ref: 44401835aaa4aea0d1ec63618c672a4c49730158
dir: /opl/dbopl.h/
/* * Copyright (C) 2002-2010 The DOSBox Team * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include <inttypes.h> //Use 8 handlers based on a small logatirmic wavetabe and an exponential table for volume #define WAVE_HANDLER 10 //Use a logarithmic wavetable with an exponential table for volume #define WAVE_TABLELOG 11 //Use a linear wavetable with a multiply table for volume #define WAVE_TABLEMUL 12 //Select the type of wave generator routine #define DBOPL_WAVE WAVE_TABLEMUL typedef struct _Chip Chip; typedef struct _Operator Operator; typedef struct _Channel Channel; typedef uintptr_t Bitu; typedef intptr_t Bits; typedef uint32_t Bit32u; typedef int32_t Bit32s; typedef uint16_t Bit16u; typedef int16_t Bit16s; typedef uint8_t Bit8u; typedef int8_t Bit8s; #if (DBOPL_WAVE == WAVE_HANDLER) typedef Bits ( DB_FASTCALL *WaveHandler) ( Bitu i, Bitu volume ); #endif #define DB_FASTCALL typedef Bits (*VolumeHandler)(Operator *self); typedef Channel* (*SynthHandler)(Channel *self, Chip* chip, Bit32u samples, Bit32s* output ); //Different synth modes that can generate blocks of data typedef enum { sm2AM, sm2FM, sm3AM, sm3FM, sm4Start, sm3FMFM, sm3AMFM, sm3FMAM, sm3AMAM, sm6Start, sm2Percussion, sm3Percussion, } SynthMode; //Shifts for the values contained in chandata variable enum { SHIFT_KSLBASE = 16, SHIFT_KEYCODE = 24, }; //Masks for operator 20 values enum { MASK_KSR = 0x10, MASK_SUSTAIN = 0x20, MASK_VIBRATO = 0x40, MASK_TREMOLO = 0x80, }; typedef enum { OFF, RELEASE, SUSTAIN, DECAY, ATTACK, } OperatorState; struct _Operator { VolumeHandler volHandler; #if (DBOPL_WAVE == WAVE_HANDLER) WaveHandler waveHandler; //Routine that generate a wave #else Bit16s* waveBase; Bit32u waveMask; Bit32u waveStart; #endif Bit32u waveIndex; //WAVE_BITS shifted counter of the frequency index Bit32u waveAdd; //The base frequency without vibrato Bit32u waveCurrent; //waveAdd + vibratao Bit32u chanData; //Frequency/octave and derived data coming from whatever channel controls this Bit32u freqMul; //Scale channel frequency with this, TODO maybe remove? Bit32u vibrato; //Scaled up vibrato strength Bit32s sustainLevel; //When stopping at sustain level stop here Bit32s totalLevel; //totalLevel is added to every generated volume Bit32u currentLevel; //totalLevel + tremolo Bit32s volume; //The currently active volume Bit32u attackAdd; //Timers for the different states of the envelope Bit32u decayAdd; Bit32u releaseAdd; Bit32u rateIndex; //Current position of the evenlope Bit8u rateZero; //Bits for the different states of the envelope having no changes Bit8u keyOn; //Bitmask of different values that can generate keyon //Registers, also used to check for changes Bit8u reg20, reg40, reg60, reg80, regE0; //Active part of the envelope we're in Bit8u state; //0xff when tremolo is enabled Bit8u tremoloMask; //Strength of the vibrato Bit8u vibStrength; //Keep track of the calculated KSR so we can check for changes Bit8u ksr; }; struct _Channel { Operator op[2]; SynthHandler synthHandler; Bit32u chanData; //Frequency/octave and derived values Bit32s old[2]; //Old data for feedback Bit8u feedback; //Feedback shift Bit8u regB0; //Register values to check for changes Bit8u regC0; //This should correspond with reg104, bit 6 indicates a Percussion channel, bit 7 indicates a silent channel Bit8u fourMask; Bit8s maskLeft; //Sign extended values for both channel's panning Bit8s maskRight; }; struct _Chip { //This is used as the base counter for vibrato and tremolo Bit32u lfoCounter; Bit32u lfoAdd; Bit32u noiseCounter; Bit32u noiseAdd; Bit32u noiseValue; //Frequency scales for the different multiplications Bit32u freqMul[16]; //Rates for decay and release for rate of this chip Bit32u linearRates[76]; //Best match attack rates for the rate of this chip Bit32u attackRates[76]; //18 channels with 2 operators each Channel chan[18]; Bit8u reg104; Bit8u reg08; Bit8u reg04; Bit8u regBD; Bit8u vibratoIndex; Bit8u tremoloIndex; Bit8s vibratoSign; Bit8u vibratoShift; Bit8u tremoloValue; Bit8u vibratoStrength; Bit8u tremoloStrength; //Mask for allowed wave forms Bit8u waveFormMask; //0 or -1 when enabled Bit8s opl3Active; }; /* struct Handler : public Adlib::Handler { DBOPL::Chip chip; virtual Bit32u WriteAddr( Bit32u port, Bit8u val ); virtual void WriteReg( Bit32u addr, Bit8u val ); virtual void Generate( MixerChannel* chan, Bitu samples ); virtual void Init( Bitu rate ); }; */ void Chip__Setup(Chip *self, Bit32u rate ); void DBOPL_InitTables( void ); void Chip__Chip(Chip *self); void Chip__WriteReg(Chip *self, Bit32u reg, Bit8u val ); void Chip__GenerateBlock2(Chip *self, Bitu total, Bit32s* output ); // haleyjd 09/09/10: Not standard C. #ifdef _MSC_VER #define inline __inline #endif