ref: e738541afde753fce76d2eb2a53cb6bb73e19dfb
dir: /DoConfig/fltk/src/Fl_Native_File_Chooser_WIN32.cxx/
// "$Id$" // // FLTK native OS file chooser widget // // Copyright 1998-2014 by Bill Spitzak and others. // Copyright 2004 Greg Ercolano. // API changes + filter improvements by Nathan Vander Wilt 2005 // // This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in // the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file. If this // file is missing or damaged, see the license at: // // // // Please report all bugs and problems to: // // // // Any application to multi-folder implementation: // // #ifndef FL_DOXYGEN // PREVENT DOXYGEN'S USE OF THIS FILE #include <FL/Enumerations.H> #if FLTK_ABI_VERSION < 10304 #define _ofn_ptr (&_ofn) #define _binf_ptr (&_binf) #endif # include <stdlib.h> // malloc # include <stdio.h> // sprintf #include <wchar.h> #include "Fl_Native_File_Chooser_common.cxx" // strnew/strfree/strapp/chrcat #define FNFC_MAX_PATH 32768 // XXX: MAX_PATH under win32 is 260, too small for modern use #include <FL/Fl_Native_File_Chooser.H> static LPCWSTR utf8towchar(const char *in); static char *wchartoutf8(LPCWSTR in); #include <FL/x.H> // for fl_open_display #define LCURLY_CHR '{' #define RCURLY_CHR '}' #define LBRACKET_CHR '[' #define RBRACKET_CHR ']' // STATIC: PRINT WINDOWS 'DOUBLE NULL' STRING (DEBUG) #ifdef DEBUG #include <stdio.h> static void dnullprint(char *wp) { if ( ! wp ) return; for ( int t=0; true; t++ ) { if ( wp[t] == '\0' && wp[t+1] == '\0' ) { printf("\\0\\0"); fflush(stdout); return; } else if ( wp[t] == '\0' ) { printf("\\0"); } else { printf("%c",wp[t]); } } } #endif // RETURN LENGTH OF DOUBLENULL STRING // Includes single nulls in count, excludes trailing doublenull. // // 1234 567 // |||/\||| // IN: "one\0two\0\0" // OUT: 7 // static int dnulllen(const char *wp) { int len = 0; while ( ! ( *(wp+0) == 0 && *(wp+1) == 0 ) ) { ++wp; ++len; } return(len); } // STATIC: Append a string to another, leaving terminated with DOUBLE NULL. // Automatically handles extending length of string. // wp can be NULL (a new wp will be allocated and initialized). // string must be NULL terminated. // The pointer wp may be modified on return. // static void dnullcat(char*&wp, const char *string, int n = -1 ) { //DEBUG printf("DEBUG: dnullcat IN: <"); dnullprint(wp); printf(">\n"); size_t inlen = ( n < 0 ) ? strlen(string) : n; if ( ! wp ) { wp = new char[inlen + 4]; *(wp+0) = '\0'; *(wp+1) = '\0'; } else { int wplen = dnulllen(wp); // Make copy of wp into larger buffer char *tmp = new char[wplen + inlen + 4]; memcpy(tmp, wp, wplen+2); // copy of wp plus doublenull delete[] wp; // delete old wp wp = tmp; // use new copy //DEBUG printf("DEBUG: dnullcat COPY: <"); dnullprint(wp); printf("> (wplen=%d)\n", wplen); } // Find end of double null string // *wp2 is left pointing at second null. // char *wp2 = wp; if ( *(wp2+0) != '\0' && *(wp2+1) != '\0' ) { for ( ; 1; wp2++ ) { if ( *(wp2+0) == '\0' && *(wp2+1) == '\0' ) { wp2++; break; } } } if ( n == -1 ) n = (int) strlen(string); strncpy(wp2, string, n); // Leave string double-null terminated *(wp2+n+0) = '\0'; *(wp2+n+1) = '\0'; //DEBUG printf("DEBUG: dnullcat OUT: <"); dnullprint(wp); printf(">\n\n"); } // CTOR Fl_Native_File_Chooser::Fl_Native_File_Chooser(int val) { _btype = val; _options = NO_OPTIONS; #if FLTK_ABI_VERSION >= 10304 _ofn_ptr = new OPENFILENAMEW; _binf_ptr = new BROWSEINFOW; _wpattern = 0; #endif memset((void*)_ofn_ptr, 0, sizeof(OPENFILENAMEW)); _ofn_ptr->lStructSize = sizeof(OPENFILENAMEW); _ofn_ptr->hwndOwner = NULL; memset((void*)_binf_ptr, 0, sizeof(BROWSEINFOW)); _pathnames = NULL; _tpathnames = 0; _directory = NULL; _title = NULL; _filter = NULL; _parsedfilt = NULL; _nfilters = 0; _preset_file = NULL; _errmsg = NULL; } // DTOR Fl_Native_File_Chooser::~Fl_Native_File_Chooser() { //_pathnames // managed by clear_pathnames() //_tpathnames // managed by clear_pathnames() _directory = strfree(_directory); _title = strfree(_title); _filter = strfree(_filter); //_parsedfilt // managed by clear_filters() //_nfilters // managed by clear_filters() _preset_file = strfree(_preset_file); _errmsg = strfree(_errmsg); clear_filters(); clear_pathnames(); ClearOFN(); ClearBINF(); #if FLTK_ABI_VERSION >= 10304 delete _binf_ptr; delete _ofn_ptr; if ( _wpattern ) delete[] _wpattern; #endif } // SET TYPE OF BROWSER void Fl_Native_File_Chooser::type(int val) { _btype = val; } // GET TYPE OF BROWSER int Fl_Native_File_Chooser::type() const { return( _btype ); } // SET OPTIONS void Fl_Native_File_Chooser::options(int val) { _options = val; } // GET OPTIONS int Fl_Native_File_Chooser::options() const { return(_options); } // PRIVATE: SET ERROR MESSAGE void Fl_Native_File_Chooser::errmsg(const char *val) { _errmsg = strfree(_errmsg); _errmsg = strnew(val); } // FREE PATHNAMES ARRAY, IF IT HAS ANY CONTENTS void Fl_Native_File_Chooser::clear_pathnames() { if ( _pathnames ) { while ( --_tpathnames >= 0 ) { _pathnames[_tpathnames] = strfree(_pathnames[_tpathnames]); } delete[] _pathnames; _pathnames = NULL; } _tpathnames = 0; } // SET A SINGLE PATHNAME void Fl_Native_File_Chooser::set_single_pathname(const char *s) { clear_pathnames(); _pathnames = new char*[1]; _pathnames[0] = strnew(s); _tpathnames = 1; } // ADD PATHNAME TO EXISTING ARRAY void Fl_Native_File_Chooser::add_pathname(const char *s) { if ( ! _pathnames ) { // Create first element in array ++_tpathnames; _pathnames = new char*[_tpathnames]; } else { // Grow array by 1 char **tmp = new char*[_tpathnames+1]; // create new buffer memcpy((void*)tmp, (void*)_pathnames, sizeof(char*)*_tpathnames); // copy old delete[] _pathnames; // delete old _pathnames = tmp; // use new ++_tpathnames; } _pathnames[_tpathnames-1] = strnew(s); } // FREE A PIDL (Pointer to IDentity List) static void FreePIDL(LPITEMIDLIST pidl) { IMalloc *imalloc = NULL; if ( SUCCEEDED(SHGetMalloc(&imalloc)) ) { imalloc->Free(pidl); imalloc->Release(); imalloc = NULL; } } // CLEAR MICROSOFT OFN (OPEN FILE NAME) CLASS void Fl_Native_File_Chooser::ClearOFN() { // Free any previously allocated lpstrFile before zeroing out _ofn_ptr if ( _ofn_ptr->lpstrFile ) { delete[] _ofn_ptr->lpstrFile; _ofn_ptr->lpstrFile = NULL; } if ( _ofn_ptr->lpstrInitialDir ) { delete[] (TCHAR*) _ofn_ptr->lpstrInitialDir; //msvc6 compilation fix _ofn_ptr->lpstrInitialDir = NULL; } _ofn_ptr->lpstrFilter = NULL; // (deleted elsewhere) int temp = _ofn_ptr->nFilterIndex; // keep the filter_value memset((void*)_ofn_ptr, 0, sizeof(OPENFILENAMEW)); _ofn_ptr->lStructSize = sizeof(OPENFILENAMEW); _ofn_ptr->nFilterIndex = temp; } // CLEAR MICROSOFT BINF (BROWSER INFO) CLASS void Fl_Native_File_Chooser::ClearBINF() { if ( _binf_ptr->pidlRoot ) { FreePIDL((ITEMIDLIST*)_binf_ptr->pidlRoot); _binf_ptr->pidlRoot = NULL; } memset((void*)_binf_ptr, 0, sizeof(BROWSEINFOW)); } // CONVERT WINDOWS BACKSLASHES TO UNIX FRONTSLASHES void Fl_Native_File_Chooser::Win2Unix(char *s) { for ( ; *s; s++ ) if ( *s == '\\' ) *s = '/'; } // CONVERT UNIX FRONTSLASHES TO WINDOWS BACKSLASHES void Fl_Native_File_Chooser::Unix2Win(char *s) { for ( ; *s; s++ ) if ( *s == '/' ) *s = '\\'; } // SAVE THE CURRENT WORKING DIRECTORY // Returns a malloc()ed copy of the cwd that can // later be freed with RestoreCWD(). May return 0 on error. // static char *SaveCWD() { char *thecwd = 0; DWORD thecwdsz = GetCurrentDirectory(0,0); if ( thecwdsz > 0 ) { thecwd = (char*)malloc(thecwdsz); if (GetCurrentDirectory(thecwdsz, thecwd) == 0 ) { free(thecwd); thecwd = 0; } } return thecwd; } // RESTORES THE CWD SAVED BY SaveCWD(), FREES STRING // Always returns NULL (string was freed). // static void RestoreCWD(char *thecwd) { if ( !thecwd ) return; SetCurrentDirectory(thecwd); free(thecwd); } // SHOW FILE BROWSER int Fl_Native_File_Chooser::showfile() { ClearOFN(); clear_pathnames(); size_t fsize = FNFC_MAX_PATH; _ofn_ptr->Flags |= OFN_NOVALIDATE; // prevent disabling of front slashes _ofn_ptr->Flags |= OFN_HIDEREADONLY; // hide goofy readonly flag // USE NEW BROWSER _ofn_ptr->Flags |= OFN_EXPLORER; // use newer explorer windows _ofn_ptr->Flags |= OFN_ENABLESIZING; // allow window to be resized (hey, why not?) _ofn_ptr->Flags |= OFN_NOCHANGEDIR; // XXX: docs say ineffective on XP/2K/NT, but set it anyway.. switch ( _btype ) { case BROWSE_DIRECTORY: case BROWSE_MULTI_DIRECTORY: case BROWSE_SAVE_DIRECTORY: abort(); // never happens: handled by showdir() case BROWSE_FILE: break; case BROWSE_MULTI_FILE: _ofn_ptr->Flags |= OFN_ALLOWMULTISELECT; break; case BROWSE_SAVE_FILE: if ( options() & SAVEAS_CONFIRM && type() == BROWSE_SAVE_FILE ) { _ofn_ptr->Flags |= OFN_OVERWRITEPROMPT; } break; } // SPACE FOR RETURNED FILENAME _ofn_ptr->lpstrFile = new WCHAR[fsize]; _ofn_ptr->nMaxFile = (DWORD) fsize-1; _ofn_ptr->lpstrFile[0] = 0; _ofn_ptr->lpstrFile[1] = 0; // dnull // PARENT WINDOW _ofn_ptr->hwndOwner = GetForegroundWindow(); // DIALOG TITLE if (_title) { static WCHAR wtitle[200]; wcsncpy(wtitle, utf8towchar(_title), 200); wtitle[200-1] = 0; _ofn_ptr->lpstrTitle = wtitle; } else { _ofn_ptr->lpstrTitle = NULL; } // FILTER if (_parsedfilt != NULL) { // to convert a null-containing char string into a widechar string #if FLTK_ABI_VERSION >= 10304 // NEW if ( !_wpattern ) _wpattern = new WCHAR[FNFC_MAX_PATH]; #else // OLD static WCHAR _wpattern[FNFC_MAX_PATH]; // yuck -- replace with managed class member #endif const char *p = _parsedfilt; while(*(p + strlen(p) + 1) != 0) p += strlen(p) + 1; p += strlen(p) + 2; MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, _parsedfilt, (int) (p - _parsedfilt), _wpattern, FNFC_MAX_PATH); _ofn_ptr->lpstrFilter = _wpattern; } else { _ofn_ptr->lpstrFilter = NULL; } // PRESET FILE // If set, supercedes _directory. See KB Q86920 for details // XXX: this doesn't preselect the item in the listview.. why? // if ( _preset_file ) { size_t len = strlen(_preset_file); if ( len >= _ofn_ptr->nMaxFile ) { char msg[80]; sprintf(msg, "preset_file() filename is too long: %ld is >=%ld", (long)len, (long)fsize); return(-1); } wcscpy(_ofn_ptr->lpstrFile, utf8towchar(_preset_file)); // Unix2Win(_ofn_ptr->lpstrFile); len = wcslen(_ofn_ptr->lpstrFile); _ofn_ptr->lpstrFile[len+0] = 0; // multiselect needs dnull _ofn_ptr->lpstrFile[len+1] = 0; } if ( _directory ) { // PRESET DIR // XXX: See KB Q86920 for doc bug: //;en-us;86920 // _ofn_ptr->lpstrInitialDir = new WCHAR[FNFC_MAX_PATH]; wcscpy((WCHAR *)_ofn_ptr->lpstrInitialDir, utf8towchar(_directory)); // Unix2Win((char*)_ofn_ptr->lpstrInitialDir); } // SAVE THE CURRENT DIRECTORY // See above warning (XXX) for OFN_NOCHANGEDIR // char *save_cwd = SaveCWD(); // must be freed with RestoreCWD() // OPEN THE DIALOG WINDOW int err; if ( _btype == BROWSE_SAVE_FILE ) { err = GetSaveFileNameW(_ofn_ptr); } else { err = GetOpenFileNameW(_ofn_ptr); } // GET EXTENDED ERROR int exterr = CommDlgExtendedError(); // RESTORE CURRENT DIRECTORY RestoreCWD(save_cwd); save_cwd = 0; // also frees save_cwd // ERROR OR CANCEL? if ( err == 0 ) { if ( exterr == 0 ) return(1); // user hit cancel // Otherwise, an error occurred.. char msg[80]; sprintf(msg, "CommDlgExtendedError() code=%d", err); errmsg(msg); return(-1); } // PREPARE PATHNAMES FOR RETURN switch ( _btype ) { case BROWSE_FILE: case BROWSE_SAVE_FILE: set_single_pathname(wchartoutf8(_ofn_ptr->lpstrFile)); // Win2Unix(_pathnames[_tpathnames-1]); break; case BROWSE_MULTI_FILE: { // EXTRACT MULTIPLE FILENAMES const WCHAR *dirname = _ofn_ptr->lpstrFile; size_t dirlen = wcslen(dirname); if ( dirlen > 0 ) { // WALK STRING SEARCHING FOR 'DOUBLE-NULL' // eg. "/dir/name\0foo1\0foo2\0foo3\0\0" // char pathname[FNFC_MAX_PATH]; for ( const WCHAR *s = dirname + dirlen + 1; *s; s+= (wcslen(s)+1)) { strcpy(pathname, wchartoutf8(dirname)); strcat(pathname, "\\"); strcat(pathname, wchartoutf8(s)); add_pathname(pathname); } } // XXX // Work around problem where pasted forward-slash pathname // into the file browser causes new "Explorer" interface // not to grok forward slashes, passing back as a 'filename'..! // if ( _tpathnames == 0 ) { add_pathname(wchartoutf8(dirname)); // Win2Unix(_pathnames[_tpathnames-1]); } break; } case BROWSE_DIRECTORY: case BROWSE_MULTI_DIRECTORY: case BROWSE_SAVE_DIRECTORY: abort(); // never happens: handled by showdir() } return(0); } // Used by SHBrowseForFolder(), sets initial selected dir. // Ref: Usenet:, Dec 8 2000, 1:38p David Lowndes // Subject: How to specify to select an initial folder .." // static int CALLBACK Dir_CB(HWND win, UINT msg, LPARAM param, LPARAM data) { switch (msg) { case BFFM_INITIALIZED: if (data) ::SendMessageW(win, BFFM_SETSELECTIONW, TRUE, data); break; case BFFM_SELCHANGED: TCHAR path[FNFC_MAX_PATH]; if ( SHGetPathFromIDList((ITEMIDLIST*)param, path) ) { ::SendMessage(win, BFFM_ENABLEOK, 0, 1); } else { // disable ok button if not a path ::SendMessage(win, BFFM_ENABLEOK, 0, 0); } break; case BFFM_VALIDATEFAILED: // we could pop up an annoying message here. // also needs set ulFlags |= BIF_VALIDATE break; default: break; } return(0); } // SHOW DIRECTORY BROWSER int Fl_Native_File_Chooser::showdir() { // initialize OLE only once fl_open_display(); // init needed by BIF_USENEWUI ClearBINF(); clear_pathnames(); // PARENT WINDOW _binf_ptr->hwndOwner = GetForegroundWindow(); // DIALOG TITLE //_binf_ptr->lpszTitle = _title ? _title : NULL; if (_title) { static WCHAR wtitle[256]; wcsncpy(wtitle, utf8towchar(_title), 256); wtitle[255] = 0; _binf_ptr->lpszTitle = wtitle; } else { _binf_ptr->lpszTitle = NULL; } // FLAGS _binf_ptr->ulFlags = 0; // initialize // TBD: make sure matches to runtime system, if need be. //(what if _WIN32_IE doesn't match system? does the program not run?) // // TBD: match all 3 types of directories // // NOTE: *Don't* use BIF_SHAREABLE. It /disables/ mapped network shares // from being visible in BROWSE_DIRECTORY mode. Walter Garm's comments: // // --- Garms, Walter (GE EntSol, Security) wrote: // With your help I was able to solve the problem of the network drives. // For Version 6.0, at least, the BIF_SHAREABLE flag seems to have the // opposite sense: With BIF_SHAREABLE not set I see the mapped network // drives, and with BIF_SHAREABLE set I do not. // --- #if defined(BIF_NONEWFOLDERBUTTON) // Version 6.0 if ( _btype == BROWSE_DIRECTORY ) _binf_ptr->ulFlags |= BIF_NONEWFOLDERBUTTON; _binf_ptr->ulFlags |= BIF_USENEWUI | BIF_RETURNONLYFSDIRS; #elif defined(BIF_USENEWUI) // Version 5.0 if ( _btype == BROWSE_DIRECTORY ) _binf_ptr->ulFlags |= BIF_EDITBOX; else if ( _btype == BROWSE_SAVE_DIRECTORY ) _binf_ptr->ulFlags |= BIF_USENEWUI; _binf_ptr->ulFlags |= BIF_RETURNONLYFSDIRS; #elif defined(BIF_EDITBOX) // Version 4.71 _binf_ptr->ulFlags |= BIF_RETURNONLYFSDIRS | BIF_EDITBOX; #else // Version Old _binf_ptr->ulFlags |= BIF_RETURNONLYFSDIRS; #endif // BUFFER //char displayname[FNFC_MAX_PATH]; WCHAR displayname[FNFC_MAX_PATH]; _binf_ptr->pszDisplayName = displayname; // PRESET DIR WCHAR presetname[FNFC_MAX_PATH]; if ( _directory ) { // Unix2Win(presetname); wcsncpy(presetname, utf8towchar(_directory), FNFC_MAX_PATH); presetname[FNFC_MAX_PATH-1] = 0; _binf_ptr->lParam = (LPARAM)presetname; } else _binf_ptr->lParam = 0; _binf_ptr->lpfn = Dir_CB; // OPEN BROWSER LPITEMIDLIST pidl = SHBrowseForFolderW(_binf_ptr); // CANCEL? if ( pidl == NULL ) return(1); // GET THE PATHNAME(S) THE USER SELECTED // TBD: expand NetHood shortcuts from this PIDL?? // WCHAR path[FNFC_MAX_PATH]; if ( SHGetPathFromIDListW(pidl, path) ) { // Win2Unix(path); //add_pathname(path); add_pathname(wchartoutf8(path)); } FreePIDL(pidl); if ( !wcslen(path) ) return(1); // don't return empty pathnames return(0); } // RETURNS: // 0 - user picked a file // 1 - user cancelled // -1 - failed; errmsg() has reason // int Fl_Native_File_Chooser::show() { int retval; if ( _btype == BROWSE_DIRECTORY || _btype == BROWSE_MULTI_DIRECTORY || _btype == BROWSE_SAVE_DIRECTORY ) { retval = showdir(); } else { retval = showfile(); } // restore the correct state of mouse buttons and keyboard modifier keys (STR #3221) HWND h = GetForegroundWindow(); if (h) { WNDPROC windproc = (WNDPROC)GetWindowLongPtrW(h, GWLP_WNDPROC); CallWindowProc(windproc, h, WM_ACTIVATEAPP, 1, 0); } return retval; } // RETURN ERROR MESSAGE const char *Fl_Native_File_Chooser::errmsg() const { return(_errmsg ? _errmsg : "No error"); } // GET FILENAME const char* Fl_Native_File_Chooser::filename() const { if ( _pathnames && _tpathnames > 0 ) return(_pathnames[0]); return(""); } // GET FILENAME FROM LIST OF FILENAMES const char* Fl_Native_File_Chooser::filename(int i) const { if ( _pathnames && i < _tpathnames ) return(_pathnames[i]); return(""); } // GET TOTAL FILENAMES CHOSEN int Fl_Native_File_Chooser::count() const { return(_tpathnames); } // PRESET PATHNAME // Can be NULL if no preset is desired. // void Fl_Native_File_Chooser::directory(const char *val) { _directory = strfree(_directory); _directory = strnew(val); } // GET PRESET PATHNAME // Can return NULL if none set. // const char *Fl_Native_File_Chooser::directory() const { return(_directory); } // SET TITLE // Can be NULL if no title desired. // void Fl_Native_File_Chooser::title(const char *val) { _title = strfree(_title); _title = strnew(val); } // GET TITLE // Can return NULL if none set. // const char *Fl_Native_File_Chooser::title() const { return(_title); } // SET FILTER // Can be NULL if no filter needed // void Fl_Native_File_Chooser::filter(const char *val) { _filter = strfree(_filter); clear_filters(); if ( val ) { _filter = strnew(val); parse_filter(_filter); } add_filter("All Files", "*.*"); // always include 'all files' option #ifdef DEBUG dnullprint(_parsedfilt); #endif /*DEBUG*/ } // GET FILTER // Can return NULL if none set. // const char *Fl_Native_File_Chooser::filter() const { return(_filter); } // CLEAR FILTERS void Fl_Native_File_Chooser::clear_filters() { _nfilters = 0; _parsedfilt = strfree(_parsedfilt); } // ADD A FILTER void Fl_Native_File_Chooser::add_filter(const char *name_in, // name of filter (optional: can be null) const char *winfilter) { // windows style filter (eg. "*.cxx;*.h") // No name? Make one.. char name[1024]; if ( !name_in || name_in[0] == '\0' ) { sprintf(name, "%.*s Files", int(sizeof(name)-10), winfilter); } else { if ((strlen(name_in)+strlen(winfilter)+3) < sizeof(name)) { sprintf(name, "%s (%s)", name_in, winfilter); } else { sprintf(name, "%.*s", int(sizeof(name)), name_in); } } dnullcat(_parsedfilt, name); dnullcat(_parsedfilt, winfilter); _nfilters++; //DEBUG printf("DEBUG: ADD FILTER name=<%s> winfilter=<%s>\n", name, winfilter); } // RETURN HOW MANY DIFFERENT FILTERS WERE SPECIFIED // In: "foo.[CH]" or "foo.{C,H}" // Out: 2 // static int count_filters(const char *filter) { int count = 0; char mode = 0; const char *in = filter; while (*in) { switch(*in) { case '\\': // escape next character ++in; if ( *in == 0 ) continue; // skip escape. EOL? done ++in; // skip escaped char continue; case LCURLY_CHR: // start "{aaa,bbb}" mode = *in; // set mode, parse over curly ++count; // at least +1 wildcard break; case RCURLY_CHR: // end "{aaa,bbb}" if ( mode == LCURLY_CHR ) // disable curly mode (if on) mode = 0; break; case LBRACKET_CHR: // start "[xyz]" mode = *in; // set mode, parse over bracket break; case RBRACKET_CHR: // end "[xyz]" if ( mode == LBRACKET_CHR ) // disable bracket mode (if on) mode = 0; break; default: // any other char switch (mode) { // handle {} or [] modes case LCURLY_CHR: // handle "{aaa,bbb}" if (*in==',' || *in=='|') // ',' and '|' adds filters ++count; break; case LBRACKET_CHR: // handle "[xyz]" ++count; // all chars in []'s add new filter break; } break; } ++in; // parse past char } return count > 0 ? count : 1; // return at least 1 } // CONVERT FLTK STYLE PATTERN MATCHES TO WINDOWS 'DOUBLENULL' PATTERN // Returns with the parsed double-null result in '_parsedfilt'. // // Handles: // IN OUT // ----------- ----------------------------- // *.{ma,mb} "*.{ma,mb} Files\0*.ma;*.mb\0\0" // *.[abc] "*.[abc] Files\0*.a;*.b;*.c\0\0" // *.txt "*.txt Files\0*.txt\0\0" // C Files\t*.[ch] "C Files\0*.c;*.h\0\0" // // Example: // IN: "*.{ma,mb}" // OUT: "*.ma;*.mb Files\0*.ma;*.mb\0All Files\0*.*\0\0" // --------------- --------- --------- --- // | | | | // Title Wildcards Title Wildcards // // Parsing Mode: // IN:"C Files\t*.{cxx,h}" // ||||||| ||||||||| // mode: nnnnnnn ww{{{{{{{ // \_____/ \_______/ // Name Wildcard // void Fl_Native_File_Chooser::parse_filter(const char *in) { clear_filters(); if ( ! in || in[0] == '\0' ) return; int has_name = strchr(in, '\t') ? 1 : 0; char mode = has_name ? 'n' : 'w'; // parse mode: n=name, w=wildcard // whatever input string is, our output won't be much longer in length.. // use double length just for safety. size_t slen = strlen(in); char *wildprefix = new char[(slen+1)*2]; wildprefix[0] = 0; char *comp = new char[(slen+1)*2]; comp[0] = 0; char *name = new char[(slen+1)*2]; name[0] = 0; // Init int nwildcards = 0; int maxfilters = count_filters(in) + 1; // count wildcard seps char **wildcards = new char*[maxfilters]; // parsed wildcards (can be several) int t; for ( t=0; t<maxfilters; t++ ) { wildcards[t] = new char[slen+1]; wildcards[t][0] = '\0'; } // Parse for ( ; 1; in++ ) { //// DEBUG //// printf("WORKING ON '%c': mode=<%c> name=<%s> wildprefix=<%s> nwildcards=%d wildcards[n]=<%s>\n", //// *in, mode, name, wildprefix, nwildcards, wildcards[nwildcards]); switch (*in) { case ',': case '|': if ( mode == LCURLY_CHR ) { // create new wildcard, copy in prefix strcat(wildcards[nwildcards++], wildprefix); continue; } else { goto regchar; } continue; // FINISHED PARSING A NAME? case '\t': if ( mode != 'n' ) goto regchar; // finish parsing name? switch to wildcard mode mode = 'w'; break; // ESCAPE NEXT CHAR case '\\': ++in; goto regchar; // FINISHED PARSING ONE OF POSSIBLY SEVERAL FILTERS? case '\r': case '\n': case '\0': { if ( mode == 'w' ) { // finished parsing wildcard? if ( nwildcards == 0 ) { strcpy(wildcards[nwildcards++], wildprefix); } // Append wildcards in Microsoft's "*.one;*.two" format comp[0] = 0; for ( t=0; t<nwildcards; t++ ) { if ( t != 0 ) strcat(comp, ";"); strcat(comp, wildcards[t]); } // Add if not empty if ( comp[0] ) { add_filter(name, comp); } } // RESET for ( t=0; t<maxfilters; t++ ) { wildcards[t][0] = '\0'; } nwildcards = 0; wildprefix[0] = name[0] = '\0'; mode = strchr(in,'\t') ? 'n' : 'w'; // DONE? if ( *in == '\0' ) { // done // Free everything delete[] wildprefix; delete[] comp; delete[] name; for ( t=0; t<maxfilters; t++ ) delete[] wildcards[t]; delete[] wildcards; return; } continue; // not done yet, more filters } // STARTING A WILDCARD? case LBRACKET_CHR: case LCURLY_CHR: mode = *in; if ( *in == LCURLY_CHR ) { // create new wildcard strcat(wildcards[nwildcards++], wildprefix); } continue; // ENDING A WILDCARD? case RBRACKET_CHR: case RCURLY_CHR: mode = 'w'; // back to wildcard mode continue; // ALL OTHER NON-SPECIAL CHARACTERS default: regchar: // handle regular char switch ( mode ) { case LBRACKET_CHR: // create new wildcard ++nwildcards; // copy in prefix strcpy(wildcards[nwildcards-1], wildprefix); // append search char chrcat(wildcards[nwildcards-1], *in); continue; case LCURLY_CHR: if ( nwildcards > 0 ) { chrcat(wildcards[nwildcards-1], *in); } continue; case 'n': chrcat(name, *in); continue; case 'w': chrcat(wildprefix, *in); for ( t=0; t<nwildcards; t++ ) { chrcat(wildcards[t], *in); } continue; } break; } } } // SET 'CURRENTLY SELECTED FILTER' void Fl_Native_File_Chooser::filter_value(int i) { _ofn_ptr->nFilterIndex = i + 1; } // RETURN VALUE OF 'CURRENTLY SELECTED FILTER' int Fl_Native_File_Chooser::filter_value() const { return(_ofn_ptr->nFilterIndex ? _ofn_ptr->nFilterIndex-1 : _nfilters+1); } // PRESET FILENAME FOR 'SAVE AS' CHOOSER void Fl_Native_File_Chooser::preset_file(const char* val) { _preset_file = strfree(_preset_file); _preset_file = strnew(val); } // GET PRESET FILENAME FOR 'SAVE AS' CHOOSER const char* Fl_Native_File_Chooser::preset_file() const { return(_preset_file); } int Fl_Native_File_Chooser::filters() const { return(_nfilters); } static char *wchartoutf8(LPCWSTR in) { static char *out = NULL; static int lchar = 0; if (in == NULL)return NULL; int utf8len = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, in, -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL); if (utf8len > lchar) { lchar = utf8len; out = (char *)realloc(out, lchar * sizeof(char)); } WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, in, -1, out, utf8len, NULL, NULL); return out; } static LPCWSTR utf8towchar(const char *in) { static WCHAR *wout = NULL; static int lwout = 0; if (in == NULL)return NULL; int wlen = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, in, -1, NULL, 0); if (wlen > lwout) { lwout = wlen; wout = (WCHAR *)realloc(wout, lwout * sizeof(WCHAR)); } MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, in, -1, wout, wlen); return wout; } #endif /*!FL_DOXYGEN*/ // // End of "$Id$". //