Added code (some possibly temporary?) to load voices.wad. Fixed several
+ P_RemoveInventoryItem and P_DropInventoryItem implemented
Minor reformatting in p_map.c, and found some code hex-rays was ignoring
+ P_GiveItemToPlayer fleshed out
- Add missing files to libtextscreen project
Changed MELEERANGE back to 64 and defined a new PLAYERMELEERANGE to be
+ Fixed a minor fluke in P_ChangeSwitchTexture
Post-merge fixes: Created project for OPL library. Fixed OPL library to
+ Broken glass implementation
+ More codepointers implemented
Changed mobj_t::allegiance to mobj_t::miscdata due to the fact it has
Update dehacked field names for beginnings of SeHacked support.
Fix static function mismatch build error.
Numbered most of the sprite enums for easy reference. Added more
Small comment change, tabs out of M_Responder for editability.
Functional menupause/menupausetime, fix to wait when there's not a
+ Converting needamountx and needitemx to arrays in choice struct
Proper dialog jumptoconv logic, and more commenting in P_DialogStart.
+ Update to mapdialog struct
+ Added check if linetarget is null in P_StartDialog
Bind appropriate configuration values for Strife in setup tool, and add
Use strife1.wad as IWAD, and strife.cfg as the main config file (not
Add p_dialog.[ch] to Makefile.
+ P_DialogStart implemented
Minor tweaks to some action functions, more comments as always, removed
+ P_DialogStart implemented
+ All linedef flags added
+ Translucent sprites - initial implementation
+ Corrected some mistakes in P_ZMovement
+ Vissprite clipping for MF_FEETCLIPPED flag
+ Fixed typo in A_SentinelAttack
+ More codepointers implemented
Fixes to Inquisitor grenades, Loremaster hookshot spawn, and
+ P_ThrustMobj implemented
Minor reformatting, added some comments, and fixed P_SpawnFacingMissile
+ More codepointers implemented
Comment fix, and enabled player's extreme death sound.
+ Un-inlined P_NewRandomDir
Started some second-hand verification and added more comments to p_pspr.
- Remove useless from project
- Add p_dialog.* to codeblocks project
Corrections to some of Kaiser's previous commits. Also, significant work
+ P_NewRandomDir function added
+ Strife translation tables implemented
Remove an order-of-evaluation dependency with respect to P_Random().
+ A_FireSigil implemented
+ p_pspr.c almost completed. Needs A_FireSigil to be implemented
+ Found nearly duplicate names (MT_MINIMISSLE and MT_MINIMISLE).
+ Map flags for things added (MTF_*)
+ Update to P_SpawnSubMissile, portions of the code was from a inlin'ed
+ P_SpawnSubMissile created/added
Minor reformatting and elimination of a redundant branch condition
Code to read dialog lump field-by-field to avoid any possible problems
+ More button flags added to buttoncode_e
Added p_dialog module and header. Started work on dialog engine.
Add configuration to setup tool for Strife, and Strife IWAD mask
Added Strife keys to configuration. Note that this *depends* on the
+ Jumping/look/centerview actions added
Tweaks to Kaiser's PIT_CheckThing work: moved up thing == tmthing check,
- Add strife codeblocks project file
+ Update to PIT_CheckThing
+ Thing z height clipping code added
Started work on status bar, including loading and drawing some of the
+ Removing debug/testing code (whoops)
+ Terrain type system implemented
Handle green palette flash powered by player->nukagecount, and added
Replace M_NEWG with M_NGAME in menus, disable DOOM status bar, and get
+ All doom mobjtypes commented out or replaced as placeholders
+ All doom mobjtypes commented out or replaced as placeholders
+ Stripped out all doom states/sprites and added strife states/sprites.
MAXANIMS raised from 32 to 40 to match binary and stop semi-random
+ Update to ticcmd struct
Revamped player_t to match binary layout of structure, aside from
+ Strife music/sound implemented
Reenabled modifiedgame check since Strife IWAD is now loadable. Extended
Added animdefs, and raised visplane limit to 200 to match binary.
+ Change to patch/maptexture data structure
Temporarily disable I_Error in P_SpawnMapThing to allow testing with
Added declaration and definition of menupause variable. Also uncommented
+ Implementation of line type 666 'P_MoveWall'
Added voice volume and back flat configuration variables. Made status
Added patch clipping callback mechanism, since Strife needs to modify
Changes to add all 3 help screens, and to draw menu thermometers
Include INSTALL file in distribution packages.
Added crossfade wipe and code to load XLATAB lump. Changes to the menu
Added riftSpots and fleshed out Strife level exit behavior as far as
Removed storedemo and Chex Quest cruft, adjusted screenwipe loop timing,
Made some repairs to VC2008 solution and added Chocolate Strife project.
Change span drawing functions to work the same as Vanilla, so that in