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dir: /src/mus2mid.c/

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// Emacs style mode select   -*- C++ -*- 
// Copyright(C) 1993-1996 Id Software, Inc.
// Copyright(C) 2005 Simon Howard
// Copyright(C) 2006 Ben Ryves 2006
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
// of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
// 02111-1307, USA.
// mus2mid.c - Ben Ryves 2006 - - [email protected]
// Use to convert a MUS file into a single track, type 0 MIDI file.

#include <stdio.h>

#include "doomtype.h"
#include "m_swap.h"

#include "memio.h"
#include "mus2mid.h"

// MUS event codes
typedef enum 
	mus_releasekey = 0x00,
	mus_presskey = 0x10,
	mus_pitchwheel = 0x20,
	mus_systemevent = 0x30,
	mus_changecontroller = 0x40,
	mus_scoreend = 0x60
} musevent;

// MIDI event codes
typedef enum 
	midi_releasekey = 0x80,
	midi_presskey = 0x90,
	midi_aftertouchkey = 0xA0,
	midi_changecontroller = 0xB0,
	midi_changepatch = 0xC0,
	midi_aftertouchchannel = 0xD0,
	midi_pitchwheel = 0xE0
} midievent;

// Structure to hold MUS file header
typedef struct 
	byte id[4];
	unsigned short scorelength;
	unsigned short scorestart;
	unsigned short primarychannels;
	unsigned short secondarychannels;
	unsigned short instrumentcount;
} musheader;

// Standard MIDI type 0 header + track header
static byte midiheader[] = 
	'M', 'T', 'h', 'd',     // Main header
	0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x06, // Header size
	0x00, 0x00,             // MIDI type (0)
	0x00, 0x01,             // Number of tracks
	0x00, 0x46,             // Resolution
	'M', 'T', 'r', 'k',		// Start of track
	0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00  // Placeholder for track length

// Cached channel velocities
static byte channelvelocities[] = 
	127, 127, 127, 127, 127, 127, 127, 127, 
	127, 127, 127, 127, 127, 127, 127, 127 

// Timestamps between sequences of MUS events

static unsigned int queuedtime = 0; 

// Counter for the length of the track

static unsigned int tracksize = 0; 

static byte mus2midi_translation[] = 
	0x00, 0x20, 0x01, 0x07, 0x0A, 0x0B, 0x5B, 0x5D,
	0x40, 0x43, 0x78, 0x7B, 0x7E, 0x7F, 0x79 

// Write timestamp to a MIDI file.

static boolean midi_writetime(unsigned int time, MEMFILE *midioutput) 
	unsigned int buffer = time & 0x7F;
	byte writeval;

	while ((time >>= 7) != 0) 
		buffer <<= 8;
		buffer |= ((time & 0x7F) | 0x80);

	for (;;) 
		writeval = (byte)(buffer & 0xFF);

		if (mem_fwrite(&writeval, 1, 1, midioutput) != 1) 
			return true;


		if ((buffer & 0x80) != 0) 
			buffer >>= 8;
			queuedtime = 0;
			return false;

// Write the end of track marker
static boolean midi_writeendtrack(MEMFILE *midioutput) 
	byte endtrack[] = {0xFF, 0x2F, 0x00};

	if (midi_writetime(queuedtime, midioutput)) 
		return true;

	if (mem_fwrite(endtrack, 1, 3, midioutput) != 3) 
		return true;

	tracksize += 3;
	return false;

// Write a key press event
static boolean midi_writepresskey(byte channel, byte key, 
                                  byte velocity, MEMFILE *midioutput) 
	byte working = midi_presskey | channel;

	if (midi_writetime(queuedtime, midioutput)) 
		return true;

	if (mem_fwrite(&working, 1, 1, midioutput) != 1) 
		return true;

	working = key & 0x7F;

	if (mem_fwrite(&working, 1, 1, midioutput) != 1) 
		return true;
	working = velocity & 0x7F;
	if (mem_fwrite(&working, 1, 1, midioutput) != 1) 
		return true;

	tracksize += 3;

	return false;

// Write a key release event
static boolean midi_writereleasekey(byte channel, byte key, 
                                    MEMFILE *midioutput) 
	byte working = midi_releasekey | channel;

	if (midi_writetime(queuedtime, midioutput)) 
		return true;

	if (mem_fwrite(&working, 1, 1, midioutput) != 1) 
		return true;

	working = key & 0x7F;

	if (mem_fwrite(&working, 1, 1, midioutput) != 1) 
		return true;

	working = 0;

	if (mem_fwrite(&working, 1, 1, midioutput) != 1) 
		return true;

	tracksize += 3;

	return false;

// Write a pitch wheel/bend event
static boolean midi_writepitchwheel(byte channel, short wheel, 
                                    MEMFILE *midioutput) 
	byte working = midi_pitchwheel | channel;

	if (midi_writetime(queuedtime, midioutput)) 
		return true;

	if (mem_fwrite(&working, 1, 1, midioutput) != 1) 
		return true;

	working = wheel & 0x7F;

	if (mem_fwrite(&working, 1, 1, midioutput) != 1) 
		return true;

	working = (wheel >> 7) & 0x7F;

	if (mem_fwrite(&working, 1, 1, midioutput) != 1) 
		return true;

	tracksize += 3;
	return false;

// Write a patch change event
static boolean midi_writechangepatch(byte channel, byte patch,
                                     MEMFILE *midioutput) 
	byte working = midi_changepatch | channel;
	if (midi_writetime(queuedtime, midioutput)) 
		return true;

	if (mem_fwrite(&working, 1, 1, midioutput) != 1) 
		return true;

	working = patch & 0x7F;

	if (mem_fwrite(&working, 1, 1, midioutput) != 1) 
		return true;

	tracksize += 2;

	return false;

// Write a valued controller change event
static boolean midi_writechangecontroller_valued(byte channel, 
                                                 byte control, 
                                                 byte value, 
                                                 MEMFILE *midioutput) 
	byte working = midi_changecontroller | channel;

	if (midi_writetime(queuedtime, midioutput)) 
		return true;

	if (mem_fwrite(&working, 1, 1, midioutput) != 1) 
		return true;

	working = control & 0x7F;

	if (mem_fwrite(&working, 1, 1, midioutput) != 1) 
		return true;
	// Quirk in vanilla DOOM? MUS controller values should be 
	// 7-bit, not 8-bit.

	working = value;// & 0x7F; 

	// Fix on said quirk to stop MIDI players from complaining that 
	// the value is out of range:

	if (working & 0x80) 
		working = 0x7F;

	if (mem_fwrite(&working, 1, 1, midioutput) != 1) 
		return true;

	tracksize += 3;

	return false;

// Write a valueless controller change event
static boolean midi_writechangecontroller_valueless(byte channel, 
                                                    byte control, 
                                                    MEMFILE *midioutput) 
	return midi_writechangecontroller_valued(channel, control, 0, 

static boolean read_musheader(MEMFILE *file, musheader *header)
	boolean result;

	result = (mem_fread(&header->id, sizeof(byte), 4, file) == 4)
              && (mem_fread(&header->scorelength, sizeof(short), 1, file) == 1)
              && (mem_fread(&header->scorestart, sizeof(short), 1, file) == 1)
              && (mem_fread(&header->primarychannels, sizeof(short), 1, file) == 1)
              && (mem_fread(&header->secondarychannels, sizeof(short), 1, file) == 1)
              && (mem_fread(&header->instrumentcount, sizeof(short), 1, file) == 1);

	if (result)
		header->scorelength = SHORT(header->scorelength);
		header->scorestart = SHORT(header->scorestart);
		header->primarychannels = SHORT(header->primarychannels);
		header->secondarychannels = SHORT(header->secondarychannels);
		header->instrumentcount = SHORT(header->instrumentcount);

	return result;

// Read a MUS file from a stream (musinput) and output a MIDI file to 
// a stream (midioutput).
// Returns 0 on success or 1 on failure.

boolean mus2mid(MEMFILE *musinput, MEMFILE *midioutput) 
	// Header for the MUS file
	musheader musfileheader;         

	// Descriptor for the current MUS event
	byte eventdescriptor;   
	int channel; // Channel number
	musevent event; 

	// Bunch of vars read from MUS lump
	byte key;
	byte controllernumber;
	byte controllervalue;

	// Buffer used for MIDI track size record
	byte tracksizebuffer[4]; 

	// Flag for when the score end marker is hit.
	int hitscoreend = 0; 

	// Temp working byte
	byte working; 
	// Used in building up time delays
	unsigned int timedelay; 

	// Grab the header

	if (!read_musheader(musinput, &musfileheader))
		return true;

	// Check MUS header
	if ([0] != 'M' 
	 ||[1] != 'U' 
	 ||[2] != 'S' 
	 ||[3] != 0x1A) 
		return true;

	// Seek to where the data is held
	if (mem_fseek(musinput, (long)musfileheader.scorestart, SEEK_SET) != 0) 
		return true;

	// So, we can assume the MUS file is faintly legit. Let's start 
	// writing MIDI data...

	mem_fwrite(midiheader, 1, sizeof(midiheader), midioutput);

	// Now, process the MUS file:
	while (!hitscoreend) 
		// Handle a block of events:

		while (!hitscoreend) 
			// Fetch channel number and event code:

			if (mem_fread(&eventdescriptor, 1, 1, musinput) != 1) 
				return true;

			channel = eventdescriptor & 0x0F;
			event = eventdescriptor & 0x70;

			// Swap channels 15 and 9.
			// MIDI channel 9 = percussion.
			// MUS channel 15 = percussion.

			if (channel == 15) 
				channel = 9;
			else if (channel == 9) 
				channel = 15;
			switch (event) 
				case mus_releasekey:
					if (mem_fread(&key, 1, 1, musinput) != 1) 
						return true;

					if (midi_writereleasekey(channel, key, midioutput)) 
						return true;

				case mus_presskey:
					if (mem_fread(&key, 1, 1, musinput) != 1) 
						return true;

					if (key & 0x80) 
						if (mem_fread(&channelvelocities[channel], 1, 1, musinput) != 1) 
							return true;

						channelvelocities[channel] &= 0x7F;

					if (midi_writepresskey(channel, key, channelvelocities[channel], midioutput)) 
						return true;


				case mus_pitchwheel:
					if (mem_fread(&key, 1, 1, musinput) != 1) 
					if (midi_writepitchwheel(channel, (short)(key * 64), midioutput)) 
						return true;

				case mus_systemevent:
					if (mem_fread(&controllernumber, 1, 1, musinput) != 1) 
						return true;
					if (controllernumber < 10 || controllernumber > 14) 
						return true;

					if (midi_writechangecontroller_valueless(channel, mus2midi_translation[controllernumber], midioutput)) 
						return true;

				case mus_changecontroller:
					if (mem_fread(&controllernumber, 1, 1, musinput) != 1) 
						return true;

					if (mem_fread(&controllervalue, 1, 1, musinput) != 1) 
						return true;

					if (controllernumber == 0) 
						if (midi_writechangepatch(channel, controllervalue, midioutput)) 
							return true;
						if (controllernumber < 1 || controllernumber > 9) 
							return true;

						if (midi_writechangecontroller_valued(channel, mus2midi_translation[controllernumber], controllervalue, midioutput)) 
							return true;

				case mus_scoreend:
					hitscoreend = 1;

					return true;

			if (eventdescriptor & 0x80) 
		// Now we need to read the time code:
		if (!hitscoreend) 
			timedelay = 0;
			for (;;) 
				if (mem_fread(&working, 1, 1, musinput) != 1) 
					return true;

				timedelay = timedelay * 128 + (working & 0x7F);
				if ((working & 0x80) == 0) 
			queuedtime += timedelay;

	// End of track
	if (midi_writeendtrack(midioutput)) 
		return true;

	// Write the track size into the stream
	if (mem_fseek(midioutput, 18, SEEK_SET)) 
		return true;

        tracksizebuffer[0] = (tracksize >> 24) & 0xff;
        tracksizebuffer[1] = (tracksize >> 16) & 0xff;
        tracksizebuffer[2] = (tracksize >> 8) & 0xff;
        tracksizebuffer[3] = tracksize & 0xff;

	if (mem_fwrite(tracksizebuffer, 1, 4, midioutput) != 4) 
		return true;

	return false;