ref: e7bc7bfa7252bc15f86397ed791485e01ddf035b
dir: /src/Backends/Rendering/9front.cpp/
// Released under the MIT licence. // See LICENCE.txt for details. #include "../Rendering.h" #include <stddef.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <draw.h> #include <memdraw.h> #include "../Misc.h" #include "Window/Software.h" #include "../../Attributes.h" #define MIN(a, b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b)) #define MAX(a, b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b)) typedef struct RenderBackend_Surface { Image *i; Image *mask; int dirty; } RenderBackend_Surface; typedef struct RenderBackend_GlyphAtlas { Memimage *m; Image *color; int dirty; Image *cache; } RenderBackend_GlyphAtlas; static RenderBackend_Surface framebuffer; static RenderBackend_GlyphAtlas *glyph_atlas; static RenderBackend_Surface *glyph_destination_surface; RenderBackend_Surface* RenderBackend_Init(const char *window_title, size_t width, size_t height, int fullscreen) { framebuffer.i = allocimage(display, Rect(0, 0, width, height), screen->chan, 0, DBlue); if(framebuffer.i == nil) sysfatal("could not alloc screen"); return &framebuffer; } void RenderBackend_Deinit(void) { freeimage(framebuffer.i); } void RenderBackend_DrawScreen(void) { draw(screen, screen->r, framebuffer.i, nil, ZP); flushimage(display, 1); } RenderBackend_Surface* RenderBackend_CreateSurface(size_t width, size_t height, int render_target) { (void)render_target; RenderBackend_Surface *surface = mallocz(sizeof(RenderBackend_Surface), 1); if (surface == NULL) return NULL; surface->i = allocimage(display, Rect(0, 0, width, height), screen->chan, 0, DGreen); return surface; } void RenderBackend_FreeSurface(RenderBackend_Surface *surface) { freeimage(surface->i); freeimage(surface->mask); free(surface); } int RenderBackend_IsSurfaceLost(RenderBackend_Surface *surface) { (void)surface; return 0; } void RenderBackend_RestoreSurface(RenderBackend_Surface *surface) { (void)surface; } void RenderBackend_UploadSurface(RenderBackend_Surface *surface, const unsigned char *pixels, size_t width, size_t height) { Image *i; Rectangle r; r = Rect(0, 0, width, height); i = allocimage(display, r, BGR24, 0, DYellow); loadimage(i, r, pixels, width*height*3); draw(surface->i, r, i, nil, ZP); freeimage(i); surface->dirty = 1; } void RenderBackend_CalcMask(RenderBackend_Surface *s) { Memimage *m; Rectangle r; int x, y, w, h; ulong *lp; ulong mask; switch(s->i->chan){ case XRGB32: case ARGB32: case XBGR32: case ABGR32: mask = 0xFFFFFF; break; case RGBA32: mask = 0xFFFFFF00; break; default: /* TODO? */ sysfatal("< 32 bit screen color channel"); return; } r = s->i->r; w = Dx(r); h = Dy(r); m = allocmemimage(r, s->i->chan); unloadimage(s->i, r, m->data->bdata, h*w*(s->i->depth/8)); for(y = 0; y < h; y++) for(x = 0; x < w; x++){ lp = m->data->base + y*w + x; if((*lp & mask) == 0) *lp = 0x00; else *lp = 0xFFFFFFFF; } freeimage(s->mask); s->mask = allocimage(display, r, screen->chan, 0, DBlue); loadimage(s->mask, r, m->data->bdata, h*w*(s->i->depth/8)); freememimage(m); s->dirty = 0; } void RenderBackend_Blit(RenderBackend_Surface *source_surface, const RenderBackend_Rect *rect, RenderBackend_Surface *destination_surface, long x, long y, int colour_key) { Rectangle r, r2; RenderBackend_Rect rect_clamped; rect_clamped.left = rect->left; = rect->top; rect_clamped.right = rect->right; rect_clamped.bottom = rect->bottom; // Clamp the rect and coordinates so we don't write outside the pixel buffer long overflow; overflow = 0 - x; if (overflow > 0) { rect_clamped.left += overflow; x += overflow; } overflow = 0 - y; if (overflow > 0) { += overflow; y += overflow; } overflow = (x + (rect_clamped.right - rect_clamped.left)) - destination_surface->i->r.max.x; if (overflow > 0) rect_clamped.right -= overflow; overflow = (y + (rect_clamped.bottom - - destination_surface->i->r.max.y; if (overflow > 0) rect_clamped.bottom -= overflow; if (rect_clamped.bottom - <= 0) return; if (rect_clamped.right - rect_clamped.left <= 0) return; r = Rect(rect_clamped.left,, rect_clamped.right, rect_clamped.bottom); r2 = Rect(x, y, x+Dx(r), y+Dy(r)); if(colour_key && source_surface->dirty) RenderBackend_CalcMask(source_surface); draw(destination_surface->i, r2, source_surface->i, colour_key ? source_surface->mask : nil, r.min); destination_surface->dirty = 1; } void RenderBackend_ColourFill(RenderBackend_Surface *surface, const RenderBackend_Rect *rect, unsigned char red, unsigned char green, unsigned char blue) { Rectangle r; Image *color; RenderBackend_Rect rect_clamped; rect_clamped.left = rect->left; = rect->top; rect_clamped.right = rect->right; rect_clamped.bottom = rect->bottom; // Clamp the rect so it doesn't write outside the pixel buffer long overflow; overflow = 0 - rect_clamped.left; if (overflow > 0) rect_clamped.left += overflow; overflow = 0 -; if (overflow > 0) += overflow; overflow = rect_clamped.right - surface->i->r.max.x; if (overflow > 0) rect_clamped.right -= overflow; overflow = rect_clamped.bottom - surface->i->r.max.y; if (overflow > 0) rect_clamped.bottom -= overflow; if (rect_clamped.bottom - <= 0) return; if (rect_clamped.right - rect_clamped.left <= 0) return; r = Rect(rect_clamped.left,, rect_clamped.right, rect_clamped.bottom); color = allocimage(display, Rect(0, 0, 1, 1), BGR24, 1, (red<<16)|(green<<8)|(blue<<0) ); draw(surface->i, surface->i->r, color, nil, ZP); freeimage(color); surface->dirty = 1; } RenderBackend_GlyphAtlas* RenderBackend_CreateGlyphAtlas(size_t width, size_t height) { RenderBackend_GlyphAtlas *atlas = mallocz(sizeof(RenderBackend_GlyphAtlas), 1); atlas->m = allocmemimage(Rect(0, 0, width, height), screen->chan); atlas->dirty = 1; return atlas; } void RenderBackend_DestroyGlyphAtlas(RenderBackend_GlyphAtlas *atlas) { freememimage(atlas->m); freeimage(atlas->cache); free(atlas); } void RenderBackend_UploadGlyph(RenderBackend_GlyphAtlas *atlas, size_t x, size_t y, const unsigned char *pixels, size_t width, size_t height, size_t pitch) { uchar *s, *d; ulong dw, max; int ix, iy; dw = Dx(atlas->m->r); max = height * pitch; for (iy = 0; iy < max; iy += pitch, y += dw){ s = pixels + iy; d = atlas->m->data->bdata + (y + x) * 4; for (ix = 0; ix < width; ix++){ *d++ = *s; *d++ = *s; *d++ = *s; *d++ = 0xFF; s++; } } atlas->dirty = 1; } void RenderBackend_PrepareToDrawGlyphs(RenderBackend_GlyphAtlas *atlas, RenderBackend_Surface *destination_surface, unsigned char red, unsigned char green, unsigned char blue) { int x, y, w; glyph_atlas = atlas; glyph_destination_surface = destination_surface; freeimage(atlas->color); atlas->color = allocimage(display, Rect(0, 0, 1, 1), screen->chan, 1, (red<<24)|(green<<16)|(blue<<8)); } void RenderBackend_DrawGlyph(long x, long y, size_t glyph_x, size_t glyph_y, size_t glyph_width, size_t glyph_height) { Rectangle r, cr; Point p; r = Rect(x, y, x+glyph_width, y+glyph_height); p = Pt(glyph_x, glyph_y); if(glyph_atlas->dirty){ cr = glyph_atlas->m->r; freeimage(glyph_atlas->cache); glyph_atlas->cache = allocimage(display, cr, screen->chan, 0, DYellow); loadimage(glyph_atlas->cache, cr, glyph_atlas->m->data->bdata, Dx(cr)*Dy(cr)*(glyph_atlas->m->depth/8)); glyph_atlas->dirty = 0; } draw(glyph_destination_surface->i, r, glyph_atlas->color, glyph_atlas->cache, p); } void RenderBackend_HandleRenderTargetLoss(void) { } void RenderBackend_HandleWindowResize(size_t width, size_t height) { }