ref: 73208b80941f7c857fc90006c8c225f6fa6dc7af
dir: /src/net_gui.c/
// // Copyright(C) 2005-2014 Simon Howard // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 // of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // Graphical stuff related to the networking code: // // * The client waiting screen when we are waiting for the server to // start the game. // #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <ctype.h> #include "config.h" #include "doomkeys.h" #include "i_system.h" #include "i_timer.h" #include "i_video.h" #include "m_argv.h" #include "m_misc.h" #include "net_client.h" #include "net_gui.h" #include "net_query.h" #include "net_server.h" #include "textscreen.h" static txt_window_t *window; static int old_max_players; static txt_label_t *player_labels[NET_MAXPLAYERS]; static txt_label_t *ip_labels[NET_MAXPLAYERS]; static txt_label_t *drone_label; static txt_label_t *master_msg_label; static boolean had_warning; // Number of players we expect to be in the game. When the number is // reached, we auto-start the game (if we're the controller). If // zero, do not autostart. static int expected_nodes; static void EscapePressed(TXT_UNCAST_ARG(widget), void *unused) { TXT_Shutdown(); I_Quit(); } static void StartGame(TXT_UNCAST_ARG(widget), TXT_UNCAST_ARG(unused)) { NET_CL_LaunchGame(); } static void OpenWaitDialog(void) { txt_window_action_t *cancel; TXT_SetDesktopTitle(PACKAGE_STRING); window = TXT_NewWindow("Waiting for game start..."); TXT_AddWidget(window, TXT_NewLabel("\nPlease wait...\n\n")); cancel = TXT_NewWindowAction(KEY_ESCAPE, "Cancel"); TXT_SignalConnect(cancel, "pressed", EscapePressed, NULL); TXT_SetWindowAction(window, TXT_HORIZ_LEFT, cancel); TXT_SetWindowPosition(window, TXT_HORIZ_CENTER, TXT_VERT_BOTTOM, TXT_SCREEN_W / 2, TXT_SCREEN_H - 9); old_max_players = 0; } static void BuildWindow(void) { char buf[50]; txt_table_t *table; int i; TXT_ClearTable(window); table = TXT_NewTable(3); TXT_AddWidget(window, table); // Add spacers TXT_AddWidget(table, NULL); TXT_AddWidget(table, TXT_NewStrut(25, 1)); TXT_AddWidget(table, TXT_NewStrut(17, 1)); // Player labels for (i = 0; i < net_client_wait_data.max_players; ++i) { M_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), " %i. ", i + 1); TXT_AddWidget(table, TXT_NewLabel(buf)); player_labels[i] = TXT_NewLabel(""); ip_labels[i] = TXT_NewLabel(""); TXT_AddWidget(table, player_labels[i]); TXT_AddWidget(table, ip_labels[i]); } drone_label = TXT_NewLabel(""); TXT_AddWidget(window, drone_label); } static void UpdateGUI(void) { txt_window_action_t *startgame; char buf[50]; unsigned int i; // If the value of max_players changes, we must rebuild the // contents of the window. This includes when the first // waiting data packet is received. if (net_client_received_wait_data) { if (net_client_wait_data.max_players != old_max_players) { BuildWindow(); } } else { return; } for (i = 0; i < net_client_wait_data.max_players; ++i) { txt_color_t color = TXT_COLOR_BRIGHT_WHITE; if ((signed) i == net_client_wait_data.consoleplayer) { color = TXT_COLOR_YELLOW; } TXT_SetFGColor(player_labels[i], color); TXT_SetFGColor(ip_labels[i], color); if (i < net_client_wait_data.num_players) { TXT_SetLabel(player_labels[i], net_client_wait_data.player_names[i]); TXT_SetLabel(ip_labels[i], net_client_wait_data.player_addrs[i]); } else { TXT_SetLabel(player_labels[i], ""); TXT_SetLabel(ip_labels[i], ""); } } if (net_client_wait_data.num_drones > 0) { M_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), " (+%i observer clients)", net_client_wait_data.num_drones); TXT_SetLabel(drone_label, buf); } else { TXT_SetLabel(drone_label, ""); } if (net_client_wait_data.is_controller) { startgame = TXT_NewWindowAction(' ', "Start game"); TXT_SignalConnect(startgame, "pressed", StartGame, NULL); } else { startgame = NULL; } TXT_SetWindowAction(window, TXT_HORIZ_RIGHT, startgame); } static void BuildMasterStatusWindow(void) { txt_window_t *master_window; master_window = TXT_NewWindow(NULL); master_msg_label = TXT_NewLabel(""); TXT_AddWidget(master_window, master_msg_label); // This window is here purely for information, so it should be // in the background. TXT_LowerWindow(master_window); TXT_SetWindowPosition(master_window, TXT_HORIZ_CENTER, TXT_VERT_CENTER, TXT_SCREEN_W / 2, TXT_SCREEN_H - 4); TXT_SetWindowAction(master_window, TXT_HORIZ_LEFT, NULL); TXT_SetWindowAction(master_window, TXT_HORIZ_CENTER, NULL); TXT_SetWindowAction(master_window, TXT_HORIZ_RIGHT, NULL); } static void CheckMasterStatus(void) { boolean added; if (!NET_Query_CheckAddedToMaster(&added)) { return; } if (master_msg_label == NULL) { BuildMasterStatusWindow(); } if (added) { TXT_SetLabel(master_msg_label, "Your server is now registered with the global master server.\n" "Other players can find your server online."); } else { TXT_SetLabel(master_msg_label, "Failed to register with the master server. Your server is not\n" "publicly accessible. You may need to reconfigure your Internet\n" "router to add a port forward for UDP port 2342. Look up\n" "information on port forwarding online."); } } static void PrintSHA1Digest(char *s, byte *digest) { unsigned int i; printf("%s: ", s); for (i=0; i<sizeof(sha1_digest_t); ++i) { printf("%02x", digest[i]); } printf("\n"); } static void CloseWindow(TXT_UNCAST_ARG(widget), TXT_UNCAST_ARG(window)) { TXT_CAST_ARG(txt_window_t, window); TXT_CloseWindow(window); } static void CheckSHA1Sums(void) { boolean correct_wad, correct_deh; boolean same_freedoom; txt_window_t *window; txt_window_action_t *cont_button; if (!net_client_received_wait_data || had_warning) { return; } correct_wad = memcmp(net_local_wad_sha1sum, net_client_wait_data.wad_sha1sum, sizeof(sha1_digest_t)) == 0; correct_deh = memcmp(net_local_deh_sha1sum, net_client_wait_data.deh_sha1sum, sizeof(sha1_digest_t)) == 0; same_freedoom = net_client_wait_data.is_freedoom == net_local_is_freedoom; if (correct_wad && correct_deh && same_freedoom) { return; } if (!correct_wad) { printf("Warning: WAD SHA1 does not match server:\n"); PrintSHA1Digest("Local", net_local_wad_sha1sum); PrintSHA1Digest("Server", net_client_wait_data.wad_sha1sum); } if (!same_freedoom) { printf("Warning: Mixing Freedoom with non-Freedoom\n"); printf("Local: %i Server: %i\n", net_local_is_freedoom, net_client_wait_data.is_freedoom); } if (!correct_deh) { printf("Warning: Dehacked SHA1 does not match server:\n"); PrintSHA1Digest("Local", net_local_deh_sha1sum); PrintSHA1Digest("Server", net_client_wait_data.deh_sha1sum); } window = TXT_NewWindow("WARNING!"); cont_button = TXT_NewWindowAction(KEY_ENTER, "Continue"); TXT_SignalConnect(cont_button, "pressed", CloseWindow, window); TXT_SetWindowAction(window, TXT_HORIZ_LEFT, NULL); TXT_SetWindowAction(window, TXT_HORIZ_CENTER, cont_button); TXT_SetWindowAction(window, TXT_HORIZ_RIGHT, NULL); if (!same_freedoom) { // If Freedoom and Doom IWADs are mixed, the WAD directory // will be wrong, but this is not neccessarily a problem. // Display a different message to the WAD directory message. if (net_local_is_freedoom) { TXT_AddWidget(window, TXT_NewLabel ("You are using the Freedoom IWAD to play with players\n" "using an official Doom IWAD. Make sure that you are\n" "playing the same levels as other players.\n")); } else { TXT_AddWidget(window, TXT_NewLabel ("You are using an official IWAD to play with players\n" "using the Freedoom IWAD. Make sure that you are\n" "playing the same levels as other players.\n")); } } else if (!correct_wad) { TXT_AddWidget(window, TXT_NewLabel ("Your WAD directory does not match other players in the game.\n" "Check that you have loaded the exact same WAD files as other\n" "players.\n")); } if (!correct_deh) { TXT_AddWidget(window, TXT_NewLabel ("Your dehacked signature does not match other players in the\n" "game. Check that you have loaded the same dehacked patches\n" "as other players.\n")); } TXT_AddWidget(window, TXT_NewLabel ("If you continue, this may cause your game to desync.")); had_warning = true; } static void ParseCommandLineArgs(void) { int i; //! // @arg <n> // @category net // // Autostart the netgame when n nodes (clients) have joined the server. // i = M_CheckParmWithArgs("-nodes", 1); if (i > 0) { expected_nodes = atoi(myargv[i + 1]); } } static void CheckAutoLaunch(void) { int nodes; if (net_client_received_wait_data && net_client_wait_data.is_controller && expected_nodes > 0) { nodes = net_client_wait_data.num_players + net_client_wait_data.num_drones; if (nodes >= expected_nodes) { StartGame(NULL, NULL); expected_nodes = 0; } } } void NET_WaitForLaunch(void) { if (!TXT_Init()) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to initialize GUI\n"); exit(-1); } I_InitWindowIcon(); ParseCommandLineArgs(); OpenWaitDialog(); had_warning = false; while (net_waiting_for_launch) { UpdateGUI(); CheckAutoLaunch(); CheckSHA1Sums(); CheckMasterStatus(); TXT_DispatchEvents(); TXT_DrawDesktop(); NET_CL_Run(); NET_SV_Run(); if (!net_client_connected) { I_Error("Lost connection to server"); } TXT_Sleep(100); } TXT_Shutdown(); }