ref: 07792d58306205cc7cac1ad5d60b05fde42a79d7
dir: /src/BossIronH.cpp/
// THIS IS DECOMPILED PROPRIETARY CODE - USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. // // The original code belongs to Daisuke "Pixel" Amaya. // // Modifications and custom code are under the MIT licence. // See LICENCE.txt for details. #include "BossIronH.h" #include <stddef.h> #include "WindowsWrapper.h" #include "Boss.h" #include "Frame.h" #include "Game.h" #include "MyChar.h" #include "NpChar.h" #include "Sound.h" void ActBossChar_Ironhead(void) { int i; NPCHAR *npc = gBoss; static unsigned char flash; switch (npc->act_no) { case 0: npc->cond = 0x80; npc->exp = 1; npc->direct = 2; npc->act_no = 100; npc->x = 160 * 0x200; npc->y = 128 * 0x200; npc->view.front = 40 * 0x200; npc-> = 12 * 0x200; npc->view.back = 24 * 0x200; npc->view.bottom = 12 * 0x200; npc->hit_voice = 54; npc->hit.front = 16 * 0x200; npc-> = 10 * 0x200; npc->hit.back = 16 * 0x200; npc->hit.bottom = 10 * 0x200; npc->bits = (NPC_IGNORE_SOLIDITY | NPC_SHOOTABLE | NPC_EVENT_WHEN_KILLED | NPC_SHOW_DAMAGE); npc->size = 3; npc->damage = 10; npc->code_event = 1000; npc->life = 400; break; case 100: npc->act_no = 101; npc->bits &= ~NPC_SHOOTABLE; npc->act_wait = 0; // Fallthrough case 101: ++npc->act_wait; if (npc->act_wait > 50) { npc->act_no = 250; npc->act_wait = 0; } if (npc->act_wait % 4 == 0) SetNpChar(197, Random(15, 18) * (16 * 0x200), Random(2, 13) * (16 * 0x200), 0, 0, 0, NULL, 0x100); break; case 250: npc->act_no = 251; if (npc->direct == 2) { npc->x = 240 * 0x200; npc->y = gMC.y; } else { npc->x = 720 * 0x200; npc->y = Random(2, 13) * (16 * 0x200); } npc->tgt_x = npc->x; npc->tgt_y = npc->y; npc->ym = Random(-0x200, 0x200); npc->xm = Random(-0x200, 0x200); npc->bits |= NPC_SHOOTABLE; // Fallthrough case 251: if (npc->direct == 2) { npc->tgt_x += 2 * 0x200; } else { npc->tgt_x -= 1 * 0x200; if (npc->tgt_y < gMC.y) npc->tgt_y += 1 * 0x200; else npc->tgt_y -= 1 * 0x200; } if (npc->x < npc->tgt_x) npc->xm += 8; else npc->xm -= 8; if (npc->y < npc->tgt_y) npc->ym += 8; else npc->ym -= 8; if (npc->ym > 0x200) npc->ym = 0x200; if (npc->ym < -0x200) npc->ym = -0x200; npc->x += npc->xm; npc->y += npc->ym; if (npc->direct == 2) { if (npc->x > 720 * 0x200) { npc->direct = 0; npc->act_no = 100; } } else { if (npc->x < 272 * 0x200) { npc->direct = 2; npc->act_no = 100; } } if (npc->direct == 0) { ++npc->act_wait; if (npc->act_wait == 300 || npc->act_wait == 310 || npc->act_wait == 320) { PlaySoundObject(39, SOUND_MODE_PLAY); SetNpChar(198, npc->x + (10 * 0x200), npc->y + (1 * 0x200), Random(-3, 0) * 0x200, Random(-3, 3) * 0x200, 2, NULL, 0x100); } } ++npc->ani_wait; if (npc->ani_wait > 2) { npc->ani_wait = 0; ++npc->ani_no; } if (npc->ani_no > 7) npc->ani_no = 0; break; case 1000: npc->bits &= ~NPC_SHOOTABLE; npc->ani_no = 8; npc->damage = 0; npc->act_no = 1001; npc->tgt_x = npc->x; npc->tgt_y = npc->y; SetQuake(20); for (i = 0; i < 0x20; ++i) SetNpChar(4, npc->x + (Random(-128, 128) * 0x200), npc->y + (Random(-64, 64) * 0x200), Random(-128, 128) * 0x200, Random(-128, 128) * 0x200, 0, NULL, 0x100); DeleteNpCharCode(197, TRUE); DeleteNpCharCode(271, TRUE); DeleteNpCharCode(272, TRUE); // Fallthrough case 1001: npc->tgt_x -= 1 * 0x200; npc->x = npc->tgt_x + (Random(-1, 1) * 0x200); npc->y = npc->tgt_y + (Random(-1, 1) * 0x200); if (++npc->act_wait % 4 == 0) SetNpChar(4, npc->x + (Random(-128, 128) * 0x200), npc->y + (Random(-64, 64) * 0x200), Random(-128, 128) * 0x200, Random(-128, 128) * 0x200, 0, NULL, 0x100); break; } RECT rc[9] = { {0, 0, 64, 24}, {64, 0, 128, 24}, {128, 0, 192, 24}, {64, 0, 128, 24}, {0, 0, 64, 24}, {192, 0, 256, 24}, {256, 0, 320, 24}, {192, 0, 256, 24}, {256, 48, 320, 72}, }; RECT rcDamage[9] = { {0, 24, 64, 48}, {64, 24, 128, 48}, {128, 24, 192, 48}, {64, 24, 128, 48}, {0, 24, 64, 48}, {192, 24, 256, 48}, {256, 24, 320, 48}, {192, 24, 256, 48}, {256, 48, 320, 72}, }; if (npc->shock != 0) { if (++flash / 2 % 2) npc->rect = rc[npc->ani_no]; else npc->rect = rcDamage[npc->ani_no]; } else { npc->rect = rc[npc->ani_no]; } }