ref: 40811c8eaa553b8e3db5f39c2285a22337ffc049
dir: /src/
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <component type="desktop"> <id>@[email protected]</id> <metadata_license>CC0-1.0</metadata_license> <project_license>GPL-2.0+</project_license> <developer_name>@PACKAGE_MAINTAINER@</developer_name> <url type="homepage">@PACKAGE_URL@</url> <url type="bugtracker">@PACKAGE_ISSUES@</url> <description> <p> @PACKAGE_SHORTNAME@ Strife is a conservative, historically-accurate recreation of the Strife engine. It is completely compatible with the original game and mods created with the original engine in mind. Made with a great reverse engineering effort, it has the goal of preserving the original look, feel, limitations, and bugs of the original DOS executable. </p> <p> Full support for single- and multi-player games is provided. Unlike the original executable, network play is implemented on the IP network stack, allowing it to function on modern LANs and the Internet. </p> </description> <screenshots> <screenshot type="default"> <image></image> <caption>Talking to Rowan</caption> </screenshot> <screenshot> <image></image> <caption>The Town</caption> </screenshot> <screenshot> <image></image> <caption>Opening Cinematic</caption> </screenshot> <screenshot> <image></image> <caption>In the sewage</caption> </screenshot> </screenshots> </component>