Fix the behavior when expanding sound effects (again). Doom actually
Fix the "-skill 0" hack commonly used under DOS
Fixes for big endian machines (thanks locust)
Specify signed char explicitly for ticcmd_t fields.
Move I_InitGraphics call to be invoked earlier in D_DoomMain. Call the
Restructure the waiting screen code. Establish our own separate event
fix client connected function
Create NET_SV_Shutdown function to shut down the server. Call it
Change AddrToString function to use an internal static buffer, for
Clear the screen AFTER initialising the loading disk buffer, so that
Add a "-client" option to test connecting to a local server.
Fix connect timeout and shutdown client properly if we fail to connect.
Refer to connected clients by their AddrToString() output rather than just
Rename i_net_module -> net_sdl_module. Fix the AddrToString method.
Fix packet not freed back after being sent.
Encapsulate the event queue code properly. Add a D_PopEvent function
Make functions static. Remove unused variable.
Neater prefixes: NET_Client -> NET_CL_. NET_Server -> NET_SV_.
Remove GS_WAITINGSTART gamestate. This will be independent of the main
String read/write functions
Fix client code to correctly send reply to server on connection.
Working client connect code
Add initial client/server connect code. Reorganise sources list in
Automatically initialise the address table
Catch SDL_QUIT event on ENDOOM display
Add foundation code for the new networking system
Fix help screen orderings and skull positions to make Chocolate Doom
Final Doom teleport logic was backwards
Allow the game version to emulate to be specified from the command line
Drastically refactor the WAD merging code. Allow multiple replacements
Reproduce the behavior when playing a sound at a sample rate which
DEH_CheckCommandLine -> DEH_Init, for consistency with other Init
Add a "loading" message for each dehacked patch we load, to be orthogonal
Add note that the "Monsters Infight" setting is not supported.
Ignore comments in dehacked files.
Dehacked Misc support: Controls for the armor and armor class set when
Dehacked Misc support: Max soulsphere, Soulsphere+Megasphere health bonus
Add dehacked "Misc" implementations for max armor+health, blue+green
Start of Dehacked 'Misc' section support. Initial Health+Bullets,
Guard against multiple video shutdowns better. Fix crash due to improper
Fix the '-cdrom' command-line option.
Set the default number of channels to a more sensible 8
Global "configdir" variable with directory to store config files in.
Add warning message for WADs with FF_START or SS_START in, suggesting
Print startup banners which have been modified by dehacked.
Fix MIDI music not pausing when using SDL_mixer's native MIDI playback.
Map mouse buttons correctly.
Update NEWS with info about bugs fixed.
Check the return code from SDL_LockSurface to ensure a surface has been
Fix logic for lost soul bounce
doomfeatures.h to allow certain features to be disabled in the build
Include libtextscreen include in the right place, include deh_main.h
Handle blinking text in ENDOOM lumps properly.
Check the header of dehacked files and make sure we only load valid
Cannot do arithmetic on void pointers in standard C
Fix banner string for ultimate doom
Detect registered DOOM banner in dehacked patches
Allow dehacked substitutions on sprite names
Change dehacked startup message
Proper dehacked error/warning framework. Catch a load more errors.
Dehacked "Sound" section support
Add the ability to specify unsupported fields
Allow dehacked patches to override the name of the game via the
Print startup message to stdout, not stderr
Store the cache as part of the lumpinfo_t struct. Add W_AddFile prototype
Must use the right no clipping cheat for the right game.
Allow changing the background flats in finale text screens via dehacked
Dehacked "Misc" section parser (currently a dummy)
Parse dehacked "Ammo" sections properly
Rewrite cheats code. Add dehacked cheat replacement.
Move call to dehacked entrypoint to stop crashes
Dehacked text substitutions
Replace end of section functions with NULLs as they arent currently being
Add mapping code to map out structures and switch thing/frame code to use