintf(path2, "%s\\Sndvol32.exe", path); i = strlen(path); while (path[i] != '\\') --i; path[i] = '\0'; sprintf(path3, "%s\\Sndvol32.exe", path); error1 = (INT_PTR)ShellExecuteA(hWnd, "open", path2, NULL, NULL, SW_SHOW); error2 = (INT_PTR)ShellExecuteA(hWnd, "open", path3, NULL, NULL, SW_SHOW); if (error1 <= 32 && error2 <= 32) return FALSE; else return TRUE; #endif } void DeleteLog(void) { char path[MAX_PATH]; sprintf(path, "%s\\debug.txt", gModulePath); DeleteFileA(path); } BOOL WriteLog(const char *string, int value1, int value2, int value3) { char path[MAX_PATH]; FILE *fp; sprintf(path, "%s\\debug.txt", gModulePath); fp = fopen(path, "a+t"); if (fp == NULL) return FALSE; fprintf(fp, "%s,%d,%d,%d\n", string, value1, value2, value3); fclose(fp); return TRUE; } /* This function is a mystery. It seems to check if the system time is within a certain range, specified by the two parameters. Nothing in the original game uses this code. This is just speculation, but this *might* have been used in those prototypes Pixel released to testers, to prevent them from running after a certain date. */ int GetDateLimit(SYSTEMTIME *system_time_low, SYSTEMTIME *system_time_high) { FILETIME FileTime1; FILETIME FileTime2; SYSTEMTIME SystemTime; GetSystemTime(&SystemTime); SystemTimeToFileTime(&SystemTime, &FileTime1); SystemTimeToFileTime(system_time_low, &FileTime2); if (CompareFileTime(&FileTime2, &FileTime1) >= 0) return -1; // Return if actual time is lower than system_time_low SystemTimeToFileTime(system_time_high, &FileTime2); if (CompareFileTime(&FileTime2, &FileTime1) <= 0) return 1; // Return if actual time is higher than system_time_high return 0; } BOOL IsKeyFile(const char *name) { char path[MAX_PATH]; FILE *fp; sprintf(path, "%s\\%s", gModulePath, name); fp = fopen(path, "rb"); if (fp == NULL) return FALSE; fclose(fp); return TRUE; } long GetFileSizeLong(const char *path) { DWORD len; HANDLE hFile; len = 0; hFile = CreateFileA(path, 0, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return INVALID_FILE_SIZE; len = GetFileSize(hFile, NULL); CloseHandle(hFile); return len; } BOOL ErrorLog(const char *string, int value) { char path[MAX_PATH]; FILE *fp; sprintf(path, "%s\\%s", gModulePath, "error.log"); if (GetFileSizeLong(path) > 0x19000) // Purge the error log if it gets too big, I guess DeleteFileA(path); fp = fopen(path, "a+t"); if (fp == NULL) return FALSE; fprintf(fp, "%s,%d\n", string, value); fclose(fp); return TRUE; } BOOL IsShiftJIS(unsigned char c) { if (c >= 0x81 && c <= 0x9F) return TRUE; if (c >= 0xE0 && c <= 0xEF) return TRUE; return FALSE; } // TODO - Inaccurate stack frame BOOL CenteringWindowByParent(HWND hWnd) { RECT window_rect; HWND parent_hwnd; RECT parent_rect; int x; int y; RECT child_rect; SystemParametersInfoA(SPI_GETWORKAREA, 0, &child_rect, 0); GetWindowRect(hWnd, &window_rect); parent_hwnd = GetParent(hWnd); if (parent_hwnd != NULL) GetWindowRect(parent_hwnd, &parent_rect); else SystemParametersInfoA(SPI_GETWORKAREA, 0, &parent_rect, 0); x = parent_rect.left + ((parent_rect.right - parent_rect.left) - (window_rect.right - window_rect.left)) / 2; y = + ((parent_rect.bottom - - (window_rect.bottom - / 2; if (x < child_rect.left) x = child_rect.left; if (y < y =; if (x + (window_rect.right - window_rect.left) > child_rect.right) x = child_rect.right - (window_rect.right - window_rect.left); if (y + (window_rect.bottom - > child_rect.bottom) y = child_rect.bottom - (window_rect.bottom -; return SetWindowPos(hWnd, HWND_TOP, x, y, 0, 0, SWP_NOSIZE); } // TODO - Inaccurate stack frame BOOL LoadWindowRect(HWND hWnd, const char *filename, BOOL unknown) { char path[MAX_PATH]; int min_window_width; int min_window_height; int max_window_width; int max_window_height; FILE *fp; RECT Rect; int showCmd; RECT pvParam; showCmd = SW_SHOWNORMAL; sprintf(path, "%s\\%s", gModulePath, filename); fp = fopen(path, "rb"); if (fp != NULL) { fread(&Rect, sizeof(RECT), 1, fp); fread(&showCmd, sizeof(int), 1, fp); fclose(fp); SystemParametersInfoA(SPI_GETWORKAREA, 0, &pvParam, 0); max_window_width = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXMAXIMIZED); max_window_height = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYMAXIMIZED); min_window_width = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXMIN); min_window_height = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYMIN); if (Rect.right - Rect.left < min_window_width) Rect.right = Rect.left + min_window_width; if (Rect.bottom - < min_window_height) Rect.bottom = + min_window_height; if (Rect.right - Rect.left > max_window_width) Rect.right = Rect.left + max_window_width; if (Rect.bottom - > max_window_height) Rect.bottom = + max_window_width; if (Rect.left < pvParam.left) { Rect.right += pvParam.left - Rect.left; Rect.left = pvParam.left; } if ( < { Rect.bottom += -; =; } if (Rect.right > pvParam.right) { Rect.left -= Rect.right - pvParam.right; Rect.right -= Rect.right - pvParam.right; } if (Rect.bottom > pvParam.bottom) { -= Rect.bottom - pvParam.bottom; Rect.bottom -= Rect.bottom - pvParam.bottom; } if (unknown) MoveWindow(hWnd, Rect.left,, Rect.right - Rect.left, Rect.bottom -, 0); else SetWindowPos(hWnd, HWND_TOP, Rect.left,, 0, 0, SWP_NOSIZE); } if (showCmd == SW_MAXIMIZE) { if (!ShowWindow(hWnd, SW_MAXIMIZE)) return FALSE; } else { ShowWindow(hWnd, SW_SHOWNORMAL); } return TRUE; } BOOL SaveWindowRect(HWND hWnd, const char *filename) { char path[MAX_PATH]; WINDOWPLACEMENT wndpl; FILE *fp; RECT rect; if (!GetWindowPlacement(hWnd, &wndpl)) return FALSE; if (wndpl.showCmd == SW_SHOWNORMAL) { if (!GetWindowRect(hWnd, &rect)) return FALSE; wndpl.rcNormalPosition = rect; } sprintf(path, "%s\\%s", gModulePath, filename); fp = fopen(path, "wb"); if (fp == NULL) return FALSE; fwrite(&wndpl.rcNormalPosition, sizeof(RECT), 1, fp); fwrite(&wndpl.showCmd, sizeof(int), 1, fp); fclose(fp); return TRUE; } static const char* const extra_text = "(C)Pixel"; BOOL IsEnableBitmap(const char *path) { FILE *fp; long len; char str[16]; len = (long)strlen(extra_text); fp = fopen(path, "rb"); if (fp == NULL) return FALSE; fseek(fp, len * -1, SEEK_END); fread(str, 1, len, fp); fclose(fp); if (memcmp(str, extra_text, len)) return FALSE; return TRUE; }