shithub: choc

ref: eac4192d1bd74b61475ecfd3d5bee703b68ec09d
dir: /src/d_main.c/

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// Emacs style mode select   -*- C++ -*- 
// Copyright(C) 1993-1996 Id Software, Inc.
// Copyright(C) 2005 Simon Howard
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
// of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
// 02111-1307, USA.
//	DOOM main program (D_DoomMain) and game loop (D_DoomLoop),
//	plus functions to determine game mode (shareware, registered),
//	parse command line parameters, configure game parameters (turbo),
//	and call the startup functions.

#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

#include "config.h"
#include "deh_main.h"
#include "doomdef.h"
#include "doomstat.h"

#include "dstrings.h"
#include "doomfeatures.h"
#include "sounds.h"

#include "d_iwad.h"

#include "z_zone.h"
#include "w_wad.h"
#include "w_merge.h"
#include "s_sound.h"
#include "v_video.h"

#include "f_finale.h"
#include "f_wipe.h"

#include "m_argv.h"
#include "m_config.h"
#include "m_misc.h"
#include "m_menu.h"
#include "p_saveg.h"

#include "i_system.h"
#include "i_timer.h"
#include "i_video.h"

#include "g_game.h"

#include "hu_stuff.h"
#include "wi_stuff.h"
#include "st_stuff.h"
#include "am_map.h"
#include "net_client.h"
#include "net_dedicated.h"
#include "net_query.h"

#include "p_setup.h"
#include "r_local.h"

#include "d_main.h"

// D-DoomLoop()
// Not a globally visible function,
//  just included for source reference,
//  called by D_DoomMain, never exits.
// Manages timing and IO,
//  calls all ?_Responder, ?_Ticker, and ?_Drawer,
//  calls I_GetTime, I_StartFrame, and I_StartTic
void D_DoomLoop (void);

// Location where savegames are stored

char *          savegamedir;

// location of IWAD and WAD files

char *          iwadfile;

boolean		devparm;	// started game with -devparm
boolean         nomonsters;	// checkparm of -nomonsters
boolean         respawnparm;	// checkparm of -respawn
boolean         fastparm;	// checkparm of -fast

boolean		singletics = false; // debug flag to cancel adaptiveness

// If true, game is running as a screensaver

boolean         screensaver_mode = false;

//extern int soundVolume;
//extern  int	sfxVolume;
//extern  int	musicVolume;

extern  boolean	inhelpscreens;

skill_t		startskill;
int             startepisode;
int		startmap;
boolean		autostart;
int             startloadgame;

boolean		advancedemo;

// Store demo, do not accept any inputs

boolean         storedemo;

char		wadfile[1024];		// primary wad file
char		mapdir[1024];           // directory of development maps

void D_CheckNetGame (void);
void D_ProcessEvents (void);
void G_BuildTiccmd (ticcmd_t* cmd);
void D_DoAdvanceDemo (void);

// Events are asynchronous inputs generally generated by the game user.
// Events can be discarded if no responder claims them

#define MAXEVENTS		64

static event_t         events[MAXEVENTS];
static int             eventhead;
static int 		eventtail;

// D_PostEvent
// Called by the I/O functions when input is detected
void D_PostEvent (event_t* ev)
    events[eventhead] = *ev;
    eventhead = (eventhead + 1) % MAXEVENTS;

// Read an event from the queue.

event_t *D_PopEvent(void)
    event_t *result;

    // No more events waiting.

    if (eventtail == eventhead)
        return NULL;
    result = &events[eventtail];

    // Advance to the next event in the queue.

    eventtail = (eventtail + 1) % MAXEVENTS;

    return result;

// D_ProcessEvents
// Send all the events of the given timestamp down the responder chain
void D_ProcessEvents (void)
    event_t*	ev;
    if (storedemo)
    while ((ev = D_PopEvent()) != NULL)
	if (M_Responder (ev))
	    continue;               // menu ate the event
	G_Responder (ev);

// D_Display
//  draw current display, possibly wiping it from the previous

// wipegamestate can be set to -1 to force a wipe on the next draw
gamestate_t     wipegamestate = GS_DEMOSCREEN;
extern  boolean setsizeneeded;
extern  int             showMessages;
void R_ExecuteSetViewSize (void);

void D_Display (void)
    static  boolean		viewactivestate = false;
    static  boolean		menuactivestate = false;
    static  boolean		inhelpscreensstate = false;
    static  boolean		fullscreen = false;
    static  gamestate_t		oldgamestate = -1;
    static  int			borderdrawcount;
    int				nowtime;
    int				tics;
    int				wipestart;
    int				y;
    boolean			done;
    boolean			wipe;
    boolean			redrawsbar;

    if (nodrawers)
	return;                    // for comparative timing / profiling
    redrawsbar = false;
    // change the view size if needed
    if (setsizeneeded)
	R_ExecuteSetViewSize ();
	oldgamestate = -1;                      // force background redraw
	borderdrawcount = 3;

    // save the current screen if about to wipe
    if (gamestate != wipegamestate)
	wipe = true;
	wipe_StartScreen(0, 0, SCREENWIDTH, SCREENHEIGHT);
	wipe = false;

    if (gamestate == GS_LEVEL && gametic)
    // do buffered drawing
    switch (gamestate)
      case GS_LEVEL:
	if (!gametic)
	if (automapactive)
	    AM_Drawer ();
	if (wipe || (viewheight != 200 && fullscreen) )
	    redrawsbar = true;
	if (inhelpscreensstate && !inhelpscreens)
	    redrawsbar = true;              // just put away the help screen
	ST_Drawer (viewheight == 200, redrawsbar );
	fullscreen = viewheight == 200;

	WI_Drawer ();

      case GS_FINALE:
	F_Drawer ();

      case GS_DEMOSCREEN:
	D_PageDrawer ();
    // draw buffered stuff to screen
    I_UpdateNoBlit ();
    // draw the view directly
    if (gamestate == GS_LEVEL && !automapactive && gametic)
	R_RenderPlayerView (&players[displayplayer]);

    if (gamestate == GS_LEVEL && gametic)
	HU_Drawer ();
    // clean up border stuff
    if (gamestate != oldgamestate && gamestate != GS_LEVEL)
	I_SetPalette (W_CacheLumpName (DEH_String("PLAYPAL"),PU_CACHE));

    // see if the border needs to be initially drawn
    if (gamestate == GS_LEVEL && oldgamestate != GS_LEVEL)
	viewactivestate = false;        // view was not active
	R_FillBackScreen ();    // draw the pattern into the back screen

    // see if the border needs to be updated to the screen
    if (gamestate == GS_LEVEL && !automapactive && scaledviewwidth != 320)
	if (menuactive || menuactivestate || !viewactivestate)
	    borderdrawcount = 3;
	if (borderdrawcount)
	    R_DrawViewBorder ();    // erase old menu stuff


    if (testcontrols)
        // Box showing current mouse speed


    menuactivestate = menuactive;
    viewactivestate = viewactive;
    inhelpscreensstate = inhelpscreens;
    oldgamestate = wipegamestate = gamestate;
    // draw pause pic
    if (paused)
	if (automapactive)
	    y = 4;
	    y = viewwindowy+4;
			  y,0,W_CacheLumpName (DEH_String("M_PAUSE"), PU_CACHE));

    // menus go directly to the screen
    M_Drawer ();          // menu is drawn even on top of everything
    NetUpdate ();         // send out any new accumulation

    // normal update
    if (!wipe)
	I_FinishUpdate ();              // page flip or blit buffer
    // wipe update
    wipe_EndScreen(0, 0, SCREENWIDTH, SCREENHEIGHT);

    wipestart = I_GetTime () - 1;

	    nowtime = I_GetTime ();
	    tics = nowtime - wipestart;
	} while (tics <= 0);
	wipestart = nowtime;
	done = wipe_ScreenWipe(wipe_Melt
			       , 0, 0, SCREENWIDTH, SCREENHEIGHT, tics);
	I_UpdateNoBlit ();
	M_Drawer ();                            // menu is drawn even on top of wipes
	I_FinishUpdate ();                      // page flip or blit buffer
    } while (!done);

//  D_DoomLoop
extern  boolean         demorecording;

void D_DoomLoop (void)
    if (demorecording)
	G_BeginRecording ();

    I_InitGraphics ();



    if (testcontrols)
        wipegamestate = gamestate;

    while (1)
	// frame syncronous IO operations
	I_StartFrame ();                
	// process one or more tics
	if (singletics)
	    I_StartTic ();
	    D_ProcessEvents ();
	    G_BuildTiccmd (&netcmds[consoleplayer][maketic%BACKUPTICS]);
	    if (advancedemo)
		D_DoAdvanceDemo ();
	    M_Ticker ();
	    G_Ticker ();
	    TryRunTics (); // will run at least one tic
	S_UpdateSounds (players[consoleplayer].mo);// move positional sounds

	// Update display, next frame, with current state.
        if (screenvisible)
            D_Display ();

int             demosequence;
int             pagetic;
char                    *pagename;

// D_PageTicker
// Handles timing for warped projection
void D_PageTicker (void)
    if (--pagetic < 0)
	D_AdvanceDemo ();

// D_PageDrawer
void D_PageDrawer (void)
    V_DrawPatch (0,0, 0, W_CacheLumpName(pagename, PU_CACHE));

// D_AdvanceDemo
// Called after each demo or intro demosequence finishes
void D_AdvanceDemo (void)
    advancedemo = true;

// This cycles through the demo sequences.
// FIXME - version dependend demo numbers?
void D_DoAdvanceDemo (void)
    players[consoleplayer].playerstate = PST_LIVE;  // not reborn
    advancedemo = false;
    usergame = false;               // no save / end game here
    paused = false;
    gameaction = ga_nothing;

    // The Ultimate Doom executable changed the demo sequence to add
    // a DEMO4 demo.  Final Doom was based on Ultimate, so also
    // includes this change; however, the Final Doom IWADs do not
    // include a DEMO4 lump, so the game bombs out with an error
    // when it reaches this point in the demo sequence.

    // However! There is an alternate version of Final Doom that
    // includes a fixed executable.

    if (gameversion == exe_ultimate || gameversion == exe_final)
      demosequence = (demosequence+1)%7;
      demosequence = (demosequence+1)%6;
    switch (demosequence)
      case 0:
	if ( gamemode == commercial )
	    pagetic = TICRATE * 11;
	    pagetic = 170;
	gamestate = GS_DEMOSCREEN;
	pagename = DEH_String("TITLEPIC");
	if ( gamemode == commercial )
	  S_StartMusic (mus_intro);
      case 1:
      case 2:
	pagetic = 200;
	gamestate = GS_DEMOSCREEN;
	pagename = DEH_String("CREDIT");
      case 3:
      case 4:
	gamestate = GS_DEMOSCREEN;
	if ( gamemode == commercial)
	    pagetic = TICRATE * 11;
	    pagename = DEH_String("TITLEPIC");
	    pagetic = 200;

	    if ( gamemode == retail )
	      pagename = DEH_String("CREDIT");
	      pagename = DEH_String("HELP2");
      case 5:
        // THE DEFINITIVE DOOM Special Edition demo
      case 6:

// D_StartTitle
void D_StartTitle (void)
    gameaction = ga_nothing;
    demosequence = -1;
    D_AdvanceDemo ();

//      print title for every printed line
char            title[128];

static boolean D_AddFile(char *filename)
    wad_file_t *handle;

    printf(" adding %s\n", filename);
    handle = W_AddFile(filename);

    return handle != NULL;
// Startup banner

void PrintBanner(char *msg)
    int i;
    int spaces = 35 - (strlen(msg) / 2);

    for (i=0; i<spaces; ++i)
        putchar(' ');


// Copyright message banners
// Some dehacked mods replace these.  These are only displayed if they are 
// replaced by dehacked.

static char *copyright_banners[] =
    "ATTENTION:  This version of DOOM has been modified.  If you would like to\n"
    "get a copy of the original game, call 1-800-IDGAMES or see the readme file.\n"
    "        You will not receive technical support for modified games.\n"
    "                      press enter to continue\n"

    "                 Commercial product - do not distribute!\n"
    "         Please report software piracy to the SPA: 1-800-388-PIR8\n"

    "                                Shareware!\n"

// Prints a message only if it has been modified by dehacked.

void PrintDehackedBanners(void)
    size_t i;

    for (i=0; i<arrlen(copyright_banners); ++i)
        char *deh_s;

        deh_s = DEH_String(copyright_banners[i]);

        if (deh_s != copyright_banners[i])
            printf("%s", deh_s);

            // Make sure the modified banner always ends in a newline character.
            // If it doesn't, add a newline.  This fixes av.wad.

            if (deh_s[strlen(deh_s) - 1] != '\n')

static struct 
    char *description;
    char *cmdline;
    GameVersion_t version;
} gameversions[] = {
    {"Doom 1.9",             "1.9",        exe_doom_1_9},
    {"Hacx",                 "hacx",       exe_hacx},
    {"Ultimate Doom",        "ultimate",   exe_ultimate},
    {"Final Doom",           "final",      exe_final},
    {"Final Doom (alt)",     "final2",     exe_final2},
    {"Chex Quest",           "chex",       exe_chex},
    { NULL,                  NULL,         0},

// Initialize the game version

static void InitGameVersion(void)
    int p;
    int i;

    // @arg <version>
    // @category compat
    // Emulate a specific version of Doom.  Valid values are "1.9",
    // "ultimate", "final", "final2", "hacx" and "chex".

    p = M_CheckParmWithArgs("-gameversion", 1);

    if (p)
        for (i=0; gameversions[i].description != NULL; ++i)
            if (!strcmp(myargv[p+1], gameversions[i].cmdline))
                gameversion = gameversions[i].version;
        if (gameversions[i].description == NULL) 
            printf("Supported game versions:\n");

            for (i=0; gameversions[i].description != NULL; ++i)
                printf("\t%s (%s)\n", gameversions[i].cmdline,
            I_Error("Unknown game version '%s'", myargv[p+1]);
        // Determine automatically

        if (gameversion == exe_chex || gameversion == exe_hacx)
            // Already determined
        else if (gamemode == shareware || gamemode == registered)
            // original

            gameversion = exe_doom_1_9;
        else if (gamemode == retail)
            gameversion = exe_ultimate;
        else if (gamemode == commercial)
            if (gamemission == doom2)
                gameversion = exe_doom_1_9;
                // Final Doom: tnt or plutonia
                // Default to the "alt" version of the executable that
                // fixes the demo loop behavior.

                gameversion = exe_final2;
    // The original exe does not support retail - 4th episode not supported

    if (gameversion < exe_ultimate && gamemode == retail)
        gamemode = registered;

    // EXEs prior to the Final Doom exes do not support Final Doom.

    if (gameversion < exe_final && gamemode == commercial)
        gamemission = doom2;

void PrintGameVersion(void)
    int i;

    for (i=0; gameversions[i].description != NULL; ++i)
        if (gameversions[i].version == gameversion)
            printf("Emulating the behavior of the "
                   "'%s' executable.\n", gameversions[i].description);

// Load the Chex Quest dehacked file, if we are in Chex mode.

static void LoadChexDeh(void)
    char *chex_deh;

    if (gameversion == exe_chex)
        chex_deh = D_FindWADByName("chex.deh");

        if (chex_deh == NULL)
            I_Error("Unable to find Chex Quest dehacked file (chex.deh).\n"
                    "The dehacked file is required in order to emulate\n"
                    "chex.exe correctly.  It can be found in your nearest\n"
                    "/idgames repository mirror at:\n\n"
                    "   utils/exe_edit/patches/");

        if (!DEH_LoadFile(chex_deh))
            I_Error("Failed to load chex.deh needed for emulating chex.exe.");

static void LoadHacxDeh(void)
    // If this is the HACX IWAD, we need to load the DEHACKED lump.

    if (gameversion == exe_hacx)
        if (!DEH_LoadLumpByName("DEHACKED"))
            I_Error("DEHACKED lump not found.  Please check that this is the "
                    "Hacx v1.2 IWAD.");

// D_DoomMain
void D_DoomMain (void)
    int             p;
    char            file[256];
    char            demolumpname[9];

    M_FindResponseFile ();

    // Undocumented "search for IWADs" parameter used by the setup
    // tool.

    if (M_CheckParm("-findiwads") > 0)

    // print banner


    DEH_printf("Z_Init: Init zone memory allocation daemon. \n");
    Z_Init ();

    // @category net
    // Start a dedicated server, routing packets but not participating
    // in the game itself.

    if (M_CheckParm("-dedicated") > 0)
        printf("Dedicated server mode.\n");

        // Never returns

    // @category net
    // Query the Internet master server for a global list of active
    // servers.

    if (M_CheckParm("-search"))
        printf("\nSearching for servers on Internet ...\n");
        p = NET_MasterQuery(NET_QueryPrintCallback, NULL);
        printf("\n%i server(s) found.\n", p);

    // @arg <address>
    // @category net
    // Query the status of the server running on the given IP
    // address.

    p = M_CheckParmWithArgs("-query", 1);

    if (p)

    // @category net
    // Search the local LAN for running servers.

    if (M_CheckParm("-localsearch"))
        printf("\nSearching for servers on local LAN ...\n");
        p = NET_LANQuery(NET_QueryPrintCallback, NULL);
        printf("\n%i server(s) found.\n", p);

    printf("DEH_Init: Init Dehacked support.\n");

    iwadfile = D_FindIWAD();

    // None found?

    if (iwadfile == NULL)
        I_Error("Game mode indeterminate.  No IWAD file was found.  Try\n"
                "specifying one with the '-iwad' command line parameter.\n");

    modifiedgame = false;

    // @vanilla
    // Disable monsters.
    nomonsters = M_CheckParm ("-nomonsters");

    // @vanilla
    // Monsters respawn after being killed.

    respawnparm = M_CheckParm ("-respawn");

    // @vanilla
    // Monsters move faster.

    fastparm = M_CheckParm ("-fast");

    // @vanilla
    // Developer mode.  F1 saves a screenshot in the current working
    // directory.

    devparm = M_CheckParm ("-devparm");

    // @category net
    // @vanilla
    // Start a deathmatch game.

    if (M_CheckParm ("-deathmatch"))
	deathmatch = 1;

    // @category net
    // @vanilla
    // Start a deathmatch 2.0 game.  Weapons do not stay in place and
    // all items respawn after 30 seconds.

    if (M_CheckParm ("-altdeath"))
	deathmatch = 2;

    if (devparm)
    // find which dir to use for config files

    // @arg <x>
    // @vanilla
    // Turbo mode.  The player's speed is multiplied by x%.  If unspecified,
    // x defaults to 200.  Values are rounded up to 10 and down to 400.

    if ( (p=M_CheckParm ("-turbo")) )
	int     scale = 200;
	extern int forwardmove[2];
	extern int sidemove[2];
	if (p<myargc-1)
	    scale = atoi (myargv[p+1]);
	if (scale < 10)
	    scale = 10;
	if (scale > 400)
	    scale = 400;
        DEH_printf("turbo scale: %i%%\n", scale);
	forwardmove[0] = forwardmove[0]*scale/100;
	forwardmove[1] = forwardmove[1]*scale/100;
	sidemove[0] = sidemove[0]*scale/100;
	sidemove[1] = sidemove[1]*scale/100;
    // init subsystems
    DEH_printf("V_Init: allocate screens.\n");
    V_Init ();

    DEH_printf("M_LoadDefaults: Load system defaults.\n");
    M_LoadDefaults ();              // load before initing other systems

    DEH_printf("W_Init: Init WADfiles.\n");


    // Merged PWADs are loaded first, because they are supposed to be 
    // modified IWADs.

    // @arg <files>
    // @category mod
    // Simulates the behavior of deutex's -merge option, merging a PWAD
    // into the main IWAD.  Multiple files may be specified.

    p = M_CheckParmWithArgs("-merge", 1);

    if (p > 0)
        for (p = p + 1; p<myargc && myargv[p][0] != '-'; ++p)
            char *filename;

            filename = D_TryFindWADByName(myargv[p]);

            printf(" merging %s\n", filename);

    // NWT-style merging:

    // NWT's -merge option:

    // @arg <files>
    // @category mod
    // Simulates the behavior of NWT's -merge option.  Multiple files
    // may be specified.

    p = M_CheckParmWithArgs("-nwtmerge", 1);

    if (p > 0)
        for (p = p + 1; p<myargc && myargv[p][0] != '-'; ++p)
            char *filename;

            filename = D_TryFindWADByName(myargv[p]);

            printf(" performing NWT-style merge of %s\n", filename);
    // Add flats

    // @arg <files>
    // @category mod
    // Simulates the behavior of NWT's -af option, merging flats into
    // the main IWAD directory.  Multiple files may be specified.

    p = M_CheckParmWithArgs("-af", 1);

    if (p > 0)
        for (p = p + 1; p<myargc && myargv[p][0] != '-'; ++p)
            char *filename;

            filename = D_TryFindWADByName(myargv[p]);

            printf(" merging flats from %s\n", filename);
            W_NWTMergeFile(filename, W_NWT_MERGE_FLATS);

    // @arg <files>
    // @category mod
    // Simulates the behavior of NWT's -as option, merging sprites
    // into the main IWAD directory.  Multiple files may be specified.

    p = M_CheckParmWithArgs("-as", 1);

    if (p > 0)
        for (p = p + 1; p<myargc && myargv[p][0] != '-'; ++p)
            char *filename;

            filename = D_TryFindWADByName(myargv[p]);

            printf(" merging sprites from %s\n", filename);
            W_NWTMergeFile(filename, W_NWT_MERGE_SPRITES);

    // @arg <files>
    // @category mod
    // Equivalent to "-af <files> -as <files>".

    p = M_CheckParmWithArgs("-aa", 1);

    if (p > 0)
        for (p = p + 1; p<myargc && myargv[p][0] != '-'; ++p)
            char *filename;

            filename = D_TryFindWADByName(myargv[p]);

            printf(" merging sprites and flats from %s\n", filename);
            W_NWTMergeFile(filename, W_NWT_MERGE_SPRITES | W_NWT_MERGE_FLATS);


    // @arg <files>
    // @vanilla
    // Load the specified PWAD files.

    p = M_CheckParmWithArgs("-file", 1);
    if (p)
	// the parms after p are wadfile/lump names,
	// until end of parms or another - preceded parm
	modifiedgame = true;            // homebrew levels
	while (++p != myargc && myargv[p][0] != '-')
            char *filename;

            filename = D_TryFindWADByName(myargv[p]);


    // Debug:
//    W_PrintDirectory();

    // @arg <demo>
    // @category demo
    // @vanilla
    // Play back the demo named demo.lmp.

    p = M_CheckParmWithArgs ("-playdemo", 1);

    if (!p)
        // @arg <demo>
        // @category demo
        // @vanilla
        // Play back the demo named demo.lmp, determining the framerate
        // of the screen.
	p = M_CheckParmWithArgs("-timedemo", 1);


    if (p)
        if (!strcasecmp(myargv[p+1] + strlen(myargv[p+1]) - 4, ".lmp"))
            strcpy(file, myargv[p + 1]);
	    sprintf (file,"%s.lmp", myargv[p+1]);

	if (D_AddFile (file))
            strncpy(demolumpname, lumpinfo[numlumps - 1].name, 8);
            demolumpname[8] = '\0';

            printf("Playing demo %s.\n", file);
            // If file failed to load, still continue trying to play
            // the demo in the same way as Vanilla Doom.  This makes
            // tricks like "-playdemo demo1" possible.

            strncpy(demolumpname, myargv[p + 1], 8);
            demolumpname[8] = '\0';


    // Generate the WAD hash table.  Speed things up a bit.


    // Check for -file in shareware
    if (modifiedgame)
	// These are the lumps that will be checked in IWAD,
	// if any one is not present, execution will be aborted.
	char name[23][8]=
	int i;
	if ( gamemode == shareware)
	    I_Error(DEH_String("\nYou cannot -file with the shareware "
			       "version. Register!"));

	// Check for fake IWAD with right name,
	// but w/o all the lumps of the registered version. 
	if (gamemode == registered)
	    for (i = 0;i < 23; i++)
		if (W_CheckNumForName(name[i])<0)
		    I_Error(DEH_String("\nThis is not the registered version."));
    // get skill / episode / map from parms
    startskill = sk_medium;
    startepisode = 1;
    startmap = 1;
    autostart = false;

    // @arg <skill>
    // @vanilla
    // Set the game skill, 1-5 (1: easiest, 5: hardest).  A skill of
    // 0 disables all monsters.

    p = M_CheckParmWithArgs("-skill", 1);

    if (p)
	startskill = myargv[p+1][0]-'1';
	autostart = true;

    // @arg <n>
    // @vanilla
    // Start playing on episode n (1-4)

    p = M_CheckParmWithArgs("-episode", 1);

    if (p)
	startepisode = myargv[p+1][0]-'0';
	startmap = 1;
	autostart = true;
    timelimit = 0;

    // @arg <n>
    // @category net
    // @vanilla
    // For multiplayer games: exit each level after n minutes.

    p = M_CheckParmWithArgs("-timer", 1);

    if (p)
	timelimit = atoi(myargv[p+1]);

    // @category net
    // @vanilla
    // Austin Virtual Gaming: end levels after 20 minutes.

    p = M_CheckParm ("-avg");

    if (p)
	timelimit = 20;

    // @arg [<x> <y> | <xy>]
    // @vanilla
    // Start a game immediately, warping to ExMy (Doom 1) or MAPxy
    // (Doom 2)

    p = M_CheckParmWithArgs("-warp", 1);

    if (p)
        if (gamemode == commercial)
            startmap = atoi (myargv[p+1]);
            startepisode = myargv[p+1][0]-'0';

            if (p + 2 < myargc)
                startmap = myargv[p+2][0]-'0';
                startmap = 1;
        autostart = true;

    // Undocumented:
    // Invoked by setup to test the controls.

    p = M_CheckParm("-testcontrols");

    if (p > 0)
        startepisode = 1;
        startmap = 1;
        autostart = true;
        testcontrols = true;

    // Check for load game parameter
    // We do this here and save the slot number, so that the network code
    // can override it or send the load slot to other players.

    // @arg <s>
    // @vanilla
    // Load the game in slot s.

    p = M_CheckParmWithArgs("-loadgame", 1);
    if (p)
        startloadgame = atoi(myargv[p+1]);
        // Not loading a game
        startloadgame = -1;

    // @category video
    // Disable vertical mouse movement.

    if (M_CheckParm("-novert"))
        novert = true;

    // @category video
    // Enable vertical mouse movement.

    if (M_CheckParm("-nonovert"))
        novert = false;

    if (W_CheckNumForName("SS_START") >= 0
     || W_CheckNumForName("FF_END") >= 0)
        printf ("===========================================================================\n");
        printf(" WARNING: The loaded WAD file contains modified sprites or\n"
               " floor textures.  You may want to use the '-merge' command\n"
               " line option instead of '-file'.\n");
    printf ("===========================================================================\n");


    printf (
	    " " PACKAGE_NAME " is free software, covered by the GNU General Public\n"
            " License.  There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS\n"
            " FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You are welcome to change and distribute\n"
            " copies under certain conditions. See the source for more information.\n"



    DEH_printf("M_Init: Init miscellaneous info.\n");
    M_Init ();

    DEH_printf("R_Init: Init DOOM refresh daemon - ");
    R_Init ();

    DEH_printf("\nP_Init: Init Playloop state.\n");
    P_Init ();

    DEH_printf("I_Init: Setting up machine state.\n");
    I_Init ();

    printf ("NET_Init: Init network subsystem.\n");
    NET_Init ();

    DEH_printf("S_Init: Setting up sound.\n");
    S_Init (sfxVolume * 8, musicVolume * 8);

    DEH_printf("D_CheckNetGame: Checking network game status.\n");
    D_CheckNetGame ();


    DEH_printf("HU_Init: Setting up heads up display.\n");
    HU_Init ();

    DEH_printf("ST_Init: Init status bar.\n");
    ST_Init ();

    // If Doom II without a MAP01 lump, this is a store demo.  
    // Moved this here so that MAP01 isn't constantly looked up
    // in the main loop.

    if (gamemode == commercial && W_CheckNumForName("map01") < 0)
        storedemo = true;

    // @arg <x>
    // @category demo
    // @vanilla
    // Record a demo named x.lmp.

    p = M_CheckParmWithArgs("-record", 1);

    if (p)
	G_RecordDemo (myargv[p+1]);
	autostart = true;

    p = M_CheckParmWithArgs("-playdemo", 1);
    if (p)
	singledemo = true;              // quit after one demo
	G_DeferedPlayDemo (demolumpname);
	D_DoomLoop ();  // never returns
    p = M_CheckParmWithArgs("-timedemo", 1);
    if (p)
	G_TimeDemo (demolumpname);
	D_DoomLoop ();  // never returns
    if (startloadgame >= 0)
        strcpy(file, P_SaveGameFile(startloadgame));
	G_LoadGame (file);
    if (gameaction != ga_loadgame )
	if (autostart || netgame)
	    G_InitNew (startskill, startepisode, startmap);
	    D_StartTitle ();                // start up intro loop

    D_DoomLoop ();  // never returns