shithub: cstory

ref: d2b5872c95e7c0970fdf81e16397ab497763b89b
dir: /DoConfig/fltk/src/

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// "$Id$"
// MacOS system menu bar widget for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
// Copyright 1998-2013 by Bill Spitzak and others.
// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:

 * This code has been tested on the "menubar" sample program and provides
 * basic functionality. 
 * To use the System Menu Bar, simply replace the main Fl_Menu_Bar
 * in an application with Fl_Sys_Menu_Bar.
 * FLTK features not supported by the Mac System menu
 * - no symbolic labels
 * - no embossed labels
 * - no font sizes
 * Many other calls of the parent class don't work.

#if defined(__APPLE__) || defined(FL_DOXYGEN)
#include <FL/Fl_Menu_Item.H>
#include <FL/Fl_Sys_Menu_Bar.H>
#include <FL/x.H>
#include <FL/Fl.H>

#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>

#include "flstring.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdarg.h>

typedef const Fl_Menu_Item *pFl_Menu_Item;

Fl_Sys_Menu_Bar *fl_sys_menu_bar = 0;
static Fl_Menu_Bar *custom_menu;

static char *remove_ampersand(const char *s);
extern void (*fl_lock_function)();
extern void (*fl_unlock_function)();

/*  Each MacOS system menu item contains a pointer to a record of type sys_menu_item defined below.
    The purpose of these records is to associate each MacOS system menu item with a relevant Fl_Menu_Item.

    Note: in the below, 'rank' is similar to an FLTK menu() 'index'.
    Let's avoid exposing Mac internal terminology like 'rank' to FLTK users; stick with 'index'.

    If use_rank is YES, the "rank" field is used, and fl_sys_menu_bar->menu() + rank is the address 
    of the relevant Fl_Menu_Item;
    Otherwise, the "item" field points to the relevant Fl_Menu_Item.
    This allows the MacOS system menu to use the same Fl_Menu_Item's as those used by FLTK menus, 
    the address of which can be relocated by the FLTK menu logic.
    The "item" field is used for non-relocatable Fl_Menu_Item's associated to FL_SUBMENU_POINTER.
    Sending the getFlItem message to a MacOS system menu item (of class FLMenuItem) returns the address
    of the relevant Fl_Menu_Item.
typedef struct {
  union {
    int rank;
    const Fl_Menu_Item *item;
  BOOL use_rank;
} sys_menu_item;

@interface FLMenuItem : NSMenuItem {
- (const Fl_Menu_Item*) getFlItem;
- (void) itemCallback:(Fl_Menu_*)menu;
- (void) doCallback;
- (void) customCallback;
- (void) directCallback;
- (void) setKeyEquivalentModifierMask:(int)value;
- (void) setFltkShortcut:(int)key;
+ (int) addNewItem:(const Fl_Menu_Item*)mitem menu:(NSMenu*)menu action:(SEL)selector;

@implementation FLMenuItem
- (const Fl_Menu_Item*) getFlItem
// returns the Fl_Menu_Item corresponding to this system menu item
  sys_menu_item *smi = (sys_menu_item*)[(NSData*)[self representedObject] bytes];
  if (smi->use_rank) return fl_sys_menu_bar->menu() + smi->rank;
  return smi->item;
- (void) itemCallback:(Fl_Menu_*)menu
  const Fl_Menu_Item *item = [self getFlItem];
  if ( item->flags & FL_MENU_TOGGLE ) {	// update the menu toggle symbol
    [self setState:(item->value() ? NSOnState : NSOffState)];
  else if ( item->flags & FL_MENU_RADIO ) {	// update the menu radio symbols
    NSMenu* menu = [self menu];
    NSInteger flRank = [menu indexOfItem:self];
    NSInteger last = [menu numberOfItems] - 1;
    int from = flRank;
    while(from > 0) {
      if ([[menu itemAtIndex:from-1] isSeparatorItem]) break;
      item = [(FLMenuItem*)[menu itemAtIndex:from-1] getFlItem];
      if ( !(item->flags & FL_MENU_RADIO) ) break;
    int to = flRank;
    while (to < last) {
      if ([[menu itemAtIndex:to+1] isSeparatorItem]) break;
      item = [(FLMenuItem*)[menu itemAtIndex:to+1] getFlItem];
      if (!(item->flags & FL_MENU_RADIO)) break;
    for(int i =  from; i <= to; i++) {
      NSMenuItem *nsitem = [menu itemAtIndex:i];
      [nsitem setState:(nsitem != self ? NSOffState : NSOnState)];
- (void) doCallback
  [self itemCallback:fl_sys_menu_bar];
- (void) customCallback
  [self itemCallback:custom_menu];
- (void) directCallback
  Fl_Menu_Item *item = (Fl_Menu_Item *)[(NSData*)[self representedObject] bytes];
  if ( item && item->callback() ) item->do_callback(NULL);
- (void) setKeyEquivalentModifierMask:(int)value
  NSUInteger macMod = 0;
  if ( value & FL_META ) macMod = NSCommandKeyMask;
  if ( value & FL_SHIFT || isupper(value) ) macMod |= NSShiftKeyMask;
  if ( value & FL_ALT ) macMod |= NSAlternateKeyMask;
  if ( value & FL_CTRL ) macMod |= NSControlKeyMask;
  [super setKeyEquivalentModifierMask:macMod];
- (void) setFltkShortcut:(int)key
  // Separate key and modifier
  int mod = key;
  mod &= ~FL_KEY_MASK;	// modifier(s)
  key &=  FL_KEY_MASK;	// key
  unichar mac_key = (unichar)key;
  if ( (key >= (FL_F+1)) && (key <= FL_F_Last) ) { // Handle function keys
    int fkey_num = (key - FL_F);	// 1,2..
    mac_key = NSF1FunctionKey + fkey_num - 1;
  [self setKeyEquivalent:[NSString stringWithCharacters:&mac_key length:1]];
  [self setKeyEquivalentModifierMask:mod];
+ (int) addNewItem:(const Fl_Menu_Item*)mitem menu:(NSMenu*)menu action:(SEL)selector
  char *name = remove_ampersand(mitem->label());
  NSString *title = NSLocalizedString([NSString stringWithUTF8String:name], nil);
  FLMenuItem *item = [[FLMenuItem alloc] initWithTitle:title
  sys_menu_item smi;
  // >= 0 if mitem is in the menu items of fl_sys_menu_bar, -1 if not
  smi.rank = (fl_sys_menu_bar ? fl_sys_menu_bar->find_index(mitem) : -1);
  smi.use_rank = (smi.rank >= 0);
  if (!smi.use_rank) smi.item = mitem;
  NSData *pointer = [NSData dataWithBytes:&smi length:sizeof(smi)];
  [item setRepresentedObject:pointer];
  [menu addItem:item];
  [item setTarget:item];
  int retval = [menu indexOfItem:item];
  [item release];
  return retval;

void fl_mac_set_about( Fl_Callback *cb, void *user_data, int shortcut) 
  Fl_Menu_Item aboutItem;
  memset(&aboutItem, 0, sizeof(Fl_Menu_Item));
  NSMenu *appleMenu = [[[NSApp mainMenu] itemAtIndex:0] submenu];
  CFStringRef cfname = CFStringCreateCopy(NULL, (CFStringRef)[[appleMenu itemAtIndex:0] title]);
  [appleMenu removeItemAtIndex:0];
  FLMenuItem *item = [[[FLMenuItem alloc] initWithTitle:(NSString*)cfname 
					  keyEquivalent:@""] autorelease];
  if (aboutItem.shortcut())
    [item setFltkShortcut:aboutItem.shortcut()];
  NSData *pointer = [NSData dataWithBytes:&aboutItem length:sizeof(Fl_Menu_Item)];
  [item setRepresentedObject:pointer];
  [appleMenu insertItem:item atIndex:0];
  [item setTarget:item];

 * Set a shortcut for an Apple menu item using the FLTK shortcut descriptor.
static void setMenuShortcut( NSMenu* mh, int miCnt, const Fl_Menu_Item *m )
  if ( !m->shortcut_ ) 
  if ( m->flags & FL_SUBMENU )
  if ( m->flags & FL_SUBMENU_POINTER )
  FLMenuItem* menuItem = (FLMenuItem*)[mh itemAtIndex:miCnt];
  [menuItem setFltkShortcut:(m->shortcut_)];

 * Set the Toggle and Radio flag based on FLTK flags
static void setMenuFlags( NSMenu* mh, int miCnt, const Fl_Menu_Item *m )
  if ( m->flags & FL_MENU_TOGGLE )
    NSMenuItem *menuItem = [mh itemAtIndex:miCnt];
    [menuItem setState:(m->flags & FL_MENU_VALUE ? NSOnState : NSOffState)];
  else if ( m->flags & FL_MENU_RADIO ) {
    NSMenuItem *menuItem = [mh itemAtIndex:miCnt];
    [menuItem setState:(m->flags & FL_MENU_VALUE ? NSOnState : NSOffState)];

static char *remove_ampersand(const char *s)
  char *ret = strdup(s);
  const char *p = s;
  char *q = ret;
  while(*p != 0) {
    if (p[0]=='&') {
      if (p[1]=='&') {
        *q++ = '&'; p+=2;
      } else {
    } else {
      *q++ = *p++;
  *q = 0;
  return ret;

 * create a sub menu for a specific menu handle
static void createSubMenu( NSMenu *mh, pFl_Menu_Item &mm,  const Fl_Menu_Item *mitem, SEL selector)
  NSMenu *submenu;
  int miCnt, flags;
  if (mitem) {
    NSMenuItem *menuItem;
    char *ts = remove_ampersand(mitem->text);
    NSString *title = NSLocalizedString([NSString stringWithUTF8String:ts], nil);
    submenu = [[NSMenu alloc] initWithTitle:(NSString*)title];
    [submenu setAutoenablesItems:NO];
    int cnt;
    cnt = [mh numberOfItems];
    menuItem = [mh itemAtIndex:cnt];
    [menuItem setSubmenu:submenu];
    [submenu release];
  } else submenu = mh;
  while ( mm->text ) {
    if (!mm->visible() ) { // skip invisible items and submenus
      mm = mm->next(0);
    miCnt = [FLMenuItem addNewItem:mm menu:submenu action:selector];
    setMenuFlags( submenu, miCnt, mm );
    setMenuShortcut( submenu, miCnt, mm );
    if (mitem && (mm->flags & FL_MENU_INACTIVE || mitem->flags & FL_MENU_INACTIVE)) {
      NSMenuItem *item = [submenu itemAtIndex:miCnt];
      [item setEnabled:NO];
    flags = mm->flags;
    if ( mm->flags & FL_SUBMENU )
      createSubMenu( submenu, mm, mm - 1, selector);
    else if ( mm->flags & FL_SUBMENU_POINTER )
      const Fl_Menu_Item *smm = (Fl_Menu_Item*)mm->user_data_;
      createSubMenu( submenu, smm, mm, selector);
    if ( flags & FL_MENU_DIVIDER ) {
      [submenu addItem:[NSMenuItem separatorItem]];

 * convert a complete Fl_Menu_Item array into a series of menus in the top menu bar
static void convertToMenuBar(const Fl_Menu_Item *mm)
  NSMenu *fl_system_menu = [NSApp mainMenu];
  int count;//first, delete all existing system menus
  count = [fl_system_menu numberOfItems];
  for(int i = count - 1; i > 0; i--) {
    [fl_system_menu removeItem:[fl_system_menu itemAtIndex:i]];
  if (mm) createSubMenu(fl_system_menu, mm, NULL, @selector(doCallback));

 * @brief create a system menu bar using the given list of menu structs
 * \author Matthias Melcher
 * @param m list of Fl_Menu_Item
void Fl_Sys_Menu_Bar::menu(const Fl_Menu_Item *m) 
  Fl_Menu_Bar::menu( m );

 * @brief Add a new menu item to the system menu bar.
 * @param label     - new menu item's label
 * @param shortcut  - new menu item's integer shortcut (can be 0 for none, or e.g. FL_ALT+'x')
 * @param cb        - callback to be invoked when item selected (can be 0 for none, in which case the menubar's callback() can be used instead)
 * @param user_data - argument to the callback
 * @param flags     - item's flags, e.g. ::FL_MENU_TOGGLE, etc.
 * \returns the index into the menu() array, where the entry was added
 * @see Fl_Menu_::add(const char* label, int shortcut, Fl_Callback *cb, void *user_data, int flags) 
int Fl_Sys_Menu_Bar::add(const char* label, int shortcut, Fl_Callback *cb, void *user_data, int flags)
  int rank = Fl_Menu_::add(label, shortcut, cb, user_data, flags);
  return rank;

 * Forms-compatible procedure to add items to the system menu bar
 * \returns the index into the menu() array, where the entry was added
 * @see Fl_Menu_::add(const char* str) 
int Fl_Sys_Menu_Bar::add(const char* str)
  int rank = Fl_Menu_::add(str);
  return rank;

 * @brief insert in the system menu bar a new menu item
 * Insert in the system menu bar a new menu item, with a title string, shortcut int,
 * callback, argument to the callback, and flags.
 * \returns the index into the menu() array, where the entry was inserted
 * @see Fl_Menu_::insert(int index, const char* label, int shortcut, Fl_Callback *cb, void *user_data, int flags) 
int Fl_Sys_Menu_Bar::insert(int index, const char* label, int shortcut, Fl_Callback *cb, void *user_data, int flags)
  int rank = Fl_Menu_::insert(index, label, shortcut, cb, user_data, flags);
  return rank;

void Fl_Sys_Menu_Bar::clear()

int Fl_Sys_Menu_Bar::clear_submenu(int index)
  int retval = Fl_Menu_::clear_submenu(index);
  if (retval != -1) update();
  return retval;

 * @brief remove an item from the system menu bar
 * @param index		the index of the item to remove
void Fl_Sys_Menu_Bar::remove(int index)

 * @brief rename an item from the system menu bar
 * @param index		the index of the item to rename
 * @param name		the new item name as a UTF8 string
void Fl_Sys_Menu_Bar::replace(int index, const char *name)
  Fl_Menu_::replace(index, name);	// index

/** Updates the system menu after any change to its items.
void Fl_Sys_Menu_Bar::update()

 * Draw the menu bar. 
 * Nothing here because the OS does this for us.
void Fl_Sys_Menu_Bar::draw() {

static int process_sys_menu_shortcuts(int event)
  if (event != FL_SHORTCUT || !fl_sys_menu_bar || Fl::modal()) return 0;
  // is the last event the shortcut of an item of the fl_sys_menu_bar menu ?
  const Fl_Menu_Item *item = fl_sys_menu_bar->menu()->test_shortcut();
  if (!item) return 0;
  if (item->visible()) // have the system menu process the shortcut, highlighting the corresponding menu
    [[NSApp mainMenu] performKeyEquivalent:[NSApp currentEvent]];
  else // have FLTK process the shortcut associated to an invisible Fl_Menu_Item
  return 1;

 The constructor.
 On Mac OS X, all arguments are unused. On other platforms they are used as by Fl_Menu_Bar::Fl_Menu_Bar().
Fl_Sys_Menu_Bar::Fl_Sys_Menu_Bar(int x,int y,int w,int h,const char *l)
: Fl_Menu_Bar(x,y,w,h,l) 
  deactivate();			// don't let the old area take events
  if (fl_sys_menu_bar) delete fl_sys_menu_bar;
  fl_sys_menu_bar = this;

/** The destructor */
  fl_sys_menu_bar = 0;

/** \class Fl_Mac_App_Menu
 Mac OS-specific class allowing to customize and localize the application menu.
 The public class attributes are used to build the application menu. They can be localized
 at run time to any UTF-8 text by placing instructions such as this before fl_open_display()
 gets called:
 Fl_Mac_App_Menu::print = "Imprimer la fenêtre";
 \see \ref osissues_macos for another way to localization.

/** Adds custom menu item(s) to the application menu of the system menu bar.
 They are positioned after the "Print Front Window" item, or at its place
 if it was removed with <tt>Fl_Mac_App_Menu::print = ""</tt>.
 \param m zero-ending array of Fl_Menu_Item 's.
void Fl_Mac_App_Menu::custom_application_menu_items(const Fl_Menu_Item *m)
  fl_open_display(); // create the system menu, if needed
  custom_menu = new Fl_Menu_Bar(0,0,0,0);
  NSMenu *menu = [[[NSApp mainMenu] itemAtIndex:0] submenu]; // the application menu
  NSInteger to_rank;
  if ([[menu itemAtIndex:2] action] != @selector(printPanel)) { // the 'Print' item was removed
    [menu insertItem:[NSMenuItem separatorItem] atIndex:1];
    to_rank = 2;
  } else to_rank = 3; // after the "Print Front Window" item
  NSInteger count = [menu numberOfItems];
  createSubMenu(menu, m, NULL, @selector(customCallback)); // add new items at end of application menu
  NSInteger count2 = [menu numberOfItems];
  for (NSInteger i = count; i < count2; i++) { // move new items to their desired position in application menu
    NSMenuItem *item = [menu itemAtIndex:i];
    [item retain];
    [menu removeItemAtIndex:i];
    [menu insertItem:item atIndex:to_rank++];
    [item release];
#endif /* __APPLE__ */

// End of "$Id$".