ref: 71015da19b825a3ab3b5db431f737b3fd2e97565
dir: /.gitignore/
# Exclude obj directory (object files for Makefile build) /obj # Exclude the converted resource files src/Resource # Exclude .dat and .rec files in build directories (avoid Config.dat, 290.rec and others) build_en/*.dat build_en/*.rec build_jp/*.dat build_jp/*.rec # Exclude devilution-comparer assembly output msvc2003/devilution/orig.asm msvc2003/devilution/compare.asm # Exclude build output on Linux (exclude normally produced executable files) build_en/CSE2 build_en/CSE2d build_en/DoConfig build_en/DoConfigd build_jp/CSE2 build_jp/CSE2d build_jp/DoConfig build_jp/DoConfigd # Exclude executables in the build folder (and .exe.manifest files) build_en/*.exe build_en/*.exe.manifest build_jp/*.exe build_jp/*.exe.manifest # Exclude the (recommended) CMake build directory build/* # Exclude MSVC IntelliSense database msvc2003/CSE2.ncb # Exclude MSVC Solution User Options file msvc2003/CSE2.suo # Exclude MSVC build folders msvc2003/Debug msvc2003/Release msvc2003/Debug (Japanese) msvc2003/Release (Japanese) # Exclude VS Code folder .vscode/* # Include generically useful files for VS Code users !.vscode/settings.json !.vscode/tasks.json !.vscode/launch.json !.vscode/extensions.json