ref: 5ad017e1713e0fccf33706757b57c17ccd700882
dir: /.lvimrc/
" Local vimrc configuration file. Install the localvimrc.vim vim script. set expandtab set tabstop=8 set softtabstop=4 set shiftwidth=4 " Add all tag files to tags path. let topdir = findfile("", ".;") let topdir = substitute(topdir, "", "", "") " Check tags file in current dir: set tags+=tags " Add tag files in parent directories: let tagfiles = findfile("tags", ".;", -1) " Add tag files for libraries: call add(tagfiles, topdir . "opl/tags") call add(tagfiles, topdir . "pcsound/tags") call add(tagfiles, topdir . "textscreen/tags") for tagfile in tagfiles " Don't go beyond the project top level when adding parent dirs: if stridx(tagfile, topdir) >= 0 exec "set tags+=" . tagfile endif endfor unlet topdir unlet tagfiles