make the icon work in the client binary
Fix TXT_SelectWidgets with NULL spacers.
Add function to set button label.
Repeat key presses when the key is held down - thanks to Mad_Mac for this
Split off query data into a net_querydata_t structure in net_structrw.c
Always wait for a keypress before closing the ENDOOM window; do not
Undo previous commit: 'comport' and 'showmessages' are only generated
Preserve 'comport' variable in configuration files even though it is unused.
Interpret the snd_sfxdevice and snd_musicdevice values in the configuration
Fix Z_FreeTags in z_native.c (chains were not set to NULL when freed).
Add codeblocks project files; thanks to Russell Rice.
Fix the -nomusic parameter.
Add command line arguments to main() in textscreen examples.
Add config.h for a possible MSVC build in the future. Add mkinstalldirs
Include SDL.h in the textscreen headers; the SDL headers need to be
Add reference counts on callback tables so that if a callback destroys
Remove hack accidentally committed that always updates the palette
Add -nwtmerge option, which behaves the same as NWT's -merge option. What this
Allow loading dehacked 2.3 patches.
Don't allow \0 in dehacked strings read with DEH_ReadLine.
Sync the -loadgame parameter across all clients connected to a server.
Better spechits emulation. Remove support for emulating the higher-memory
Call R_ExecuteSetViewSize immediately after calling I_InitGraphics.
Add missing copyright notices to textscreen and setup files.
Add new chocolate-setup source files into build.
Build man/ and setup/ directories from main makefile.
Fix problem with 'c:\' in
Change the 'abort' button to a quit button on the main menu. Change the
Add display.c with missing ConfigDisplay and multiplayer.c with
Add key and mouse input widgets for selecting keys and mouse buttons.
Check for 'ff_end' not 'ff_start' when displaying warning message about
Allow the demo size limit to be disabled through the config file.
Bomb out with an error when a dehacked string is set that is longer than
Use the new TXT_Sleep function in Doom.
Add dropdown listbox widget
Exit the main loop automatically after all windows are closed
Add window listener functions to allow spying on keys and mouse buttons
Change name of escape window actions to 'Close' and add a separate
Center the calculator in the window.
Add TXT_SelectWidget function to select a widget in a table,
Allow multiple callbacks for the same signal on widgets
Initialise string input boxes to not editing
More efficient TXT_Sleep function that puts the textscreen code to sleep
Bomb out with an error when trying to draw patches that go off the screen,
Try to convert MUS even if the MUS header is not present. The new code
New mus -> mid conversion code thanks to Ben Ryves <[email protected]>
Add inverted checkboxes (tick in box when value is false)
Initial mouse configuration window.
Hugely refactor the response file loading code. Allow arguments to be
Let the SDL parachute catch crashes and shut down properly. Don't crash
Add a fake nonfunctional key bindings configuration menu.
Always add a bit of padding inside windows (removes the need to add padding
Add deh_section_sound to dehacked sections list (thanks to rpeter on the
Add hash table for fast texture lookup; refactor P_GroupLines to use an
Stop sending data to the server when a connection drops. Print a message
Detect recursive calls to I_Error to prevent an infinite loop.
Bomb out with an error message if game options are specified to a
Make clicking on "accept" action buttons send enter keypresses to the window.
Make mouse button presses on widgets actually do useful things
Rearrange the buttons in the setup exit confirmation box.
Add utility functions to create "Abort" and "Accept" window actions
Draw the bottom separator in windows at the full window width.
Add initial code for a setup utility.
textscreen: Rejig how the entire drawing process works. Add a recursive
Add ability to make widgets right aligned or centered within tables.
Convert calculator example to struts
Add -autojoin command line parameter to automatically search a local LAN
Fix broadcast transmits (-search works!)
Add textscreen.h top level header to avoid having to include all txt_*
Allow struts to force height as well as width. Hide "start game" button
Add strut class to allow table column width to be forced.
Warp mouse to screen center (possibly fix joe's mouse problem).
Fix E1-3 intermission screen animations.
Add missing newline to message.
Change the mouse acceleration behavior to accelerate by multiplying by a
Switch netgame waiting screen to use the new text mode GUI system.
Add key description for spacebar.
Add an option to disable autoadjusting the video mode.
Put savegames in separate directories depending on the IWAD.
Allow NULL to be added to tables to specify a spacer (empty cell).
Allow the fg/bg colors to be set on labels.
Allow the fg/bg colors to be set on labels.
Build textscreen/ before textscreen/examples/
Add screenmultiply x4 mode.
Remove debug hack used for testing startup delay.
Move textscreen GUI demos into an examples/ subdir.
Add small calculator GUI demo.
Only allow digits to be typed in number input boxes.
Prevent crashes when loading savegames where mancubi were in the middle
Add input box widget, and include in guitest.
Make TXT_GetChar return the unicode value of the key pressed. For text