ref: 26af89d5bb140bc2ceef3c634e3852386d9966f9
dir: /src/Organya.cpp/
// Some of the original source code for this file can be found here: // // // // #include "Organya.h" #include <stddef.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include "SDL.h" #include "WindowsWrapper.h" #include "Resource.h" #include "Sound.h" #define PANDUMMY 0xFF #define VOLDUMMY 0xFF #define KEYDUMMY 0xFF #define MAXTRACK 16 #define MAXMELODY 8 #define MAXDRAM 8 SOUNDBUFFER *lpORGANBUFFER[8][8][2] = {NULL}; SOUNDBUFFER **lpDRAMBUFFER = &lpSECONDARYBUFFER[0x96]; MUSICINFO info; int gTrackVol[MAXTRACK]; int gOrgVolume = 100; BOOL bFadeout = FALSE; BOOL OrganyaNoteAlloc(unsigned short alloc) { for (int j = 0; j < MAXTRACK; j++) { info.tdata[j].wave_no = 0; info.tdata[j].note_list = NULL; info.tdata[j].note_p = new NOTELIST[alloc]; if (info.tdata[j].note_p == NULL) { for (int i = 0; i < MAXTRACK; i++) { if (info.tdata[i].note_p != NULL) { delete[] info.tdata[i].note_p; info.tdata[j].note_p = NULL; // Uses j instead of i } } return FALSE; } for (int i = 0; i < alloc; i++) { (info.tdata[j].note_p + i)->from = NULL; (info.tdata[j].note_p + i)->to = NULL; (info.tdata[j].note_p + i)->length = 0; (info.tdata[j].note_p + i)->pan = PANDUMMY; (info.tdata[j].note_p + i)->volume = VOLDUMMY; (info.tdata[j].note_p + i)->y = KEYDUMMY; } } for (int j = 0; j < MAXMELODY; j++) MakeOrganyaWave(j, info.tdata[j].wave_no, info.tdata[j].pipi); // for(int j = 0; j < MAXDRAM; j++) // InitDramObject(j); // this->track = 0; return FALSE; } void OrganyaReleaseNote() { for (int i = 0; i < MAXTRACK; i++) { if (info.tdata[i].note_p != NULL) { #ifdef FIX_BUGS delete[] info.tdata[i].note_p; #else delete info.tdata[i].note_p; // Should be delete[] #endif info.tdata[i].note_p = NULL; } } } // Wave playing and loading typedef struct { short wave_size; short oct_par; short oct_size; } OCTWAVE; OCTWAVE oct_wave[8] = { { 256, 1, 4 }, // 0 Oct { 256, 2, 8 }, // 1 Oct { 128, 4, 12 }, // 2 Oct { 128, 8, 16 }, // 3 Oct { 64, 16, 20 }, // 4 Oct { 32, 32, 24 }, // 5 Oct { 16, 64, 28 }, // 6 Oct { 8,128, 32 }, // 7 Oct }; BOOL MakeSoundObject8(signed char *wavep, signed char track, signed char pipi) { for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) { for (int k = 0; k < 2; k++) { size_t wave_size = oct_wave[j].wave_size; size_t data_size = pipi ? wave_size * oct_wave[j].oct_size : wave_size; // Create sound buffer lpORGANBUFFER[track][j][k] = new SOUNDBUFFER(data_size); // Get wave data unsigned char *wp = new unsigned char[data_size]; unsigned char *wp_sub = wp; size_t wav_tp = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < data_size; i++) { unsigned char work = *(wavep + wav_tp); work += 0x80; *wp_sub = work; wav_tp += 0x100 / wave_size; if (wav_tp >= 0x100) wav_tp -= 0x100; wp_sub++; } // Copy wave data to sound buffer unsigned char *buf; lpORGANBUFFER[track][j][k]->Lock(&buf, NULL); memcpy(buf, wp, data_size); lpORGANBUFFER[track][j][k]->Unlock(); lpORGANBUFFER[track][j][k]->SetCurrentPosition(0); delete[] wp; } } return TRUE; } // Playing melody tracks short freq_tbl[12] = {262, 277, 294, 311, 330, 349, 370, 392, 415, 440, 466, 494}; void ChangeOrganFrequency(unsigned char key, signed char track, long a) { for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) { for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { lpORGANBUFFER[track][j][i]->SetFrequency(((oct_wave[j].wave_size * freq_tbl[key]) * oct_wave[j].oct_par) / 8 + (a - 1000)); } } } short pan_tbl[13] = {0, 43, 86, 129, 172, 215, 256, 297, 340, 383, 426, 469, 512}; unsigned char old_key[MAXTRACK] = {0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF}; unsigned char key_on[MAXTRACK] = {0}; unsigned char key_twin[MAXTRACK] = {0}; void ChangeOrganPan(unsigned char key, unsigned char pan, signed char track) { if (old_key[track] != PANDUMMY) lpORGANBUFFER[track][old_key[track] / 12][key_twin[track]]->SetPan((pan_tbl[pan] - 0x100) * 10); } void ChangeOrganVolume(int no, long volume, signed char track) { if (old_key[track] != VOLDUMMY) lpORGANBUFFER[track][old_key[track] / 12][key_twin[track]]->SetVolume((volume - 0xFF) * 8); } void PlayOrganObject(unsigned char key, int mode, signed char track, long freq) { if (lpORGANBUFFER[track][key / 12][key_twin[track]] != NULL) { switch (mode) { case 0: if (old_key[track] != 0xFF) { lpORGANBUFFER[track][old_key[track] / 12][key_twin[track]]->Stop(); lpORGANBUFFER[track][old_key[track] / 12][key_twin[track]]->SetCurrentPosition(0); } break; case 1: break; case 2: if (old_key[track] != 0xFF) { lpORGANBUFFER[track][old_key[track] / 12][key_twin[track]]->Play(false); old_key[track] = 0xFF; } break; case -1: if (old_key[track] == 0xFF) { ChangeOrganFrequency(key % 12, track, freq); lpORGANBUFFER[track][key / 12][key_twin[track]]->Play(true); old_key[track] = key; key_on[track] = 1; } else if (key_on[track] == 1 && old_key[track] == key) { lpORGANBUFFER[track][old_key[track] / 12][key_twin[track]]->Play(false); key_twin[track]++; if (key_twin[track] == 2) key_twin[track] = 0; lpORGANBUFFER[track][key / 12][key_twin[track]]->Play(true); } else { lpORGANBUFFER[track][old_key[track] / 12][key_twin[track]]->Play(false); key_twin[track]++; if (key_twin[track] == 2) key_twin[track] = 0; ChangeOrganFrequency(key % 12, track, freq); lpORGANBUFFER[track][key / 12][key_twin[track]]->Play(true); old_key[track] = key; } break; } } } // Release tracks void ReleaseOrganyaObject(signed char track) { for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { if (lpORGANBUFFER[track][i][0] != NULL) { lpORGANBUFFER[track][i][0]->Release(); lpORGANBUFFER[track][i][0] = NULL; } if (lpORGANBUFFER[track][i][1] != NULL) { lpORGANBUFFER[track][i][1]->Release(); lpORGANBUFFER[track][i][1] = NULL; } } } // Handling WAVE100 signed char wave_data[100][0x100]; BOOL InitWaveData100() { const unsigned char *data = FindResource("WAVE100", "WAVE", NULL); if (data == NULL) return FALSE; memcpy(wave_data, data, 100 * 0x100); return TRUE; } // Create org wave BOOL MakeOrganyaWave(signed char track, signed char wave_no, signed char pipi) { if (wave_no > 99) { printf("WARNING: track %d has out-of-range wave_no %d\n", track, wave_no); return FALSE; } ReleaseOrganyaObject(track); MakeSoundObject8(wave_data[wave_no], track, pipi); return TRUE; } // Dram void ChangeDramFrequency(unsigned char key, signed char track) { lpDRAMBUFFER[track]->SetFrequency(key * 800 + 100); } void ChangeDramPan(unsigned char pan, signed char track) { lpDRAMBUFFER[track]->SetPan((pan_tbl[pan] - 0x100) * 10); } void ChangeDramVolume(long volume, signed char track) { lpDRAMBUFFER[track]->SetVolume((volume - 0xFF) * 8); } void PlayDramObject(unsigned char key, int mode, signed char track) { switch (mode) { case 0: lpDRAMBUFFER[track]->Stop(); lpDRAMBUFFER[track]->SetCurrentPosition(0); break; case 1: lpDRAMBUFFER[track]->Stop(); lpDRAMBUFFER[track]->SetCurrentPosition(0); ChangeDramFrequency(key, track); lpDRAMBUFFER[track]->Play(false); break; case 2: break; case -1: break; } } // Play data long play_p; NOTELIST *play_np[MAXTRACK]; long now_leng[MAXMELODY] = {0}; void OrganyaPlayData() { // Handle fading out if (bFadeout && gOrgVolume) gOrgVolume -= 2; if (gOrgVolume < 0) gOrgVolume = 0; // Play melody for (int i = 0; i < MAXMELODY; i++) { if (play_np[i] != NULL && play_p == play_np[i]->x) { if (play_np[i]->y != KEYDUMMY) { PlayOrganObject(play_np[i]->y, -1, i, info.tdata[i].freq); now_leng[i] = play_np[i]->length; } if (play_np[i]->pan != PANDUMMY) ChangeOrganPan(play_np[i]->y, play_np[i]->pan, i); if (play_np[i]->volume != VOLDUMMY) gTrackVol[i] = play_np[i]->volume; play_np[i] = play_np[i]->to; } if (now_leng[i] == 0) PlayOrganObject(0, 2, i, info.tdata[i].freq); if (now_leng[i] > 0) now_leng[i]--; if (play_np[i]) ChangeOrganVolume(play_np[i]->y, gOrgVolume * gTrackVol[i] / 0x7F, i); } for (int i = MAXMELODY; i < MAXTRACK; i++) { if (play_np[i] != NULL && play_p == play_np[i]->x) { if (play_np[i]->y != KEYDUMMY) PlayDramObject(play_np[i]->y, 1, i - MAXMELODY); if (play_np[i]->pan != PANDUMMY) ChangeDramPan(play_np[i]->pan, i - MAXMELODY); if (play_np[i]->volume != VOLDUMMY) gTrackVol[i] = play_np[i]->volume; play_np[i] = play_np[i]->to; } if (play_np[i]) ChangeDramVolume(gOrgVolume * gTrackVol[i] / 0x7F, i - MAXMELODY); } // Looping play_p++; if (play_p >= info.end_x) { play_p = info.repeat_x; SetPlayPointer(play_p); } } void SetPlayPointer(long x) { for (int i = 0; i < MAXTRACK; i++) { play_np[i] = info.tdata[i].note_list; while (play_np[i] != NULL && play_np[i]->x < x) play_np[i] = play_np[i]->to; } play_p = x; } #define READ_LE16(pointer) pointer[0] | (pointer[1] << 8); pointer += 2; #define READ_LE32(pointer) pointer[0] | (pointer[1] << 8) | (pointer[2] << 16) | (pointer[3] << 24); pointer += 4; // Load organya file void LoadOrganya(const char *name) { // Unload previous things OrganyaReleaseNote(); memset(&info, 0, sizeof(info)); OrganyaNoteAlloc(0xFFFF); // Stop currently playing notes memset(play_np, 0, sizeof(play_np)); memset(old_key, 0xFF, sizeof(old_key)); memset(key_on, 0, sizeof(key_on)); memset(key_twin, 0, sizeof(key_twin)); memset(now_leng, 0, sizeof(now_leng)); // Open file printf("Loading org %s\n", name); const unsigned char *p = FindResource(name, "ORG", NULL); // Version Check unsigned char ver = 0; char pass_check[6]; memcpy(pass_check, p, 6); p += 6; if (!memcmp(pass_check, "Org-01", 6)) ver = 1; if (!memcmp(pass_check, "Org-02", 6)) ver = 2; // if (!memcmp(pass_check, "Org-03", 6)) // ver = 2; if (!ver) { printf("Failed to open .org, invalid version %s", pass_check); return; } // Set song information info.wait = READ_LE16(p); info.line = *p++; = *p++; info.repeat_x = READ_LE32(p); info.end_x = READ_LE32(p); for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { info.tdata[i].freq = READ_LE16(p); info.tdata[i].wave_no = *p++; const signed char pipi = *p++; info.tdata[i].pipi = ver == 1 ? 0 : pipi; info.tdata[i].note_num = READ_LE16(p); } // Load notes NOTELIST *np; for (int j = 0; j < 16; j++) { // The first note from is NULL if (info.tdata[j].note_num == 0) { info.tdata[j].note_list = NULL; continue; } // Make note list np = info.tdata[j].note_p; info.tdata[j].note_list = info.tdata[j].note_p; np->from = NULL; np->to = (np + 1); np++; for (int i = 1; i < info.tdata[j].note_num; i++) { np->from = (np - 1); np->to = (np + 1); np++; } // The last note to is NULL np--; np->to = NULL; // Set note properties np = info.tdata[j].note_p; // X position for (int i = 0; i < info.tdata[j].note_num; i++) { np->x = READ_LE32(p); np++; } np = info.tdata[j].note_p; // Y position for (int i = 0; i < info.tdata[j].note_num; i++) { np->y = *p++; np++; } np = info.tdata[j].note_p; // Length for (int i = 0; i < info.tdata[j].note_num; i++) { np->length = *p++; np++; } np = info.tdata[j].note_p; // Volume for (int i = 0; i < info.tdata[j].note_num; i++) { np->volume = *p++; np++; } np = info.tdata[j].note_p; // Pan for (int i = 0; i < info.tdata[j].note_num; i++) { np->pan = *p++; np++; } } // Create waves for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) MakeOrganyaWave(j, info.tdata[j].wave_no, info.tdata[j].pipi); // Reset position SetPlayPointer(0); // Set as loaded info.loaded = TRUE; } void SetOrganyaPosition(unsigned int x) { SetPlayPointer(x); gOrgVolume = 100; bFadeout = FALSE; } unsigned int GetOrganyaPosition() { return play_p; } void PlayOrganyaMusic() { // Start timer OrganyaStartTimer(info.wait); } BOOL ChangeOrganyaVolume(signed int volume) { if (volume >= 0 && volume <= 100) { gOrgVolume = volume; return TRUE; } return FALSE; } void StopOrganyaMusic() { // Stop timer OrganyaEndTimer(); // Stop notes for (int i = 0; i < MAXMELODY; i++) PlayOrganObject(0, 2, i, 0); memset(old_key, 255, sizeof(old_key)); memset(key_on, 0, sizeof(key_on)); memset(key_twin, 0, sizeof(key_twin)); } void SetOrganyaFadeout() { bFadeout = TRUE; } // Org timer SDL_Thread *OrganyaTimer = NULL; BOOL bEndTimer = FALSE; int OrganyaPlayTimer(void *ptr) { SDL_SetThreadPriority(SDL_THREAD_PRIORITY_HIGH); // Set time for next step to play Uint32 NextTick = SDL_GetTicks() + info.wait; while (bEndTimer == FALSE) { if (info.loaded) { // Play music OrganyaPlayData(); // Wait until this step is over while (NextTick > SDL_GetTicks()) SDL_Delay(1); // Get time for next step to play while (NextTick <= SDL_GetTicks()) NextTick += info.wait; } else { // Wait until the org is loaded SDL_Delay(1); } } return 0; } void OrganyaStartTimer(unsigned int wait) { OrganyaEndTimer(); bEndTimer = FALSE; OrganyaTimer = SDL_CreateThread(OrganyaPlayTimer, "OrganyaPlayTimer", (void*)NULL); } void OrganyaEndTimer() { bEndTimer = TRUE; // Tell thread to end SDL_WaitThread(OrganyaTimer, NULL); // Wait for thread to end OrganyaTimer = NULL; } // Start and end organya void StartOrganya() { // Initialize org stuff InitWaveData100(); } void EndOrganya() { // End timer OrganyaEndTimer(); // Release everything related to org OrganyaReleaseNote(); for (int i = 0; i < MAXMELODY; i++) ReleaseOrganyaObject(i); }