ref: d99a3697be5d13343e0accfd3b01a196b36ef20e
dir: /setup/txt_keyinput.c/
#include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include "doomkeys.h" #include "txt_keyinput.h" #include "txt_io.h" #include "txt_label.h" #include "txt_window.h" #define KEY_INPUT_WIDTH 10 static int KeyPressCallback(txt_window_t *window, int key, TXT_UNCAST_ARG(key_input)) { TXT_CAST_ARG(txt_key_input_t, key_input); if (key != KEY_ESCAPE) { // Got the key press. Save to the variable and close the window. *key_input->variable = key; TXT_EmitSignal(key_input, "set"); TXT_CloseWindow(window); return 1; } else { return 0; } } static void OpenPromptWindow(txt_key_input_t *key_input) { txt_window_t *window; txt_label_t *label; window = TXT_NewWindow(NULL); TXT_SetWindowAction(window, TXT_HORIZ_LEFT, NULL); TXT_SetWindowAction(window, TXT_HORIZ_CENTER, TXT_NewWindowAbortAction(window)); TXT_SetWindowAction(window, TXT_HORIZ_RIGHT, NULL); label = TXT_NewLabel("Press the new key..."); TXT_AddWidget(window, label); TXT_SetWidgetAlign(label, TXT_HORIZ_CENTER); TXT_SetKeyListener(window, KeyPressCallback, key_input); } static void TXT_KeyInputSizeCalc(TXT_UNCAST_ARG(key_input)) { TXT_CAST_ARG(txt_key_input_t, key_input); // All keyinputs are the same size. key_input->widget.w = KEY_INPUT_WIDTH; key_input->widget.h = 1; } static void TXT_KeyInputDrawer(TXT_UNCAST_ARG(key_input), int selected) { TXT_CAST_ARG(txt_key_input_t, key_input); char buf[20]; int i; if (*key_input->variable == 0) { strcpy(buf, ""); } else { TXT_GetKeyDescription(*key_input->variable, buf); } if (selected) { TXT_BGColor(TXT_COLOR_GREY, 0); } else { TXT_BGColor(TXT_COLOR_BLUE, 0); } TXT_FGColor(TXT_COLOR_BRIGHT_WHITE); TXT_DrawString(buf); for (i=strlen(buf); i<KEY_INPUT_WIDTH; ++i) { TXT_DrawString(" "); } } static void TXT_KeyInputDestructor(TXT_UNCAST_ARG(key_input)) { TXT_CAST_ARG(txt_key_input_t, key_input); } static int TXT_KeyInputKeyPress(TXT_UNCAST_ARG(key_input), int key) { TXT_CAST_ARG(txt_key_input_t, key_input); if (key == KEY_ENTER) { // Open a window to prompt for the new key press OpenPromptWindow(key_input); return 1; } return 0; } static void TXT_KeyInputMousePress(TXT_UNCAST_ARG(widget), int x, int y, int b) { TXT_CAST_ARG(txt_key_input_t, widget); // Clicking is like pressing enter if (b == TXT_MOUSE_LEFT) { TXT_KeyInputKeyPress(widget, KEY_ENTER); } } txt_widget_class_t txt_key_input_class = { TXT_KeyInputSizeCalc, TXT_KeyInputDrawer, TXT_KeyInputKeyPress, TXT_KeyInputDestructor, TXT_KeyInputMousePress, }; txt_key_input_t *TXT_NewKeyInput(int *variable) { txt_key_input_t *key_input; key_input = malloc(sizeof(txt_key_input_t)); TXT_InitWidget(key_input, &txt_key_input_class); key_input->variable = variable; return key_input; }