ref: 609dca9fdf9a03500c0f4023da7bcc4389f36c52
dir: /src/heretic/doomdef.h/
// Emacs style mode select -*- C++ -*- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Copyright(C) 1993-1996 Id Software, Inc. // Copyright(C) 1993-2008 Raven Software // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 // of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA // 02111-1307, USA. // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // DoomDef.h #ifndef __DOOMDEF__ #define __DOOMDEF__ #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #ifdef __WATCOMC__ #include <malloc.h> #define strcasecmp strcmpi #define strncasecmp strnicmp #endif #define VERSION 130 #define VERSION_TEXT "v1.3" // if rangecheck is undefined, most parameter validation debugging code // will not be compiled //#define RANGECHECK // all external data is defined here #include "doomdata.h" // all important printed strings #include "dstrings.h" // header generated by multigen utility #include "info.h" // WAD file access #include "w_wad.h" extern byte *destview, *destscreen; // PC direct to screen pointers // // most key data are simple ascii (uppercased) // #define KEY_RIGHTARROW 0xae #define KEY_LEFTARROW 0xac #define KEY_UPARROW 0xad #define KEY_DOWNARROW 0xaf #define KEY_ESCAPE 27 #define KEY_ENTER 13 #define KEY_F1 (0x80+0x3b) #define KEY_F2 (0x80+0x3c) #define KEY_F3 (0x80+0x3d) #define KEY_F4 (0x80+0x3e) #define KEY_F5 (0x80+0x3f) #define KEY_F6 (0x80+0x40) #define KEY_F7 (0x80+0x41) #define KEY_F8 (0x80+0x42) #define KEY_F9 (0x80+0x43) #define KEY_F10 (0x80+0x44) #define KEY_F11 (0x80+0x57) #define KEY_F12 (0x80+0x58) #define KEY_BACKSPACE 127 #define KEY_PAUSE 0xff #define KEY_EQUALS 0x3d #define KEY_MINUS 0x2d #define KEY_RSHIFT (0x80+0x36) #define KEY_RCTRL (0x80+0x1d) #define KEY_RALT (0x80+0x38) #define KEY_LALT KEY_RALT #define MAXCHAR ((char)0x7f) #define MAXSHORT ((short)0x7fff) #define MAXINT ((int)0x7fffffff) /* max pos 32-bit int */ #define MAXLONG ((long)0x7fffffff) #define MINCHAR ((char)0x80) #define MINSHORT ((short)0x8000) #define MININT ((int)0x80000000) /* max negative 32-bit integer */ #define MINLONG ((long)0x80000000) #define FINEANGLES 8192 #define FINEMASK (FINEANGLES-1) #define ANGLETOFINESHIFT 19 // 0x100000000 to 0x2000 #define SAVEGAMENAME "hticsav" #define SAVEGAMENAMECD "c:\\\\hticsav" /* =============================================================================== GLOBAL TYPES =============================================================================== */ #define NUMARTIFCTS 28 #define MAXPLAYERS 4 #define TICRATE 35 // number of tics / second #define TICSPERSEC 35 #define FRACBITS 16 #define FRACUNIT (1<<FRACBITS) typedef int fixed_t; #define ANGLE_1 0x01000000 #define ANGLE_45 0x20000000 #define ANGLE_90 0x40000000 #define ANGLE_180 0x80000000 #define ANGLE_MAX 0xffffffff #define ANG45 0x20000000 #define ANG90 0x40000000 #define ANG180 0x80000000 #define ANG270 0xc0000000 typedef unsigned angle_t; typedef enum { sk_baby, sk_easy, sk_medium, sk_hard, sk_nightmare } skill_t; typedef enum { ev_keydown, ev_keyup, ev_mouse, ev_joystick } evtype_t; typedef struct { evtype_t type; int data1; // keys / mouse/joystick buttons int data2; // mouse/joystick x move int data3; // mouse/joystick y move } event_t; typedef struct { char forwardmove; // *2048 for move char sidemove; // *2048 for move short angleturn; // <<16 for angle delta short consistancy; // checks for net game byte chatchar; byte buttons; byte lookfly; // look/fly up/down/centering byte arti; // artitype_t to use } ticcmd_t; #define BT_ATTACK 1 #define BT_USE 2 #define BT_CHANGE 4 // if true, the next 3 bits hold weapon num #define BT_WEAPONMASK (8+16+32) #define BT_WEAPONSHIFT 3 #define BT_SPECIAL 128 // game events, not really buttons #define BTS_SAVEMASK (4+8+16) #define BTS_SAVESHIFT 2 #define BT_SPECIALMASK 3 #define BTS_PAUSE 1 // pause the game #define BTS_SAVEGAME 2 // save the game at each console // savegame slot numbers occupy the second byte of buttons typedef enum { GS_LEVEL, GS_INTERMISSION, GS_FINALE, GS_DEMOSCREEN } gamestate_t; typedef enum { ga_nothing, ga_loadlevel, ga_newgame, ga_loadgame, ga_savegame, ga_playdemo, ga_completed, ga_victory, ga_worlddone, ga_screenshot } gameaction_t; typedef enum { wipe_0, wipe_1, wipe_2, wipe_3, wipe_4, NUMWIPES, wipe_random } wipe_t; /* =============================================================================== MAPOBJ DATA =============================================================================== */ // think_t is a function pointer to a routine to handle an actor typedef void (*think_t) (); typedef struct thinker_s { struct thinker_s *prev, *next; think_t function; } thinker_t; struct player_s; typedef struct mobj_s { thinker_t thinker; // thinker links // info for drawing fixed_t x, y, z; struct mobj_s *snext, *sprev; // links in sector (if needed) angle_t angle; spritenum_t sprite; // used to find patch_t and flip value int frame; // might be ord with FF_FULLBRIGHT // interaction info struct mobj_s *bnext, *bprev; // links in blocks (if needed) struct subsector_s *subsector; fixed_t floorz, ceilingz; // closest together of contacted secs fixed_t radius, height; // for movement checking fixed_t momx, momy, momz; // momentums int validcount; // if == validcount, already checked mobjtype_t type; mobjinfo_t *info; // &mobjinfo[mobj->type] int tics; // state tic counter state_t *state; int damage; // For missiles int flags; int flags2; // Heretic flags int special1; // Special info int special2; // Special info int health; int movedir; // 0-7 int movecount; // when 0, select a new dir struct mobj_s *target; // thing being chased/attacked (or NULL) // also the originator for missiles int reactiontime; // if non 0, don't attack yet // used by player to freeze a bit after // teleporting int threshold; // if >0, the target will be chased // no matter what (even if shot) struct player_s *player; // only valid if type == MT_PLAYER int lastlook; // player number last looked for mapthing_t spawnpoint; // for nightmare respawn } mobj_t; // each sector has a degenmobj_t in it's center for sound origin purposes typedef struct { thinker_t thinker; // not used for anything fixed_t x, y, z; } degenmobj_t; // Most damage defined using HITDICE #define HITDICE(a) ((1+(P_Random()&7))*a) // // frame flags // #define FF_FULLBRIGHT 0x8000 // flag in thing->frame #define FF_FRAMEMASK 0x7fff // --- mobj.flags --- #define MF_SPECIAL 1 // call P_SpecialThing when touched #define MF_SOLID 2 #define MF_SHOOTABLE 4 #define MF_NOSECTOR 8 // don't use the sector links // (invisible but touchable) #define MF_NOBLOCKMAP 16 // don't use the blocklinks // (inert but displayable) #define MF_AMBUSH 32 #define MF_JUSTHIT 64 // try to attack right back #define MF_JUSTATTACKED 128 // take at least one step before attacking #define MF_SPAWNCEILING 256 // hang from ceiling instead of floor #define MF_NOGRAVITY 512 // don't apply gravity every tic // movement flags #define MF_DROPOFF 0x400 // allow jumps from high places #define MF_PICKUP 0x800 // for players to pick up items #define MF_NOCLIP 0x1000 // player cheat #define MF_SLIDE 0x2000 // keep info about sliding along walls #define MF_FLOAT 0x4000 // allow moves to any height, no gravity #define MF_TELEPORT 0x8000 // don't cross lines or look at heights #define MF_MISSILE 0x10000 // don't hit same species, explode on block #define MF_DROPPED 0x20000 // dropped by a demon, not level spawned #define MF_SHADOW 0x40000 // use fuzzy draw (shadow demons / invis) #define MF_NOBLOOD 0x80000 // don't bleed when shot (use puff) #define MF_CORPSE 0x100000 // don't stop moving halfway off a step #define MF_INFLOAT 0x200000 // floating to a height for a move, don't // auto float to target's height #define MF_COUNTKILL 0x400000 // count towards intermission kill total #define MF_COUNTITEM 0x800000 // count towards intermission item total #define MF_SKULLFLY 0x1000000 // skull in flight #define MF_NOTDMATCH 0x2000000 // don't spawn in death match (key cards) #define MF_TRANSLATION 0xc000000 // if 0x4 0x8 or 0xc, use a translation #define MF_TRANSSHIFT 26 // table for player colormaps // --- mobj.flags2 --- #define MF2_LOGRAV 0x00000001 // alternate gravity setting #define MF2_WINDTHRUST 0x00000002 // gets pushed around by the wind // specials #define MF2_FLOORBOUNCE 0x00000004 // bounces off the floor #define MF2_THRUGHOST 0x00000008 // missile will pass through ghosts #define MF2_FLY 0x00000010 // fly mode is active #define MF2_FOOTCLIP 0x00000020 // if feet are allowed to be clipped #define MF2_SPAWNFLOAT 0x00000040 // spawn random float z #define MF2_NOTELEPORT 0x00000080 // does not teleport #define MF2_RIP 0x00000100 // missile rips through solid // targets #define MF2_PUSHABLE 0x00000200 // can be pushed by other moving // mobjs #define MF2_SLIDE 0x00000400 // slides against walls #define MF2_ONMOBJ 0x00000800 // mobj is resting on top of another // mobj #define MF2_PASSMOBJ 0x00001000 // Enable z block checking. If on, // this flag will allow the mobj to // pass over/under other mobjs. #define MF2_CANNOTPUSH 0x00002000 // cannot push other pushable mobjs #define MF2_FEETARECLIPPED 0x00004000 // a mobj's feet are now being cut #define MF2_BOSS 0x00008000 // mobj is a major boss #define MF2_FIREDAMAGE 0x00010000 // does fire damage #define MF2_NODMGTHRUST 0x00020000 // does not thrust target when // damaging #define MF2_TELESTOMP 0x00040000 // mobj can stomp another #define MF2_FLOATBOB 0x00080000 // use float bobbing z movement #define MF2_DONTDRAW 0X00100000 // don't generate a vissprite //============================================================================= typedef enum { PST_LIVE, // playing PST_DEAD, // dead on the ground PST_REBORN // ready to restart } playerstate_t; // psprites are scaled shapes directly on the view screen // coordinates are given for a 320*200 view screen typedef enum { ps_weapon, ps_flash, NUMPSPRITES } psprnum_t; typedef struct { state_t *state; // a NULL state means not active int tics; fixed_t sx, sy; } pspdef_t; typedef enum { key_yellow, key_green, key_blue, NUMKEYS } keytype_t; typedef enum { wp_staff, wp_goldwand, wp_crossbow, wp_blaster, wp_skullrod, wp_phoenixrod, wp_mace, wp_gauntlets, wp_beak, NUMWEAPONS, wp_nochange } weapontype_t; #define AMMO_GWND_WIMPY 10 #define AMMO_GWND_HEFTY 50 #define AMMO_CBOW_WIMPY 5 #define AMMO_CBOW_HEFTY 20 #define AMMO_BLSR_WIMPY 10 #define AMMO_BLSR_HEFTY 25 #define AMMO_SKRD_WIMPY 20 #define AMMO_SKRD_HEFTY 100 #define AMMO_PHRD_WIMPY 1 #define AMMO_PHRD_HEFTY 10 #define AMMO_MACE_WIMPY 20 #define AMMO_MACE_HEFTY 100 typedef enum { am_goldwand, am_crossbow, am_blaster, am_skullrod, am_phoenixrod, am_mace, NUMAMMO, am_noammo // staff, gauntlets } ammotype_t; typedef struct { ammotype_t ammo; int upstate; int downstate; int readystate; int atkstate; int holdatkstate; int flashstate; } weaponinfo_t; extern weaponinfo_t wpnlev1info[NUMWEAPONS]; extern weaponinfo_t wpnlev2info[NUMWEAPONS]; typedef enum { arti_none, arti_invulnerability, arti_invisibility, arti_health, arti_superhealth, arti_tomeofpower, arti_torch, arti_firebomb, arti_egg, arti_fly, arti_teleport, NUMARTIFACTS } artitype_t; typedef enum { pw_None, pw_invulnerability, pw_invisibility, pw_allmap, pw_infrared, pw_weaponlevel2, pw_flight, pw_shield, pw_health2, NUMPOWERS } powertype_t; #define INVULNTICS (30*35) #define INVISTICS (60*35) #define INFRATICS (120*35) #define IRONTICS (60*35) #define WPNLEV2TICS (40*35) #define FLIGHTTICS (60*35) #define CHICKENTICS (40*35) #define MESSAGETICS (4*35) #define BLINKTHRESHOLD (4*32) #define NUMINVENTORYSLOTS 14 typedef struct { int type; int count; } inventory_t; /* ================ = = player_t = ================ */ typedef struct player_s { mobj_t *mo; playerstate_t playerstate; ticcmd_t cmd; fixed_t viewz; // focal origin above r.z fixed_t viewheight; // base height above floor for viewz fixed_t deltaviewheight; // squat speed fixed_t bob; // bounded/scaled total momentum int flyheight; int lookdir; boolean centering; int health; // only used between levels, mo->health // is used during levels int armorpoints, armortype; // armor type is 0-2 inventory_t inventory[NUMINVENTORYSLOTS]; artitype_t readyArtifact; int artifactCount; int inventorySlotNum; int powers[NUMPOWERS]; boolean keys[NUMKEYS]; boolean backpack; signed int frags[MAXPLAYERS]; // kills of other players weapontype_t readyweapon; weapontype_t pendingweapon; // wp_nochange if not changing boolean weaponowned[NUMWEAPONS]; int ammo[NUMAMMO]; int maxammo[NUMAMMO]; int attackdown, usedown; // true if button down last tic int cheats; // bit flags int refire; // refired shots are less accurate int killcount, itemcount, secretcount; // for intermission char *message; // hint messages int messageTics; // counter for showing messages int damagecount, bonuscount; // for screen flashing int flamecount; // for flame thrower duration mobj_t *attacker; // who did damage (NULL for floors) int extralight; // so gun flashes light up areas int fixedcolormap; // can be set to REDCOLORMAP, etc int colormap; // 0-3 for which color to draw player pspdef_t psprites[NUMPSPRITES]; // view sprites (gun, etc) boolean didsecret; // true if secret level has been done int chickenTics; // player is a chicken if > 0 int chickenPeck; // chicken peck countdown mobj_t *rain1; // active rain maker 1 mobj_t *rain2; // active rain maker 2 } player_t; #define CF_NOCLIP 1 #define CF_GODMODE 2 #define CF_NOMOMENTUM 4 // not really a cheat, just a debug aid #define BACKUPTICS 12 // CHANGED FROM 12 !?!? typedef struct { unsigned checksum; // high bit is retransmit request byte retransmitfrom; // only valid if NCMD_RETRANSMIT byte starttic; byte player, numtics; ticcmd_t cmds[BACKUPTICS]; } doomdata_t; typedef struct { long id; short intnum; // DOOM executes an int to execute commands // communication between DOOM and the driver short command; // CMD_SEND or CMD_GET short remotenode; // dest for send, set by get (-1 = no packet) short datalength; // bytes in doomdata to be sent // info common to all nodes short numnodes; // console is allways node 0 short ticdup; // 1 = no duplication, 2-5 = dup for slow nets short extratics; // 1 = send a backup tic in every packet short deathmatch; // 1 = deathmatch short savegame; // -1 = new game, 0-5 = load savegame short episode; // 1-3 short map; // 1-9 short skill; // 1-5 // info specific to this node short consoleplayer; short numplayers; short angleoffset; // 1 = left, 0 = center, -1 = right short drone; // 1 = drone // packet data to be sent doomdata_t data; } doomcom_t; #define DOOMCOM_ID 0x12345678l extern doomcom_t *doomcom; extern doomdata_t *netbuffer; // points inside doomcom #define MAXNETNODES 8 // max computers in a game #define CMD_SEND 1 #define CMD_GET 2 #define SBARHEIGHT 42 // status bar height at bottom of screen /* =============================================================================== GLOBAL VARIABLES =============================================================================== */ #define TELEFOGHEIGHT (32*FRACUNIT) #define MAXEVENTS 64 extern event_t events[MAXEVENTS]; extern int eventhead; extern int eventtail; extern fixed_t finesine[5 * FINEANGLES / 4]; extern fixed_t *finecosine; extern gameaction_t gameaction; extern boolean paused; extern boolean shareware; // true if main WAD is the shareware version extern boolean ExtendedWAD; // true if main WAD is the extended version extern boolean nomonsters; // checkparm of -nomonsters extern boolean respawnparm; // checkparm of -respawn extern boolean debugmode; // checkparm of -debug extern boolean usergame; // ok to save / end game extern boolean ravpic; // checkparm of -ravpic extern boolean altpal; // checkparm to use an alternate palette routine extern boolean cdrom; // true if cd-rom mode active ("-cdrom") extern boolean deathmatch; // only if started as net death extern boolean netgame; // only true if >1 player extern boolean playeringame[MAXPLAYERS]; extern int consoleplayer; // player taking events and displaying extern int displayplayer; extern int viewangleoffset; // ANG90 = left side, ANG270 = right extern player_t players[MAXPLAYERS]; extern boolean singletics; // debug flag to cancel adaptiveness extern boolean DebugSound; // debug flag for displaying sound info extern int maxammo[NUMAMMO]; extern boolean demoplayback; extern int skytexture; extern gamestate_t gamestate; extern skill_t gameskill; extern boolean respawnmonsters; extern int gameepisode; extern int gamemap; extern int prevmap; extern int totalkills, totalitems, totalsecret; // for intermission extern int levelstarttic; // gametic at level start extern int leveltime; // tics in game play for par extern ticcmd_t netcmds[MAXPLAYERS][BACKUPTICS]; extern int ticdup; #define MAXNETNODES 8 extern ticcmd_t localcmds[BACKUPTICS]; extern int rndindex; extern int gametic, maketic; extern int nettics[MAXNETNODES]; #define SAVEGAMESIZE 0x30000 #define SAVESTRINGSIZE 24 extern byte *savebuffer; extern byte *save_p; extern mapthing_t *deathmatch_p; extern mapthing_t deathmatchstarts[10]; extern mapthing_t playerstarts[MAXPLAYERS]; extern int viewwindowx; extern int viewwindowy; extern int viewwidth; extern int scaledviewwidth; extern int viewheight; extern int mouseSensitivity; extern boolean precache; // if true, load all graphics at level load extern byte *screen; // off screen work buffer, from V_video.c extern boolean singledemo; // quit after playing a demo from cmdline extern FILE *debugfile; extern int bodyqueslot; extern skill_t startskill; extern int startepisode; extern int startmap; extern boolean autostart; /* =============================================================================== GLOBAL FUNCTIONS =============================================================================== */ fixed_t FixedMul(fixed_t a, fixed_t b); fixed_t FixedDiv(fixed_t a, fixed_t b); fixed_t FixedDiv2(fixed_t a, fixed_t b); #ifdef __WATCOMC__ #pragma aux FixedMul = \ "imul ebx", \ "shrd eax,edx,16" \ parm [eax] [ebx] \ value [eax] \ modify exact [eax edx] #pragma aux FixedDiv2 = \ "cdq", \ "shld edx,eax,16", \ "sal eax,16", \ "idiv ebx" \ parm [eax] [ebx] \ value [eax] \ modify exact [eax edx] #endif #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN__ short ShortSwap(short); long LongSwap(long); #define SHORT(x) ShortSwap(x) #define LONG(x) LongSwap(x) #else #define SHORT(x) (x) #define LONG(x) (x) #endif #include "z_zone.h" //---------- //BASE LEVEL //---------- void D_DoomMain(void); void IncThermo(void); void InitThermo(int max); void tprintf(char *string, int initflag); // not a globally visible function, just included for source reference // calls all startup code // parses command line options // if not overrided, calls N_AdvanceDemo void D_DoomLoop(void); // not a globally visible function, just included for source reference // called by D_DoomMain, never exits // manages timing and IO // calls all ?_Responder, ?_Ticker, and ?_Drawer functions // calls I_GetTime, I_StartFrame, and I_StartTic void D_PostEvent(event_t * ev); // called by IO functions when input is detected void NetUpdate(void); // create any new ticcmds and broadcast to other players void D_QuitNetGame(void); // broadcasts special packets to other players to notify of game exit void TryRunTics(void); //--------- //SYSTEM IO //--------- #if 1 #define SCREENWIDTH 320 #define SCREENHEIGHT 200 #else #define SCREENWIDTH 560 #define SCREENHEIGHT 375 #endif byte *I_ZoneBase(int *size); // called by startup code to get the ammount of memory to malloc // for the zone management int I_GetTime(void); // called by D_DoomLoop // returns current time in tics void I_StartFrame(void); // called by D_DoomLoop // called before processing any tics in a frame (just after displaying a frame) // time consuming syncronous operations are performed here (joystick reading) // can call D_PostEvent void I_StartTic(void); // called by D_DoomLoop // called before processing each tic in a frame // quick syncronous operations are performed here // can call D_PostEvent // asyncronous interrupt functions should maintain private ques that are // read by the syncronous functions to be converted into events void I_Init(void); // called by D_DoomMain // determines the hardware configuration and sets up the video mode void I_InitGraphics(void); void I_InitNetwork(void); void I_NetCmd(void); void I_Error(char *error, ...); // called by anything that can generate a terminal error // bad exit with diagnostic message void I_Quit(void); // called by M_Responder when quit is selected // clean exit, displays sell blurb void I_SetPalette(byte * palette); // takes full 8 bit values void I_Update(void); // Copy buffer to video void I_WipeUpdate(wipe_t wipe); // Copy buffer to video with wipe effect void I_WaitVBL(int count); // wait for vertical retrace or pause a bit void I_BeginRead(void); void I_EndRead(void); byte *I_AllocLow(int length); // allocates from low memory under dos, just mallocs under unix void I_Tactile(int on, int off, int total); #ifdef __WATCOMC__ extern boolean useexterndriver; #define EBT_FIRE 1 #define EBT_OPENDOOR 2 #define EBT_SPEED 4 #define EBT_STRAFE 8 #define EBT_MAP 0x10 #define EBT_INVENTORYLEFT 0x20 #define EBT_INVENTORYRIGHT 0x40 #define EBT_USEARTIFACT 0x80 #define EBT_FLYDROP 0x100 #define EBT_CENTERVIEW 0x200 #define EBT_PAUSE 0x400 #define EBT_WEAPONCYCLE 0x800 typedef struct { short vector; // Interrupt vector signed char moveForward; // forward/backward (maxes at 50) signed char moveSideways; // strafe (maxes at 24) short angleTurn; // turning speed (640 [slow] 1280 [fast]) short angleHead; // head angle (+2080 [left] : 0 [center] : -2048 [right]) signed char pitch; // look up/down (-110 : +90) signed char flyDirection; // flyheight (+1/-1) unsigned short buttons; // EBT_* flags } externdata_t; #endif //---- //GAME //---- void G_DeathMatchSpawnPlayer(int playernum); void G_InitNew(skill_t skill, int episode, int map); void G_DeferedInitNew(skill_t skill, int episode, int map); // can be called by the startup code or M_Responder // a normal game starts at map 1, but a warp test can start elsewhere void G_DeferedPlayDemo(char *demo); void G_LoadGame(char *name); // can be called by the startup code or M_Responder // calls P_SetupLevel or W_EnterWorld void G_DoLoadGame(void); void G_SaveGame(int slot, char *description); // called by M_Responder // Support routines for saving games void SV_Open(char *fileName); void SV_Close(char *fileName); void SV_Write(void *buffer, int size); void SV_WriteByte(byte val); void SV_WriteWord(unsigned short val); void SV_WriteLong(unsigned int val); void G_RecordDemo(skill_t skill, int numplayers, int episode, int map, char *name); // only called by startup code void G_PlayDemo(char *name); void G_TimeDemo(char *name); void G_ExitLevel(void); void G_SecretExitLevel(void); void G_WorldDone(void); void G_Ticker(void); boolean G_Responder(event_t * ev); void G_ScreenShot(void); //----- //PLAY //----- void P_Ticker(void); // called by C_Ticker // can call G_PlayerExited // carries out all thinking of monsters and players void P_SetupLevel(int episode, int map, int playermask, skill_t skill); // called by W_Ticker void P_Init(void); // called by startup code void P_ArchivePlayers(void); void P_UnArchivePlayers(void); void P_ArchiveWorld(void); void P_UnArchiveWorld(void); void P_ArchiveThinkers(void); void P_UnArchiveThinkers(void); void P_ArchiveSpecials(void); void P_UnArchiveSpecials(void); // load / save game routines //------- //REFRESH //------- extern boolean setsizeneeded; extern boolean BorderNeedRefresh; extern boolean BorderTopRefresh; extern int UpdateState; // define the different areas for the dirty map #define I_NOUPDATE 0 #define I_FULLVIEW 1 #define I_STATBAR 2 #define I_MESSAGES 4 #define I_FULLSCRN 8 void R_RenderPlayerView(player_t * player); // called by G_Drawer void R_Init(void); // called by startup code void R_DrawViewBorder(void); void R_DrawTopBorder(void); // if the view size is not full screen, draws a border around it void R_SetViewSize(int blocks, int detail); // called by M_Responder int R_FlatNumForName(char *name); int R_TextureNumForName(char *name); int R_CheckTextureNumForName(char *name); // called by P_Ticker for switches and animations // returns the texture number for the texture name //---- //MISC //---- extern int myargc; extern char **myargv; int M_CheckParm(char *check); // returns the position of the given parameter in the arg list (0 if not found) boolean M_ValidEpisodeMap(int episode, int map); // returns true if the episode/map combo is valid for the current // game configuration void M_ForceUppercase(char *text); // Changes a string to uppercase int M_Random(void); // returns a number from 0 to 255 int P_Random(void); // as M_Random, but used only by the play simulation void M_ClearRandom(void); // fix randoms for demos void M_FindResponseFile(void); void M_ClearBox(fixed_t * box); void M_AddToBox(fixed_t * box, fixed_t x, fixed_t y); // bounding box functions boolean M_WriteFile(char const *name, void *source, int length); int M_ReadFile(char const *name, byte ** buffer); void M_ScreenShot(void); void M_LoadDefaults(void); void M_SaveDefaults(void); int M_DrawText(int x, int y, boolean direct, char *string); //---------------------- // Interlude (IN_lude.c) //---------------------- extern boolean intermission; void IN_Start(void); void IN_Ticker(void); void IN_Drawer(void); //---------------------- // Chat mode (CT_chat.c) //---------------------- void CT_Init(void); void CT_Drawer(void); boolean CT_Responder(event_t * ev); void CT_Ticker(void); char CT_dequeueChatChar(void); extern boolean chatmodeon; extern boolean ultimatemsg; //-------------------- // Finale (F_finale.c) //-------------------- void F_Drawer(void); void F_Ticker(void); void F_StartFinale(void); //---------------------- // STATUS BAR (SB_bar.c) //---------------------- extern int SB_state; void SB_Init(void); boolean SB_Responder(event_t * event); void SB_Ticker(void); void SB_Drawer(void); //----------------- // MENU (MN_menu.c) //----------------- void MN_Init(void); void MN_ActivateMenu(void); void MN_DeactivateMenu(void); boolean MN_Responder(event_t * event); void MN_Ticker(void); void MN_Drawer(void); void MN_DrTextA(char *text, int x, int y); int MN_TextAWidth(char *text); void MN_DrTextB(char *text, int x, int y); int MN_TextBWidth(char *text); //------ // VIDEO //------ extern int dirtybox[4]; extern byte gammatable[5][256]; extern int usegamma; void V_Init(void); // Allocates buffer screens, call before R_Init void V_DrawPatch(int x, int y, patch_t * patch); void V_DrawFuzzPatch(int x, int y, patch_t * patch); void V_DrawShadowedPatch(int x, int y, patch_t * patch); void V_DrawRawScreen(byte * raw); #include "sounds.h" #endif // __DOOMDEF__