shithub: choc

ref: 84a05be9dbc9d1b181670f8fd7e036bbe691d856
dir: /textscreen/examples/guitest.c/

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#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

#include "textscreen.h"

char *radio_values[] = { "Badger", "Mushroom", "Snake" };
char *textbox_value = NULL;
int numbox_value = 0;
int radiobutton_value;
txt_label_t *value_label;
txt_window_t *firstwin;
int cheesy;

void ClosePwnBox(TXT_UNCAST_ARG(widget), TXT_UNCAST_ARG(window))
    TXT_CAST_ARG(txt_window_t, window);


void PwnBox(TXT_UNCAST_ARG(widget), void *user_data)
    txt_window_t *window;
    txt_window_action_t *close_button;
    window = TXT_NewWindow("Pwned!");
    TXT_AddWidget(window, TXT_NewLabel(" BOOM! HEADSHOT! "));

    close_button = TXT_NewWindowAction(KEY_ENTER, "Close");
    TXT_SignalConnect(close_button, "pressed", ClosePwnBox, window);

    TXT_SetWindowAction(window, TXT_HORIZ_LEFT, NULL);
    TXT_SetWindowAction(window, TXT_HORIZ_RIGHT, close_button);

void UpdateLabel(TXT_UNCAST_ARG(widget), void *user_data)
    char buf[40];
    strcpy(buf, " Current value: ");
    if (cheesy)
        strcat(buf, "Cheesy ");
    strcat(buf, radio_values[radiobutton_value]);
    strcat(buf, "\n");

    TXT_SetLabel(value_label, buf);

void CloseWindow(TXT_UNCAST_ARG(button), void *user_data)

void SetupWindow(void)
    txt_window_t *window;
    txt_table_t *table;
    txt_table_t *rightpane;
    txt_checkbox_t *cheesy_checkbox;
    txt_window_action_t *pwn;
    txt_label_t *toplabel;
    char buf[100];
    int i;
    window = TXT_NewWindow("Window test");

    TXT_AddWidget(window, TXT_NewSeparator("Main section"));
    table = TXT_NewTable(3);

    toplabel = TXT_NewLabel("This is a multiline label.\n"
                            "A single label object contains \n"
                            "all three of these lines.\n");
    TXT_AddWidget(window, toplabel);
    TXT_SetWidgetAlign(toplabel, TXT_HORIZ_CENTER);

    //TXT_AddWidget(window, TXT_NewScrollPane(15, 4, table));
    TXT_AddWidget(window, table);

    for (i=0; i<5; ++i)
        sprintf(buf, "Option %i in a table:", i + 1);
        TXT_AddWidget(table, TXT_NewLabel(buf));
        sprintf(buf, " Button %i-1 ", i + 1);
        TXT_AddWidget(table, TXT_NewButton(buf));
        sprintf(buf, " Button %i-2 ", i + 1);
        TXT_AddWidget(table, TXT_NewButton(buf));

    TXT_AddWidget(window, TXT_NewStrut(0, 1));
    value_label = TXT_NewLabel("");
    TXT_AddWidget(window, value_label);

    table = TXT_NewTable(2);
    TXT_AddWidget(window, table);
    TXT_SetWidgetAlign(table, TXT_HORIZ_CENTER);

    cheesy_checkbox = TXT_NewCheckBox("Cheesy", &cheesy);
    TXT_AddWidget(table, cheesy_checkbox);
    TXT_SignalConnect(cheesy_checkbox, "changed", UpdateLabel, NULL);

    rightpane = TXT_NewTable(1);
    TXT_AddWidget(table, rightpane);

    for (i=0; i<3; ++i)
        txt_radiobutton_t *rbut;

        rbut = TXT_NewRadioButton(radio_values[i], &radiobutton_value, i);
        TXT_AddWidget(rightpane, rbut);
        TXT_SignalConnect(rbut, "selected", UpdateLabel, NULL);

    UpdateLabel(NULL, NULL);

    TXT_AddWidget(window, TXT_NewButton2("Close Window", CloseWindow, NULL));

    pwn = TXT_NewWindowAction(KEY_F1, "PWN!");
    TXT_SetWindowAction(window, TXT_HORIZ_CENTER, pwn);
    TXT_SignalConnect(pwn, "pressed", PwnBox, NULL);

    firstwin = window;

void Window2(void)
    txt_window_t *window;
    txt_table_t *table;
    txt_scrollpane_t *scrollpane;
    int i;

    window = TXT_NewWindow("Another test");
                          TXT_SCREEN_W - 1, 1);

    for (i=0; i<5; ++i)
        TXT_AddWidget(window, TXT_NewButton("hello there blah blah blah blah"));

    TXT_AddWidget(window, TXT_NewSeparator("Input boxes"));
    table = TXT_NewTable(2);
    TXT_AddWidget(window, table);
    TXT_AddWidget(table, TXT_NewLabel("String: "));
    TXT_AddWidget(table, TXT_NewInputBox(&textbox_value, 20));
    TXT_AddWidget(table, TXT_NewLabel("Int: "));
    TXT_AddWidget(table, TXT_NewIntInputBox(&numbox_value, 10));
    TXT_AddWidget(table, TXT_NewLabel("Spin control:"));
    TXT_AddWidget(table, TXT_NewSpinControl(&numbox_value, 0, 15));

    TXT_AddWidget(window, TXT_NewSeparator("Scroll pane test"));
    scrollpane = TXT_NewScrollPane(40, 5, TXT_NewLabel(
        "This is a scrollable pane. The contents\n"
        "of this box are larger than the box\n"
        "itself, but it can be scrolled around\n"
        "to explore the full contents.\n"
        "Scrollable panes can be scrolled both\n"
        "vertically and horizontally. They\n"
        "can contain any widget. The scroll bars\n"
        "appear automatically as needed.\n"
        "This is a very long line of text that forces a horizontal scrollbar"
    TXT_AddWidget(window, scrollpane);

void ScrollingMenu(void)
    txt_window_t *window;
    txt_button_t *button;
    txt_table_t *table;

    window = TXT_NewWindow("Scrollable menu");

    table = TXT_NewTable(1);

                   TXT_NewButton("Configure display"),
                   TXT_NewButton("Configure joystick"),
                   TXT_NewButton("Configure keyboard"),
                   TXT_NewButton("Configure mouse"),
                   TXT_NewButton("Configure sound"),
                   TXT_NewStrut(0, 1),
                   button = TXT_NewButton("Save Parameters and launch DOOM"),
                   TXT_NewStrut(0, 1),
                   TXT_NewButton("Start a network game"),
                   TXT_NewButton("Join a network game"),
                   TXT_NewButton("Multiplayer configuration"),

    TXT_SignalConnect(button, "pressed", PwnBox, NULL);

    TXT_AddWidget(window, TXT_NewScrollPane(0, 6, table));

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    if (!TXT_Init())
        fprintf(stderr, "Failed to initialise GUI\n");

    TXT_SetDesktopTitle("Not Chocolate Doom Setup");




    return 0;