shithub: choc

ref: a853a1ef6298dbd7b99d486a0799d5df45181a56
dir: /src/hexen/am_map.c/

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// Emacs style mode select   -*- C++ -*- 
// Copyright(C) 1993-1996 Id Software, Inc.
// Copyright(C) 1993-2008 Raven Software
// Copyright(C) 2008 Simon Howard
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
// of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
// 02111-1307, USA.

#include <stdio.h>

#include "h2def.h"
#include "doomkeys.h"
#include "i_video.h"
#include "i_swap.h"
#include "m_controls.h"
#include "p_local.h"
#include "am_map.h"
#include "am_data.h"
#include "v_video.h"

#define NUMALIAS 3              // Number of antialiased lines.

int cheating = 0;
static int grid = 0;

static int leveljuststarted = 1;        // kluge until AM_LevelInit() is called

boolean automapactive = false;
static int finit_width = SCREENWIDTH;
static int finit_height = SCREENHEIGHT - SBARHEIGHT - 3;
static int f_x, f_y;            // location of window on screen
static int f_w, f_h;            // size of window on screen
static int lightlev;            // used for funky strobing effect
static byte *fb;                // pseudo-frame buffer
static int amclock;

static mpoint_t m_paninc;       // how far the window pans each tic (map coords)
static fixed_t mtof_zoommul;    // how far the window zooms in each tic (map coords)
static fixed_t ftom_zoommul;    // how far the window zooms in each tic (fb coords)

static fixed_t m_x, m_y;        // LL x,y where the window is on the map (map coords)
static fixed_t m_x2, m_y2;      // UR x,y where the window is on the map (map coords)

// width/height of window on map (map coords)
static fixed_t m_w, m_h;
static fixed_t min_x, min_y;    // based on level size
static fixed_t max_x, max_y;    // based on level size
static fixed_t max_w, max_h;    // max_x-min_x, max_y-min_y
static fixed_t min_w, min_h;    // based on player size
static fixed_t min_scale_mtof;  // used to tell when to stop zooming out
static fixed_t max_scale_mtof;  // used to tell when to stop zooming in

// old stuff for recovery later
static fixed_t old_m_w, old_m_h;
static fixed_t old_m_x, old_m_y;

// old location used by the Follower routine
static mpoint_t f_oldloc;

// used by MTOF to scale from map-to-frame-buffer coords
static fixed_t scale_mtof = INITSCALEMTOF;
// used by FTOM to scale from frame-buffer-to-map coords (=1/scale_mtof)
static fixed_t scale_ftom;

static player_t *plr;           // the player represented by an arrow
static vertex_t oldplr;

//static patch_t *marknums[10]; // numbers used for marking by the automap
//static mpoint_t markpoints[AM_NUMMARKPOINTS]; // where the points are
//static int markpointnum = 0; // next point to be assigned

static int followplayer = 1;    // specifies whether to follow the player around

static char cheat_kills[] = { 'k', 'i', 'l', 'l', 's' };
static boolean ShowKills = 0;
static unsigned ShowKillsCount = 0;

extern boolean viewactive;

static byte antialias[NUMALIAS][8] = {
    {83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90},
    {96, 96, 95, 94, 93, 92, 91, 90},
    {107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 89, 90}

static byte *aliasmax[NUMALIAS] = {
	&antialias[0][7], &antialias[1][7], &antialias[2][7]

static byte *maplump;           // pointer to the raw data for the automap background.
static short mapystart = 0;     // y-value for the start of the map bitmap...used in
                                                                                //the parallax stuff.
static short mapxstart = 0;     //x-value for the bitmap.

//void V_MarkRect (int x, int y, int width, int height);

// Functions

void DrawWuLine(int X0, int Y0, int X1, int Y1, byte * BaseColor,
                int NumLevels, unsigned short IntensityBits);

void AM_DrawDeathmatchStats(void);
static void DrawWorldTimer(void);

// Calculates the slope and slope according to the x-axis of a line
// segment in map coordinates (with the upright y-axis n' all) so
// that it can be used with the brain-dead drawing stuff.

// Ripped out for Heretic
void AM_getIslope(mline_t *ml, islope_t *is)
  int dx, dy;

  dy = ml->a.y - ml->b.y;
  dx = ml->b.x - ml->a.x;
  if (!dy) is->islp = (dx<0?-INT_MAX:INT_MAX);
  else is->islp = FixedDiv(dx, dy);
  if (!dx) is->slp = (dy<0?-INT_MAX:INT_MAX);
  else is->slp = FixedDiv(dy, dx);

void AM_activateNewScale(void)
    m_x += m_w / 2;
    m_y += m_h / 2;
    m_w = FTOM(f_w);
    m_h = FTOM(f_h);
    m_x -= m_w / 2;
    m_y -= m_h / 2;
    m_x2 = m_x + m_w;
    m_y2 = m_y + m_h;

void AM_saveScaleAndLoc(void)
    old_m_x = m_x;
    old_m_y = m_y;
    old_m_w = m_w;
    old_m_h = m_h;

void AM_restoreScaleAndLoc(void)

    m_w = old_m_w;
    m_h = old_m_h;
    if (!followplayer)
        m_x = old_m_x;
        m_y = old_m_y;
        m_x = plr->mo->x - m_w / 2;
        m_y = plr->mo->y - m_h / 2;
    m_x2 = m_x + m_w;
    m_y2 = m_y + m_h;

    // Change the scaling multipliers
    scale_mtof = FixedDiv(f_w << FRACBITS, m_w);
    scale_ftom = FixedDiv(FRACUNIT, scale_mtof);

// adds a marker at the current location

void AM_addMark(void)
  markpoints[markpointnum].x = m_x + m_w/2;
  markpoints[markpointnum].y = m_y + m_h/2;
  markpointnum = (markpointnum + 1) % AM_NUMMARKPOINTS;

void AM_findMinMaxBoundaries(void)
    int i;
    fixed_t a, b;

    min_x = min_y = INT_MAX;
    max_x = max_y = -INT_MAX;
    for (i = 0; i < numvertexes; i++)
        if (vertexes[i].x < min_x)
            min_x = vertexes[i].x;
        else if (vertexes[i].x > max_x)
            max_x = vertexes[i].x;
        if (vertexes[i].y < min_y)
            min_y = vertexes[i].y;
        else if (vertexes[i].y > max_y)
            max_y = vertexes[i].y;
    max_w = max_x - min_x;
    max_h = max_y - min_y;
    min_w = 2 * PLAYERRADIUS;
    min_h = 2 * PLAYERRADIUS;

    a = FixedDiv(f_w << FRACBITS, max_w);
    b = FixedDiv(f_h << FRACBITS, max_h);
    min_scale_mtof = a < b ? a : b;

    max_scale_mtof = FixedDiv(f_h << FRACBITS, 2 * PLAYERRADIUS);


void AM_changeWindowLoc(void)
    if (m_paninc.x || m_paninc.y)
        followplayer = 0;
        f_oldloc.x = INT_MAX;

    m_x += m_paninc.x;
    m_y += m_paninc.y;

    if (m_x + m_w / 2 > max_x)
        m_x = max_x - m_w / 2;
        m_paninc.x = 0;
    else if (m_x + m_w / 2 < min_x)
        m_x = min_x - m_w / 2;
        m_paninc.x = 0;
    if (m_y + m_h / 2 > max_y)
        m_y = max_y - m_h / 2;
        m_paninc.y = 0;
    else if (m_y + m_h / 2 < min_y)
        m_y = min_y - m_h / 2;
        m_paninc.y = 0;
  mapxstart += MTOF(m_paninc.x+FRACUNIT/2);
  mapystart -= MTOF(m_paninc.y+FRACUNIT/2);
  if(mapxstart >= finit_width)
		mapxstart -= finit_width;
  if(mapxstart < 0)
		mapxstart += finit_width;
  if(mapystart >= finit_height)
		mapystart -= finit_height;
  if(mapystart < 0)
		mapystart += finit_height;
    m_x2 = m_x + m_w;
    m_y2 = m_y + m_h;

void AM_initVariables(void)
    int pnum;
    thinker_t *think;

    //static event_t st_notify = { ev_keyup, AM_MSGENTERED };

    automapactive = true;
    fb = I_VideoBuffer;

    f_oldloc.x = INT_MAX;
    amclock = 0;
    lightlev = 0;

    m_paninc.x = m_paninc.y = 0;
    ftom_zoommul = FRACUNIT;
    mtof_zoommul = FRACUNIT;

    m_w = FTOM(f_w);
    m_h = FTOM(f_h);

    // find player to center on initially
    if (!playeringame[pnum = consoleplayer])
        for (pnum = 0; pnum < MAXPLAYERS; pnum++)
            if (playeringame[pnum])
    plr = &players[pnum];
    oldplr.x = plr->mo->x;
    oldplr.y = plr->mo->y;
    m_x = plr->mo->x - m_w / 2;
    m_y = plr->mo->y - m_h / 2;

    // for saving & restoring
    old_m_x = m_x;
    old_m_y = m_y;
    old_m_w = m_w;
    old_m_h = m_h;

    // load in the location of keys, if in baby mode

//      memset(KeyPoints, 0, sizeof(vertex_t)*3);
    if (gameskill == sk_baby)
        for (think =; think != &thinkercap;
             think = think->next)
            if (think->function != P_MobjThinker)
            {                   //not a mobj

    // inform the status bar of the change
//c  ST_Responder(&st_notify);

void AM_loadPics(void)
    maplump = W_CacheLumpName("AUTOPAGE", PU_STATIC);

void AM_clearMarks(void)
  int i;
  for (i=0;i<AM_NUMMARKPOINTS;i++) markpoints[i].x = -1; // means empty
  markpointnum = 0;

// should be called at the start of every level
// right now, i figure it out myself

void AM_LevelInit(void)
    leveljuststarted = 0;

    f_x = f_y = 0;
    f_w = finit_width;
    f_h = finit_height;
    mapxstart = mapystart = 0;

//  AM_clearMarks();

    scale_mtof = FixedDiv(min_scale_mtof, (int) (0.7 * FRACUNIT));
    if (scale_mtof > max_scale_mtof)
        scale_mtof = min_scale_mtof;
    scale_ftom = FixedDiv(FRACUNIT, scale_mtof);

static boolean stopped = true;

void AM_Stop(void)
    //static event_t st_notify = { 0, ev_keyup, AM_MSGEXITED };

//  AM_unloadPics();
    automapactive = false;
//  ST_Responder(&st_notify);
    stopped = true;
    BorderNeedRefresh = true;

void AM_Start(void)
    static int lastlevel = -1, lastepisode = -1;

    if (!stopped)
    stopped = false;
    if (gamestate != GS_LEVEL)
        return;                 // don't show automap if we aren't in a game!
    if (lastlevel != gamemap || lastepisode != gameepisode)
        lastlevel = gamemap;
        lastepisode = gameepisode;

// set the window scale to the maximum size

void AM_minOutWindowScale(void)
    scale_mtof = min_scale_mtof;
    scale_ftom = FixedDiv(FRACUNIT, scale_mtof);

// set the window scale to the minimum size

void AM_maxOutWindowScale(void)
    scale_mtof = max_scale_mtof;
    scale_ftom = FixedDiv(FRACUNIT, scale_mtof);

boolean AM_Responder(event_t * ev)
    int rc;
    int key;
    static int bigstate = 0;

    key = ev->data1;

    rc = false;
    if (!automapactive)
        if (ev->type == ev_keydown && key == key_map_toggle
            && gamestate == GS_LEVEL)
            SB_state = -1;
            viewactive = false;
            rc = true;
    else if (ev->type == ev_keydown)
        rc = true;

        if (key == key_map_east)                 // pan right
            if (!followplayer)
                m_paninc.x = FTOM(F_PANINC);
                rc = false;
        else if (key == key_map_west)                   // pan left
            if (!followplayer)
                m_paninc.x = -FTOM(F_PANINC);
                rc = false;
        else if (key == key_map_north)             // pan up
            if (!followplayer)
                m_paninc.y = FTOM(F_PANINC);
                rc = false;
        else if (key == key_map_south)                   // pan down
            if (!followplayer)
                m_paninc.y = -FTOM(F_PANINC);
                rc = false;
        else if (key == key_map_zoomout)                   // zoom out
            mtof_zoommul = M_ZOOMOUT;
            ftom_zoommul = M_ZOOMIN;
        else if (key == key_map_zoomin)            // zoom in
            mtof_zoommul = M_ZOOMIN;
            ftom_zoommul = M_ZOOMOUT;
        else if (key == key_map_toggle)
            bigstate = 0;
            viewactive = true;
            SB_state = -1;
        else if (key == key_map_maxzoom)
            bigstate = !bigstate;
            if (bigstate)
        else if (key == key_map_follow)
            followplayer = !followplayer;
            f_oldloc.x = INT_MAX;
                         followplayer ? AMSTR_FOLLOWON : AMSTR_FOLLOWOFF,
            rc = false;

        if (cheat_kills[ShowKillsCount] == ev->data1 && netgame && deathmatch)
            if (ShowKillsCount == 5)
                ShowKillsCount = 0;
                rc = false;
                ShowKills ^= 1;
            ShowKillsCount = 0;
    else if (ev->type == ev_keyup)
        rc = false;

        if (key == key_map_east)
            if (!followplayer)
                m_paninc.x = 0;
        else if (key == key_map_west)
            if (!followplayer)
                m_paninc.x = 0;
        else if (key == key_map_north)
            if (!followplayer)
                m_paninc.y = 0;
        else if (key == key_map_south)
            if (!followplayer)
                m_paninc.y = 0;
        else if (key == key_map_zoomin || key == key_map_zoomout)
            mtof_zoommul = FRACUNIT;
            ftom_zoommul = FRACUNIT;
    return rc;

void AM_changeWindowScale(void)

    // Change the scaling multipliers
    scale_mtof = FixedMul(scale_mtof, mtof_zoommul);
    scale_ftom = FixedDiv(FRACUNIT, scale_mtof);

    if (scale_mtof < min_scale_mtof)
    else if (scale_mtof > max_scale_mtof)

void AM_doFollowPlayer(void)
    if (f_oldloc.x != plr->mo->x || f_oldloc.y != plr->mo->y)
//  m_x = FTOM(MTOF(plr->mo->x - m_w/2));
//  m_y = FTOM(MTOF(plr->mo->y - m_h/2));
//  m_x = plr->mo->x - m_w/2;
//  m_y = plr->mo->y - m_h/2;
        m_x = FTOM(MTOF(plr->mo->x)) - m_w / 2;
        m_y = FTOM(MTOF(plr->mo->y)) - m_h / 2;
        m_x2 = m_x + m_w;
        m_y2 = m_y + m_h;

        // do the parallax parchment scrolling.
	 dmapx = (MTOF(plr->mo->x)-MTOF(f_oldloc.x)); //fixed point
	 dmapy = (MTOF(f_oldloc.y)-MTOF(plr->mo->y));

	 if(f_oldloc.x == INT_MAX) //to eliminate an error when the user first
		dmapx=0;  //goes into the automap.
	 mapxstart += dmapx;
	 mapystart += dmapy;

  	 while(mapxstart >= finit_width)
			mapxstart -= finit_width;
    while(mapxstart < 0)
			mapxstart += finit_width;
    while(mapystart >= finit_height)
			mapystart -= finit_height;
    while(mapystart < 0)
			mapystart += finit_height;
        f_oldloc.x = plr->mo->x;
        f_oldloc.y = plr->mo->y;

// Ripped out for Heretic
void AM_updateLightLev(void)
  static nexttic = 0;
//static int litelevels[] = { 0, 3, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 7 };
  static int litelevels[] = { 0, 4, 7, 10, 12, 14, 15, 15 };
  static int litelevelscnt = 0;

  // Change light level
  if (amclock>nexttic)
    lightlev = litelevels[litelevelscnt++];
    if (litelevelscnt == sizeof(litelevels)/sizeof(int)) litelevelscnt = 0;
    nexttic = amclock + 6 - (amclock % 6);

void AM_Ticker(void)

    if (!automapactive)


    if (followplayer)

    // Change the zoom if necessary
    if (ftom_zoommul != FRACUNIT)

    // Change x,y location
    if (m_paninc.x || m_paninc.y)
    // Update light level
// AM_updateLightLev();


void AM_clearFB(int color)
    int i, j;
    int dmapx;
    int dmapy;

    if (followplayer)
        dmapx = (MTOF(plr->mo->x) - MTOF(oldplr.x));    //fixed point
        dmapy = (MTOF(oldplr.y) - MTOF(plr->mo->y));

        oldplr.x = plr->mo->x;
        oldplr.y = plr->mo->y;
//              if(f_oldloc.x == INT_MAX) //to eliminate an error when the user first
//                      dmapx=0;  //goes into the automap.
        mapxstart += dmapx >> 1;
        mapystart += dmapy >> 1;

        while (mapxstart >= finit_width)
            mapxstart -= finit_width;
        while (mapxstart < 0)
            mapxstart += finit_width;
        while (mapystart >= finit_height)
            mapystart -= finit_height;
        while (mapystart < 0)
            mapystart += finit_height;
        mapxstart += (MTOF(m_paninc.x) >> 1);
        mapystart -= (MTOF(m_paninc.y) >> 1);
        if (mapxstart >= finit_width)
            mapxstart -= finit_width;
        if (mapxstart < 0)
            mapxstart += finit_width;
        if (mapystart >= finit_height)
            mapystart -= finit_height;
        if (mapystart < 0)
            mapystart += finit_height;

    //blit the automap background to the screen.
    j = mapystart * finit_width;
    for (i = 0; i < SCREENHEIGHT - SBARHEIGHT; i++)
        memcpy(I_VideoBuffer + i * finit_width, maplump + j + mapxstart,
               finit_width - mapxstart);
        memcpy(I_VideoBuffer + i * finit_width + finit_width - mapxstart,
               maplump + j, mapxstart);
        j += finit_width;
        if (j >= finit_height * finit_width)
            j = 0;

//       memcpy(I_VideoBuffer, maplump, finit_width*finit_height);
//  memset(fb, color, f_w*f_h);

// Based on Cohen-Sutherland clipping algorithm but with a slightly
// faster reject and precalculated slopes.  If I need the speed, will
// hash algorithm to the common cases.

boolean AM_clipMline(mline_t * ml, fline_t * fl)
    { LEFT = 1, RIGHT = 2, BOTTOM = 4, TOP = 8 };
    int outcode1 = 0, outcode2 = 0, outside;
    fpoint_t tmp = { 0, 0 };
    int dx, dy;

#define DOOUTCODE(oc, mx, my) \
  (oc) = 0; \
  if ((my) < 0) (oc) |= TOP; \
  else if ((my) >= f_h) (oc) |= BOTTOM; \
  if ((mx) < 0) (oc) |= LEFT; \
  else if ((mx) >= f_w) (oc) |= RIGHT

    // do trivial rejects and outcodes
    if (ml->a.y > m_y2)
        outcode1 = TOP;
    else if (ml->a.y < m_y)
        outcode1 = BOTTOM;
    if (ml->b.y > m_y2)
        outcode2 = TOP;
    else if (ml->b.y < m_y)
        outcode2 = BOTTOM;
    if (outcode1 & outcode2)
        return false;           // trivially outside

    if (ml->a.x < m_x)
        outcode1 |= LEFT;
    else if (ml->a.x > m_x2)
        outcode1 |= RIGHT;
    if (ml->b.x < m_x)
        outcode2 |= LEFT;
    else if (ml->b.x > m_x2)
        outcode2 |= RIGHT;
    if (outcode1 & outcode2)
        return false;           // trivially outside

    // transform to frame-buffer coordinates.
    fl->a.x = CXMTOF(ml->a.x);
    fl->a.y = CYMTOF(ml->a.y);
    fl->b.x = CXMTOF(ml->b.x);
    fl->b.y = CYMTOF(ml->b.y);
    DOOUTCODE(outcode1, fl->a.x, fl->a.y);
    DOOUTCODE(outcode2, fl->b.x, fl->b.y);
    if (outcode1 & outcode2)
        return false;

    while (outcode1 | outcode2)
        // may be partially inside box
        // find an outside point
        if (outcode1)
            outside = outcode1;
            outside = outcode2;
        // clip to each side
        if (outside & TOP)
            dy = fl->a.y - fl->b.y;
            dx = fl->b.x - fl->a.x;
            tmp.x = fl->a.x + (dx * (fl->a.y)) / dy;
            tmp.y = 0;
        else if (outside & BOTTOM)
            dy = fl->a.y - fl->b.y;
            dx = fl->b.x - fl->a.x;
            tmp.x = fl->a.x + (dx * (fl->a.y - f_h)) / dy;
            tmp.y = f_h - 1;
        else if (outside & RIGHT)
            dy = fl->b.y - fl->a.y;
            dx = fl->b.x - fl->a.x;
            tmp.y = fl->a.y + (dy * (f_w - 1 - fl->a.x)) / dx;
            tmp.x = f_w - 1;
        else if (outside & LEFT)
            dy = fl->b.y - fl->a.y;
            dx = fl->b.x - fl->a.x;
            tmp.y = fl->a.y + (dy * (-fl->a.x)) / dx;
            tmp.x = 0;
        if (outside == outcode1)
            fl->a = tmp;
            DOOUTCODE(outcode1, fl->a.x, fl->a.y);
            fl->b = tmp;
            DOOUTCODE(outcode2, fl->b.x, fl->b.y);
        if (outcode1 & outcode2)
            return false;       // trivially outside

    return true;


// Classic Bresenham w/ whatever optimizations I need for speed

void AM_drawFline(fline_t * fl, int color)
    register int x, y, dx, dy, sx, sy, ax, ay, d;
    //static fuck = 0;

    switch (color)
        case WALLCOLORS:
            DrawWuLine(fl->a.x, fl->a.y, fl->b.x, fl->b.y,
                       &antialias[0][0], 8, 3);
        case FDWALLCOLORS:
            DrawWuLine(fl->a.x, fl->a.y, fl->b.x, fl->b.y,
                       &antialias[1][0], 8, 3);
        case CDWALLCOLORS:
            DrawWuLine(fl->a.x, fl->a.y, fl->b.x, fl->b.y,
                       &antialias[2][0], 8, 3);
                // For debugging only
                if (fl->a.x < 0 || fl->a.x >= f_w
                    || fl->a.y < 0 || fl->a.y >= f_h
                    || fl->b.x < 0 || fl->b.x >= f_w
                    || fl->b.y < 0 || fl->b.y >= f_h)
                    //fprintf(stderr, "fuck %d \r", fuck++);

#define DOT(xx,yy,cc) fb[(yy)*f_w+(xx)]=(cc)    //the MACRO!

                dx = fl->b.x - fl->a.x;
                ax = 2 * (dx < 0 ? -dx : dx);
                sx = dx < 0 ? -1 : 1;

                dy = fl->b.y - fl->a.y;
                ay = 2 * (dy < 0 ? -dy : dy);
                sy = dy < 0 ? -1 : 1;

                x = fl->a.x;
                y = fl->a.y;

                if (ax > ay)
                    d = ay - ax / 2;
                    while (1)
                        DOT(x, y, color);
                        if (x == fl->b.x)
                        if (d >= 0)
                            y += sy;
                            d -= ax;
                        x += sx;
                        d += ay;
                    d = ax - ay / 2;
                    while (1)
                        DOT(x, y, color);
                        if (y == fl->b.y)
                        if (d >= 0)
                            x += sx;
                            d -= ay;
                        y += sy;
                        d += ax;

/* Wu antialiased line drawer.
 * (X0,Y0),(X1,Y1) = line to draw
 * BaseColor = color # of first color in block used for antialiasing, the
 *          100% intensity version of the drawing color
 * NumLevels = size of color block, with BaseColor+NumLevels-1 being the
 *          0% intensity version of the drawing color
 * IntensityBits = log base 2 of NumLevels; the # of bits used to describe
 *          the intensity of the drawing color. 2**IntensityBits==NumLevels
void PUTDOT(short xx, short yy, byte * cc, byte * cm)
    static int oldyy;
    static int oldyyshifted;
    byte *oldcc = cc;

    if (xx < 32)
        cc += 7 - (xx >> 2);
    else if (xx > (finit_width - 32))
        cc += 7 - ((finit_width - xx) >> 2);
//      if(cc==oldcc) //make sure that we don't double fade the corners.
//      {
    if (yy < 32)
        cc += 7 - (yy >> 2);
    else if (yy > (finit_height - 32))
        cc += 7 - ((finit_height - yy) >> 2);
//      }
    if (cc > cm && cm != NULL)
        cc = cm;
    else if (cc > oldcc + 6)    // don't let the color escape from the fade table...
        cc = oldcc + 6;
    if (yy == oldyy + 1)
        oldyyshifted += 320;
    else if (yy == oldyy - 1)
        oldyyshifted -= 320;
    else if (yy != oldyy)
        oldyy = yy;
        oldyyshifted = yy * 320;
    fb[oldyyshifted + xx] = *(cc);
//      fb[(yy)*f_w+(xx)]=*(cc);

void DrawWuLine(int X0, int Y0, int X1, int Y1, byte * BaseColor,
                int NumLevels, unsigned short IntensityBits)
    unsigned short IntensityShift, ErrorAdj, ErrorAcc;
    unsigned short ErrorAccTemp, Weighting, WeightingComplementMask;
    short DeltaX, DeltaY, Temp, XDir;

    /* Make sure the line runs top to bottom */
    if (Y0 > Y1)
        Temp = Y0;
        Y0 = Y1;
        Y1 = Temp;
        Temp = X0;
        X0 = X1;
        X1 = Temp;
    /* Draw the initial pixel, which is always exactly intersected by
       the line and so needs no weighting */
    PUTDOT(X0, Y0, &BaseColor[0], NULL);

    if ((DeltaX = X1 - X0) >= 0)
        XDir = 1;
        XDir = -1;
        DeltaX = -DeltaX;       /* make DeltaX positive */
    /* Special-case horizontal, vertical, and diagonal lines, which
       require no weighting because they go right through the center of
       every pixel */
    if ((DeltaY = Y1 - Y0) == 0)
        /* Horizontal line */
        while (DeltaX-- != 0)
            X0 += XDir;
            PUTDOT(X0, Y0, &BaseColor[0], NULL);
    if (DeltaX == 0)
        /* Vertical line */
            PUTDOT(X0, Y0, &BaseColor[0], NULL);
        while (--DeltaY != 0);
    //diagonal line.
    if (DeltaX == DeltaY)
            X0 += XDir;
            PUTDOT(X0, Y0, &BaseColor[0], NULL);
        while (--DeltaY != 0);
    /* Line is not horizontal, diagonal, or vertical */
    ErrorAcc = 0;               /* initialize the line error accumulator to 0 */
    /* # of bits by which to shift ErrorAcc to get intensity level */
    IntensityShift = 16 - IntensityBits;
    /* Mask used to flip all bits in an intensity weighting, producing the
       result (1 - intensity weighting) */
    WeightingComplementMask = NumLevels - 1;
    /* Is this an X-major or Y-major line? */
    if (DeltaY > DeltaX)
        /* Y-major line; calculate 16-bit fixed-point fractional part of a
           pixel that X advances each time Y advances 1 pixel, truncating the
           result so that we won't overrun the endpoint along the X axis */
        ErrorAdj = ((unsigned long) DeltaX << 16) / (unsigned long) DeltaY;
        /* Draw all pixels other than the first and last */
        while (--DeltaY)
            ErrorAccTemp = ErrorAcc;    /* remember currrent accumulated error */
            ErrorAcc += ErrorAdj;       /* calculate error for next pixel */
            if (ErrorAcc <= ErrorAccTemp)
                /* The error accumulator turned over, so advance the X coord */
                X0 += XDir;
            Y0++;               /* Y-major, so always advance Y */
            /* The IntensityBits most significant bits of ErrorAcc give us the
               intensity weighting for this pixel, and the complement of the
               weighting for the paired pixel */
            Weighting = ErrorAcc >> IntensityShift;
            PUTDOT(X0, Y0, &BaseColor[Weighting], &BaseColor[7]);
            PUTDOT(X0 + XDir, Y0,
                   &BaseColor[(Weighting ^ WeightingComplementMask)],
        /* Draw the final pixel, which is always exactly intersected by the line
           and so needs no weighting */
        PUTDOT(X1, Y1, &BaseColor[0], NULL);
    /* It's an X-major line; calculate 16-bit fixed-point fractional part of a
       pixel that Y advances each time X advances 1 pixel, truncating the
       result to avoid overrunning the endpoint along the X axis */
    ErrorAdj = ((unsigned long) DeltaY << 16) / (unsigned long) DeltaX;
    /* Draw all pixels other than the first and last */
    while (--DeltaX)
        ErrorAccTemp = ErrorAcc;        /* remember currrent accumulated error */
        ErrorAcc += ErrorAdj;   /* calculate error for next pixel */
        if (ErrorAcc <= ErrorAccTemp)
            /* The error accumulator turned over, so advance the Y coord */
        X0 += XDir;             /* X-major, so always advance X */
        /* The IntensityBits most significant bits of ErrorAcc give us the
           intensity weighting for this pixel, and the complement of the
           weighting for the paired pixel */
        Weighting = ErrorAcc >> IntensityShift;
        PUTDOT(X0, Y0, &BaseColor[Weighting], &BaseColor[7]);
        PUTDOT(X0, Y0 + 1,
               &BaseColor[(Weighting ^ WeightingComplementMask)],

    /* Draw the final pixel, which is always exactly intersected by the line
       and so needs no weighting */
    PUTDOT(X1, Y1, &BaseColor[0], NULL);

void AM_drawMline(mline_t * ml, int color)
    static fline_t fl;

    if (AM_clipMline(ml, &fl))
        AM_drawFline(&fl, color);       // draws it on frame buffer using fb coords


void AM_drawGrid(int color)
    fixed_t x, y;
    fixed_t start, end;
    mline_t ml;

    // Figure out start of vertical gridlines
    start = m_x;
    if ((start - bmaporgx) % (MAPBLOCKUNITS << FRACBITS))
        start += (MAPBLOCKUNITS << FRACBITS)
            - ((start - bmaporgx) % (MAPBLOCKUNITS << FRACBITS));
    end = m_x + m_w;

    // draw vertical gridlines
    ml.a.y = m_y;
    ml.b.y = m_y + m_h;
    for (x = start; x < end; x += (MAPBLOCKUNITS << FRACBITS))
        ml.a.x = x;
        ml.b.x = x;
        AM_drawMline(&ml, color);

    // Figure out start of horizontal gridlines
    start = m_y;
    if ((start - bmaporgy) % (MAPBLOCKUNITS << FRACBITS))
        start += (MAPBLOCKUNITS << FRACBITS)
            - ((start - bmaporgy) % (MAPBLOCKUNITS << FRACBITS));
    end = m_y + m_h;

    // draw horizontal gridlines
    ml.a.x = m_x;
    ml.b.x = m_x + m_w;
    for (y = start; y < end; y += (MAPBLOCKUNITS << FRACBITS))
        ml.a.y = y;
        ml.b.y = y;
        AM_drawMline(&ml, color);

void AM_drawWalls(void)
    int i;
    static mline_t l;

    for (i = 0; i < numlines; i++)
        l.a.x = lines[i].v1->x;
        l.a.y = lines[i].v1->y;
        l.b.x = lines[i].v2->x;
        l.b.y = lines[i].v2->y;
        if (cheating || (lines[i].flags & ML_MAPPED))
            if ((lines[i].flags & LINE_NEVERSEE) && !cheating)
            if (!lines[i].backsector)
                AM_drawMline(&l, WALLCOLORS + lightlev);
                if (lines[i].flags & ML_SECRET) // secret door
                    if (cheating)
                        AM_drawMline(&l, 0);
                        AM_drawMline(&l, WALLCOLORS + lightlev);
                else if (lines[i].special == 13 || lines[i].special == 83)
                {               // Locked door line -- all locked doors are greed
                    AM_drawMline(&l, GREENKEY);
                else if (lines[i].special == 70 || lines[i].special == 71)
                {               // intra-level teleports are blue
                    AM_drawMline(&l, BLUEKEY);
                else if (lines[i].special == 74 || lines[i].special == 75)
                {               // inter-level teleport/game-winning exit -- both are red
                    AM_drawMline(&l, BLOODRED);
                else if (lines[i].backsector->floorheight
                         != lines[i].frontsector->floorheight)
                    AM_drawMline(&l, FDWALLCOLORS + lightlev);  // floor level change
                else if (lines[i].backsector->ceilingheight
                         != lines[i].frontsector->ceilingheight)
                    AM_drawMline(&l, CDWALLCOLORS + lightlev);  // ceiling level change
                else if (cheating)
                    AM_drawMline(&l, TSWALLCOLORS + lightlev);
        else if (plr->powers[pw_allmap])
            if (!(lines[i].flags & LINE_NEVERSEE))
                AM_drawMline(&l, GRAYS + 3);


void AM_rotate(fixed_t * x, fixed_t * y, angle_t a)
    fixed_t tmpx;

    tmpx = FixedMul(*x, finecosine[a >> ANGLETOFINESHIFT])
        - FixedMul(*y, finesine[a >> ANGLETOFINESHIFT]);
    *y = FixedMul(*x, finesine[a >> ANGLETOFINESHIFT])
        + FixedMul(*y, finecosine[a >> ANGLETOFINESHIFT]);
    *x = tmpx;

void AM_drawLineCharacter(mline_t * lineguy, int lineguylines, fixed_t scale,
                          angle_t angle, int color, fixed_t x, fixed_t y)
    int i;
    mline_t l;

    for (i = 0; i < lineguylines; i++)
        l.a.x = lineguy[i].a.x;
        l.a.y = lineguy[i].a.y;
        if (scale)
            l.a.x = FixedMul(scale, l.a.x);
            l.a.y = FixedMul(scale, l.a.y);
        if (angle)
            AM_rotate(&l.a.x, &l.a.y, angle);
        l.a.x += x;
        l.a.y += y;

        l.b.x = lineguy[i].b.x;
        l.b.y = lineguy[i].b.y;
        if (scale)
            l.b.x = FixedMul(scale, l.b.x);
            l.b.y = FixedMul(scale, l.b.y);
        if (angle)
            AM_rotate(&l.b.x, &l.b.y, angle);
        l.b.x += x;
        l.b.y += y;

        AM_drawMline(&l, color);

void AM_drawPlayers(void)
    int i;
    player_t *p;
    static int their_colors[] = {
    int their_color = -1;
    int color;

    if (!netgame)
        AM_drawLineCharacter(player_arrow, NUMPLYRLINES, 0, plr->mo->angle,
                             WHITE, plr->mo->x, plr->mo->y);

    for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++)
        p = &players[i];
        if (deathmatch && !singledemo && p != plr)
        if (!playeringame[i])
        color = their_colors[their_color];
        AM_drawLineCharacter(player_arrow, NUMPLYRLINES, 0, p->mo->angle,
                             color, p->mo->x, p->mo->y);

void AM_drawThings(int colors, int colorrange)
    int i;
    mobj_t *t;

    for (i = 0; i < numsectors; i++)
        t = sectors[i].thinglist;
        while (t)
            AM_drawLineCharacter(thintriangle_guy, NUMTHINTRIANGLEGUYLINES,
                                 16 << FRACBITS, t->angle, colors + lightlev,
                                 t->x, t->y);
            t = t->snext;

void AM_drawMarks(void)
  int i, fx, fy, w, h;

  for (i=0;i<AM_NUMMARKPOINTS;i++)
    if (markpoints[i].x != -1)
      w = SHORT(marknums[i]->width);
      h = SHORT(marknums[i]->height);
      fx = CXMTOF(markpoints[i].x);
      fy = CYMTOF(markpoints[i].y);
      if (fx >= f_x && fx <= f_w - w && fy >= f_y && fy <= f_h - h)
  			V_DrawPatch(fx, fy, marknums[i]);
void AM_drawkeys(void)
	if(KeyPoints[0].x != 0 || KeyPoints[0].y != 0)
		AM_drawLineCharacter(keysquare, NUMKEYSQUARELINES, 0, 0, YELLOWKEY,
			KeyPoints[0].x, KeyPoints[0].y);
	if(KeyPoints[1].x != 0 || KeyPoints[1].y != 0)
		AM_drawLineCharacter(keysquare, NUMKEYSQUARELINES, 0, 0, GREENKEY,
			KeyPoints[1].x, KeyPoints[1].y);
	if(KeyPoints[2].x != 0 || KeyPoints[2].y != 0)
		AM_drawLineCharacter(keysquare, NUMKEYSQUARELINES, 0, 0, BLUEKEY,
			KeyPoints[2].x, KeyPoints[2].y);

void AM_drawCrosshair(int color)
  fb[(f_w*(f_h+1))/2] = color; // single point for now

void AM_Drawer(void)
    if (!automapactive)

    UpdateState |= I_FULLSCRN;
    if (grid)

    if (cheating == 2)

//  AM_drawCrosshair(XHAIRCOLORS);
//  AM_drawMarks();
//      if(gameskill == sk_baby) AM_drawkeys();

    MN_DrTextA(P_GetMapName(gamemap), 38, 144);
    if (ShowKills && netgame && deathmatch)
//  I_Update();
//  V_MarkRect(f_x, f_y, f_w, f_h);


// AM_DrawDeathmatchStats

// 8-player note:  Proper player color names here, too

char *PlayerColorText[MAXPLAYERS] = {

void AM_DrawDeathmatchStats(void)
    int i, j, k, m;
    int fragCount[MAXPLAYERS];
    int order[MAXPLAYERS];
    char textBuffer[80];
    int yPosition;

    for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++)
        fragCount[i] = 0;
        order[i] = -1;
    for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++)
        if (!playeringame[i])
            for (j = 0; j < MAXPLAYERS; j++)
                if (playeringame[j])
                    fragCount[i] += players[i].frags[j];
            for (k = 0; k < MAXPLAYERS; k++)
                if (order[k] == -1)
                    order[k] = i;
                else if (fragCount[i] > fragCount[order[k]])
                    for (m = MAXPLAYERS - 1; m > k; m--)
                        order[m] = order[m - 1];
                    order[k] = i;
    yPosition = 15;
    for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++)
        if (!playeringame[order[i]])
            MN_DrTextA(PlayerColorText[order[i]], 8, yPosition);
            sprintf(textBuffer, "%d", fragCount[order[i]]);
            MN_DrTextA(textBuffer, 80, yPosition);
            yPosition += 10;

// DrawWorldTimer

static void DrawWorldTimer(void)
    int days;
    int hours;
    int minutes;
    int seconds;
    int worldTimer;
    char timeBuffer[15];
    char dayBuffer[20];

    worldTimer = players[consoleplayer].worldTimer;

    worldTimer /= 35;
    days = worldTimer / 86400;
    worldTimer -= days * 86400;
    hours = worldTimer / 3600;
    worldTimer -= hours * 3600;
    minutes = worldTimer / 60;
    worldTimer -= minutes * 60;
    seconds = worldTimer;

    sprintf(timeBuffer, "%.2d : %.2d : %.2d", hours, minutes, seconds);
    MN_DrTextA(timeBuffer, 240, 8);

    if (days)
        if (days == 1)
            sprintf(dayBuffer, "%.2d DAY", days);
            sprintf(dayBuffer, "%.2d DAYS", days);
        MN_DrTextA(dayBuffer, 240, 20);
        if (days >= 5)
            MN_DrTextA("YOU FREAK!!!", 230, 35);