ref: 98c5db93f272e1068bc02a3e408737412f207aaa
dir: /DoConfig/fltk/src/Fl_Chart.cxx/
// // "$Id$" // // Forms-compatible chart widget for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK). // // Copyright 1998-2010 by Bill Spitzak and others. // // This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in // the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file. If this // file is missing or damaged, see the license at: // // // // Please report all bugs and problems on the following page: // // // #include <FL/math.h> #include <FL/Fl.H> #include <FL/Fl_Chart.H> #include <FL/fl_draw.H> #include "flstring.h" #include <stdlib.h> #define ARCINC (2.0*M_PI/360.0) // this function is in fl_boxtype.cxx: void fl_rectbound(int x,int y,int w,int h, Fl_Color color); /* Widget specific information */ static void draw_barchart(int x,int y,int w,int h, int numb, FL_CHART_ENTRY entries[], double min, double max, int autosize, int maxnumb, Fl_Color textcolor) /* Draws a bar chart. x,y,w,h is the bounding box, entries the array of numb entries and min and max the boundaries. */ { double incr; int zeroh; double lh = fl_height(); if (max == min) incr = h; else incr = h/(max-min); if ( (-min*incr) < lh) { incr = (h - lh + min*incr)/(max-min); zeroh = int(y+h-lh); } else { zeroh = (int)rint(y+h+min * incr); } int bwidth = (int)rint(w/double(autosize?numb:maxnumb)); /* Draw base line */ fl_color(textcolor); fl_line(x, zeroh, x+w, zeroh); if (min == 0.0 && max == 0.0) return; /* Nothing else to draw */ int i; /* Draw the bars */ for (i=0; i<numb; i++) { int hh = (int)rint(entries[i].val*incr); if (hh < 0) fl_rectbound(x+i*bwidth,zeroh,bwidth+1,-hh+1, (Fl_Color)entries[i].col); else if (hh > 0) fl_rectbound(x+i*bwidth,zeroh-hh,bwidth+1,hh+1,(Fl_Color)entries[i].col); } /* Draw the labels */ fl_color(textcolor); for (i=0; i<numb; i++) fl_draw(entries[i].str, x+i*bwidth+bwidth/2,zeroh,0,0, FL_ALIGN_TOP); } static void draw_horbarchart(int x,int y,int w,int h, int numb, FL_CHART_ENTRY entries[], double min, double max, int autosize, int maxnumb, Fl_Color textcolor) /* Draws a horizontal bar chart. x,y,w,h is the bounding box, entries the array of numb entries and min and max the boundaries. */ { int i; double lw = 0.0; /* Maximal label width */ /* Compute maximal label width */ for (i=0; i<numb; i++) { double w1 = fl_width(entries[i].str); if (w1 > lw) lw = w1; } if (lw > 0.0) lw += 4.0; double incr; int zeroh; if (max == min) incr = w; else incr = w/(max-min); if ( (-min*incr) < lw) { incr = (w - lw + min*incr)/(max-min); zeroh = x+(int)rint(lw); } else { zeroh = (int)rint(x-min * incr); } int bwidth = (int)rint(h/double(autosize?numb:maxnumb)); /* Draw base line */ fl_color(textcolor); fl_line(zeroh, y, zeroh, y+h); if (min == 0.0 && max == 0.0) return; /* Nothing else to draw */ /* Draw the bars */ for (i=0; i<numb; i++) { int ww = (int)rint(entries[i].val*incr); if (ww > 0) fl_rectbound(zeroh,y+i*bwidth,ww+1,bwidth+1, (Fl_Color)entries[i].col); else if (ww < 0) fl_rectbound(zeroh+ww,y+i*bwidth,-ww+1,bwidth+1,(Fl_Color)entries[i].col); } /* Draw the labels */ fl_color(textcolor); for (i=0; i<numb; i++) fl_draw(entries[i].str, zeroh-2,y+i*bwidth+bwidth/2,0,0, FL_ALIGN_RIGHT); } static void draw_linechart(int type, int x,int y,int w,int h, int numb, FL_CHART_ENTRY entries[], double min, double max, int autosize, int maxnumb, Fl_Color textcolor) /* Draws a line chart. x,y,w,h is the bounding box, entries the array of numb entries and min and max the boundaries. */ { int i; double lh = fl_height(); double incr; if (max == min) incr = h-2.0*lh; else incr = (h-2.0*lh)/ (max-min); int zeroh = (int)rint(y+h-lh+min * incr); double bwidth = w/double(autosize?numb:maxnumb); /* Draw the values */ for (i=0; i<numb; i++) { int x0 = x + (int)rint((i-.5)*bwidth); int x1 = x + (int)rint((i+.5)*bwidth); int yy0 = i ? zeroh - (int)rint(entries[i-1].val*incr) : 0; int yy1 = zeroh - (int)rint(entries[i].val*incr); if (type == FL_SPIKE_CHART) { fl_color((Fl_Color)entries[i].col); fl_line(x1, zeroh, x1, yy1); } else if (type == FL_LINE_CHART && i != 0) { fl_color((Fl_Color)entries[i-1].col); fl_line(x0,yy0,x1,yy1); } else if (type == FL_FILLED_CHART && i != 0) { fl_color((Fl_Color)entries[i-1].col); if ((entries[i-1].val>0.0)!=(entries[i].val>0.0)) { double ttt = entries[i-1].val/(entries[i-1].val-entries[i].val); int xt = x + (int)rint((i-.5+ttt)*bwidth); fl_polygon(x0,zeroh, x0,yy0, xt,zeroh); fl_polygon(xt,zeroh, x1,yy1, x1,zeroh); } else { fl_polygon(x0,zeroh, x0,yy0, x1,yy1, x1,zeroh); } fl_color(textcolor); fl_line(x0,yy0,x1,yy1); } } /* Draw base line */ fl_color(textcolor); fl_line(x,zeroh,x+w,zeroh); /* Draw the labels */ for (i=0; i<numb; i++) fl_draw(entries[i].str, x+(int)rint((i+.5)*bwidth), zeroh - (int)rint(entries[i].val*incr),0,0, entries[i].val>=0 ? FL_ALIGN_BOTTOM : FL_ALIGN_TOP); } static void draw_piechart(int x,int y,int w,int h, int numb, FL_CHART_ENTRY entries[], int special, Fl_Color textcolor) /* Draws a pie chart. x,y,w,h is the bounding box, entries the array of numb entries */ { int i; double xc,yc,rad; /* center and radius */ double tot; /* sum of values */ double incr; /* increment in angle */ double curang; /* current angle we are drawing */ double txc,tyc; /* temporary center */ double lh = fl_height(); /* compute center and radius */ double h_denom = (special ? 2.3 : 2.0); rad = (h - 2*lh)/h_denom/1.1; xc = x+w/2.0; yc = y+h-1.1*rad-lh; /* compute sum of values */ tot = 0.0; for (i=0; i<numb; i++) if (entries[i].val > 0.0) tot += entries[i].val; if (tot == 0.0) return; incr = 360.0/tot; /* Draw the pie */ curang = 0.0; for (i=0; i<numb; i++) if (entries[i].val > 0.0) { txc = xc; tyc = yc; /* Correct for special pies */ if (special && i==0) { txc += 0.3*rad*cos(ARCINC*(curang+0.5*incr*entries[i].val)); tyc -= 0.3*rad*sin(ARCINC*(curang+0.5*incr*entries[i].val)); } fl_color((Fl_Color)entries[i].col); fl_begin_polygon(); fl_vertex(txc,tyc); fl_arc(txc,tyc,rad,curang, curang+incr*entries[i].val); fl_end_polygon(); fl_color(textcolor); fl_begin_loop(); fl_vertex(txc,tyc); fl_arc(txc,tyc,rad,curang, curang+incr*entries[i].val); fl_end_loop(); curang += 0.5 * incr * entries[i].val; /* draw the label */ double xl = txc + 1.1*rad*cos(ARCINC*curang); fl_draw(entries[i].str, (int)rint(xl), (int)rint(tyc - 1.1*rad*sin(ARCINC*curang)), 0, 0, xl<txc ? FL_ALIGN_RIGHT : FL_ALIGN_LEFT); curang += 0.5 * incr * entries[i].val; } } void Fl_Chart::draw() { draw_box(); Fl_Boxtype b = box(); int xx = x()+Fl::box_dx(b); // was 9 instead of dx... int yy = y()+Fl::box_dy(b); int ww = w()-Fl::box_dw(b); int hh = h()-Fl::box_dh(b); fl_push_clip(xx, yy, ww, hh); ww--; hh--; // adjust for line thickness if (min >= max) { min = max = 0.0; for (int i=0; i<numb; i++) { if (entries[i].val < min) min = entries[i].val; if (entries[i].val > max) max = entries[i].val; } } fl_font(textfont(),textsize()); switch (type()) { case FL_BAR_CHART: ww++; // makes the bars fill box correctly draw_barchart(xx,yy,ww,hh, numb, entries, min, max, autosize(), maxnumb, textcolor()); break; case FL_HORBAR_CHART: hh++; // makes the bars fill box correctly draw_horbarchart(xx,yy,ww,hh, numb, entries, min, max, autosize(), maxnumb, textcolor()); break; case FL_PIE_CHART: draw_piechart(xx,yy,ww,hh,numb,entries,0, textcolor()); break; case FL_SPECIALPIE_CHART: draw_piechart(xx,yy,ww,hh,numb,entries,1,textcolor()); break; default: draw_linechart(type(),xx,yy,ww,hh, numb, entries, min, max, autosize(), maxnumb, textcolor()); break; } draw_label(); fl_pop_clip(); } /*------------------------------*/ #define FL_CHART_BOXTYPE FL_BORDER_BOX #define FL_CHART_COL1 FL_COL1 #define FL_CHART_LCOL FL_LCOL #define FL_CHART_ALIGN FL_ALIGN_BOTTOM /** Create a new Fl_Chart widget using the given position, size and label string. The default boxstyle is \c FL_NO_BOX. \param[in] X, Y, W, H position and size of the widget \param[in] L widget label, default is no label */ Fl_Chart::Fl_Chart(int X, int Y, int W, int H,const char *L) : Fl_Widget(X,Y,W,H,L) { box(FL_BORDER_BOX); align(FL_ALIGN_BOTTOM); numb = 0; maxnumb = 0; sizenumb = FL_CHART_MAX; autosize_ = 1; min = max = 0; textfont_ = FL_HELVETICA; textsize_ = 10; textcolor_ = FL_FOREGROUND_COLOR; entries = (FL_CHART_ENTRY *)calloc(sizeof(FL_CHART_ENTRY), FL_CHART_MAX + 1); } /** Destroys the Fl_Chart widget and all of its data. */ Fl_Chart::~Fl_Chart() { free(entries); } /** Removes all values from the chart. */ void Fl_Chart::clear() { numb = 0; min = max = 0; redraw(); } /** Add the data value \p val with optional label \p str and color \p col to the chart. \param[in] val data value \param[in] str optional data label \param[in] col optional data color */ void Fl_Chart::add(double val, const char *str, unsigned col) { /* Allocate more entries if required */ if (numb >= sizenumb) { sizenumb += FL_CHART_MAX; entries = (FL_CHART_ENTRY *)realloc(entries, sizeof(FL_CHART_ENTRY) * (sizenumb + 1)); } // Shift entries as needed if (numb >= maxnumb && maxnumb > 0) { memmove(entries, entries + 1, sizeof(FL_CHART_ENTRY) * (numb - 1)); numb --; } entries[numb].val = float(val); entries[numb].col = col; if (str) { strlcpy(entries[numb].str,str,FL_CHART_LABEL_MAX + 1); } else { entries[numb].str[0] = 0; } numb++; redraw(); } /** Inserts a data value \p val at the given position \p ind. Position 1 is the first data value. \param[in] ind insertion position \param[in] val data value \param[in] str optional data label \param[in] col optional data color */ void Fl_Chart::insert(int ind, double val, const char *str, unsigned col) { int i; if (ind < 1 || ind > numb+1) return; /* Allocate more entries if required */ if (numb >= sizenumb) { sizenumb += FL_CHART_MAX; entries = (FL_CHART_ENTRY *)realloc(entries, sizeof(FL_CHART_ENTRY) * (sizenumb + 1)); } // Shift entries as needed for (i=numb; i >= ind; i--) entries[i] = entries[i-1]; if (numb < maxnumb || maxnumb == 0) numb++; /* Fill in the new entry */ entries[ind-1].val = float(val); entries[ind-1].col = col; if (str) { strlcpy(entries[ind-1].str,str,FL_CHART_LABEL_MAX+1); } else { entries[ind-1].str[0] = 0; } redraw(); } /** Replace a data value \p val at the given position \p ind. Position 1 is the first data value. \param[in] ind insertion position \param[in] val data value \param[in] str optional data label \param[in] col optional data color */ void Fl_Chart::replace(int ind,double val, const char *str, unsigned col) { if (ind < 1 || ind > numb) return; entries[ind-1].val = float(val); entries[ind-1].col = col; if (str) { strlcpy(entries[ind-1].str,str,FL_CHART_LABEL_MAX+1); } else { entries[ind-1].str[0] = 0; } redraw(); } /** Sets the lower and upper bounds of the chart values. \param[in] a, b are used to set lower, upper */ void Fl_Chart::bounds(double a, double b) { this->min = a; this->max = b; redraw(); } /** Set the maximum number of data values for a chart. If you do not call this method then the chart will be allowed to grow to any size depending on available memory. \param[in] m maximum number of data values allowed. */ void Fl_Chart::maxsize(int m) { int i; /* Fill in the new number */ if (m < 0) return; maxnumb = m; /* Shift entries if required */ if (numb > maxnumb) { for (i = 0; i<maxnumb; i++) entries[i] = entries[i+numb-maxnumb]; numb = maxnumb; redraw(); } } // // End of "$Id$". //