shithub: cstory

ref: 63d5d766b2644ff544c21e3d9b315c9486ef35f6
dir: /src/ArmsItem.cpp/

View raw version
#include "ArmsItem.h"

#include <string.h>

#include "WindowsWrapper.h"

#include "CommonDefines.h"
#include "Draw.h"
#include "Escape.h"
#include "Game.h"
#include "KeyControl.h"
#include "Main.h"
#include "Shoot.h"
#include "Sound.h"
#include "TextScr.h"


int gSelectedArms;
int gSelectedItem;

static int gCampTitleY;

/// True if we're in the items section of the inventory (not in the weapons section) (only relevant when the inventory is open)
static BOOL gCampActive;

int gArmsEnergyX = 16;

void ClearArmsData(void)
#ifdef FIX_BUGS
	gSelectedArms = 0; // Should probably be done in order to avoid potential problems with the selected weapon being invalid (like is done in SubArmsData)
	gArmsEnergyX = 32;
	memset(gArmsData, 0, sizeof(gArmsData));

void ClearItemData(void)
	memset(gItemData, 0, sizeof(gItemData));

BOOL AddArmsData(long code, long max_num)
	// Search for code
	int i = 0;
	while (i < ARMS_MAX)
		if (gArmsData[i].code == code)
			break;	// Found identical

		if (gArmsData[i].code == 0)
			break;	// Found free slot


	if (i == ARMS_MAX)
		return FALSE;	// No space left

	if (gArmsData[i].code == 0)
		// Initialize new weapon
		memset(&gArmsData[i], 0, sizeof(ARMS));
		gArmsData[i].level = 1;

	// Set weapon and ammo
	gArmsData[i].code = code;
	gArmsData[i].max_num += max_num;
	gArmsData[i].num += max_num;

	// Cap the amount of current ammo to the maximum amount of ammo
	if (gArmsData[i].num > gArmsData[i].max_num)
		gArmsData[i].num = gArmsData[i].max_num;

	return TRUE;

BOOL SubArmsData(long code)
	// Search for code
	int i;
	for (i = 0; i < ARMS_MAX; ++i)
		if (gArmsData[i].code == code)
			break;	// Found

#ifdef FIX_BUGS
	if (i == ARMS_MAX)
	if (i == ITEM_MAX)	// Wrong
		return FALSE;	// Not found

	// Shift all arms from the right to the left
	for (++i; i < ARMS_MAX; ++i)
		gArmsData[i - 1] = gArmsData[i];

	// Clear farthest weapon and select first
	gArmsData[i - 1].code = 0;
	gSelectedArms = 0;

	return TRUE;

BOOL TradeArms(long code1, long code2, long max_num)
	// Search for code1
	int i = 0;
	while (i < ARMS_MAX)
		if (gArmsData[i].code == code1)
			break;	// Found identical


	if (i == ARMS_MAX)
		return FALSE;	// Not found

	// Initialize new weapon replacing old one, but adding the maximum ammunition to that of the old weapon.
	gArmsData[i].level = 1;
	gArmsData[i].code = code2;
	gArmsData[i].max_num += max_num;
	gArmsData[i].num += max_num;
	gArmsData[i].exp = 0;

	return TRUE;

BOOL AddItemData(long code)
	// Search for code
	int i = 0;
	while (i < ITEM_MAX)
		if (gItemData[i].code == code)
			break;	// Found identical

		if (gItemData[i].code == 0)
			break;	// Found free slot


	if (i == ITEM_MAX)
		return FALSE;	// Not found

	gItemData[i].code = code;

	return TRUE;

BOOL SubItemData(long code)
	// Search for code
	int i;
	for (i = 0; i < ITEM_MAX; ++i)
		if (gItemData[i].code == code)
			break;	// Found

	if (i == ITEM_MAX)
		return FALSE;	// Not found

	// Shift all items from the right to the left
	for (++i; i < ITEM_MAX; ++i)
		gItemData[i - 1] = gItemData[i];

	gItemData[i - 1].code = 0;
	gSelectedItem = 0;

	return TRUE;

/// Update the inventory cursor
void MoveCampCursor(void)
	BOOL bChange;

	// Compute the current amount of weapons and items
	int arms_num = 0;
	int item_num = 0;
	while (gArmsData[arms_num].code != 0)
	while (gItemData[item_num].code != 0)

	if (arms_num == 0 && item_num == 0)
		return;	// Empty inventory

	// True if we're currently changing cursor position
	bChange = FALSE;

	if (!gCampActive)
		// Handle selected weapon
		if (gKeyTrg & gKeyLeft)
			bChange = TRUE;

		if (gKeyTrg & gKeyRight)
			bChange = TRUE;

		if (gKeyTrg & (gKeyUp | gKeyDown))
			// If there are any items, we're changing to the items section, since the weapons section has only 1 row
			if (item_num != 0)
				gCampActive = TRUE;

			bChange = TRUE;

		// Loop around gSelectedArms if needed
		if (gSelectedArms < 0)
			gSelectedArms = arms_num - 1;

		if (gSelectedArms > arms_num - 1)
			gSelectedArms = 0;
		// Handle selected item
		if (gKeyTrg & gKeyLeft)
			if (gSelectedItem % 6 == 0)
				gSelectedItem += 5;
				gSelectedItem -= 1;

			bChange = TRUE;

		if (gKeyTrg & gKeyRight)
			if (gSelectedItem == item_num - 1)
				gSelectedItem = (gSelectedItem / 6) * 6;	// Round down to multiple of 6
			else if (gSelectedItem % 6 == 5)
				gSelectedItem -= 5;	// Loop around row
				gSelectedItem += 1;

			bChange = TRUE;

		if (gKeyTrg & gKeyUp)
			if (gSelectedItem / 6 == 0)
				gCampActive = FALSE;	// We're on the first row, transition to weapons
				gSelectedItem -= 6;

			bChange = TRUE;

		if (gKeyTrg & gKeyDown)
			if (gSelectedItem / 6 == (item_num - 1) / 6)
				gCampActive = FALSE;	// We're on the last row, transition to weapons
				gSelectedItem += 6;

			bChange = TRUE;

		if (gSelectedItem >= item_num)
			gSelectedItem = item_num - 1;	// Don't allow selecting a non-existing item

		if (gCampActive && gKeyTrg & gKeyOk)
			StartTextScript(6000 + gItemData[gSelectedItem].code);

	if (bChange)
		if (gCampActive == FALSE)
			// Switch to a weapon
			PlaySoundObject(SND_SWITCH_WEAPON, 1);

			if (arms_num != 0)
				StartTextScript(1000 + gArmsData[gSelectedArms].code);
			// Switch to an item
			PlaySoundObject(SND_YES_NO_CHANGE_CHOICE, 1);

			if (item_num != 0)
				StartTextScript(5000 + gItemData[gSelectedItem].code);

/// Draw the inventory
void PutCampObject(void)
	static unsigned int flash;

	int i;

	/// Rect for the current weapon
	RECT rcArms;

	/// Rect for the current item
	RECT rcItem;

	/// Probably the rect for the slash
	RECT rcPer = {72, 48, 80, 56};

	/// Rect for when there is no ammo (double dashes)
	RECT rcNone = {80, 48, 96, 56};

	/// Rect for the "Lv" text!
	RECT rcLv = {80, 80, 96, 88};

	/// Final rect drawn on the screen

	/// Cursor rect array for weapons, element [1] being for when the cursor is flashing
	RECT rcCur1[2] = {{0, 88, 40, 128}, {40, 88, 80, 128}};

	/// Cursor rect array for items, element [1] being for when the cursor is flashing
	RECT rcCur2[2] = {{80, 88, 112, 104}, {80, 104, 112, 120}};

	RECT rcTitle1 = {80, 48, 144, 56};
	RECT rcTitle2 = {80, 56, 144, 64};
	RECT rcBoxTop = {0, 0, 244, 8};
	RECT rcBoxBody = {0, 8, 244, 16};
	RECT rcBoxBottom = {0, 16, 244, 24};

	// Draw box
	PutBitmap3(&rcView, (WINDOW_WIDTH / 2) - 122, (WINDOW_HEIGHT / 2) - 112, &rcBoxTop, SURFACE_ID_TEXT_BOX);
	for (i = 1; i < 18; ++i)
		PutBitmap3(&rcView, (WINDOW_WIDTH / 2) - 122, ((WINDOW_HEIGHT / 2) - 120) + ((i + 1) * 8), &rcBoxBody, SURFACE_ID_TEXT_BOX);
	PutBitmap3(&rcView, (WINDOW_WIDTH / 2) - 122, ((WINDOW_HEIGHT / 2) - 120) + ((i + 1) * 8), &rcBoxBottom, SURFACE_ID_TEXT_BOX);

	// Move titles
	if (gCampTitleY > (WINDOW_HEIGHT / 2) - 104)

	// Draw titles
	PutBitmap3(&rcView, (WINDOW_WIDTH / 2) - 112, gCampTitleY, &rcTitle1, SURFACE_ID_TEXT_BOX);
	PutBitmap3(&rcView, (WINDOW_WIDTH / 2) - 112, gCampTitleY + 52, &rcTitle2, SURFACE_ID_TEXT_BOX);

	// Draw arms cursor

	if (gCampActive == FALSE)
		PutBitmap3(&rcView, (gSelectedArms * 40) + (WINDOW_WIDTH / 2) - 112, (WINDOW_HEIGHT / 2) - 96, &rcCur1[(flash / 2) % 2], SURFACE_ID_TEXT_BOX);
		PutBitmap3(&rcView, (gSelectedArms * 40) + (WINDOW_WIDTH / 2) - 112, (WINDOW_HEIGHT / 2) - 96, &rcCur1[1], SURFACE_ID_TEXT_BOX);

	// Draw weapons
	for (i = 0; i < ARMS_MAX; ++i)
		if (gArmsData[i].code == 0)
			break;	// Invalid weapon

		// Get icon rect for next weapon
		rcArms.left = (gArmsData[i].code % 16) * 16;
		rcArms.right = rcArms.left + 16; = ((gArmsData[i].code) / 16) * 16;
		rcArms.bottom = + 16;

		// Draw the icon, slash and "Lv"
		PutBitmap3(&rcView, (i * 40) + (WINDOW_WIDTH / 2) - 112, (WINDOW_HEIGHT / 2) - 96, &rcArms, SURFACE_ID_ARMS_IMAGE);
		PutBitmap3(&rcView, (i * 40) + (WINDOW_WIDTH / 2) - 112, (WINDOW_HEIGHT / 2) - 64, &rcPer, SURFACE_ID_TEXT_BOX);
		PutBitmap3(&rcView, (i * 40) + (WINDOW_WIDTH / 2) - 112, (WINDOW_HEIGHT / 2) - 80, &rcLv, SURFACE_ID_TEXT_BOX);
		PutNumber4((i * 40) + (WINDOW_WIDTH / 2) - 112, (WINDOW_HEIGHT / 2) - 80, gArmsData[i].level, FALSE);

		// Draw ammo
		if (gArmsData[i].max_num)
			PutNumber4((i * 40) + (WINDOW_WIDTH / 2) - 112, (WINDOW_HEIGHT / 2) - 72, gArmsData[i].num, FALSE);
			PutNumber4((i * 40) + (WINDOW_WIDTH / 2) - 112, (WINDOW_HEIGHT / 2) - 64, gArmsData[i].max_num, FALSE);
			// Weapon doesn't use ammunition
			PutBitmap3(&rcView, (i * 40) + (WINDOW_WIDTH - 192) / 2, (WINDOW_HEIGHT / 2) - 72, &rcNone, SURFACE_ID_TEXT_BOX);
			PutBitmap3(&rcView, (i * 40) + (WINDOW_WIDTH - 192) / 2, (WINDOW_HEIGHT / 2) - 64, &rcNone, SURFACE_ID_TEXT_BOX);

	// Draw items cursor
	if (gCampActive == TRUE)
		PutBitmap3(&rcView, ((gSelectedItem % 6) * 32) + (WINDOW_WIDTH / 2) - 112, ((gSelectedItem / 6) * 16) + (WINDOW_HEIGHT / 2) - 44, &rcCur2[flash / 2 % 2], SURFACE_ID_TEXT_BOX);
		PutBitmap3(&rcView, ((gSelectedItem % 6) * 32) + (WINDOW_WIDTH / 2) - 112, ((gSelectedItem / 6) * 16) + (WINDOW_HEIGHT / 2) - 44, &rcCur2[1], SURFACE_ID_TEXT_BOX);

	for (i = 0; i < ITEM_MAX; ++i)
		if (gItemData[i].code == 0)
			break;	// Invalid item

		// Get rect for next item
		rcItem.left = (gItemData[i].code % 8) * 32;
		rcItem.right = rcItem.left + 32; = (gItemData[i].code / 8) * 16;
		rcItem.bottom = + 16;

		PutBitmap3(&rcView, ((i % 6) * 32) + (WINDOW_WIDTH / 2) - 112, ((i / 6) * 16) + (WINDOW_HEIGHT / 2) - 44, &rcItem, SURFACE_ID_ITEM_IMAGE);

int CampLoop(void)
	char old_script_path[MAX_PATH];


	// Save the current script path (to restore it when we get out of the inventory)

	// Load the inventory script

	gCampTitleY = (WINDOW_HEIGHT / 2) - 96;

	// Put the cursor on the first weapon
	gCampActive = FALSE;
	gSelectedItem = 0;

	// Compute current amount of weapons
	int arms_num = 0;
	while (gArmsData[arms_num].code != 0)

	if (arms_num != 0)
		StartTextScript(1000 + gArmsData[gSelectedArms].code);
		StartTextScript(5000 + gItemData[gSelectedItem].code);

	for (;;)

		// Handle ESC
		if (gKeyTrg & KEY_ESCAPE)
			switch (Call_Escape())
				case enum_ESCRETURN_exit:
					return enum_ESCRETURN_exit;	// Quit game

				case enum_ESCRETURN_restart:
					return enum_ESCRETURN_restart;	// Go to game intro


		switch (TextScriptProc())
			case enum_ESCRETURN_exit:
				return enum_ESCRETURN_exit;	// Quit game

			case enum_ESCRETURN_restart:
				return enum_ESCRETURN_restart;	// Go to game intro

		// Get currently displayed image
		PutBitmap4(&rcView, 0, 0, &rcView, SURFACE_ID_SCREEN_GRAB);

		// Check whether we're getting out of the loop
		if (gCampActive)
			if (g_GameFlags & GAME_FLAG_IS_CONTROL_ENABLED && gKeyTrg & (gKeyCancel | gKeyItem))
			if (gKeyTrg & (gKeyOk | gKeyCancel | gKeyItem))

		if (!Flip_SystemTask())
			return enum_ESCRETURN_exit;	// Quit game

	// Resume original script
	gArmsEnergyX = 32; // Displays weapon rotation animation in case the weapon was changed
	return enum_ESCRETURN_continue;	// Go to game

BOOL CheckItem(long a)
	int i;

	for (i = 0; i < ITEM_MAX; ++i)
		if (gItemData[i].code == a)
			return TRUE;	// Found

	return FALSE;	// Not found

BOOL CheckArms(long a)
	int i;

	for (i = 0; i < ARMS_MAX; ++i)
		if (gArmsData[i].code == a)
			return TRUE;	// Found

	return FALSE;	// Not found

BOOL UseArmsEnergy(long num)
	if (gArmsData[gSelectedArms].max_num == 0)
		return TRUE;	// No ammo needed
	if (gArmsData[gSelectedArms].num == 0)
		return FALSE;	// No ammo left

	gArmsData[gSelectedArms].num -= num;

	if (gArmsData[gSelectedArms].num < 0)
		gArmsData[gSelectedArms].num = 0;

	return TRUE;	// Was able to spend ammo

BOOL ChargeArmsEnergy(long num)
	gArmsData[gSelectedArms].num += num;

	// Cap the ammo to the maximum ammunition
	if (gArmsData[gSelectedArms].num > gArmsData[gSelectedArms].max_num)
		gArmsData[gSelectedArms].num = gArmsData[gSelectedArms].max_num;

	return TRUE;	// Always successfull

void FullArmsEnergy(void)
	int a;

	for (a = 0; a < ARMS_MAX; ++a)
		if (gArmsData[a].code == 0)
			continue;	// Don't change empty weapons

		gArmsData[a].num = gArmsData[a].max_num;

int RotationArms(void)
	// Get amount of weapons
	int arms_num = 0;
	while (gArmsData[arms_num].code != 0)

	if (arms_num == 0)
		return 0;


	// Select next valid weapon

	while (gSelectedArms < arms_num)
		if (gArmsData[gSelectedArms].code)


	if (gSelectedArms == arms_num)
		gSelectedArms = 0;

	gArmsEnergyX = 32;
	PlaySoundObject(SND_SWITCH_WEAPON, 1);

	return gArmsData[gSelectedArms].code;

int RotationArmsRev(void)
	// Get amount of weapons
	int arms_num = 0;
	while (gArmsData[arms_num].code != 0)

	if (arms_num == 0)
		return 0;


	// Select previous valid weapon

	if (gSelectedArms < 0)
		gSelectedArms = arms_num - 1;

	while (gSelectedArms < arms_num)
		if (gArmsData[gSelectedArms].code)


	gArmsEnergyX = 0;
	PlaySoundObject(SND_SWITCH_WEAPON, 1);

	return gArmsData[gSelectedArms].code;

void ChangeToFirstArms(void)
	gSelectedArms = 0;
	gArmsEnergyX = 32;
	PlaySoundObject(SND_SWITCH_WEAPON, 1);