Split out WAD command line parsing code into common code shared between
Suggest a different Heretic version when an invalid string or code
Do dehacked string substitution for end of episode text.
Fix unsigned integer overflow with calls to M_StrCaseStr where
Make tables const, minor commenting and formatting fixes.
Add WAD merging command line options to Heretic.
Add -hhever command line parameter to select patch version number.
Use DEH_String() around TXT_ definitions from dstrings.h.
Add new action pointer lookup table, and find offset based on patch
Add deh_hhe_version variable to specify version of executable used to
Add some DEH_String() calls where appropriate.
Add Heretic implementation of HHE "Text" section, add DEH_String()
Move action function prototypes in info.c into separate p_action.h
Call DEH_Init on Heretic startup so that patches will be loaded.
Only call InitializeSections() when a dehacked patch is actually loaded.
Add HHE 1.0 header signature to list of accepted signatures.
Add case-insensitive version of strstr(), and use this instead of
When initializing to load an HHE patch, patch the states[] table to be
Initial code for HHE patch support.
Move sound structure and ammo definitions into headers. Add #ifndef
Refactor dehacked structure mapping code to support string fields in
Add back unused phoenix rod object, frames, and dummy action pointer.
Fix Heretic/Hexen "noise" sound debug cheats.
Update OS X Makefile to include Heretic and Hexen executables, and to
Rearrange Makefile definitions.
Move parts of dehacked code into top-level common code, to allow future
Change Windows resource file to use PACKAGE_COPYRIGHT and
Change directory to home directory before launching the game, so that
Set launch button as default button, so that it is possible to launch
Rename mus2mid functions to be consistent with coding standard.
When doing a MUS to MID conversion, allocate MIDI channels so that the
Fix indentation/style etc. in mus2mid.c.
Add tags files to svn:ignore properties.
Minor fix of British spelling -> American.
Fix glass hack windows where a linedef is flagged as two sided but has
Add menu item to launcher to open a terminal window that can be used to
Tweak package description slightly.
Define project short description, copyright, maintainer and URL in
Restore the original cursor when shutting down video code, this should
Don't open the configuration window when the launcher is first run;
Center the launcher window and config window on startup.
Add wadfile.png for GNUstep build.
Extend osx makefile to allow building of a working GNUstep application,
In Chex Quest, use the radiation suit colormap instead of the red
Strip executables when building Windows CE packages.
Rearrange order of Makefile generation to alphabetical order.
Move Makefile definitions for CC and STRIP into config.make, use
Set main menu title based on package name, not fixed string.
Place commercial level name strings consecutively in the same array, so
Add missing connection for plutonia.wad set button.
Add document icon file and use for file associations.
Insert new files into the command line at the correct location, allowing
When launching a file from the finder, add the new file into the command
Change "@executable_path@" to "@executable_path"
Install docs with a single cp, rather than using a for loop.
Recursively copy library dependencies into destination package. Identify
Clear existing arguments when adding a file.
Add file to command line when opened; add link from AppController to
Initial code to identify file type by extension and add file to command
Hook in AppController as delegate for application, add file associations
Add "clean" target to package makefiles.
Move config.make up to pkg/ directory. Use static makefiles to generate
Fix single space error when listing libraries.
Copy binaries into app dir along with libraries.
Include documentation files in package.
Generate Info.plist and config.make in configure and remove temporary
Import OS X launcher code to trunk.
Add quotes around $@ in autogen script (thanks exp[x])
When recording low resolution (non-longtics) Vanilla demos, carry
Allow DOOMWADDIR/DOOMWADPATH to contain the complete path to IWAD files,
Fix poor quality application icons seen when the game is running.
Update generated source files containing icon data.
Make ExecuteCommand() under Unix return a failure when the executable
Use GetModuleFileNameW to get the (Unicode) path to the Doom executable.
Add Chocolate Doom/setup icons with scaled versions for various
Fix textscreen black border bug.
Fix the setup tool on Windows Vista/7 to not prompt for elevated
Add other missing files to dist.
Fix win32 package Makefile.
Make assembly name in setup-manifest.xml use PROGRAM_PREFIX. Remove
Auto-select SDL slice size based on sample rate.
Fix launch of game from setup tool.
Add Makefile to build Win32 packages.
Use execvp() rather than execv(), to look up Doom binary in the PATH if
Apply configuration file invalid key setting fix to setup code.