ref: 8b8c8bf3d131445ae13cdfacdb7bb393561da0c4
dir: /src/hexen/p_spec.h/
// // Copyright(C) 1993-1996 Id Software, Inc. // Copyright(C) 1993-2008 Raven Software // Copyright(C) 2005-2014 Simon Howard // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 // of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // extern int *TerrainTypes; // // scrolling line specials // #define MAXLINEANIMS 64 extern short numlinespecials; extern line_t *linespeciallist[MAXLINEANIMS]; // Define values for map objects #define MO_TELEPORTMAN 14 // at game start void P_InitTerrainTypes(void); void P_InitLava(void); // at map load void P_SpawnSpecials(void); // every tic void P_UpdateSpecials(void); // when needed boolean P_ExecuteLineSpecial(int special, byte * args, line_t * line, int side, mobj_t * mo); boolean P_ActivateLine(line_t * ld, mobj_t * mo, int side, int activationType); //boolean P_UseSpecialLine ( mobj_t *thing, line_t *line); //void P_ShootSpecialLine ( mobj_t *thing, line_t *line); //void P_CrossSpecialLine (int linenum, int side, mobj_t *thing); void P_PlayerInSpecialSector(player_t * player); void P_PlayerOnSpecialFlat(player_t * player, int floorType); //int twoSided(int sector,int line); //sector_t *getSector(int currentSector,int line,int side); //side_t *getSide(int currentSector,int line, int side); fixed_t P_FindLowestFloorSurrounding(sector_t * sec); fixed_t P_FindHighestFloorSurrounding(sector_t * sec); fixed_t P_FindNextHighestFloor(sector_t * sec, int currentheight); fixed_t P_FindLowestCeilingSurrounding(sector_t * sec); fixed_t P_FindHighestCeilingSurrounding(sector_t * sec); //int P_FindSectorFromLineTag(line_t *line,int start); int P_FindSectorFromTag(int tag, int start); //int P_FindMinSurroundingLight(sector_t *sector,int max); sector_t *getNextSector(line_t * line, sector_t * sec); line_t *P_FindLine(int lineTag, int *searchPosition); // // SPECIAL // //int EV_DoDonut(line_t *line); //------------------------------- // P_anim.c //------------------------------- void P_AnimateSurfaces(void); void P_InitFTAnims(void); void P_InitLightning(void); void P_ForceLightning(void); /* =============================================================================== P_LIGHTS =============================================================================== */ typedef enum { LITE_RAISEBYVALUE, LITE_LOWERBYVALUE, LITE_CHANGETOVALUE, LITE_FADE, LITE_GLOW, LITE_FLICKER, LITE_STROBE } lighttype_t; typedef struct { thinker_t thinker; sector_t *sector; lighttype_t type; int value1; int value2; int tics1; int tics2; int count; } light_t; typedef struct { thinker_t thinker; sector_t *sector; int index; int base; } phase_t; #define LIGHT_SEQUENCE_START 2 #define LIGHT_SEQUENCE 3 #define LIGHT_SEQUENCE_ALT 4 void T_Phase(phase_t * phase); void T_Light(light_t * light); void P_SpawnPhasedLight(sector_t * sector, int base, int index); void P_SpawnLightSequence(sector_t * sector, int indexStep); boolean EV_SpawnLight(line_t * line, byte * arg, lighttype_t type); #if 0 typedef struct { thinker_t thinker; sector_t *sector; int count; int maxlight; int minlight; int maxtime; int mintime; } lightflash_t; typedef struct { thinker_t thinker; sector_t *sector; int count; int minlight; int maxlight; int darktime; int brighttime; } strobe_t; typedef struct { thinker_t thinker; sector_t *sector; int minlight; int maxlight; int direction; } glow_t; typedef struct { thinker_t thinker; sector_t *sector; int index; int base; } phase_t; #define GLOWSPEED 8 #define STROBEBRIGHT 5 #define FASTDARK 15 #define SLOWDARK 35 #define LIGHT_SEQUENCE_START 2 #define LIGHT_SEQUENCE 3 #define LIGHT_SEQUENCE_ALT 4 void T_LightFlash(lightflash_t * flash); void P_SpawnLightFlash(sector_t * sector); void T_StrobeFlash(strobe_t * flash); void P_SpawnStrobeFlash(sector_t * sector, int fastOrSlow, int inSync); void EV_StartLightStrobing(line_t * line); void EV_TurnTagLightsOff(line_t * line); void EV_LightTurnOn(line_t * line, int bright); void T_Glow(glow_t * g); void P_SpawnGlowingLight(sector_t * sector); void T_Phase(phase_t * phase); void P_SpawnPhasedLight(sector_t * sector, int base, int index); void P_SpawnLightSequence(sector_t * sector, int indexStep); #endif /* =============================================================================== P_SWITCH =============================================================================== */ typedef struct { char name1[9]; char name2[9]; int soundID; } switchlist_t; typedef enum { SWTCH_TOP, SWTCH_MIDDLE, SWTCH_BOTTOM } bwhere_e; typedef struct { line_t *line; bwhere_e where; int btexture; int btimer; mobj_t *soundorg; } button_t; #define MAXSWITCHES 50 // max # of wall switches in a level #define MAXBUTTONS 16 // 4 players, 4 buttons each at once, max. #define BUTTONTIME 35 // 1 second extern button_t buttonlist[MAXBUTTONS]; void P_ChangeSwitchTexture(line_t * line, int useAgain); void P_InitSwitchList(void); /* =============================================================================== P_PLATS =============================================================================== */ typedef enum { PLAT_UP, PLAT_DOWN, PLAT_WAITING, // PLAT_IN_STASIS } plat_e; typedef enum { PLAT_PERPETUALRAISE, PLAT_DOWNWAITUPSTAY, PLAT_DOWNBYVALUEWAITUPSTAY, PLAT_UPWAITDOWNSTAY, PLAT_UPBYVALUEWAITDOWNSTAY, //PLAT_RAISEANDCHANGE, //PLAT_RAISETONEARESTANDCHANGE } plattype_e; typedef struct { thinker_t thinker; sector_t *sector; fixed_t speed; fixed_t low; fixed_t high; int wait; int count; plat_e status; plat_e oldstatus; int crush; int tag; plattype_e type; } plat_t; #define PLATWAIT 3 #define PLATSPEED FRACUNIT #define MAXPLATS 30 extern plat_t *activeplats[MAXPLATS]; void T_PlatRaise(plat_t * plat); int EV_DoPlat(line_t * line, byte * args, plattype_e type, int amount); void P_AddActivePlat(plat_t * plat); void P_RemoveActivePlat(plat_t * plat); void EV_StopPlat(line_t * line, byte * args); /* =============================================================================== P_DOORS =============================================================================== */ typedef enum { DREV_NORMAL, DREV_CLOSE30THENOPEN, DREV_CLOSE, DREV_OPEN, DREV_RAISEIN5MINS, } vldoor_e; typedef struct { thinker_t thinker; sector_t *sector; vldoor_e type; fixed_t topheight; fixed_t speed; int direction; // 1 = up, 0 = waiting at top, -1 = down int topwait; // tics to wait at the top (keep in case a door going down is reset) int topcountdown; // when it reaches 0, start going down } vldoor_t; #define VDOORSPEED FRACUNIT*2 #define VDOORWAIT 150 boolean EV_VerticalDoor(line_t * line, mobj_t * thing); int EV_DoDoor(line_t * line, byte * args, vldoor_e type); void T_VerticalDoor(vldoor_t * door); //void P_SpawnDoorCloseIn30(sector_t *sec); //void P_SpawnDoorRaiseIn5Mins(sector_t *sec, int secnum); /* =============================================================================== P_CEILNG =============================================================================== */ typedef enum { CLEV_LOWERTOFLOOR, CLEV_RAISETOHIGHEST, CLEV_LOWERANDCRUSH, CLEV_CRUSHANDRAISE, CLEV_LOWERBYVALUE, CLEV_RAISEBYVALUE, CLEV_CRUSHRAISEANDSTAY, CLEV_MOVETOVALUETIMES8 } ceiling_e; typedef struct { thinker_t thinker; sector_t *sector; ceiling_e type; fixed_t bottomheight, topheight; fixed_t speed; int crush; int direction; // 1 = up, 0 = waiting, -1 = down int tag; // ID int olddirection; } ceiling_t; #define CEILSPEED FRACUNIT #define CEILWAIT 150 #define MAXCEILINGS 30 extern ceiling_t *activeceilings[MAXCEILINGS]; int EV_DoCeiling(line_t * line, byte * args, ceiling_e type); void T_MoveCeiling(ceiling_t * ceiling); void P_AddActiveCeiling(ceiling_t * c); void P_RemoveActiveCeiling(ceiling_t * c); int EV_CeilingCrushStop(line_t * line, byte * args); /* =============================================================================== P_FLOOR =============================================================================== */ typedef enum { FLEV_LOWERFLOOR, // lower floor to highest surrounding floor FLEV_LOWERFLOORTOLOWEST, // lower floor to lowest surrounding floor FLEV_LOWERFLOORBYVALUE, FLEV_RAISEFLOOR, // raise floor to lowest surrounding CEILING FLEV_RAISEFLOORTONEAREST, // raise floor to next highest surrounding floor FLEV_RAISEFLOORBYVALUE, FLEV_RAISEFLOORCRUSH, FLEV_RAISEBUILDSTEP, // One step of a staircase FLEV_RAISEBYVALUETIMES8, FLEV_LOWERBYVALUETIMES8, FLEV_LOWERTIMES8INSTANT, FLEV_RAISETIMES8INSTANT, FLEV_MOVETOVALUETIMES8 } floor_e; typedef struct { thinker_t thinker; sector_t *sector; floor_e type; int crush; int direction; int newspecial; short texture; fixed_t floordestheight; fixed_t speed; int delayCount; int delayTotal; fixed_t stairsDelayHeight; fixed_t stairsDelayHeightDelta; fixed_t resetHeight; short resetDelay; short resetDelayCount; byte textureChange; } floormove_t; typedef struct { thinker_t thinker; sector_t *sector; int ceilingSpeed; int floorSpeed; int floordest; int ceilingdest; int direction; int crush; } pillar_t; typedef struct { thinker_t thinker; sector_t *sector; fixed_t originalHeight; fixed_t accumulator; fixed_t accDelta; fixed_t targetScale; fixed_t scale; fixed_t scaleDelta; int ticker; int state; } floorWaggle_t; #define FLOORSPEED FRACUNIT typedef enum { RES_OK, RES_CRUSHED, RES_PASTDEST } result_e; typedef enum { STAIRS_NORMAL, STAIRS_SYNC, STAIRS_PHASED } stairs_e; result_e T_MovePlane(sector_t * sector, fixed_t speed, fixed_t dest, int crush, int floorOrCeiling, int direction); int EV_BuildStairs(line_t * line, byte * args, int direction, stairs_e type); int EV_DoFloor(line_t * line, byte * args, floor_e floortype); void T_MoveFloor(floormove_t * floor); void T_BuildPillar(pillar_t * pillar); void T_FloorWaggle(floorWaggle_t * waggle); int EV_BuildPillar(line_t * line, byte * args, boolean crush); int EV_OpenPillar(line_t * line, byte * args); int EV_DoFloorAndCeiling(line_t * line, byte * args, boolean raise); int EV_FloorCrushStop(line_t * line, byte * args); boolean EV_StartFloorWaggle(int tag, int height, int speed, int offset, int timer); //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // p_telept // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- boolean P_Teleport(mobj_t * thing, fixed_t x, fixed_t y, angle_t angle, boolean useFog); boolean EV_Teleport(int tid, mobj_t * thing, boolean fog); //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // p_acs // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define MAX_ACS_SCRIPT_VARS 10 #define MAX_ACS_MAP_VARS 32 #define MAX_ACS_WORLD_VARS 64 #define ACS_STACK_DEPTH 32 #define MAX_ACS_STORE 20 typedef enum { ASTE_INACTIVE, ASTE_RUNNING, ASTE_SUSPENDED, ASTE_WAITINGFORTAG, ASTE_WAITINGFORPOLY, ASTE_WAITINGFORSCRIPT, ASTE_TERMINATING } aste_t; typedef struct acs_s acs_t; typedef struct acsInfo_s acsInfo_t; struct acsInfo_s { int number; int offset; int argCount; aste_t state; int waitValue; }; struct acs_s { thinker_t thinker; mobj_t *activator; line_t *line; int side; int number; int infoIndex; int delayCount; int stack[ACS_STACK_DEPTH]; int stackPtr; int vars[MAX_ACS_SCRIPT_VARS]; int ip; }; typedef struct { int map; // Target map int script; // Script number on target map byte args[4]; // Padded to 4 for alignment } acsstore_t; void P_LoadACScripts(int lump); boolean P_StartACS(int number, int map, byte * args, mobj_t * activator, line_t * line, int side); boolean P_StartLockedACS(line_t * line, byte * args, mobj_t * mo, int side); boolean P_TerminateACS(int number, int map); boolean P_SuspendACS(int number, int map); void T_InterpretACS(acs_t * script); void P_TagFinished(int tag); void P_PolyobjFinished(int po); void P_ACSInitNewGame(void); void P_CheckACSStore(void); void CheckACSPresent(int number); extern int ACScriptCount; extern byte *ActionCodeBase; extern acsInfo_t *ACSInfo; extern int MapVars[MAX_ACS_MAP_VARS]; extern int WorldVars[MAX_ACS_WORLD_VARS]; extern acsstore_t ACSStore[MAX_ACS_STORE + 1]; // +1 for termination marker //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // p_things // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- extern mobjtype_t TranslateThingType[]; boolean EV_ThingProjectile(byte * args, boolean gravity); boolean EV_ThingSpawn(byte * args, boolean fog); boolean EV_ThingActivate(int tid); boolean EV_ThingDeactivate(int tid); boolean EV_ThingRemove(int tid); boolean EV_ThingDestroy(int tid);