Try to get environment variables right
Try to split 32-bit/64-bit builds
Fix some stupid error that was caused by...
Say it with me: "this is annoying"
Clearly I don't understand Bash syntax
Travis: Try to fix WINDRES and 32-bit builds
Try to fix whatever syntax error Travis isn't...
Try to get a Travis native Windows build working
Apparently Travis's 'sudo' is deprecated now?
Er, don't break the Travis file
Attempt to build release and debug binaries
Build both 32-bit and 64-bit binaries in Travis
Cleanup, support WINDRES as an environment variable
Fix WINDRES in the Travis script
Actually, this fix doesn't seem right
Fix compilation with FIX_BUGS enabled
Add option to the Makefile to enable LTO
Added bugfix for StartDirectDraw failure
Backport a readme line from the portable branch
Makefile: Specify file extensions
Specify that WARNINGS enables compiler warnings
Backport the portable branch's warnings
Note some inaccurate stack frames
Ignore the build folder, and tweak paths
Mark TSC files as binary, not text
Added a missing #include in Organya.cpp
More-accurate ValueView.cpp variable arrangement
More-accurate Triangle.cpp variable arrangement
More-accurate Stage.cpp variable arrangement
Sound.cpp variable arrangement tweaks
More-accurate Shoot.cpp variable arrangement
More-accurate SelStage.cpp variable arrangement
More-accurate Profile.cpp variable arrangement
More-accurate PixTone.cpp variable arrangement
More-accurate Organya.cpp variable arrangement
More-accurate NpcTbl.cpp variable arrangement
More-accurate NpcHit.cpp variable arrangement
More-accurate NpChar.cpp variable arrangement
Sorted out the other NPCs' variables too
More-accurate NpcAct000.cpp variable arrangement
More-accurate MycParam.cpp variable arrangement
More-accurate MycHit.cpp variable arrangement
More-accurate MyChar.cpp variable arrangement
More-accurate MiniMap.cpp variable arrangement
More-accurate Map.cpp variable arrangement
More-accurate Main.cpp variable arrangement
More-accurate GenericLoad.cpp variable arrangement
More-accurate Generic.cpp variable arrangement
More-accurate Frame.cpp variable arrangement
More-accurate Flash.cpp variable arrangement
More-accurate Fade.cpp variable arrangement
More-accurate Ending.cpp variable arrangement
More-accurate Caret.cpp variable arrangement
More-accurate Bullet.cpp variable arrangement
More-accurate BulHit.cpp variable arrangement
More-accurate BossX.cpp variable-arrangement
More-accurate BossTwinD.cpp variable arrangement
More-accurate BossPress.cpp variable arrangement
More-accurate BossIronH.cpp variable arrangement
More-accurate BossFrog.cpp variable arrangement
More-accurate BossBallos.cpp variable arrangement
More-accurate BossAlmo2.cpp variable arrangement
More-accurate Boss.cpp variable arrangement
More-accurate Back.cpp variable arrangement
More-accurate ArmsItem.cpp variable arrangement
...Remove more C-compatibility stuff
Remove all the C-compatibility stuff
Make VS2003 compile everything as C++ again
More-accurate TextScr.cpp variable arrangement
Add and apply the enum_ESCRETURN enum